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Everything posted by Wolfb.7025

  1. Yeah, Fishing is ok except for the Dawn/Dusk requeriment. This too, you should be able to attack from the Skiff but somehow the enemies are unaffected to everything unless you jump into the water.
  2. I mean, I remember exactly how it went for me when I started playing this game. It took me 1 month to get to lv80, I crafted my first full berserk exotic armor and I started doing Fractals T1s the second month thanks to guildies bringing me along. It took me another month and a half to craft my first ascended armorset and reach Fractals T4s, from there I started gaining gold per day due to the high profit of fractals. I also started playing Engineer, considered one, f not the hardest class to start with in the game.
  3. The average player is the one that finds doing core tyria world bosses fun.
  4. Instabilities are annoying. having toxic sickness 8 times in a row in CM100 is annoying. npng is annoying, vengeance is bugged and screws over power builds, wbf deals so much damage if you happen to get hit. The gold for doings CMs was just an incentive for me, I used to run them daily for fun, but instabilities really started to take a toll on me.
  5. You get 35 to 55 Laurels per 28 days with the daily reward system. Laurels aren't that useful except for specific things and unlocks (certain amulets, trinkets, minis, recipes...) Convert only if you need the gold, I just let it pile up in my wallet. 100% agree.
  6. Yeah I felt ankka just came out of nowhere just to be the VIllian of the Week. She got too much credit and relevance to the plot for someone that was basically nonexisting before. It felt like if the Icebrood Construct suddendly became plot relevant and really threatening at the start of IBS and then boom, no more.
  7. If 26.6% of the playerbase has Skiff it means a little above 1/4 of the playerbase has completed the first part of EoD. and if 8.9% of the playerbase has the stomping around achievement, it means 1/11 of the playerbase.... or rather, 1/3 of the people with a skiff does have the turtle. That's a pretty high amount tbf. You're not sure how many of that 26.6% have reached the Dragon's End meta You're not sure how many haven't finished the stomping around achievement but already started it (beated meta). Also, that 60% of success doesn't necessarly mean 60% of the playerbase has done the meta. it could also be the same players completing the meta over and over contributing to the success rate.
  8. 1 year old videos, both bench for 37k now. Also that video is using facets, pinpoint, assassin presence, pretty unrealistic.
  9. If you're wise and buy inventory shared slots when they're on sale and in sets of 5, they costs 1980 gems (30% off like previous march sales). 1980 gems = 572g (as for right now) 572g x 5 (25 inventory slots) = 2860g Permanent bank is 4350g on buy order, and 5378g on sell order.
  10. Pretty much this. They're basically... skeptical about Ventari's teachings and what the Mother Tree preaches, but they go to these maevolent lengths in order to "find the truth the Mother Tree is hiding from them".
  11. Upgrades are character wide, are you sure your friend isn't visiting SAB with a different character?
  12. LWS portal tomes - 4 (LWS3 + LWS4 + IBS + Arborstone) Lounge Pass - 3 (Mistlock sanctuary + Armistice Bastion + Lily of the Elon) Infinite salvage kit - 3 (Copper + Silver + Runestone Salvage O-Matic) Fractal Omnipotion - 1 Position rewinder, white mantle portal, other misc - 3 (because I use a specific item to bug the post Skorvald portal cutscene) Gathering tools - 3 Unid Gear - 3 Food/utility - 7 (condi food + utility, power food + utility + a power food variant with precision/ferocity, magic find food + utility for open world). Invitation to the party gyzmo - 1 Booster Gobblers - 2 (Candy corn gobbler + Snowflake Gobbler)
  13. Cantha is the easiest and fastest way to unlock a full elite spec so far. Personally speaking, i've managed to casually do a full run, alone in 27 minutes, in my 3rd run, to unlock Specter (using stealth skills) thanks to most HPs being channells. Elites guarding the HPs are tough but you can easily bait and bug them out of the HP for you to channel.
  14. I agree 28 are plenty and enough, but more wouldn't hurt, in case people wondering what are they being used for: -All LWS portal tomes. -Lounge passes. -Infinite salvage kits. -Fractal Omnipotion. -Utility/situational items (white mantle portal, position rewinder). -A set of Infinite gathering tools. -Blue, green yellow unidentified gear (so it piles up in one slot regardless of the alt youre on, also being in shared inventory slot prevenets them from being affected by salvage all option). -Food and utility (at least power and condi for all alts to use). I don't have permanent bank access so some of these would end up being trivial if I had it.
  15. The answer is super simple. Hundreds, if not thousands of players thought exactly the same as you did "wow I've got to make a profit out of this". Resulted in an overload of supply over demand. If anything, i'm very surprised SAB food/utility costed 80s to begin with. Besides the food/utilities comes from the Super Loot Bag which everyone that is doing SAB or killing champions is getting everyday.
  16. No mention of that sensual norn moan when they die?
  17. For vouchers, the availability of the items inside depends of two things: 1.- Can you get said item with Gems? if its a BLC exclusive outfit/weapon/etc like in the case of the Starborn Outfit, then it will never appear on the vouchers, you can get it with 60 statuettes when it comes on sale though. 2.- Has the item been added recently? if yes, then you won't be able to exchange it with the voucher until Anet updates its contents, Anet usually updates it once around August every year.
  18. huh, you can do raids/strikes/wvw/etc in exotic gear. Only reason you can't in fractals is AR.
  19. Should rename friend list and follower list to 'stalking' and 'being stalked by'
  20. You're not counting the investment of gear and time it takes to reach Fractals T4s. And the effort you have to put in order to learn. EoD strikes are glorified training golems.
  21. Its a nerf almost exclusively (or at least aimed) to Fractals CM. People will start using Power more often on 99 and 98.
  22. Important? Definitely. Hero of the charr? Absolutely not. she doesn't hold any relevance to the legions to justify erecting a statue on her honor. She might be a Tyrian hero, but not charr specifically.
  23. Charr still has to deal with Ghosts, Separatists, some ogres now and then, the branded, Flame Legon loyal to Gaheron although just probably an underwhelming minority but they still there.
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