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Za Shaloc.3908

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Everything posted by Za Shaloc.3908

  1. Yeah even over the Mallyx changes I find the removal of superspeed on IO to be more painful. The skill feels terrible now. They need to adjust the upkeep cost or give it an added effect.
  2. Exactly, well said.It just feels that Revenant was designed to be the ultimate hybrid, hence the Chill Hammer, MH and OH Sword's, DPS on Axe and ultimate combination of utility and offensive on Staff. I think Trident Treatment could fix a lot of Balance issues among Build versatility on Revenant. This really won’t fix the issues y’all think it’s going to fix. It’s going to pigeonhole Rev specs into using specific legends for specific effects/conditions/etc. and make the class have a higher skill ceiling than it does now (and it’s already high) AND make it clunkier to use simultaneously I agree completely. Last thing I need is my mace 3 to inflict 4 stacks of vulnerability. Trident feels like kitten if you are running condi and are in Jalis or Shiro and that is because of the overly simplistic and inherently imbalanced design of trident's condition application.
  3. Hmmm...feelings on the Mallyx changes are essentially the same as when the patch dropped. Elite is nice but the 10s CD is lame, and Call to Anguish is...meh at best: easily blindable, CCable, and in general avoidable. I prefer pre-patch Mallyx.
  4. Revenant I love the energy system. I mained Thief prior to Revenant, and appreciate having more control over how I choose to use my resources. I like the legend swapping mechanic and find it a unique thematic for a class. There isn't an aspect of the class that I don't play because I love the way it works in general. I dislike that the core class feels incomplete. The legends don't have much synergy with each other and while I have a blast playing it, I feel like there is still a lot that could have been done. Stuff like another core weapon and more legend skill options. With the Mallyx changes, it upsets me that they are making the legend more cooldown based. There are also certain decisions like the focus on healing orbs that really make me lose faith in the design integrity for the class.
  5. Oh my god the formatting is so pretty. I don't know Warrior though, sorry.
  6. My personal recommendation is just play what you enjoy and learn to work with each other. I would rather a subpar duo with classes we enjoy over a comp that is more effective but less enjoyable to run. Don't worry about it too much. Regardless, you will always find fights you will be able to win.
  7. I am not a Guardian player, but not gonna lie, that looks really fun.
  8. No, it has no ICD whatsoever as far as I'm aware. They are amazing on Revenant and well worth the gold.
  9. OMG great idea! Also it would be really cool if for Phase Traversal, instead of teleporting you it sent out lifesteal orbs at your enemy's feet and if the enemy gathered all of them before their impressive 2 second duration, you teleport to them. Also if you use Jade Winds while they are active, they turn bright green and double their effectiveness. I think that would be really cool.
  10. Is your suggestion intended to nerf the number of boons removed from 3 to 2, or is that an oversight? Such a nerf would be pretty huge, particularly because it is spammable. I don't think your idea is bad, I just don't think it is necessary for the skill. I think a good spot to enhance the effects of Banish Enchantment is not within the skill itself (IMO it is well-balanced), but in Spontaneous Destruction. I think most would agree that it is a rather lackluster trait, and giving it some "upon removing a boon, X" effect would be really nice, especially since Abyssal Chill isn't as strong as it was pre-patch. Giving it chill would be a bit awk as it competes with Abyssal Chill, but poison would be a really welcome addition and would give quite a bit more value to Venom Enhancement. Something like: "Corrosive Culling"When you remove a boon from a foe, apply poison (1x, 6s). Poison you apply deals more damage (20%). 1s ICD per target.
  11. Eh, for me it isn't mind bending, but moreso appreciating the value of a good blind. However, I will agree with you that the other combos from a dark field are pretty low value. I tend to use mace/axe and staff when running condi, so don't really feel the lacklusterness of whirl/projectile finishers. Personally I would have preferred a mobile ice field (hello auramancers!) to gain more synergy with Abyssal Chill and because frost aura is quite nice, but they probably just went with a dark field because it...makes sense?
  12. I agree that the cooldown could be lowered. Personally I think 5 seconds would be fair enough and would still allow for a lot more fluid and adaptable skill usage and energy management. The elite's current design feels superior to its previous iteration, but the cooldown holds back a lot of its potential.
  13. So some initial thoughts on UA and EtD. I spent a few hours solo roaming (and some dueling) tonight in WvW, so this is all gathered from that perspective. Unyielding Anguish When the CC lands on this, it feels nice. I was able to ping-pong Necros pretty badly, but it felt difficult to pull off against most other classes that have better mobility and can avoid it or kite me more easily. I had a much harder time kiting enemies as I could not double- to triple-cast the skill, which previously helped tremendously in repositioning and area denial. I do miss that the most and I find it to be a hard adjustment. It felt significantly worse trying to disengage. Taking away mobility potential from Mallyx further isolates Shiro into being the only "mobility" legend, which is not a healthy step for a class that is restricted to two legend choices. I do think this skill needs polishing still as it comes at an extremely steep energy cost.I think part of what made this change feel more tolerable is that I run core and Charged Mists, so I have access to a lot more energy than a lot of builds. It makes playing Mallyx much more fluid and I felt it was able to adjust more easily to the patch. I honestly don't think I would have used CtA much if I wasn't running either of those.The leap finisher was definitely a nice implementation, but not game-changing. I found it most fun to use after putting down a Jalis road so I could eat a stab stack via Dazing Strike before pulling. On a related note, I would say that the change to this skill also severely decreased the value of Abyssal Chill. Unless I run mainhand sword, I see little reason to use it and consider Demonic Resistance to be a stronger master tier trait now (assuming running Mallyx). I feel like there is a lot they could do with this skill to bring it up to snuff. I would say that first, the energy cost could be reduced to 30. Additionally:-Add 2 seconds of slow. (This combine with the chill would make it a more debilitating CC)-Perhaps have it leave behind a chill/slow AoE pulsing 1s of each condition for 2 seconds.Then, either:-If no enemies are within the impact radius, reset the cooldown of this skill. Your next cast costs 50%(?) less energy. (This would be so it could be used as a repositioning tool)Or:-Increase the range to 900 (As mentioned, having a 5s cooldown on it is painful and very restrictive to the legend's mobility) Embrace the Darkness Okay, this skill I was surprised about. I actually really love the way it functions and appreciate its super-focus on torment now. It felt really great to be able to use staff skills and not have my damage flatten out as much as it normally would. I could see how the dark field could get annoying, but when solo roaming, I love it because the reliable blinds from blasting it can be pretty clutch. Honestly the only complaint I have about it is the cooldown, which is admittedly a big complaint. It makes the skill and overall fluidity of the legend feel much more clunky as you basically get one chance at using EtD unless you are camping the legend for a while. I'd like to see its cooldown decreased to 3 or 5 seconds.
  14. I am not an Engi player and I disliked what Scrapper had become pre-patch, but the changes made to it are hard to comprehend. -300 vitality really doesn't make sense to me for a bruiser spec. Less toughness for Berserker? Sure, it makes more sense as that spec is specifically designed to be focused more towards being a glass cannon, but I find the tradeoff contradictory to the entire point of Scrapper. On a thematic level, it would make more sense for Holo, although I don't have the profession experience to really say the impact that would have on the e-spec. Also for Scrapper, function gyro is not a worthy elite spec-defining mechanic. Compare that to Photon Forge mode or Celestial Avatar (whose balance discussion is for a whole 'nother thread), which give access to so much more.
  15. Speaking for myself, I have like 10 different builds I switch between on my Rev and am constantly experimenting. I will absolutely 100% use build templates, most likely multiple times a day. Legendary armor was the best investment I have ever made in this game, and I would love it to be able to swap builds without the clunky stat-swapping that exists now.
  16. Removing unproductive comment. Will report impressions later.
  17. huh? isn't the regen half that? pics? Just for anybody who is curious: @ 2117 Healing Power (min-maxed with food/oil, infusions, and full stacks of Life Sigil)Sigil of Transference: 10%Monk Runes: 20%Tranquil Balance: 20%Invoking Harmony: 20%Serene Rejuvenation: 15%Selfless Amplification: 31.75%Delicious Rice Ball: 10%Bountiful Maintenance Oil: 12.702 + 2.008 = 14.71%Total: 141.46% REGEN130 + (0.125 x 2117)= 394394 x 2.4146 = 952.861/s Elder’s Respite (20%) = 1143.43/sFACET OF NATURE - CENTAUR471 + (0.4 x 2117)1317.8 x 2.4146 = 3181.95 or 1060.65/s There are of course other ways that this could be increased, but these are realistic numbers. Personally I like to run full Minstrel's over Cleric's or Magi's, so the numbers would be a bit less. These numbers also assume that the requirements are met, such as staying above 75% health and swapping legends every 10 seconds. Facet of Nature - Centaur also would never have a 100% uptime unless camping Ventari, in which case you'd lose your Invoking Harmony Buff, struggle more with upkeeping your Monk Rune 6-piece bonus, and have your regen taper off. I hope all the numbers are accurate. Math is not my strong suit. I think Elder's Respite stacks additively like other healing modifiers.
  18. Speaking specifically of the boon and its strength, Herald by far wins due to all the modifiers available via Salvation, and Elder's Respite in Herald. I imagine Druid would come next if traiting Lingering Light, but that's speaking numbers and not overall effectiveness. As far as overall HPS though, after this patch, Draconic Echo Herald and Tempest will probably have the highest since Scrapper healing is getting nerfed.
  19. Personally I think the skill is fine as is. Ever since the chance to Mace 2 (additional initial burns) and Mace 3 (weakness), the kit feels very strong. I think the blast finisher works better because it allows the weapon to be used as a pseudo-support weapon in large scale WvW. Hanging in the backline and getting a triple water or cleanse blast is extremely good for the energy output, especially with all of Salvation's healing modifiers. It is also nice for might-stacking with Mace 2 (which is harder to come by for condi Rev), swiftness stacking if running with Jalis (a legend that lacks mobility), and of course the mobile AoE blinds will be really nice with the upcoming EtD change. In my opinion, the blast finisher is much more versatile overall.
  20. T'would be nice to have whirl finishers in dark fields give tormenting bolts instead of leeching. Yeah, I agree. It really messes with the flow of the legend. There are a lot of advantages to having EtD with no cooldown, from procing elite-based runes and traits more frequently, procing Demonic Resistance, having better control of procing Charged Mists, and most importantly allowing for a more adaptable playstyle. I use EtD very often when running Mallyx, but I frequently turn it on and off to properly manage my energy. The UA--err, Call to Anguish--change is quite significant and I understand the need to give it a CD since it now is a CC, but not EtD.
  21. Nice video. You have a fantastc (see I remembered) taste in music. I'll have to snag some of those songs. Also lol at you lurking in the water to delete people with trident.
  22. Out of curiosity, what is Rending Shade's interaction with Malicious Surprise Shot? Does it only remove boons on the initial hit, or do the splinter shots also remove boons?
  23. RIP, variety. Hardly. The class uses the same build in PvP from 3.75 years ago; everything else remains mostly useless and this patch doesn't change it. If all, widens the gap between power Herald and everything else, but any perceived "variety" related to Revenant in PvP was (always have been) ilusory. You can't "kill" something that doesn't exist. Mallyx was playable in wvw roaming. Not anymore once the patch goes live tho.Yeah I am pretty bummed. I run Charged Mists a lot and a triple UA disengage or reposition was a godsend to my success in WvW. Not to mention the insane cleave potential it had, which IMO is totally valid if that is how I choose to use my energy.
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