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Za Shaloc.3908

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Everything posted by Za Shaloc.3908

  1. Are you able to tell us the max range of this skill?
  2. So on a less dramatic note, I am still curious to try these changes out despite my disappointment. I am one of those monkeys that actually like dark fields because blinds make me happy. The EtD functionality change is rather interesting, but from a PvP/WvW perspective, I feel that a lot of the extra torment stacks will go to waste because Mallyx is not the most durable bruiser and it will now have less mobility to stick onto targets. Personally, I think it would be nice to have EtD charge your next damaging attack with 2 torment stacks after using a skill that costs energy. This would allow for much better ranged pressure, even allowing for a weapon like hammer to poke torment on people. I get that Mallyx is intended to be a close-range bruiser, but it lacks the survivability, versatility, and adaptability to excel at such a thing.
  3. Seems like it will be really powerful for small roaming/havoc groups, but I am very curious about the range threshold it has.
  4. Ew, what the godforsaken rotten kitten is this? Seriously? More cooldowns on legend skills? I thought we had energy for a reason. This absolutely guts and fries my core Mallyx builds. And to think that orbs were only a premonition of what's to come...
  5. I am very much against such a change to Pulsating Pestilence. That trait in its current form is godly and a big part of what makes Mallyx able to be a condition manipulator. Would be devastating to see it go and have the Corruption line become even more exclusive to Mallyx.
  6. That's how I feel playing Revenant too. Energy and legend swapping feel nearly pointless with an orb equipped. And then unequipping the orb and seeing a 30 second cooldown on Riposting Shadows...yeah, no thank you. I guess it wouldn't be as bad on Renegade since you have more F skills, but to me it feels like the orbs take away the very class mechanic of Revenant. It feels very poorly implemented for the class.
  7. Of course I would like more frequent balance changes, but what I would like even more than that is more frequent and thoughtful communication from the balance team. I see ANet at times making effort to communicate, but it is like these little glimpses of initial effort that quickly fade out. Perhaps they get annoyed by how vocal, aggressive, and dramatic our community can be, but to be honest if that is the case, growing a thick enough skin is an important aspect of such a job if you are striving for good consumer relations and a quality product. At the end of the day we are all passionate nerds here wanting the best (subjective) vision we have for the game. I know I myself am very critical of this game, but it is because I love it and want to see it thrive more. It would be nice to be able to have more conversations with them, to be able to ask them more questions, to hear deeper explanations from them, etc. Things like what they see as problematic and what they are happy with. For me, balance patch frequency makes me happy because it makes me feel like the devs are paying attention to us, and in my eyes that is a big deal for the sPvP/WvW communities, which I would argue largely feel rather neglected. If more frequent patches is not a realistic possibility, I would like to hear from them more. We still do hear from Ben P, but I don't think he is even part of the balance team.
  8. I barely got to play it before I died, but it was fun running the stab mantra from Mesmer on Druid, especially because CA gives you back access to your Ranger skills. Full support Druid gogogo!
  9. I agree that Soulbeast could be tuned down, but warhorn 4 is one of the last things that needs nerfs. Just one block, blind, or evade and it'll be completely negated. No reason for it to stop the attack depending on LoS when it is not even a channeled skill. Pretty sure bird swoop was 600 for a while (may have been less) and it was a trash pet choice. Not saying it doesn't need adjustments, but it doesn't need butchering either.
  10. Thank you for the confirmation. I find it odd that every other WvW event has always been at EU reset, and the announcement did not have the time posted (as every other WvW event normally does). Is there some kind of disorganization going on in the background? Normally the WvW events are very well organized and communicated. Not this time sadface The odd thing is that this isn't even reset for NA, which is at 7pm PDT. My guess is hangov... I mean technical difficulties.
  11. Ever since they reworked Harbinger Shroud, I have wanted Shining Aspects in Herald to change the way one or more of the consume skills works, to allow for more supportive skills without messing up Glint's kit for DPSers. It would be nice to get some healing and condition removal from the skills at the sacrifice of damage and conditions.
  12. Very nice video. I am not a Necro player but have recently tried roaming on one and it makes me want to pull my teeth out. I am sure part of it has to do with my lack of experience with the class, but it really makes me respect those who can successfully roam on them, especially if running glassier builds. I found the video well-structured and informative, and the fights were all helpful at illustrating different tactics that need to be used when playing. Good kitten, sir.
  13. Yeah shield 4 is "unblockable," but shoot it at a guard with aegis and the projectile gets negated because it eats the boon lol. The skill has such an awkward design.
  14. I still think they need to implement a defensive/utility-centric offhand. Since offhand sword was reworked, it puts both core offhands in overlapping roles: both offer mobility and offense, even sharing some of the same conditions (chill, slow). It would be nice to have a block accessible to a core offhand weapon, restoring some of the defensive utility that old offhand sword brought to the table.
  15. Pink Quaggan Gladiator TonicEnraged Pink Quaggan Gladiator TonicSkritt Brawler Tonic
  16. I like a lot of the ideas I see in here. Some glyph ideas that I think would help give WvW support Druid some actual presence and reason to play: Verdant Etching: Glyphs gain reduced cooldown (20%) and now affect 10 allies. Gain increased reduced cooldown while in CA form (33%).Glyph of Alignment: Now ranged (900). Non-CA version now removes 3 boons from enemies and applies 3x poison. CA version now removes 3 conditions. Glyph of Tides: Now ranged (1200). Effects are switched and both now apply slow. Pull distance is increased so enemies are brought to a centralized point. Glyph of Equality: CA version no longer removes conditions, but applies 5 stacks of stability to nearby allies in addition to breaking stun for them.Glyph of Unity: I like @jcbroe.4329's suggestion. I would also reduce the heal ICD to 0.5 seconds.Glyph of Stars: Now only affects 5 allies (due to VE increasing target cap to 10). Non-CA version is now a PBAoE effect. CA version prevents Warclaw stomps while channeling.Glyphs are, in my eyes, one of the keys to giving Druid more viability for WvW group play. My suggested changes would give them a lot of added utility. I'd say they would need more help to make them more competitive with Firebrand and Scrapper, but this would be a helpful step forward. In my eyes, Cultivated Synergy, Verdant Etching, and Lingering Light should be the hard support lines that encourage players to move away from stuff like Druidic Clarity & Celestial Shadow so that they are forced to sacrifice Druid's best self-sustain traits. My suggestions are major powercreepy, but I honestly think that's what Druid needs to gain better viability.
  17. Y'all ready for Sic 'Em Hammer Heralds?! I actually really hope Plague Signet is one of the utilities for Necro. Would be a blast on my condi Rev. As much of an absolute meme I think the whole week will be, I am kinda looking forward to the absurdity of it all in a sad, resigned sort of way.
  18. This sounds like a hot mess honestly. The last thing the balance needs in this game is any semblance of a dual-class system. Hope everybody who kills me gets a Ventari tablet, lol.
  19. Go into WvW and go find a dolyak that walked by an enemy sentry. You should be set for a while after that. I have never tried it on Necro, but on Rev it maintains the duration.
  20. Oh good, this is the first set since Beastslayer that I have wanted to buy the full set for. They are nice! =) My favorite set so far has been Dreamthistle but I haven’t gotten the whole set yet as it returned only when I was on a hiatus! Next time! looks at avatar You have good taste. :yum: Lol! I cheaped out on just a couple Dreamthistle pieces last time they made a rotation but have all the pieces I'd realistically use now. Definitely up there as one of the best sets for sure. :)
  21. Oh good, this is the first set since Beastslayer that I have wanted to buy the full set for.
  22. Thank you very much to the talented artists that created them!
  23. I agree that Rebound could be buffed. For starters, the fury is extremely random and ill-fitting for a skill that is supposed to be healing/supportive in nature. I would say that giving it 3-4 seconds of resistance after the effect expires (meaning upon aura or upon the heal) would immediately increase its value. I also agree with others that increasing the healing value would be fair.
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