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Everything posted by Ayrilana.1396

  1. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Nightmare_Fractal
  2. Where in the rules does it state that? edit: For clarification, I’m asking that in the context of this thread and not sPvP. And yes, they’re technically incorrect about it not being forbidden in the entire game.
  3. We’ll get seasons 4 and 5 and they both are part of their campaign. There hasn’t been anything stated otherwise.
  4. Episodes are unlocked whether you have the expansions or not. They’ll be there when you get the expansions.
  5. So not really any different. I mean, unless pushing the Karka across the island is all that exciting. It really doesn’t add as much as the Marionette since it’s not all the unique or different from what’s already available in game. The only other LS1 content that I could see them remaking would be the final scarlet fight although they could simply create a fractal out of that and include part of the meta that occurred prior to the final battle.
  6. I’d personally remove all upgrades and infusions from legendary equipment just to be safe. In the off chance that the system causes you to lose them, I don’t believe your odds of getting them back would be all that high.
  7. I voted no simply because the special event was not any different that the karma queen other than having massive HP that caused the event to last hours, difficulties getting onto an active map, and hoping you don’t lag out and get kicked.
  8. Salvage everything. There’s really no need for me to have ascended anymore.
  9. As far as I’m aware, only the Ember Bay one requires the checkpoints so the other two can be done with teleport to friend stones or Mesmer chain portaling.
  10. It does give you an option. I just checked an apparently one of the ways depends on whether you're running the professional version or not. Another way is through the services console although I haven't personally used it. Yet another way is through the registry although I haven't personally done that myself since I don't have issues with the updates. So yeah... you're incorrect about there not being a way. By all means provide examples instead of generalized hypotheticals. EDIT: I just checked now and all of my settings which I had set years ago are still intact. Also, for the one saying that solitaire was removed, you’re wrong. It got repackaged under another app which is already installed in Windows and includes a handful of other card games.
  11. It can be disabled permanently. Every privacy setting that I've set has not reversed in the past however many years since it's been available.
  12. They can be disabled Most, if not all, can be addressed by changing the settings. I’ve never had this issue.
  13. They’ve done every one so far that’s been released within a living story episode. There’s always that chance that they won’t but I believe it to be fairly low. Those with that portal device from Sandswept can probably just start at the chest and glide down to each checkpoint. The first one appears to be the tightest as you have barely enough time to get to it before the timer is up. I’m expecting heart completion to now be required as well. Some of them can be a bit grindy. Hint: the Jade one at the NW corner of the map progresses faster by killing destroyers since they’re quicker to kill. I also can imagine there being an achievement to kill some or all of the special bosses on the map. Also everyone should be aware that the Taimi’s Game instance has the potential to not give you credit like an instance in the previous episode but it’ll probably be a non-issue from most who start the story over since you immediately go to that instance. EDIT: Well looks like hearts weren't required.
  14. How large is your local.DAT file? Many have seen improvements by deleting it as it gets bloated. When you launch the game, it’ll get re-created. During the first couple of years of the game, the maps used to load very fast but they made changes which hurt that.
  15. I’d rather the legendary weapons have some sort of story arc across a few instances rather than a bunch of random old content thrown together.
  16. Difference here being players do have options to play as another race by making a new character.
  17. Lack of things to do. There’s little to no progression in the game. Instanced content is either abandoned or severely neglected. Over 90% of skins that get added to the game come out of the gem store. I simply have very little reason to play.
  18. I like it because it’s more vibrant and less dreary. Besides, it’s relatively the same change as all of the rest of the GW1 maps that made it to GW2.
  19. It’s something to do for 2-3 days every 3-4 months when the game gets content updates. Beyond that, I play other games.
  20. You do realize that is about as likely to be representative to what it’ll look in game as the loading screen artworks do for their respective maps.
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