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Everything posted by kharmin.7683

  1. The devs also said at one time that there would never be any mounts in the game. I don't believe that they said that there would never be mounts. I believe they said (at the time) something to the effect that mounts weren't something that they were working on.
  2. I don't usually have to wait for people, but I do have to wait for the clock timegate in order to do something interesting or in line with my goals.I have to beg an interface workaround to group with people instead of waiting for a queue. It's honestly worse than other MMOs in that regard. "LOL Manifesto" all you want, but I'm doing a lot of "waiting to have fun" that I shouldn't be. I would think that the concept is to go do something else while waiting on those pieces of content that you want to do to come around on their timer?
  3. My inventory is usually not placed center screen so that I can open both it and the BLTC when selling things out in the field. As such, when I open my inventory and then open a portal tome, the tome is centered and my inventory screen remains off-set.
  4. Yeah, it's already been said that the current flight mechanics are by design. It is what the devs wanted, so I don't expect it to change.
  5. This is a good point. Also, how would anyone know if a character name is sitting on an idle character or not? It may be that purging wouldn't even release the name that the OP wanted.
  6. You might also post your request here: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/348/gemstore-requests-new-items-items-offered-again which is a stickied thread just for that purpose ;)
  7. We already have a feedback thread for the aura: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/98730/new-aura-effects-on-pve-feedback
  8. We've had threads requesting world chat before. Most people responded that they would disable/turn off world chat, so it really wouldn't be all that effective.
  9. @DeathIsVirtue.4105 Yeah, I don't really remember clearly. I thought that was what I had heard, but I haven't paid attention to that topic as I haven't wanted or needed to do a transfer.
  10. Ok, I understand that. Was soulbeast, pre-patch, in such a state? If so, I'd argue that a significant majority would be playing the profession. My experience hasn't shown that to be the case.
  11. If I recall correctly, transferring isn't just a simple click of a button? The dev team has to do some programming magic on the back end to make it happen and the high cost is to deter players from transferring often?
  12. Additionally, when dismounting into combat, my pet isn't even available and there is nothing that I can do to enable it until the fight is over. This, to me, is not what was intended by this change so I'd consider it a significant bug. Pet swap doesn't appear to be an issue when I toggle to druid, but then I can't do that in combat either. Like you, I will probably end up switching my main which is really unfortunate as I mained ranger in GW1 and throughout all of GW2 to this point.
  13. How would it add immersion? anything that slows players down from the rush Anet pushed us too is a good addition for immersion, it also is quite a strange question to ask how fishing (and allot of other things) is not immersive.the question is more, how is it not immersive? Anything that removes players from the experience detracts from immersion. Random do-nothing activities remove the players from the experience. What you're asking for is the opposite of immersion. The character is the main hero of the game. The character is out to save the world. Why would he/she be fishing? To me, that would break immersion. and YOU don't have to use it, doesn't mean others can't enjoy fishing.True, but I believe that most of those who are opposed to this idea don't want resources spent on it that could be spent instead on making improvements to the game which would benefit a larger portion of the player base than those who want fishing.
  14. Jon Legolas was available a few weeks back (I tested it to disprove this "no more names left" in another thread) Thanks. I guess the sarcasm tag fell off of my earlier post. :)
  15. Why are you disappointed? Soulbeast is getting Omega Buffed in PvE. I often swap pets during combat. This is being removed, which for me is disappointing.
  16. I main ranger and am disappointed with the soulbeast changes. :( If it were an issue only in competitive modes, I wish that the changes were not for open world PvE. /shrug
  17. Because climbing on a mount is considered a transformation, there isn't a way (currently) to do this with a second character/player. At least, that's the reason that I recall.
  18. Fast moving reapers Sorry, but that's not clear to me. How are fast moving reapers "breaking the game" ?
  19. Except for the spiders. I think there are people on the forums who have phobias for them. You mean like this? <--------Heh. Nice.
  20. I rarely use elite skills, usually because of the long cooldowns.
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