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Everything posted by Arheundel.6451

  1. Let's try this other approach and see if you get it..... People hate condi builds because 90% of them are PBAoE spammers, the only builds people ever complained about are always the same: Mesmer and Necromancer , both apply condis with PBAoE on skills/utilities with very low CD, nobody can deny that PBAoE gameplay is far less skill intensive that single target gameplay requiring LoS and more. If condi skills would be linked to reflectable single target skills...there would be almost no complaint, basically the main issue people have with condis in GW2 is the braindead specs behind it.
  2. The Feb 2020 patch, a very sad for the whole game and for those who used to care about it, long story short, the "brilliant" development team decided to hard nerf power dmg in competitive modes while leaving untouched dumb gameplay options which allow the user to literally play the game without ever touching the dodge button. The end result is what we have now, a bunch of condi tanks going around, pressing one button, applying several condis with very short CD skills/utilities, with the vastly reduced power damage, it can take more than one person to bring down these high toughness targets...which is no right. They basically dumbed down the game to allow low common denominator to survive where they should insta die , rather than force their players to master the art of dodging, they removed the dmg so that people can make several mistakes and still live To make things worst, the sustain of professions like necromancer, revenant has literally been left untouched where everybody else suffered percentage and number reductions plus the addtions of 300s CD trais. The Feb patch was supposed the first one of many as promised, they even ackowledged the fact that few builds would end up being broken/OP after the patch.....well they never actually released any follow up patch and that brings me to this thread
  3. You are quite wrong....this playerbase has complained about ranger lb burst for ages , more than once, the devs, Irenio himself on stream said the burst is fine and in line with anet vision for ranger. https://www.bladeandsoul.com/en/game/classes/zen-archer/ https://finalfantasy.fandom.com/wiki/Ranger https://worldofwarcraft.com/en-gb/game/classes/hunter The Devs have aknowledgeded the burst as valid gameplay option , the ranger player literally fire off the entire bar to reach that dmg every 40-60s, while using full glass gear and running as main defensive tactic. The build only works the lower the skill level of the opponents. Killed this type of build on : necro(core-reaper-minio) - warrior(core-sb-berseker) - ele(FA ele, core d/d!!!!, tempest and weaver) - guardian(any build) - engi(grenade holo) with relative easiness, I suggest people to swallow their over inflated ego and recognize this for what it is....L2P issue There is a limit to how much we can nerf things in a MMO, we reach a point where people either learn to finally play or should just quit, this is a reaction base game in the end...not a jump/move forward 2D rpg P.S consider what ranger does in other MMOs...and try to still claim that what I am saying is wrong
  4. Guess it's easier to aim your skill in a small cone radious ...than setting camp inside a chaos field/Mark covering the whole point...condi builds are insanely hard to play
  5. You keep saying that...show us a video of you playing without focus and healing power and in a open arena 😂😂😂😂. C'mon pro player! Ele so easy but all you can brag about is bunker gameplay, everything becomes easier when you slap a healing amulet with double defensive line, we should try that with thief and see how "hard is to play"...oh wait ....thief and mesmer are not gated by stats like ele, a class limited to the same off hand to get any reasonable sustain option....considered easy...🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Hmm oh wait I want to see a video of you playing ele without focus and healing power and instead use a marauder amulet! NO FOCUS! C'mon pro player! Show us the video!
  6. Ele "debauchery" didn't last for more than 3 months...sadly ele is not necro and the class got destroyed by nerfs few months after that tournament, you may have forgot but they added like an ICD to Cleansing Water and Signet of Restoration , after that the class got so unplayable for real...like no your usual forum drama, the class got really basically unplayable that Anet devs for the first time in the history of Anet they ended up reverting the nerfs..I don't know how people forget this part xd, everybody was surprised at anet decision, that was possibly the only time they reverted a set of nerfs. It lets you realize how kitten is the design of the elementalist that with a coupld of ICD to crucial traits, the whole class becomes unplayable lol. Either way again...ele is not necro, the second it becomes a tad strong (OP as others would say) it gets demolished by nerfs till only a handful of people play it
  7. It'll be fun to see the wind change when Virtuoso and Unkown Necro elite are released...both are projectiles, while I don't disagree with you...I will laugh my guts out reading the comments of whining mesmer/necro mains about projectile hate, that'll be a field day for me and I'll come to the forum with a full track record of legendary memes...I pray Virtuoso and necro elite are full projectiles based because I will become a meme lord if that time comes
  8. For a very brief period of time in 2015 before Hot launch....GW2 elite specs are the most ill designed concepts I ever seen in a videogame
  9. Really there would be zero point for me in buying EoD if elementalist gets another melee elite, I am not interested in afk fishing, new legendaries, PvE fluff and what else has been shown so far. I've got the mounts, all of them including the flying ones, I've got the legendaries, more than enough and don't need more of them; as far as I am concerned...I am done unless I get some different way to play elementalist. Since launch I wanted to play something akin to my GW1 air ele, waited patiently for 10 years fot that to happen and was briefly able to play that in some instance with FA ele and we all know that didn't last long, now I am done and definitely not looking forward for another 4-5 years to play dodgeball among a sea of red-cirles while using once again that focus and cele/condi gear. Unless I get something ranged and viable...I'll be happy to play what we have now, which we all know is not much but better than lying to myself claiming to have new toys when in the end it'd be the same kittening thing I wonder what is everybody else is thinking.... NOTE-This is not a smear campaign, this is simply what I am gonna do and I am interested in knowing what others think, in the end everybody is free to do whatever with their own moneys
  10. It's clear you never played an ele ever....you just randomly read traits off wiki and : 1) You give people traits number with stats investment, Invigorating strike is 600...not 1.2k 2) Other traits you mention are on a 60s-70s-300s ICD.... 3) Diamond skin works on being hit...it's not free clear You are extremely confused and just talking from an extremely biased point of view.......4s attunement and then you mention stone skin?.....you really don't know how weaver works do you? you wouldn't mention traits like stone skin otherwise...
  11. What amazing internal CD lol? You don't get sword evades on every weaver build and likewise you don't automatically get Obsidian Flesh unless you equip focus. If you start including weapon like they'd be extension of the class itself then Mesmer and Thief are virtually unkillable...far from being "squishy" . Thief with the greatest stealth access in the game + shadow step/return and you'd need a potato playing it to see a thief dieing, then Mesmer have stealth utilities, skill and access to distortion regardless of the weapon/elite used, that's "free" invulnerability on a lower CD than obsidian flesh for which eles give up damage and mobility. Mesmer and Thief squishy....you are not squshy when you can play to meta level with an amulet devoid of toughness and healing power you are squishy when by default can't play without a toughness/healing/vitality amulet People seem to think ele gets Obsidian flesh and sword evades by default for playing ele
  12. Shall we give ele few ways to remove stealth and blocks then? What ele can do when somebody goes stealth or start his block rotation? Let's make this a fair fight then for everybody....
  13. 90% of GW2 forum citizen: "the hardest is the one I play...." 1) Taking the bias out of the way: the easiest professions are those that can naturally be played without prior knowledge of gear, traits and enemy, thus : Necromancer , of all classes it requires the least amount of input from a new player. 2) Professions with access to defensive mechanics that require no specific setup, traits, gear to be used.These mechanics are available for "free" regardless of what weapon or utility you use: Mesmer, Guardian 3) The following have access to forms of sustain that do not necessitate any investment in healing power and can easily become tanky/bruiser regardless of the stats used: Ranger - Thief - Warrior -Engineer -Revenant 4) Lastly the hardest profession in GW2 , requires healing power , vitality investement to be viable at bare min, virtually unplayable without heavy stat investment in vitality or toughness. For the last couple of years , the viability of this class has been linked to focus , playing without focus requires a level of skill and commitment in this game that is unheard from other professions.
  14. One can only pray...this community is hard tired of melee combat where you need to constantly hug your target for damage, let's ele players for once play like a classic glass cannon ranged mage like elementalist class is in all other MMOS, only in GW2 an elementalist has to go toe to toe melee range with enemies while still being an actual mage. 1) No hybrid weapon....full kitten power damage on all attunements, no half baked skils , half condi, half power BS where you need to use cele gear to max anything 2) No long kitten casting time with rooting bullcrap, after cast and snail moving animations 3)An actual scary elite to slot and something people are constantly afraid of..like they are of rampage, lich form etc etc I pray for all of this......
  15. You can get a win 7 key for less than 10$, if you have a computer already and a copy of gw2, you should be more than ready to upgrade
  16. Very very well done to Anet! I can actually be mildly optimistic up to this point about EoD, I pray now that all elites will follow this new trend . No AoE spam, no stealth/staff camping, no AI centric with apparent and clear counterplay options, I am sure to receive loads of hate but...yeah I hope all elites follow the same balance philosophy that's all I have wanted to say
  17. Insane barrier generation...did you check the numbers correctly Pal? Also you said it right...ele sacrifice mobility and damage for sustain while using defensive utilities...you can do the same by using torch, decoy, blink...plenty of defensive options when you invest in it! I love nothing more than to see the same treatment eles have received since launch being extended to other professions....trade damage for sustain and viceversa... it'd be about kitten time
  18. Wait! You mean......you don't have sustain if you slot a defensive line?.....Wow god forbid the rest of the GW2 playerbase gets to feel like the ele community for the last 10 years, imagine being forced to choose between sustain or damage ..the horror...
  19. I pray the spec is single target projectile, that's what is needed after years of aoe spamming kitten
  20. Haha the irony, it will be fun to watch 2 virtuoso fighting each other while having reflect on dodge. Welcome to generic world where you pay attention to spammed reflects and no AoE bomb around. This virtuouso seems more skill intensive than condi staff camper mirage
  21. How convenient and smart of you....but that's not how it work, there is a thing called time/effort relation to judge precisely something, it is surely harder to become a certified doctor than a fitness instructor and yet both work with the human body, now should the doctor be rewarded the same as the instructor...it doesn't work that way. It is easy to be good on necro, less time and effort compared to ele and that's why there is one good ele for every 100 necros, this is the only uncomfortable truth.
  22. From the OP there is already bias! I just hate that this community recognize as "skilled" only what they identify with and everything else is deemed "less skilled" and should be nerfed. This is what I have mentioned in my other thread about the wrong mentality of this playerbase , I win duels on a core ele, is the spec now the best roaming spec? I think not, when it comes to duels/roaming I only experience good and bad players...who they die regardless of what they play. The nerf mentality starts when people refuse to recognize the opponent skill level, this creates a vicious cycle of nerfs/buffs that will only damage the whole game in the end, by killing build diversity and fun factor There is low and high skill floor gameplay on every class and players should be free to play whichever way they want, when you nerf A...B will rise and then you nerf B...but C appears and when you reach and nerf Z...then A will rise again
  23. I just hate this type of threads...it will end up like every other similar thread.... it always boils down to the same mentality : "My build is skilled and your class/build takes no skill and should be nerfed"
  24. Nothing would be immortal........while playing necro, if rather than spamm off CD while running in circles or backward, people would actually pay attention to what the opponent is doing, like what attunement , defense used etc etc....ofc it's easier to spamm off CD and then claim everything is OP when things don't drop dead to the braindead spam P.S There is an "immortal ele" for every 100 necros, and for certain whoever this ele may be....he will be somebody with 2k wvw rank min, some pvp titles etc etc.....nobody can jump on ele and perform to "immortal" levels from day 1 , anybody can jump on a scourge/necro and claim to be the next hot thing ...lol Played necro for like 50 hrs, not an expert but...I was winning duels/zerg fight from day 1 playing core necro lol...why don't you take a new player and let him perform on ele after 50 hrs? I dare you!
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