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Everything posted by Loboling.5293

  1. Keep some globs, sell most coins, and once you've spent all the laurels you want at the vendor, use them for gold.
  2. Been reading some people's ideas, and I had a crazy cool thought. You select two legends, however, instead of swapping you can select which utilities to slot, between the two legends. (First time Rev can customize his utility bar) Then, the F1 & F2 are mobility skills that consume endurance. So you can still dodge, but you can trade potential dodges for great mobility and aoe. But with a small cooldown, they can feel more impactful.
  3. Virtuoso: Removal of clones Harbinger: Extremely mobile Necro spec. Willbender: No more virtue passives. They did make some bigger changes with this release, although mechanically, the virtuoso operates a lot like mesmer. Blades are just clones that don't attack and can't be destroyed nor attacked.
  4. Some good questions, the main thing I'd like is that only active fields are displayed. So if you leap through 6 different fields at once, the border color will only indicate the active one. For those that aren't aware, if you leap through 2 fields, only 1 will cause a leap finisher effect. My suggestion is the borders only show up for active fields. Basically if you put down a field, and tons of others get stacked on top, until it's effect fades, it remains the only one with a visual border. The rest of the skill animation remains. But the new border they added will only show up if active. (So once the overlapping fields vanish that were placed first) It's not like there aren't issues with this suggestion. But I'm totally unable to see anything in big fights in this game. It's kind of absurd how bad this game looks in zerg situations. Maybe if this was a setting, people could choose if they only want to see the active fields (the ones you can leap or blast) or if they want to see all the fields in their multicolor glory.
  5. Maybe warrior gets pistols & Dual skills (like thieves). Along with some self buff based stances for F1-F4. So instead of doing an offensive attack with adrenaline, you use it to fuel your focus into various stances that provide temporary buffs. Kind of like attunements, you're incentivized to swap around a lot. Build adrenaline, and swap attunements. It means the class would be very tactical, but can be very strong if balanced right. Speed, Toughness, Offense & Healing.
  6. First of, thank you for these changes. It shows you guys are listening to feedback and it's both felt and appreciated. The changes you've proposed seem to help al lot with the main issues brought forward by these changes. However, I do agree with some others that changing a trait, if that trait does not in any way contribute to the status effect, object or boon, that it shouldn't reset it either. I think with this last change, you'd have a working system without much cumbrance. Even better would be if changing builds and gear templates could recognize how much is being changed, so as to not reset, again, if it doesn't affect the status effect, object or boon. However, I could live with the one change. Again, thank you for your efforts communicating with the gw2 community, and to the devs that worked on improving this update. It's already a lot better!
  7. Maybe we played the game different when we started, but I was always reading the tooltips, and trying to figure a use for everything when I started. I'd be switching things up all over, and if my banners disappeared when I switched to a warhorn, I might get a little confused. Maybe thing the banners don't last long, or maybe I misunderstood the ability. I just think changing something unrelated feels weird when it affects what's already going on in the game world. Like that spirit you put down just vanishes because you decided it was good to equip a longbow for this next pull. Wait, why is it on cooldown?... I think new players need their abilities to remain consistent in behavior, unless they swap a trait or ability that provides that affect. Changing weapons removing items you've conjured into the world, or banners you've placed would really confuse me if I didn't know the cause. And it holds me back from a seamless flow of gameplay, when I can experiment and try things and optimize. Which is one of the best parts of these games. Explain to me how this helps performance? Or did ANET say something I missed, and they intended to remove flexibility for players in the open world. How does that make the game better?
  8. Why is everyone so focused on prestacking in dungeons and raids? That's a minority of people impacted by these changes. Losing all your boons when you swap a trait affects new players to the game as well. Especially when you don't have mounts and swap in a warhorn for a bit of swiftness between hearts or to help along as escort mission. It's just weird game behavior that swapping a weapon or trait will invalidate so much that is currently happening. You may be out of combat, but it doesn't mean you're not moving to a new fight. Maybe you decide from the last group of mobs that you need a defensive trait to fight these npcs, but swapping it just removed your banners.... Oh wait, your traps are gone now, you equipped a focus. Wait 30 seconds and then start the fight.... As a new player, this is very unintuitive. I don't care about meta times of speedclears, or the top 0.1% of gw2 players trying to optimize their performance. I just want the game to feel good to play. And this change does the opposite. It makes the game less fun and less intuitive. Especially for new players. If this is about performance, then keep it to WvW, where performance is an issue. I didn't see any fps gains from this change, maybe I'm the only one. I don't feel the impact of this change from a performance standpoint, but the combat system just got a little worse. I'm still hoping this change is part of some master plan for WvW, but don't penalize everyone for some upcoming update. Find a way to separate the functionality of this change between different areas. Am I the only one who didn't notice any performance change with this update? Am I the only one who likes to swap things around in the open world on the fly? Am I the only one who remembers what it's like to play without mounts? Weapon swapping shouldn't be part of this update at the very least.
  9. Hey everyone, I've had some time to play around with the new visuals and changes to combo fields. And I'd like to suggest a change to greatly improve visual clutter. I believe that only the active field should have a visual ring around it. That way, when you blast or leap, you know exactly which combo field is going to be combo'ed with. I repeat, only the currently active field will maintain it's AOE ring. (The new animation they changed last update) This visual display will be player specific, given the new changes. So you can essentially suppress all visual rings, by placing your own. Or simply see only the oldest one. (Which is the active one) What does everyone think of this change? Let me know and let's get our voices heard. AOE clutterkitten is one of the bad parts of gw2. Let's simplify the visuals to only show important information.
  10. Nature Magic, Beast Mastery, Wilderness Survival. These are trait lines you can spec into from your hero panel (H).
  11. Swapping weapons on the fly in open world has never felt so cumbersome and strange. Especially since it seems to affect classes very differently. Although I never did any prestacking (besides when might was hard to get on launch), but I do swap around my weapons when I'm doing events and story missions. It's kind of lame how swapping a weapon will remove any objects you placed. (return ports, turrets, banners, etc) Playing around with this last night, I found it useless and bad. Although I do understand why some would like more challenge in PvE, but I don't think bugging out mechanics with the swap of a weapon or a single trait is good mechanics. I really think this change should only be in effect in WvW. I don't see what we've gained from this change, game is certainly not running better as far as I can tell. If it's about server stability, add this to WvW, and remove this change from PvE. Swapping to a warhorn to put some swiftness on a Dolyak, then swapping back to your regular weapon, shouldn't remove your swiftness. My 2 cents.
  12. I actually hadn't played with this change yet, and I think the change is a little heavy handed in PvE. And downright broken at other times. (Kind of like how they nerfed minionmancer for everything other than afk farming, with the removal of pets on mounting) I'd like to see this change reverted in PvE, until they can iron out the issues with it. If a necro casts spectral walk, or a thief shadowstep, and they swap weapons, they shouldn't lose the return port. Honestly, I find this change unnecessary anyway for PvE. I hope it leads to something good for WvW though.
  13. If you use the pirate hook skin, your hook hand fires the projectiles. I imagine that my character is wearing an arm attachment that shoots different elements. https://imgur.com/a/9S1sxVY
  14. I'd be happy with either: 1) Weapon swap, you only keep the attunements you spec into. 2) Hammer is a really viable weapon for PvP. With both ranged and PBAOE attacks. Something that puts the Staff to shame for damage, but has no support, but lots of CC.
  15. I see why some are frustrated with this change, and frankly for PvE I semi agree. However, the introduction of build and gear templates made this so much easier, that it was basically a pay to win feature. I still don't really mind for PvE, since I don't take that stuff seriously, and I think fun is most important for PvE. With that said, I think this change is indicating something amazing. I think this change was made primarily for WvW. Since, that's the only place there explanation makes much sense. You can disable people's skins in WvW & PvP already, but if this was indeed causing loses to performance for everyone, then I think this shows they are truly and finally going to invest some energy into WvW again. With Alliances coming, and performance being better. And the introduction potentially of builds like Willbender, which seem designed to break zergs, but be weak in smallscale. I think we may be seeing one of the biggest meta shifts in WvW soon. And I'm very excited about that idea. WvW got stale a long time ago, and although it's still fun to hop in a bit, it used to be considered the endgame of gw2. If they can bring in more strategy into WvW and increase stability, and this change is part of that plan. I'm in full support of it. I think this swapping mechanic is toxic in WvW anyway. I hope I'm right and this isn't just some random PvE change aimed to reduce skill caps, and frustrate veterans, but give nothing to anyone truly. Unless they had an inferiority complex over others who would pull off these wicked combos.
  16. I'm also not a fan of forced skill swaps. I don't mind it found in mini-games, but for core story content, I much prefer to keep my skills. However, if it's well done, it can be alright. I just usually find it more boring. So I agree with OP, don't include this with story chapters ever again. Unless you go through the trouble of making a fleshed out class, with interesting and fun mechanics.
  17. It sounds like you missed all the awesome content they made since launch. For sure IBS will look like an improvement then. They did a lot of great metas on a lot of maps since release. Very fun! Sadly, IBS is about the worst of this, with some notable exceptions. Also, it sounds like you don't follow the story, so you may enjoy IBS more than most. Otherwise, you'd know about the other maps by the time you start IBS. So enjoy it OP, glad someone's having fun! I'm enjoying the return to old content they've been doing. Hopefully EoD takes the best parts of IBS (And all previous releases) and leaves out the sense of isolation and cheap delivery from Eye of the North.
  18. I stopped playing over 50 years ago, so you're wrong. Keep living your life OP, best to define our own schedules... And clocks...
  19. I've played around with Virtuoso now more. And I find the spec a lot of fun actually. If not a little too linear. Changes required: Remove Condition build from Virtuoso (Virtuoso will never be a condi line, don't waste traits and abilities on things we don't need) Reduce cooldown on breakstun to 30 seconds Fix the block duration on f4, it seems to be shorter than the tooltip Ensure that Clone generation skills & phantasms create a blade on successful cast, instead of on the completion of the animation. This ensure that if you get off a skill, and it hits, you get a blade. Rather than if you kill an opponent with that skill, you get nothing. Increase the radius of the elite skill slightly Increase the delay on the immobilize utility skill. Given it's extra damage on cc skill, it should be easier to set that bonus damage up. Bug fix blade generation cap of 3 with some traits and utilities F3 also needs to be instant cast. I think with those changes, and possibly a bit of tuning and bug fixes I think Virtuoso can be a great addition to Mesmer.
  20. I was wondering which of the elite specs people were enjoying most during this first Beta week.
  21. I'm a big fan of the new Harbinger Shroud. Very fun to play with mechanically. This is already my favorite Necro spec. The Blight mechanic is still a little underutilized. Which ties in nicely with the next point, but besides the might/fury elixir and the elite elixir, I don't find the elixirs very interesting. I think they should interact more with Blight. Perhaps mechanics like, removes all blight from you, but also removes all your boons. Suppress all Blight build up for 30 seconds, and then receive maximum Blight. Share all Blight with nearby enemies. Just a few suggestions. I'd also like to see nicer graphics for the elixirs, to better differentiate them. It'll be easier to draw on inspiration, once the skills are redone. Overall, I think this is a great addition, and I look forward to see some new mechanics introduced with elixirs and blight.
  22. Is it intended that Phantasms do not supply blades if the target dies during it's attack animation, before it's despawn animation? I got why clones didn't show up, but with blades, it would be a lot more smooth if you could rely on a phantasm shot that hits does indeed provide a blade for use with bladesongs.
  23. Mostly sadness or indifference, depending on your love to the gw2 verse.
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