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Everything posted by Krzysztof.5973

  1. Content that actually requires from you to play the game? Where do I sign up?
  2. Making an LFG with no requirements for a fullclear or daily strike run during prime time takes not time at all. All you're asking right now is to remove player interaction and put instance matching in place. Then there is the part where support role alone in this game is more nuanced than just to bring healing to the table.
  3. They will never say they have pulled the plug on raids. Same thing happened to dungeons. It's more profitable to toy with raiders hoping they will stay for non-raid content 🙂
  4. Obtena just gives us a mythology lesson on 'Sisyphus work'. Doesn't matter what argument you're going to use, discussing raids with Obeta is futile 🙂
  5. I'd start with armory working like templates not loadouts. Even if you swap single weapon for a boss for example, activating currently using template again would restore it's setup from before swapping to said weapon.
  6. Genuine advice: If emojis on some vidiya game forums trigger you to this extent, go outside and touch some grass maybe talk to people. Internet discourse is not good for ya.
  7. Obtena and hatred towards anything remotely involving raids - name more iconic duo.
  8. Those mechanics are here because they don't induce motion sickness in vast majority of people 🙂
  9. I'm gonna be blunt. As of right now you have 3 avenues for acquiring legendary armor. If you are unable/unwilling to put in the necessary effort - you do not need it badly enough.
  10. I haven't said it suppose to be given out for "free" with no gold involved. But OP has 12g for (insert kitten here) sake. You can't even afford 1 ascended armor piece with 12g. OP doesn't even show the effort in terms of farming gold towards the alternative way of acquiring lege armor. Everything he posted so far suggest that they literally want it for free.
  11. You expect to get easier way to acquire legendary armor for PvE and you are nowhere near being able to afford even a single piece? Are you serious?
  12. If anything we need more content like mario so community will slowly move out of dark ages of only pressing auto-attack. All I had to do for my squads to succeed was to test people's ability to read simple commands. I was not asking for too much was I?
  13. What endgame? Mario is the only piece of good content added in a long time. The "endgame" gets update once a year. There is nothing for Asmon to search for. And Anet explicitly made sure for GW2 to be hated and laughed at on twitch. Frog emotes are banned on their very own twitch channel. Why would Asmon endorse a game where culture he surrounds himself with is bannable? 😂
  14. Arguing about semantics on gw2 forums. Is this contest for "Best way to waste your time"?
  15. It takes coordination but even a PUG is capable of succeeding. Hopefully it's not going to get nerfed to the ground 🙂
  16. Cause they don't care about rewards. Trolls have been around since launch. They find it fun to troll people. They also enjoy it when somebody calls them out in map chat/forums. Trolls will troll.
  17. So you're saying you're perfectly capable of completing this achievement JP even if it's required for the meta achi?
  18. You know their priorities lie elsewhere If they spend time and money to alter marionette's curves but don't implement the same treatment to create 'tame' versions for other trinkets so we can turn off their effects 🙂
  19. And you also don't need to collect every single shiny in the game. If you want new legendary trinket, work for it. So far this JP is the ONLY "hard" part in the the entire collection. We'll be back to farming trees and plants in no time 🙂
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