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any class to chesse Turai Ossa?


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Scourge in plague doctor and/or celestial makes it very easy with all the toughness and healing.

Off the start place a flesh worm use sand swell and you can kite him through teleport and shields. Then when sand swell is out port to your work when he dives again. Then just run in a circle on outer edge, about this time he goes to the middle. Dodge the weapon throw he does or you basically lose.

Then break CC with F4 fear and torch 5. Drop shroud and all your scepter skills to get him conditioned up. Then just kite and hit him with condi's, he should die before next phase. 

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IME, it's very easy to avoid him during the "don't bother fighting him now!" parts of the battle with thief.


I'm not saying it's *easier" compared to other classes, mind you, but I found "run away now" to be easier to understand than trying to figure out the right rotation to tank his attacks. You can use Shortbow, Vault, or even Infiltrator's Strike to juke most of his attacks, and breaking his bar is easy with Pistol 4 or equivalent.


Eat extra-endurance food if you're having trouble.

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I did it today on a Mirage. Just slotted Blink and Jaunt and used Distortion and whatever damage reduction i could lol. The endurance regen food helps a lot. Then "just" avoid him until his first breakbar, and after that, he loses health normally. 

It took a bit of luck dodging all his relentless onslaught, but i got him in the end. 🙂

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Rene with Shiro Impoossible Odds activated, run around the circle edge, might need to dodge the first to charges, dashes. Then he will not be able to catch you anymore. Shield phase change to Rene stance and cc him with shortbow and Darkrazor.  Rinse and repeat for  sword phase.  GG easy.

Edited by Ionut.2307
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I did it on my daredevil easily with this build.

Extra endurance form healing skill and signet. 2 extra dodges from Shadow step. And another extra dodges from Staff 5. If you happen to have no endurance or initiative and everything on CD, then drop smokebomb. He can be blinded.

In phase 1 just keep dodging / kiting. Dont even try to fight him. He can instakill you. When his break bar comes up in phase 2 use Basilisk venom to break him and nuke him while he is stunned as much as you can and then repeat phase 1. Took me 3 cycles to kill him.

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1 hour ago, TheQuickFox.3826 said:

I never got close to downing him, even when using my celestial tempest build which has a ton of sustain.


Running focus offhand with energy sigil and endurance regen food helps immensely.  Dagger on tempest or sword on weaver have extra evades as well.  Here's a clip of cele sword weaver completing this fight by utilizing these tools:



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Mace/shield + GS Berserker. Use Mace and shield for blocks, swap to GS for mobility to gtfo of the way. Use mace/shield + Headbutt and Wild Blow to break his bar. Bonus points if you reflect his shield throw with shield mastery. Defiant Stance and Endure Pain can be used when blocks and mobility skills are on CD to negate his Big D attacks.



On any class, take Runes of Speed and swiftness and just kite all his attacks. Take the required CCs and burst damage.

Edited by Lan Deathrider.5910
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I did it on Warrior too, except I used Berserker instead of Spellbreaker. I brought Greatsword and Sword/Shield as my weapons, and used the food that boosts endurance regen. I believe my utilities were Healing Signet, Wild Blow, Endure Pain, Signet of Stamina and Headbutt, along with Strength/Discipline/Berserker as traits. (You definitely want the Dogged March trait.)


During the first part of each phase, alternate between your dodges and mobility skills (GS3/5, Sword 2, with Endure Pain and Shield 5 as a panic buttons). Keep running around the exterior of the circle while Turai chases you around. As soon as he jumps back to the middle, run towards him and dodge to avoid his thrown Shield, then use Headbutt and Wild Blow to break his CC bar, then enter Berserk mode, swap to GS and go to town on him. Repeat the process for his Sword, and once he no longer has his weapons it's basically just bursting him down with Hundred Blades and Arc Divider.

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