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Why doesn't GW2 have the option of 1x1 duels??

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In case this hasn't been addressed already there are ways to duel. For PvP there's fair sum of  hotjoin maps customized specifically for dueling. The guild halls provides a way do duel among other guild members using your PvX build. WvW is hit or miss but certain areas that's low traffic and far away from objectives can be spots for dueling (typically along the outskirts of Stonemist Castle). Just have to be sure to have some one watching over so others know it's a duel.

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1 hour ago, Jilora.9524 said:

Which means nothing. If you went back to all the does GW2 need fishing most were in there saying no and look what happened.

I don't think that many people were actually opposed to fishing. Mostly, people just didn;t feel the need for it and didn't consider it worth dev effort. This case is very different however. Many people really do not want any kind of PvP in their PvE. Period. Notice, btw, that most PvPers do not want those either - they'd prefer to see PvP thinks in PvP, where it belongs.

Which is beside the point, which was that this thread having 17 pages does not mean the idea is popular. It just means there's a lot of players dead set against it.

Edited by Astralporing.1957
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1 minute ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

I don't think that many people were actually opposed to fishing. Mostly, people just didn;t feel the need for it and didn't consider it worth dev effort. This case is very different however. Many people really do not want any kind of PvP in their PvE. Period. Notice, btw, that most PvPers do not want those either - they'd prefer to see PvP thinks in PvP, where it belongs.

Well the poll was like 40 against 12 for so you are right. Of course you know who got it merged to this one and the results are no longer there so idk. I mean it's in the pve section so I doubt pvp players were voting and would think dueling anywhere would appeal to them but idk.

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5 hours ago, Jilora.9524 said:

I mean it's in the pve section so I doubt pvp players were voting and would think dueling anywhere would appeal to them but idk.

Isn't that the very point? Dueling in PvE would not appeal to PvP players because they play PvP, not PvE. They'd most likely rather have better dueling options in the mists.

The dueling idea presented in this thread (and all the similar previous ones) is something that is meant for the small amount of primarily PvE players, that want to show off their PvP prowess... but do not want to play the actual PvP content. I mean, some of those players did not even know this game already has dueling options available, which should tell us something about how they were really interested in PvP. That's a niche subcommunity so small it makes a lot of this game's niche subcommunities seem massive in comparison.

Edited by Astralporing.1957
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7 hours ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

Also, most of the posts in here are about why we do not need (or want) this.

Most of the posts here are people spouting their rather bland opinions (Lore requirements?  Two cases of harassment over thousands of hours of play in another game? Dueling near certain high traffic spots disrupting gameplay of others?) and anecdotes on why it's a bad feature when the reality of it all is that it won't effect anyone and most, if not all games that have a dueling feature have a way to disable duel invites entirely.  Beyond the opinions, however, there's a completely valid and factual reason why it won't be added that everyone layering their opinions in the thread has buried.

The answer is simple;  The game wasn't designed with duels in mind so the PvE faction system that controls what is and isn't a valid enemy, neutral, and/or friendly would require an entire rework and that system is something that's completely hardcoded into the base game so it won't be.

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47 minutes ago, Sir Alymer.3406 said:

The answer is simple;  The game wasn't designed with duels in mind so the PvE faction system that controls what is and isn't a valid enemy, neutral, and/or friendly would require an entire rework and that system is something that's completely hardcoded into the base game so it won't be.

Yes, that's  one of two primary reasons (the technical one). Notice, though, that a general PvE player dislike to PvP in any form is a thing, and something big enough to be a valid reason against that suggestion on its own.

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1 hour ago, Sir Alymer.3406 said:

Most of the posts here are people spouting their rather bland opinions (Lore requirements?  Two cases of harassment over thousands of hours of play in another game? Dueling near certain high traffic spots disrupting gameplay of others?) and anecdotes on why it's a bad feature when the reality of it all is that it won't effect anyone and most, if not all games that have a dueling feature have a way to disable duel invites entirely.  Beyond the opinions, however, there's a completely valid and factual reason why it won't be added that everyone layering their opinions in the thread has buried.

The answer is simple;  The game wasn't designed with duels in mind so the PvE faction system that controls what is and isn't a valid enemy, neutral, and/or friendly would require an entire rework and that system is something that's completely hardcoded into the base game so it won't be.

But all the pro duel armchair developers in this thread say techincal smechnical its easy to do so just implement it mkay.

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1 hour ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

Yes, that's  one of two primary reasons (the technical one). Notice, though, that a general PvE player dislike to PvP in any form is a thing, and something big enough to be a valid reason against that suggestion on its own.

It's a handful of very opinionated people that really don't like duels because they have a personal problem with them


45 minutes ago, Linken.6345 said:

But all the pro duel armchair developers in this thread say techincal smechnical its easy to do so just implement it mkay.

TBH, There's probably a way with a unique buff added to a player, but I'm unsure how to make it so when Player 1 gets a buff and player 2 gets a buff it doesn't make P1 hostile to everyone who has P2's buff and vice versa.  Any way I personally think of adding dueling to this game just comes out with different problems or it's too clunky to be functionally fun to use. (EG, not as smooth as ESO dueling, etc.).  Honestly the only way I see this working is if ANet expands the Guild Hall arena with customization options, more traps, etc, then adds basic arenas to every  city.

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37 minutes ago, Sir Alymer.3406 said:

It's a handful of very opinionated people that really don't like duels because they have a personal problem with them


TBH, There's probably a way with a unique buff added to a player, but I'm unsure how to make it so when Player 1 gets a buff and player 2 gets a buff it doesn't make P1 hostile to everyone who has P2's buff and vice versa.  Any way I personally think of adding dueling to this game just comes out with different problems or it's too clunky to be functionally fun to use. (EG, not as smooth as ESO dueling, etc.).  Honestly the only way I see this working is if ANet expands the Guild Hall arena with customization options, more traps, etc, then adds basic arenas to every  city.

Yes and that still dont help the people that want to do it everywere when they wait for something like for example a world boss to spawn.

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2 hours ago, Sir Alymer.3406 said:

It's a handful of very opinionated people that really don't like duels because they have a personal problem with them

I don't hate duels. I've made multiple suggestions to accommodate duelists in fact in this very thread because I would love an easily accessible fight hub. The current EOTM arena is a desirable development but it needs to go further. Of course, these things would not just benefit duelists but the fight community in general.

But I don't want duels in open world and I understand why people that mostly OW don't want them either. And I understand this, despite the fact that I have the opposite outlook towards the game-- PvE is the sideshow and opposing  other players is what makes this game interesting.

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8 hours ago, Sir Alymer.3406 said:

It's a handful of very opinionated people that really don't like duels because they have a personal problem with them

No, it's a part of a very, very old trend. Most MMORPG players just happen to either not like PvP at all, or at least have it very clearly separated from PvE. It's not GW2 specific, by the way. It has been true even in times when open world PvP, or other forms of forced PvP integration into PvE content, were actually common - it just took MMORPG devs some time to notice it.

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On 9/9/2021 at 3:13 PM, Vayne.8563 said:

I don't need to make up statistical data.  Logically, maybe I'm wrong, the people who want 1v1 are the same people who PvP to begin with. In this game it's about 10% of the playerbase. Source?  Mike O'Brien who said so.


So maybe all of that 10% and a tiny bit of the 90% want dueling.  That's not enough people to throw programming resources at, in my opinion, particularly when some unspecified percentage of that 90% are gong to be unhappy with it. Even 60%, which is the number of predominently pure PvE players (again according to O'brien, would still likely leave you with majoirty of people who have no interest in it one way or another OR would be disturbed on it, on the balance of probability.


This isn't about making up numbers. PvP itself is one of the least popular aspects of this game, at least SPvP.  So I'm not sure why you think dueling would be wildly popular as a percentage of the database, particularly because some people have dueling rooms already and some people duel in WvW already. The percentage of people who do that are probably a pretty small percentage of the playerbase (having seen how often those dueling rooms are actually populated).  

I just don't see the evidence for huge swathes of the population that would be required to add it as a feature, when it's contested by another percentage of the population. All I usually say is my best guess is that there would be more people against it than for it. That's all it is. My best guess. 

They added fishing…your point is completely null. 


sPvP players are some of the most engaged and active players. This is seen in raw twitch numbers. mAT and PvP tournaments dwarf any other GW2 stream content by a very large amount. 



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1 hour ago, Tails.9372 said:

Always remember: if a boss fight has a mechanic where one player can cause the death of another then "1x1 duels" are possible.

No, that only means "team vs team" or "all vs all" is possible and not that a real 1vs1 would work.

There was a dev post some time ago where where it was statet that all maps are built with a limited number of teams for PCs and NPCs, and as all members of a team share the same rules, 1vs1 won't work without a large rework of the whole system.

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6 hours ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

No, it's a part of a very, very old trend. Most MMORPG players just happen to either not like PvP at all, or at least have it very clearly separated from PvE. It's not GW2 specific, by the way. It has been true even in times when open world PvP, or other forms of forced PvP integration into PvE content, were actually common - it just took MMORPG devs some time to notice it.

But it is still actually common. And the freindly duels aren't really an issue seeing how anyone not wishing to participate in them just... don't. That's considering the "usual" option to opt-out of the duel invites is implemented alongside the duels themselves. What you've said is more understanadable for OW free pvp/pk systems, but not exactly for friendly duels, because it doesn't get in the way of anyone pveing.

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