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Everything posted by Wolfb.7025

  1. If anything, they should decrease the enrage timer due to powercreep.
  2. Buy the wings from the TP, its 10 times cheaper than buying it with zhaitaffy. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Holographic_Dragon_Wing_Cover#Other The wiki is your true friend.
  3. Condi Holosmith uses pistols as main weapons and its really good at Raid condi fights and Fractal CM100. However, the skill cap is really, really high, iirc Condi Holo is one of the hardest rotations of all viable classes, and it suffers a lot when alacrity and quickness uptime is not above 90%. It takes time to learn but its really satisfactory to play.
  4. I agree rewards are underwhelming. But remember the point of guild missions is more about leveling up the guild as a guild, the reward should be seen just as a small incentive. The commendations are used for skins exclusive to this activity, with the addition that can be traded for special items such as WvW Supplies and Bag of Educational Supplies. If anything, they should add more activities, more challenges, races, puzzles.
  5. I fell in unconditional love for engineer even before starting to play the game (I made my own research and watched showcase videos to find which class to pick). And since then i've been pretty adamant into learning almost everything the class has to offer. Once I unlocked Holosmith, i thought it was pretty neat being able to "summon" holographic weapons, the only thing I still don't like much about the elite spec is that photon forge covers you completely on a holographic texture.
  6. So you're saying an instanced fight is badly designed because you can't complete a challenge mote?
  7. I believe the commander, and the adventurer player character are two completely different characters. The commander doesn't go around helping the entire world with chores and catastrophes. And I'm aware there are a lot of contradictions to this like npcs directly calling you "commander". But every plothole is for the sake of this game being playable for millions of people like us. For example I don't think the commander crafting the shining blade is even canon, but it's there for the sake of people having a "pretty cool legendary weapon skin".
  8. It took me a little more than 2 years to get to 300%. There is a way to get Luck really quick, use your mystic stones to craft mystic salvage kits, and salvage stacks of ectoplasms. For a stack you will get around 470 Crystalline Dust, and 30,000 Luck (enough to increase 1% on the latter levels of Luck).
  9. Putting it simple without tons of overwhelming information. Salvage everything. Equip the gear you find with higher stats. Nothing you get while leveling is of much value.
  10. Second this. 5 months ago I decided to do all LWS2 achievements, and wanted to do it with a character that hasn't the story cleared because I wanted the rewards. Foudn out I wasn't getting credit, so I went back to my main character who already completed lws2 just to do the achievements as I wanted to do.
  11. I completely understand your point of view, it is annoying to be fighting while you see a crowd watching from afar. But hey, i'm one of these dudes that prefers to alt tab and watch a video during the meta, I didn't do it for the gold or rewards, but for the AP that I much care to get. and anet putting these "Do this event at least 20+ times to get all achievements" doesn't help at all. Now, I want you to see it from my perspective. this is a massive event, a lot of people partake in it, so it really feels like it wouldn't make much differience if I was actually hitting the healthsponges or just afking and not putting any effort on it. This event by itself is really easy and feels like its impossible to fail as long as you have a decent number of people pressing 1 (unlike Chak Gerent). Now from yet ANOTHER point of view, I also would feel really upset when i'm actually participating on the event, pulling my Raid/Fractal CM dps rotation and doing high numbers of damage while there are like 10+ rangers camping longbow and pewpewing the boss from long distance, causing Braham or Ryland to constantly leap around and forcing the whole zerg to constantly move chasing the bosses.
  12. My humble opinion: If you're gonna play this tryhard I assume you are aiming for a high score (high numbers) yet you're missing power from food on the first 25% burst if you're using dragon breath on MAMA and first 33% on Siax, which is something huge. I know, because I'm quite the tryhard myself, but I don't even bother about using dragon breath when I know it would definitely work on increasing my numbers (when boss is at 75% and 66% respectively) AND i'm in a constant journey on breaking my personal records as Rifle Holo on fractals, yet I also don't want to spend silver on BiS food and I use the standar avocado smoothie when no one puts ascended (and I still sometimes manage to break my records regardless).
  13. When I used to have my own fractal CM group with people I personally trained with I reinforced the habit to start with 100 (shattered observatory) first because of the same reason said here, to use a scarlet potion on arkk and then get the most out of it in nightmare, and pick T4s related to scarlet armies. At some point Scarlet Potions costed 12s due to scarcity until anet introduced the recipe on a dragon bash event a year or two ago. But even if they cost 3s now, there is no point on using 2 on the same run if you can just run 99 and then 98.
  14. Yes please. It looks awesome on male charr but THESE BOOTS ARE AWFUL MADE.
  15. if what u say is true.... the snowcrows power holosmith sword rotation is confusing me a bit.. they suggest doing a refraction cutter and shrapnel grenade right when we exit photon forge mode... so if solar focussing lens consumes stacks based on number of hits the refraction cutter will consume all stacks of solar lens.. then executing a shrapnel grenade is just normal since shrapnel grenade doesn't even rely on heat thresholds... i think, using shrapnel grenade just to maintain explosive temper for 10 stacks of ferocity is enough and not to include it on exit photon forge sequence... maybe if we initiate primelight beam during photon forge 149% heat and exit forge mode, the primelight beam will get the solar lens bonus 10% dmg or maybe the time of defining rotations in snowcrows website, holosmith solar focussing lens was not limited to stack(anet balancing patches maybe)? or maybe i'm missing something entirely? They also suggest you to use Laser Disc -> Prime Light Beam on rifle rotation after overheat, and that's why I changed the rotation to prioritize Rifle5 -> Rifle3 first before these, to take advantage of the 10% boost. Sword build doesn't have any bursty single-hit skill that would completely benefit from the 10% damage boost.
  16. Solar Focussing Lens increases the next hit damage by 10%. The number of stacks represent the number of hits that will receive a 10% damage increase. Multi hit skills also consumes several stacks. for example a grenade would consume 3 stacks since its 3 hits, rendering the boon almost worthless.
  17. It's not even a matter of people laughing you out of the group, raids and high level fractals are made so all 10 or 5 players in the groups respectively put their part towards a goal, a offmeta build like a condition engineer with support stats/skill wouldn't fit on these groups as you would not only be outshadowed by other people on these groups, but you would be dragging your team back because you're also not putting your own part with low numbers.You can definitely run that build on Fractals T1 and T2, DRMs, low level strikes, and open world all you want though. Said this, I'm just gonna summarize what can you pick and which stats to get. Overall engineer is really bad at giving "useful" boons, they mostly focus on converting conditions into boons thanks to Purity of Purpose. The statis for a condi heal support are:Condition Damage -> It increases the condi damage you put on your foes.Expertise -> It increases the duration of the conditions you put on foes, more condition time = more damage.Healing power -> Increases your healing effectiveness.Concentration -> Increases the duration of the boons you apply. You can also put some vitality and toughness, which increases your max hp and your defense respectively. Unfortunately there aren't armor sets that gives you all of thes, so you're gonna have to tinker around the existing sets like Shaman, plaguedoctor, trailblazer, or simply go for somethign like Celestial, which gives you all stats. Bomb Kit is a really good kit for condi damage, fire bomb and concussion bomb are really hard hitting aoe condi skills, smoke bomb works as a defensive aoe smoke field that will make enemies miss.Flamethrower is another good condi kit, napalm, flame blast and the toolbelt incinerary ammo. As for supportive skills. Med kit is your healing skill, it equips you a bundle of skills that are useful for healing allies, Infusion bomb gives regen, swiftness and vigor to 5 people, and all other skills are good for healing and condi cleanse.Holosmith has access to Hard Light Arena which gives protection and fury while inside the AoE. its a good skill if you want to give some support, although having boon duration for this is a little bit redundant for how boon stacking works. Everything else, i'm afraid to tell you are not good skills, and are more focused on self boons or situational circumstances, I suggest you to build your engi condi support based on this, and then you can afterwards start reading skills and see if there is something that picks your eye.
  18. You're right, you get less regeneration than protection with hard light arena. Reading the wiki however, mentions that the duration of regeneration "pauses" when you receive a new stack from a source with higher heal power. I haven't found the reason of the hard light arena thing but must be somethign related to the strangeness of regeneration application.
  19. There is a limit on how many "Applications" of any boon you can give. You cannot infinitely stack a boon until it gives you infinite duration, there is always a limit to that, based on how many applications of said boon you give. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Effect_stacking#Mechanics That's what happening to the skill Hard Light Arena, it constantly pulses boons on targets inside it, but since you cannot give more than a set number of applications on each boon, the duration will clash into a hard cap, rendering the last pulses ineffective.
  20. Yes, Grothmar Valley overall was a really good start, this concert is definitely the most fun, epic and clever event of all the entire game, its not just one of the many boring "Beat this X dude" "Escort that other guy" kind of event, you felt like you were there, like you were really part of the event. btw, from someone who enjoys heavy/trash metal and would normally cringe when companies try to shove the genre into places that normally wouldn't fit, these three songs are LEGIT, the rough vocals and the guitar riffs, they really put effort on it and clearly managed to not feel a generic attempt of "heavy metal" within a videogame.
  21. Two things you have to consider: 1.- Make sure you're representing the guild you're doing Guild Missions with.2.- Trek and Race Guild missions randomly gives you the chest right after you complete the first of several objectives, this is probably your case, you get the bouncy chest before completing the guild mission (getting 1 or 2 treks or someone completing the race when you have gotten past at least one checkpoint) and you accept it without being aware of what it is, but when the guild mission is done, you don't get any other bouncy chests, then get confused and start blaming the system. In the Guild Panel check the guild missions tab, and see if the chests are open for you (that means you're already claimed the reward of said mission),
  22. Its completely optional, but encouraged, GW2 is a very social mmorpg and it feels lonely if you're not having a chat with other players.Just look for a PVE (Player vs Environment) focused guild that's accepting new and returning players, there are plenty of these advertising through map chat. GW2 players are commonly really friendly and willing to help. As for content, sadly there isn't much related to Guilds other than guild missions, it all comes from customary guild activities and events.
  23. Yepyep, but we also want to have fun on our way to level 80 and not feel like a total grind.I do really like the idea of that melee elementalist. I might just make a new character based on that! The lv1 to 80 leveling is essentially the tutorial of this game, Its not truly grindy, and you can definitely have fun exploring and doing story without worrying about leveling spots. Enjoy your early game, the only explanation I can give you about the classes is tha they're not really sterotypes. For example Guardian is themed aroudn the paladin-eske" type of character, but in fact is one of the more versatile classes of the game, they're one of the meta supports right now, but also has other offensive builds and its currently one of the most picked dps classes for fractals. All 9 classes have offensive builds, the only different thing is their aesthetic, which you can pretty much use the description you gave on your main post. You are able to unlock Elite Specs after you reach lv80, these basically gives you a mechanical change of your class. Each of the 9 classe, which you shoudl refer as core classes, has 2 elite specs, for instance Necromancer has Scourge and Reaper, once you unlock these elite specs you can swap them at your heart's content as logn as you're out of combat. Imagine playing a necro spec (Reaper) that allows you to go melee and swing a freakin' Scythe at enemies.
  24. GW2 is known for breaking class stereotypes on mmorpgs. Gameplay wise all classes do different things, you'd be surprised knowing that Warrior isn't as tanky as you think, a Mesmer spec (chrono) is considered the best tank option in raid bosses. A "caster class-like" elementalist can actually go all melee to pack a punch (weaver). If you want a more serious approach at this game you need to learn the basics first, level up one character until you reach 80 and then you'll have the chance to see endgame content starting with easy things like Strikes or Fractals T1, and then hardcore content like Fractals T3/T4, Raids, and pvp like sPvP and WvW. Then you will start to understand what's the meta compositions and which classes can do what.
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