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Everything posted by Exciton.8942

  1. I don't see how it was designed to be a power class except for players wanting it to be. Virtuoso can do power/condi just the same as base mesmer or chronomancer. It even has a dedicated condi trait line.
  2. I also encountered boon issue on my alacrity revenant today in golem area. However, for me It seems that my boon duration didn't work. It is applying the base alacrity duration. I don't have this issue outside of golem area.
  3. Well, if you get focused by more than 1 damage dealer, you should die fast. The mechanics of the game gives individual player healing/invul/disengaging on a CD. If TTK is too long even with more than 1 damage dealer's firepower, we won't be able to kill anyone. This is also the reason Anet has to remove all the tanky amulets.
  4. I like the concept and base gameplay of virtuoso. But I'd like to see more interesting and impactful traits to customize gameplay. Here are some suggestions: Infinite forge Passively generating blades is pretty boring. This can be replaced by a new trait like this: Reduce the maximum number of blades to 3 and bladesong attacks become unblockable. If you gain blade after reaching maximum, shoot a blade at nearby target. The trait provides an option to trade burst damage for more reliable damage. Bloodsong and Jagged mind can be combined as one bleed trait. Condition removal trait: Whenever you gain maximum amount of blades. Remove one condition. Virtuoso is not very mobile or slippery due to no IP/long cast time/requirement to face target. Some sustain trait is needed.
  5. I am pretty confident they will tune dps to a reasonably high level before launch. I am more worried about not doing enough with boring traits/skills.
  6. These changes are good. I really like providing unblockable options and giving passive blade generation out of combat. I'd still like to see a few more changes: 1. F3 needs cast time reduction to 1/4. 2. Infinite forge feels boring especially with the new passive blade generation baseline. I think it should be redesigned. I thin infinite forge can be changed to something like this: You will only stock up to 3 blades maximum however they will gain additional effect. F1/F2 becomes unblockable, F3 becomes stun, F4 becomes larger AOE
  7. You can't even carry 3 bots to a W. Obviously you do not deserve that high ELO/s
  8. I think Spectre is the strongest out of all new elite specs in PvP. So more than likely it will get nerfed eventually. Before that happens, let's just enjoy its OPness.
  9. It will be completely different matchmaking process. Right now the matching making only happens on "world" level. After the change, the match making will occur on much smaller entities i.e. guilds alliances and individual players.
  10. Such a great opportunity lost with this projectile profession mechanics. I was hoping we can have a viable spec in WvW as damage dealer with clones being replaced. Unfortunately, they replace them with projectiles which are almost equally bad in large-scale fights. It is okay to have some projectiles but not the whole profession mechanics....I can't think of another spec that completely relies on projectiles for pretty much all the damage skills.
  11. I like most of the traits. I think it should be just number tweaking for them. F1-3 are fine but I really dislike F4. I just don't see how F4 is useful. It does a little bit of damage but the drawback is too large compared to distortion. Dagger skills are all damage focused, which is probably fine since it is 1200 range. I think I will probably run a PU power build given how little defense options the spec has.
  12. I started playing right after LWS1 ended. I enjoyed the game back then. But HoT really got me addicted. Elite specs were so much fun. I also enjoyed the challenging map exploration and meta content, let alone sinking so many hours into raids. PvP/WvW balance was a bit off but towards end of HoT era, it was actually not bad and quite fun. PoF is fine in its quality but I feel there is just nothing exciting for me anymore(except for mounts). Lack of attention in PvP/WvW also leaves the content not aging well.
  13. MirageRevert to double dodge.Trade off changed to phantasm no longer becoming clones after attack ChronoRework chrono shatter into ground target skillF1/F2/F3 will do their effect in a small area after 0.5s delayF4 will create rift at target location and revert you back to that location after your CS ended.
  14. I hope you guys are still fully committed to this project.I think this is the only thing that can balance WvW better. The linking is getting worse and worse these days and all you see is ppl bandwagon to create completely lopsided matchups.
  15. Pretty much this. In addition to more defensive mechanics, there is also much easier healing in the game. Damage is super high to kill people quickly. However at the same time, if burst damage were not high enough, it would never break the healing and defensive CD cycle. Bunker would reign supreme.
  16. I like the idea. This is essentially breaking down world into smaller identities while giving more freedom to move between them.
  17. And then you realize that spellbreaker has strong defenses against power damage aswell. Precisely. Spellbreaker is one of the few specs in the game that can handle thief +1. That says a lot on their defense against power builds.
  18. There are a lot of strong core builds right now. If you exclude the outliers(scourge, spellbreaker, firebrand), they are very competitive against other elite spec builds. Let me just briefly list:Retaliation core guard. Lots of damage and decent sustain. Much easier to play than dragonhunter and is still effective.GS/LB core warrior. Okay damage, tons of sustain and anti-condition. Very good duelist overall.S/D power core thief. Top duelist with relatively low risk. Only counter is D/P thief.P/P condi core engi. High condi burst and decent survivability. Slightly less than meta but not bad at all.Fresh air core ele. High damage and decent sustain. Only hard counter is good thief.
  19. Mounts are wonderful but I'd like more customization options.Maps are beautiful and fun to travel around.Hearts progression too slow for something very repetitive.Bounty boss is interesting concept but need more balancing. The difficulty is not consistent and some bosses are still boring HP sponge.
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