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Everything posted by Zephire.8049

  1. I mostly block (and report) bigots and people who think it's edgy and cool to be offensive nowadays (haven't been spammed by gold sellers in a long while, but they to get blocked). I don't want to see that or interact with people who think that stuff is fine, so they get blocked and I get to enjoy my game.
  2. I hadn't thought of this. This is a hard knock against the idea, I think. Yeah. Charged Quartz should have its account-bound status revoked (or have the daily limit removed) and there were some other items I've heard suggested in the past but can't recall, but the main reason to have certain items tied to an account is to control the market flow. There's always going to be some people sitting on more AB items than they can deal with and others who are forever running out of AB items, but that's a way to encourage certain aspects of gameplay or discourage constant farming. And people with multiple accounts would have the advantage by far. Even if you limited it to 5-10 items per account and were to, say, require being mutual friends and/or in the same guild, people can easily do that with their accounts. And just for example, I have a second account I got from a Humble Bundle. It's a year and a half old and I haven't really done much with it aside from log-in bonuses (not religiously) and random stuff here and there. I have more than enough AB mats to make a legendary on it, plus others that would be valuable on my main account but on a basic Heroic account are just trash I can't sell and have no use for. And that's just one lightly used account. There are people who have a dozen or more accounts. Even with a trade limit, they could send as much as they could to their main account, then Account A, Account B, etc. and just consolidate their AB materials as much as possible. You limit Clovers, for example, to just 10 and that's still 110 new Clovers with no removal of gold and/or items out of circulation. Just the monthly added income from gold, laurels, and Coins from an alt account would be enough to buy enough gems to buy a transfer tool on the gemstore, unless said item is priced high enough to mitigate that. Though in that case it would probably be too expensive for most people to buy with real money. If you want to help your daughter get AB items, you could look into ways to help her get things she needs to get them. You can't send Clovers but you can send Mystic Coins. You can't send Charged Quartz but you can send regular quartz, Trick-or-Treat bags, Wintersday Gifts, or raw materials to buy Zephyrite Supply Boxes (the bags don't always drop Charged Quartz but they do sometimes drop them). If she needs obsidian and has karma, you could help her and other people free Balthazar's Temple in Straits of Devastation since the karma merchant there sells Obsidian Shards for karma (alternatively you could help her do events in HoT maps for keys/map currency as the vendors there sell Obsidian Shards for a combo of map currency and karma, or spending time in LW3/4 maps to get UB/VM to buy Obsidian there). It's not as easy as straight up sending items, but there are things you can do to minimize the amount of time she has to spend on farming certain items.
  3. Increasing levels (and gear being made obsolete) is one of the reasons I never went back to several MMOs. I don't want to have to grind out levels again only multiple characters every time an expansion comes out. It's also weird that your character—the main character in your experience of the game—just suddenly loses power or everyone gets more buff every 1-2 years. I prefer GW2's design in a lore-sense in that the PC doesn't lose or gain power but does learn new skills. You don't immediately know how to glide, you learn it. You have no idea how to fly a griffon at first, but then you figure it out. Poison chokes you until you find a way to nullify its effects. You don't forget how to do things and you're not forever facing enemies that are stronger than the last, but you are facing new enemies and new circumstances which you need to adapt to. (plus all the changing technology) But jumping back to the mechanics, the mastery system is nice in that it applies to all your characters. You go through it once, you never have to again. And if the new content is designed well, you will gain those mastery levels in a fluid, easy way and not have to grind unless you choose to or just have to top something off. HoT was bad for this but I found PoF was good. After that, all your characters are on the same level. Literally. No grinding levels/masteries. No gear grinds. Nothing. GW2 isn't just an MMO that respects your time, it respects your desire to play alts instead of punishing you for it. There are issues I take with the game, but the level system is not one of them.
  4. Only two things I can think of: Polymock or a SAB platformer. Polymock because it was fun in GW1 but cut it from GW2 and its design would work well for phones.SAB because I am utterly exhausted by people wanting SAB year round, new worlds, SAB mounts, complaining about it when it happens, complaining when it doesn't happen... I doubt I would play it but like Polymock, its design is mobile-friendly.But I really don't have any interest in a mobile GW2 (or any mobile game tied to the MMO). Not everyone can or wants to spend hour(s) looking at their phone, and adapting an IP to work well with the mobile market takes time and increases the odds of messing up. It works better when there's something there that is already compatible. If they want to have something going on in the mobile gaming sector, fine. But the priority should be the MMO and a mobile game shouldn't suck in the majority of resources. Bonus that won't happen: Updated Rytlock's Critter Rampage.
  5. Assuming there's any noticeable breather between now and the next elder dragon/big bad, I see races fortifying their defenses and training under the assumption that the other dragons will show up at some point. They will have more time to focus on themselves, but I don't think any of them are so short-sighted that they're going to pretend everything is going to be 100% okay from now on and there's not going to be any rogue dragons/gods/lichs who seek to destroy or take over Tyria. Also, the races are very much entwined now. Everyone uses asura and charr tech. Norn travel around to sell their services as hired muscle to make a bunch of money and add to their legend. Sylvari were exposed to different races and different ways of thinking. Humans... well humans are humans but they were reconnected with Elona and now have to deal with one of their gods going rogue. There's also far more political pressure now to get along. Before, the races largely kept to themselves so they were largely free to be in conflict with other races. Now? If asura go back to experimenting on sylvari the other three races will be WTF but have to be careful because if they alienate the asura that means losing access to the asura gates. If humans and charr go to war again (despite the saga of the Claw of the Khan-Ur being used to force peace by leadership and exhausted factions on both sides before the elder dragons posed a threat to the mainland), the asura, sylvari, and norn will have to pick a side because everyone -- including humans -- uses charr tech in full or as a base for something now. And that includes airships, helicopters, submarines, and ships. Charr end up locked in a petty war with humans, they can't supply the rest of Tyria with things. Bonds have been forged, technology and culture shared, and they've banded together to save everyone. They aren't going to revert back any time soon. There will always be xenophobic factions, but it would take something massively egregious to shatter the alliance of any of the races any time soon.
  6. Especially when the base game of GW2 is free and doesn't have story or level restrictions. I can understand watching a stream of a game that costs $80+ or a monthly sub to play, especially if money is tight or there's no time to play it yourself but you still want to know what's going on. But a free game that doesn't translate well to being watched unless the streamer brings something themselves that makes it engaging? Yeah, no. GW2's demographic also tends to be older than other MMO's, and when you have work and/or kids and/or other commitments, would you spend your free time streaming something instead of playing it yourself? And not everyone can stream at work.
  7. Hard no. Keep SAB in SAB, like it's supposed to be (literally—SAB is only supposed to exist within the cube). The minis, weapons, and tools are enough, mounts would be over the top. None of the SAB models work with mounts, either, and would require so many tweaks in models and animations it would be essentially building completely new and unique models from the ground up. That is 1-8 new models and animations for a skin for however many mounts they want to do. You know how much backlash there would be over that given how many people were/are angry that the griffon, warclaw, and skyscale share ground animations? (Also, SAB was announced to never get world 3 long before the layoffs. It was supposed to be a one-off joke but thanks to popular demand, they overhauled it to work with new tech and re-released it 3 years later with the addition of world 2 and tribulation mode.)
  8. No I don't. Prefer games with it. With it; PvE, if you push in too close and don't know when to pull back you pay for it. In WvW if you are support and get out of position, you pay for it. In either if you are too squishy and shouldn't be that lightly armored you pay the price for it. The only downsides to collision is lag. Now a counter to this is but I wouldn't be able to get a hit in on a PvE target. But with collision someone that runs full in moves outside of the range of support and will need to pull back out or be dropped by the target since they moved outside of the range of their boons and buffs, but again risk versus reward. In more balanced logic range should do less because less risk less damage, tanks are tanks because they should have toughness/vit and should be able to take some hits. Support should live in that mid ground. DPS shouldn't just abel to stand and take it because they just stand in it. To me one of the reasons dungeons failed is because stacking mitigated the code by allowing people to stand still on top of each other and not move. There is no lasting gameplay to that, it's boring and there is no replayability. In WvW if you run full in there you can always run back out. Some of the best game play in prior games was in holding a line, range supporting your lines from behind and you melee looking to turn flanks and get to the backlines. Here we can just zerg stack. Take World Bosses, they would probably be a lot more challenging if everyone didn't just stack in the same spot and spam 1. But I do agree that's not for everyone, which is why we don't have it here. Plus the player-base doesn't have the mindset for it and people don't do well with change and this would be a big one. It’s an MMO. If you give people model collision, we can just stand in front of an entrance and hallway and now we blocked it off, can’t get through because of model collision. Adding it is a terrible idea for an MMO.I can't find the video of it, but people were trolling people finishing the tutorial in Queensdale by using the random plant tonic to turn into the pineapple blob in the doorway. Even without collision, there were tons of new players running around trying to find out where to go because to a new player it looked like scenery. Anet actually moved the post-tutorial spawn point outside of the building because of people like that trolling people who did not know better and GW2 may have been their first MMO, so they would have zero frame of reference. Also can you imagine trying to get to a bank or event merchant if there was collision? People would form a ring around them and AFK. A new zone with only one physical entrance? People standing in the way. Fighting a world boss and are melee? Hope you enjoy watching the fight and getting no credit. WvW? Watch as the troll meta shifts to be unkillable tank characters that just walk in a wall and prevent people from getting anywhere. Player collision in MMO's is a bad idea.
  9. Just off the top of my head I use: Chaos Gun ExperimentChaos GunTooth of FrostfangClaw of RetributionThe AmbushThe Bard ExperimentI tend to prefer precursors over legendaries as you have to all but build a character's look around a legendary while precursors can fit into an already established look. As for the topic at hand, I have no issue with the holographic weapons. I quite like them and don't think it diminishes the precursor skins. Most are already really cheap and MMO's recycle assets all the time, and it's not the first time they've re-tooled precursor skins. I'd rather we get the wrapped and holographic holiday skins than the haunted one from Halloween.
  10. A standalone version? Definitely not. There being a way to connect a VR headset and use that as a monitor? Don't see the harm in that (if such a thing doesn't exist already). It's still too early for VR to be smooth and there's a large upfront cost for it. Plus some people literally cannot use it. That's a small pool of people you want Arenanet to spend large amounts of time and resources on. Smaller than the number of raiders while being less accessible than raids. How would you handle spells? Raiding? PvP? WvW? Dodging? Mounts where the camera/position of the player's head would rapidly change? Not to mention all the textures would have to be replaced with HD or 4k textures because the current ones do not look goo when the camera is that close to the ground. Also I somehow doubt GW2's current engine could handle much in the way of coding required to run VR decently without a major or complete overhaul.
  11. I can't remember the video, but a dev was doing a preview (or maybe an AMA?) and said that because of the age of the engine and how it was originally designed, the only "true" water is below the Z-line. Everything above is just visuals and there's no actual swimming, and below there's no places where you aren't swimming. They could add a pocket of water above or a pocket of air below, but it sounded like that would be a lot of work and they would have to figure out how to make the engine accept that in a timely fashion so they don't bother. When you see the aquariums in Lion's Arch and Divinity's Reach, for example, that's just a water texture over the glass and fish swimming in the air. If you could get in somehow, you would stand instead of swim. TL;DR: the water line is hard-coded and there is never water above or air below. It's just visual tricks.
  12. I'm amazed at this question.Here you go: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Publicity I think the point is that SAB is not representative of the rest of the game. The adage, "there's no bad publicity" isn't strictly true: there's no bad publicity if publicity is the goal. Showing off GW2 as a platforming-style game doesn't do it any favors since platforms games do it better for less overhead and (even if SAB were permanent), it's a tiny fraction of this game. I think it can be made clear that it exists as a festival in the game befire the speedrun attempt and after that having the running state during which period its available. Despite the fraction of ppl playing rn it could still lead to more interest if only for that part of the game and would push log in and maybe even gemstore sales.Yeah no. Every year Arenanet says that it is only a festival and it's not going to last past the ~3 weeks. Every year people demand that it be year-long and get more content and there be more SAB skins/items in the gem store. And the other 11 months of the year there's at least one person asking (or outright demanding) that SAB return. Every month. If people who already play — some since beta — refuse to understand (because it's willful ignorance at this point) what makes it more likely that new players who were sold on GW2 by SAB to understand it doesn't even last a whole month and they'd have to wait 9 months to play SAB? That's some serious false advertising right there. It would be a terrible way to promote the game and quite possible make the gaming news circuit as a terrible choice. It may not be Bless bad, but it still wouldn't be good. GW2 could possibly be in GDQ if someone entered with a plan and was selected, but using limited time content (that doesn't even fit the aesthetic or mechanics of the rest of the game) is not a good choice. You want SAB content in GDQ? Rytlock's Critter Rampage fits the format better and does not lead people to false conclusions.
  13. Agreed. The asura NPC announces it verbally, but I don't have NPC voices turned up much since I'm generally watching netflix or something while playing so I can barely hear it even when I'm paying attention and waiting for it. Something in chat (and a chat bubble) would be a vast improvement.
  14. Chiming in to say that raptor was my most used mount and now tied with the skyscale for that position. Even though the jackal is slightly faster on everything but flat ground, spamming the teleport bothers me. I don't get motion sickness, but I still prefer the smoothness of the raptor's leap because of it. Before the leap distance nerf, I even used the warclaw more than the jackal. Jackal is a fine mount, but I'd rather enjoy mounts than min-max them.
  15. Good to see that it's being changed from a set time between collections to 2 hours. Sad to see it won't happen until the 28th since this seems like something to warrant a hot fix, but it's good to see that in the future people won't have to rush through content to make sure they finish before reset.
  16. It will be 1 week at best (possibly closer to 2, depending on how the fourth and fifth tiers go). If you have limited time and/or resources, it could take months thanks to it being timegated to reset. This after the Skyscale was used as a selling point for the episode with zero indication it would be different than the beetle or griffon acquisition. The timegating sucks and needs to be removed, but that's not the only thing going on. Being misled and all the intentional omissions are other huge factors in the backlash and people quitting.
  17. I enjoy it and find it relaxing, to the point where I've completed it on 13 characters and am working through on another. Even one of the first things I do with a new character is complete all the LW3 maps (except Doric because those hearts are brutal and mobs hit annoyingly hard). I also have ADHD and get frustrated if I'm watching something that isn't fully engaging, so map completion gives me something to do with my hands and absorbs excess focus. I've tried doing this with other games or drawing and nothing else has come close. I've also stopped grinding maps from 0-100% in one go, since I found that made things worse. I'll just hop into a map I haven't done, grab WP's and POI's and any quick hearts and move on. Usually I leave a map at 50%-75% and come back later to finish up. This also helped me move away from getting stressed over spending ~1 hour doing a map and not getting a key. Now if I don't get a key it's nbd because I "only" spent ~20 minutes on said map. It's also a nice way to gather mid tier mats and it never hurts to have excess GoE's sitting around when you flip legendaries.
  18. "Ideas are like cream, the good ones rise to the top." I will feed that asura directly to Primordus. While it's not an individual sound, the blind anger and flashbacks it triggers makes it worthy of being here. Other than that, the Ho-Ho-Tron bell that goes on ad nauseam, Jack-in-the-Box tools, and the drum. I don't mind the other instruments but something about the drum makes it impossible for me to focus.
  19. Nope. GW2's engine is the GW1 engine, albeit modified heavily. WoW's engine and GW1's engine were both built for their respective games. They were released 5 months apart so given development times, the engines are about the same age, give or take several months.
  20. Zerker gear with rune of earth.The below is the screenshot of the ranger a few moments later, but I am not entirely sure about the build. Don't know what their exact build is but among their buffs they have: Opening Strike: You and your pet inflict vulnerability with your first strike when entering combat.Signet of the Wild: +180 FerocityStrength of the Pack: Rampage with your pet, gaining stability, fury, and swiftness. You and your pet also grant might to each other when you attack. AKA more might and ferocity, plus stability.Twice as Vicious: Disabling a foe increases your damage and condition damage for a short duration. (+5% damage)Ferocious Archetype: +200 power; +100 Ferocity.Their stacked weapon buff is probably might, ferocity, or precision. Their food and utility would be offensive. They also have the keep buff which could be another 100 power and precision. As other said, you fought a glass build with your own glass build and lost. Though know that soulbeasts tend to put all their eggs in one basket—after they blow skills like Strength of the Pack, their burst is reduced. They still hurt but not nearly as much.
  21. I think one slot is fine. It can be frustrating if you're used to the Glyph of Industry, but that's part of it. Do you value speed more or extra mats/currency? Convenience or a bit extra gold? It's down to personal preference and what you value most at the time. Sometimes you need to pick between two good options and are only able to pick one, both in games and in life. The only way I can see them having two glyph slots and it being somewhat balanced is if there's a slot for utility (Industry, Bounty, Flight) and a slot for extras (Leather, Tailor, Unbound, etc.). The former affects how you gather, the latter what you gather. No stacking the same glyphs and no double dipping on what you get.
  22. Keep in mind that with how aggro (generally) works in GW2, the more toughness you have the more likely mobs will focus on you. If you're doing PvE content, you generally want to avoid toughness unless you're a tanky character. But it really comes down to what content you're playing and what item/gear/trait you're debating between. There's no one size fits all approach for stats and gearing.
  23. We need an easy (or at least easier) mode in addition to what we have now. I would love to see the raiding content and story, but I've done my share of raiding in the past in other games, and I can safely say GW2 raiding in its current form is not for me. I have no desire to sit around for over an hour just for a raid to start, and then waiting 5-15 minutes between wipes as people talk or AFK or rage. Throw in the elitism and how if you aren't already experienced and running a meta build, you have to rely on out-of-game methods to try to even find a group, and it's too much of a pain for too small a reward. Been there, done that, have the t-shirt. Raids take so much dev time to create and feature stories that very few people get to actually experience. Even if you get in, there's so much focus on not dying or wiping the group, there's not much time to be able to focus on or appreciate the lore. Arenanet advertised GW2 as not your standard MMO, yet raids in their current form is what raids were like in MMOs 10 years ago. And the thing is, since that time 10 years ago, many companies have changed raiding to be more accessible as sinking a large amount of resources into content less than ~15% of plays have the ability to see isn't an ideal situation and ends up feeding into toxicity. By all means have a hard mode with good loot and exclusive skins, but there's no reason not to have a simpler mode so people can actually see and experience raids and the lore locked behind them.
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