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Everything posted by Jukhy.2431

  1. Took me a while to catch one as well. RNG is a real kitten at times. Did all the desert achies in Bay of Elon (west Crystal Desert). Use any other bait than scorpions or mackerel. I most likely used either glow worms or nightcrawlers since I have a lot of them. Sometimes I get these hard to catch fishes right after logging in or by switching toons. Currently I'm stuck on some of the dawn/dusk ones.
  2. https://i.imgur.com/TRzmGK6.jpg Widescreen Scenery Screenshot of Thousand Seas Pavilion. Such beautiful area!
  3. I use this with my warrior: https://metabattle.com/wiki/Build:Berserker_-_Condi_Berserker And I do agree that in full dps gear warrior feels squishy which is why I went with Trailblazer's armor and weapons to give it more durability. I used to run full Berserker's GS burst build in HoT so I know how easily you can go down.
  4. The final color depends on the surface shaders and area lighting. On some mount skins the surface shader changes the color quite a lot. Could try another black hue dye or different mount skin? For really black character fashion I recommend using Polyluminescent Undulating Infusion (Black) with dark dyes. If you want one with black aura effect there's the Abyssal Infusion but it takes more effort to get.
  5. Can't remember when I set the 'Disable Player Chatter' from options but it was many many years ago. However, I have no idea if this options disables the fishing shouts, but might be worth a try. I mostly play without any game sounds/music since I like listening my own music playlist while gaming. The animation doesn't bother me that much.
  6. Have you tried asking help in /map chat? There's often some folks around who are willing to help. If you can't find anyone right now you might have better luck during the weekend.
  7. New mount skin request: Kirin skin for jackal! For example there's the default looking one and the kirin summoned by catalyst water jade sphere.
  8. Kirin jackal skin? There's already the Primal Spirit skin (sort of a deer or buck) and Noble Aurochs (bull/bison) so I'd say Kirin skin for jackal could work.
  9. Soon™ I also enabled it again recently. The game kept crashing in meta events so had to turn it off. Seems to be stable now, haven't had any crashes. For me there is some fps boost (10-20) and the camera rotating movement is smoother.
  10. Wyrmblood Lake is in northwest corner of Dredgehaunt Cliffs. This interactive wiki map might help to find your way in Tyria: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Tyria_(world)#Interactive_map
  11. Vigil Keep is north eastern side of Gendarran Fields. You can see the location in the wiki page: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Vigil_Keep
  12. From dps perspective I doubt any of them will outperform Jaguar/Tiger/Jacaranda for power builds. Lynx likely still has the highest dps of all pets in condi spec. You could always go test em out on the raid lobby golem, might actually do this myself just to compare em a bit. However, as Danikat pointed out what's best depends on the situation and your preferences. Eg. while I use Lynx in my condi spec for dps, I prefer Murellow when playing solo since Lynx is way too squishy to tank tougher mobs or groups.
  13. Also, Zazzl in Arborstone sells the two strike ones now (Medical Datacell and Recovered Hover Engine).
  14. I did the Ascalon ones in Iron Marches at Bloodfin Lake & Ironhead Lake area which is south side of the map. Kryta ones I did in Gendarran Fields at Lake Bounty & Lake Gendarr, the big joined lakes on the map. And I do feel the pain of those dusk/dawn fishes, usually I save them for last. I keep the day & night schedule wiki page open on 2nd monitor while playing so I can head over to try catch them when it's near time.
  15. You can also swap equipment and build templates with the selection menu on left side of your skill bar (above the weapon swap button). And you can make shortcut keybindings for them too from options: Control Options -> Templates.
  16. If you bought the cheapest one that's 30 $/€ spent. How many hours worth of entertainment did you get out of it? That's the way I like to think about it. Personally I'd say that I already got my money's worth and I'm still playing the new content.
  17. That sounds like a bug. My skiff does not despawn when I swim/dive around it even when the Association effect expires. I'll have to test it on the other skiff skins when I'm able.
  18. Currently using the dragon skiff skin but I did buy the new skin too, used it for a while. Found moving on it annoying since have to jump over the benches. You can test the despawn range by moving away from your skiff, I have no idea how to measure it ingame.
  19. You do not lose the Fishing Party buff even when the timer runs out unless your skiff has been dismissed, destroyed or despawned because you are too far away from it, and there's quite a lot of range before it despawns. Kind of a design mishap from the devs right there. Imo the 'Losing Association with Skiff' effect should start only when you move too far away from your skiff or when it's dismissed/desroyed.
  20. Yes, the aggro is bit annoying but I either avoid the fishing holes with too many mobs around em or if there's only few I anchor the boat, jump off and kill em, then back to fishing. Kappa pests makes me think it's about either Kaineng or Dragon's End. There's plenty of fishing holes in both areas to skip few unlucky spawns. Funnily enough I found some core map areas far more annoying with low level kraits, drakes and skelks aggroing my skiff all the time. They really really love hitting it, might have some deep hatred for boats. Edit for a tip: I've seen lots of ppl using skimmer to move around, which is faster and easier esp on some areas. Finish fishing hole -> mount skimmer & move to next hole -> pop your skiff under the mount & dismount. Also retains the fishing party buff when fast enough. Helps to have skiff selected for the mastery keybinding (default key is "J"). Sadly can't have different keybinds for both fishing and skiff, at least not yet.
  21. Tip for the item checking: in chat screen type /wiki +blank space and shift-right click the item then hit enter. I even have it on macro key since I'm a lazy bugger who often checks for items. Works best in windowed fullscreen. The camera angles are sometimes bit wonky. The 'Use Free Camera' option works best for me since I hate it when games adjust the direction.
  22. Hehe, my thoughts exactly. The reason I originally went for the condi shortbow build was that I felt the meta axe/dagger/torch rotation to be too complex for the slight dps boost it gives. I also hate staying on melee range in boss fights. And gotta love the synergy of Quick Shot (shortbow skill #3) with Light on your Feet talent. Also with traps and maul (lynx meld skill) - go on melee range to quickly drop a trap + use maul and then quick shot evade backwards.
  23. I'm using Roccat Kone AIMO Remastered mouse and Roccat Alumic mousepad. Bought the pad many many years ago and I'm glad I did since it really improved my mouse handling. The mouse has 23 programmable buttons for macros etc in sets under three thumb buttons but I'm using only two extra buttons for dodge and weapon swap. These are high quality products, still got my old Roccat mouse as backup. Also love the ergonomics of this mouse, fits my hand very well.
  24. GW2 Wiki - Fishing. In general the wiki is good source for all info related to the game. The day & night page might also be useful. Helped me a lot with the dusk/dawn fish schedule.
  25. Sorry (not really) but I just had to make this: it's a fine skiff. Honestly tho, I think skiffs are fine.
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