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Everything posted by Arheundel.6451

  1. What weakness supposed to do to a condi spec exactly?
  2. At this point any nerf to necros would cause a 2nd flood of biblical proportions....the amount of salty tears we'd see would be legendary. Our hands are tied, both for the devs and the community...or what's left of it, there are so many necromancers and guardians now that any nerf would be met with a massive backlash and outrage. Nerfing a necro is not as simple as nerfing an ele, like nobody but those few cats still playing it, give a kitten if ele get nerfed out of the game....on the other hand, necro, you have dogs, cats and even squirrels playing it If you just go as far and nudge this class...you drown into a salty lake soon after. Well jokes aside, people should really lower their expectations to a bare minimum because guardian and necromancer will never stop being the powerhouses they are now. The playerbase is too concentrated on these 2 professions alone, any impairing nerf will simply never happen
  3. There is literally no system that cannot be "gamed" these days because every game nowadays is designed around gen z playerbase hence the basic design principle of games in 21st century is that people don't want or expect fair play, typical GW2 player doesn't want to...play he only wants to win. The only solution would be to force stacked servers against each other, something the current MM systems fails to do as people play around it, so create a system where weekly matches are decided by more tangible factors
  4. I'd settle for a weaker version of renegade shortbow....but current ranger shortbow is utterly useless in all gamemodes, with just bleed application........sad
  5. I had this idea, hoping people will discuss about it either positively or negatively yet constructively in the end, an idea based on a simple realization : if you can't force fair fights...then incentivize people in creating them ....with a reward system that promotes just that. Prestige and Glory -Winning a weekly MU will grant the highest amount of "Prestige" to a server, the 2nd and 3rd place will follow with less obviously -Killing players and claiming objectives grant "Glory" - The more Prestige the enemy server has and the more Glory points you get : High Prestige server caps a tower gets 50 Glory Points, a Low Prestige Server caps a tower from High Prestige server and gain 200 Glory Points, the Low Prestige server can end up with more Glory points at the end of the MU as long as they keep fighting even they get hammered over and over, let's reward resilience and fighting spirit over huge stacking numbers Rewards -Every 3-4 months the TOP 3 Prestige servers will compete in a special MU to decides who gets the best Prestige reward : -Warclaw skin?( nothing too fancy maybe just add glowing trail or something), extra testimonies of heroic drop? don't know -For Glory points, let's say we award T6 boxes? different color glowing mist weapons? Titles like "Hero of the Realm"? again I can't imagine what rewards would be considered worth the risk for Anet My idea with Prestige and Glory is to incentivize people in creating fair fights for everybody while still leaving the opportunity for people to really show who is the best at the end of the day, we can't get rid of stacking server and no system will ever stop people from gaming it so...let's create an environment that benefit everybody, the stacked server may end up covering 70% of all WvW world but the small servers trying their best will still gain something to show and benefit from as long as they keep trying at least.
  6. By all means...change them to something else but do something? Professions like ele literally have no practical master Arcane trait, because everybody was using passive Arcane shield, they then nerfed it with the 300s CD ...fair enough but at the same time they even removed the master trait which was granting boons at each attunement swap..and replaced it with a trait that works only with 2 skills on a single elite spec and with a single weapon ( weaver -dagger main hand) so Tempest, core eles, staff weavers have literally no practical master arcane trait. -I have 2x 300s CD traits with the defense line on Warrior..on ranger I have another 2.. and.1 on thief, they could have replaced the passive version with an active version but nothing for 17 months and they had the time to go and buff scourge, "buff" guardian mantra and scrapper , if they have the time go and do this then they have the time to apply some small changes They made plenty of promises in Feb last year....almost none of them was kept..wth really P.S can somebody point me in the direction of CMC discord, I want to ask him directly where is my fix for these 300s CD traits, it has been almost 2 years now...c'mon really, this is outrageous
  7. And which server are you on now? It'd be funny to see you playing on a bandwagon server and then complain about others not wanting to play lol
  8. Forget the usual nerfs, where are the replacements for the 300s traits that were promised delivery within 6 months from the patch? Elementalist, Ranger, Warrior, Thief......here no priority for anet it seems.....
  9. No! Removing unblockable will simply make the necro gameplay less spamming and more manageable for those forced to melee a necro
  10. You'd have to be that 1% guitar hero level of gameplay and with the addition of a coordinated and experienced team to get those numbers on ele on average, while on the other hand "the bottom of the barrel" spec like reaper comfortably reaches this 34k benchmark without the input of extreme situations. Basically your average pug ele won't ever see that 40k...not even half of it really, meanwhile the average reaper player just has to find a "non kitten" group of players who actually know what they're talking about and who don't talk gibberish about "that or that other class".But if you disagree we can go and verify the ratio of eles to necros on average pug runs. It's not even about buffing or not reaper, it's about the reason behind all the drawbacks a class like ele must suffer to reach this fabled 40k, as @MightyTeapot.2093 said...there is already no reason to use an ele over anything in raid, it sacrifice sustain for dmg..the same levels of dmg another profession reaches while not losing any sustain and instead offering boon support and more
  11. Remove the unblockable trait...it should have been removed ages ago
  12. The funny thing about GW2 community is how obsessed they are with all these benchmark...when 90% of them will never ever see or need those same numbers they treat as the holy gospel. Asking for buffs because apparently the class you like to play does 2-3k supposedly less dmg than a magic number written on a fanmade website that claim you must reach this number to apparently participate in the end game mode of this game....let's forget how rewarding is the spec for the levels of effort required to play it....no no "I want buffs because the benchmark says so..."..... Reaper is already super easy to play compared to the "top" builds in this ridiculous benchmark table, just stop for one moment and think about how selfish you are, there is something called balance! If you want your fabled 40k dmg why don't you play melee weaver and be "top class"? Ha yes...not as easy to play that melee raid build, 11k HP...no sustain pure melee...lol
  13. But you don't play an ele....let alone a FA ele 'cause you'd die in 10s flat...you play professions I can do similar dmg with while checking my phone and sipping a coffie mug with one hand...and pay barely any attention to the screen
  14. While you can play 24/7 without the pet, for anything else but PvP/WvW, it is imperative that you learn when to unmerge and vice versa to maximise results. There are many traits that trigger on merging and unmerging.
  15. I don't see the benefit in asking for more resistance if anything warrio should have much more access to Retribution
  16. No...on the contrary, a burst spec zeroing opposition is completely fair....as long as there are huge risks associated to the burst spec, people in this thread are asking to remove those risks and it's simply wrong. I love oneshot gameplay and that cannot be denied but...at the end of the day oneshot gameplay can be easily nullified and executed, that's what makes it interesting and fun for me. No matter how you look at it from any class perspective, one shot gameplay is easy to execute compared to a structured duel, many professions are capable of oneshotting and all those builds require 3-4 buttons pressing combination maximum for reward and that is acceptable only because you can kill oneshot builds with similar zero effort and that's the risk of playing oneshot builds, now if you remove that weakness you're left with an unfair gimmick that even my grandma can run.. What makes a good burst ranger scary is that the player can wait, adapt and strike at the right time...and most times you won't see him coming, that's the gameplay which should be rewarded , switching targets, baiting CD..it's all part of good gameplay. Removing reflects would only invite the average Joe to camp even more that longbow from the sidelines , pressing 2 at every red name tab moving...boring and zero effort or risk gameplay which should not be rewarded more than that. I remember that time I was playing alongside 3-4 amazing ranger players, we were on the sidelines picking off the enemy zerg backline as they were pushing, we were retreating as necessary with the enemy commander frustrated at being unable to kill us, that's what I want to see! Now people in this thread are asking instead to reward the player sitting in front of an enemy zerg, pressing 2 and die to Wall of Reflect...sorry no ty
  17. If it was ranger...or warrior....or mesmer...or worst elementalist...they'd be nullified by nerfs in few weeks from now...sad truth
  18. The funny thing is elementalist got nuked from orbit with nerfs few weeks after that NA team won that tournament with 4 eles in 2014 I believe and following, elementalist got demolished by nerfs..the second the class made more than 1-2 appearances during a whole tournament. They nerfed fresh air ele with dmg but very glassy...then reaper exists They nerfed tempest support....then scourge exists They deleted core ele...then core necro exists It's not like I am asking to delete necro or treat it similarly to ele....I just want people to recognize the clear class bias, for how far fetched the idea is...nobody can deny at this point how much class bias is present within this company. How can you have a class that reaches 100% representation during a 3vs3 tournament and nothing happens to it, but the second another class get played by more than a handful of players ( at the top level, mind you) it get demolished by nerfs few weeks after. Call me tin foil theorist all you want but really....this is now so painfully obvious.....
  19. The idea is to give rewards to those who actually play the game mode and not simply show up to click a check box. There must be zero reward for afkers and cheaters! I don't think people should be rewarded just for showing up on the map
  20. I love ranger and I still say that unblockable levels are fine as they are! Unless we make it harder to burst from distance which....I don't want really. Those extreme rare cases where I fight alongside another couple of rangers who know what they're doing and we completely wreck the opposition. People sitting in the back pressing 2 only without ever paying attention are already rewarded enough in relation to what other professions offer in term of easy gameplay. Comparing rifle warrior and nade engi to sic'em glass ranger is really unfair and we both know it, I rarely faced great glass cannon rangers and when I do ...it's a scary experience because you must be always on guard to avoid being bursted down...on the other hand the vast majority of times I face rangers who die to reflect or for overextending and that is a good thing , bad gameplay should be punished and not rewarded. If people want to press 2 as soon as they see a red name tag..so be it, on the other hand if they want actually achieve something than I want them to think on how and when to press 2!
  21. NO ...and I say it as a ranger main for the last 5 years with 5k hrs as active wvw/pvper. I will be always against the dumbing down of the game regardless of the class, with the level of dumbness we already have in game among all professions we can leave the tower rangers to their own devices, basically there is similar dumb gameplay available from other professions and with that said.....no to any sort of improvement in that regard. Reflect is a form of punishment for the brainless spamming 2, it can be done strategically with a plan..or it can be done off cd without even thinking, we want to punish the latter.
  22. Well said! Nothing against the OP with my post, just referring to @Xene now. Yes the vast majority of "guilds" in GW2 are nothing more than organized gank guilds on voice chat proving how "l33t" they are going around mobbing the casual pver then they run miles if caught on their own against equally or better player ...sad and shameful, the real reason they hop server is to avoid challenges....
  23. Immob druid is the reason why druid was nerfed in the first place! I have been saying it for years and my original thread where I suggested to remove that kitten trait was met by huge numbers of angry rants, now everybody almost agree that Ancient Seeds must go , that's the first step in saving druid
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