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Everything posted by kharmin.7683

  1. As far as I recall, there has been no dev response to this specific question/issue, however, you can go through the Dev Tracker to see if you can find one: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discover/6/
  2. Yeah, something definitely wrong here. I thought I'd get this easy on the world boss train. Sometimes I got credit; other times not with no rhyme or reason.
  3. FYI bug reports should go here: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/forum/9-bugs-game-forum-website/
  4. There's no way it could be otherwise. Everyone will have their own, separate (dare I say individual at risk of being redundant?) opinions as to what they find valuable.
  5. I'm about as casual as one can get, and I didn't find crafting ascended items to be hard. Time consuming, sure. But not difficult.
  6. Then players wouldn't engage with the Wizard's Vault to obtain it. They wouldn't have to do dailies to gain AA. They wouldn't need to play content. I'd imagine all of these things would run counter to Anet's design choice wrt the Vault.
  7. Perhaps I was misunderstood and that's fine. I am not advocating that GW2 should not add new features; however, I don't think that features should be added just because some other game does it. HoT was innovative and the implementation of mounts in this game is far superior to other games. Each of these brings new content or new ways to play and engage with the game. Adding things like fishing, home instances and (now suggested) farm building don't really engage with the game system in the same way that mounts did (IN MY OPINION!). As for improvements, I don't have a specific list but just strolling through the forums you can see the many complaints about balance issues, bugs and other things in current content that have been talked about literally for years that could use some TLC. The WvW and PvP communities have been dying for improvements. I'd prefer Anet spend resources there rather than with content that, again in my opinion, probably won't bring any significant added value (nor will it drive sales and increase profits which at the end of the day is why the game exists in the first place).
  8. Not sure I can agree here. A clear correlation? Sure, many other games are run by subscription fees, so there could be a correlation between the number of players playing and the income revenue; however, in the case of F2P/B2P games, there are probably far more players who play than spend money -- maybe even a larger disparity in GW2 due to the ability to convert gems -> gold. There have been many posters on the forum here (which, admittedly represent a very small fraction of the playerbase) who have claimed to have never spent any money on the game other than for expansions. I can't imagine that this vocal few are the only ones.
  9. What mindset? If a game doesn't have a feature that some other game does have, why then should it be incorporated? I thought the same thing about fishing (and raids, too). I would much rather Anet spend their limited resources on things that will improve their game rather than mimic other ones. EDIT: Think of it this way. If Anet incorporated farm building like Stardew, then wouldn't those players stop playing that game? Perhaps, at least one would (you) for why would you log in and play that game when GW2 has everything from every other game that you enjoy?
  10. Precisely. We don't have the relevant data, but I can almost imagine that to remain profitable, the studio had to make changes that made the business model from 4, 6, or even 11 years ago unsustainable today.
  11. There is a difference between "what worked before" and "what makes enough profit for the investors" which is why I believe things are changing.
  12. You have 1.1k posts on the forum. You should know the answer by now as there have been many threads on this in the past. Anet's stance is to report and move on.
  13. You could subscribe to this thread which often gets updated more regularly: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/topic/90-news-gemstore-items-newreturnedsales/?do=getNewComment
  14. Previous threads on new races have already covered why Anet won't be making them.
  15. Also remove the repetitive ones. Those that occur when you approach certain areas using the same character. Once I've heard it, I don't need to hear it each and every time.
  16. I'm not quoting anybody. Yes, you may have your opinion, but to call Anet's selling of infinite gathering tools a predatory practice defies the definition. I would agree with you if these items were required to play the game, but they're nothing more than QoL items.
  17. That happens a lot around here. That happens a lot around here, too. 😁
  18. But it's not a predatory design. There is no abusing the customers. These items are not required to play the game or complete content.
  19. Sorry for your luck, then. Maybe try the LFG and get on a more populated map? It could be the time of day or what zone (EU/NA) you're in? My experience has been that the maps have been sufficiently populated most of the times.
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