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Hidden Arcana story mission is horrible


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2 hours ago, mythical.6315 said:

If however, you find yourself becoming emotional when someone disagrees with you on the forums, well… 😉

Oh yes. I’m very emotional. Really bad/dumb take, tbh.

 That aside, considering your response, you are clearly the white knight I’m referring to. It’s okay. 😂😂😂

Edited by crewthief.8649
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30 minutes ago, crewthief.8649 said:

Oh yes. I’m very emotional. Really bad/dumb take, tbh.

 That aside, considering your response, you are clearly the white knight I’m referring to. It’s okay. 😂😂😂

If one would rather attack the person instead of their argument then that’s their choice. It just means their side probably had little merit in the first place. Either that or their intention was to incite drama. 

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18 minutes ago, mythical.6315 said:

If one would rather attack the person instead of their argument then that’s their choice. It just means their side probably had little merit in the first place. Either that or their intention was to incite drama. 

I made a simple comment based upon my observation of this forum. You are free to disagree. My observation has nothing to do with someone’s opinion, it is simply a perception of mine that many people within this forum get bent out of shape/become incredibly obtuse when presented with criticism aimed at the game.  You decided to address my post specifically, so I responded. 

As an aside, do you actually feel attacked? Thicker skin is your friend.

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The whole of living story 2 was horrific, terrible and not fun at all.. and i have a old character, trying to do it on a new character would be hellish.. I've literally done living story 2 like twice out of 20 characters and i never ever want to do it again.. If Anet removed it tomorrow i'd not be upset. i'd cheer.


I hated living story 3 and 4 as well but nothing is as loathing to me as living story 2.

2 hours ago, crewthief.8649 said:

I made a simple comment based upon my observation of this forum. You are free to disagree. My observation has nothing to do with someone’s opinion, it is simply a perception of mine that many people within this forum get bent out of shape/become incredibly obtuse when presented with criticism aimed at the game.  You decided to address my post specifically, so I responded. 

As an aside, do you actually feel attacked? Thicker skin is your friend.

There are a lot here i would consider as astroturfers.. its a very biased forum. just a heads up. Its well known as so in outer circles of GW2.

Edited by Dante.1508
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On 10/8/2021 at 2:31 PM, Tanek.5983 said:

I would not say every mission is like this, but yeah, some of them do involve some mechanics and dancing through circles. And they aren't "story" versions basically because there isn't really another version (unless you consider the challenge modes; I'm not sure whether they were used in the story after Season 2). Even the "story" version of dungeons has boss mechanics to deal with.

Either way, though, if you don't like it you don't like it. If PvP, WvW, or other non-story parts of the game are more your thing, go for it! As someone who likes the jumping puzzles, I'm used to people not enjoying some parts of the game I like. As long as other parts give enough that you do like and where you can have fun, I hope you stick around for those. Otherwise, have fun wherever you land after GW2. 🙂 

meh, the mmos are circling the drain, together with the rest of the world.

just fooling around on a private cataclysm server now. cant even be bothered to try new world

i only did story/OW, the rest is certainly not for me

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On 10/9/2021 at 4:54 PM, battledrone.8315 said:

the first 80 levels werent a movie. in fact, i hardly remember any of the cinematics. i do remember , that i had fun playing it.

thats why i bought the expansions. because i wanted more of the same . silly me...

100% agree, thats why so many left due to HoT.. it was a huge shock and Anet had to change it multiple times.. Still not enough even today imo.. But it is doable even if its still tedious.

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2 hours ago, Dante.1508 said:

100% agree, thats why so many left due to HoT.. it was a huge shock and Anet had to change it multiple times.. Still not enough even today imo.. But it is doable even if its still tedious.

"doable, but tedious"- we can agree on the later part. and it is certainly not what i want from a game.

it feels more like a F2P grinder, than a paid, high quality product

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On 10/9/2021 at 8:54 AM, battledrone.8315 said:

the first 80 levels werent a movie. in fact, i hardly remember any of the cinematics. i do remember , that i had fun playing it.

thats why i bought the expansions. because i wanted more of the same . silly me...

It wasent much more then a movie tho kinda like a walking simulator since you can finish the core story without a single skill used.


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3 hours ago, Linken.6345 said:

It wasent much more then a movie tho kinda like a walking simulator since you can finish the core story without a single skill used.


cute, using statistical outliers like this to determine the the quality of an entertainmment product is going to do what?

some people can climb mount everest too, doesnt mean, that the rest of us dont need roads.

some people can hold their breath for over 8 mins. that would kill a normal person.

designing an mmo for the minority is bound to fail

PS: im guessing, that he is using an elite spec and legendary armor, that he HAD to use skills to get

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7 minutes ago, battledrone.8315 said:

cute, using statistical outliers like this to determine the the quality of an entertainmment product is going to do what?

some people can climb mount everest too, doesnt mean, that the rest of us dont need roads.

some people can hold their breath for over 8 mins. that would kill a normal person.

designing an mmo for the minority is bound to fail

Doing the same expansion after expansion without changing is bound to fail aswell.

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4 minutes ago, Linken.6345 said:

Doing the same expansion after expansion without changing is bound to fail aswell.

it worked very well for blizzard, as long as they made content for both groups.

it is not smart to change something, that actually WORKS.

and if the core game didnt work, then there wouldnt had been any expansions at all.

you are literally biting the hand, that feeds you

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10 hours ago, Linken.6345 said:

It wasent much more then a movie tho kinda like a walking simulator since you can finish the core story without a single skill used.



He is using a skill(rangers pet) and is using a pet designed for lvl80 expansions(Jacaranda, Path of Fire).

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2 hours ago, Pirogen.9561 said:


He is using a skill(rangers pet) and is using a pet designed for lvl80 expansions(Jacaranda, Path of Fire).

so its basically a clickbait title, that paints the game in a wrong picture

shame on you WP. do you know about his build and armor? im guessing, that they arent from the core game either

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With all the living worlds, you can also just skip ahead, or skip it altogether.  I can't say I much like the content of most of the Living World missions myself, for various reasons, and tend only to do them to unlock very specific things (skins, area access), but at least they  are all fairly optional.  You can't move on to the next part of that chapter, but you can move on to the next chapter, afaik.

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On 10/12/2021 at 2:17 PM, battledrone.8315 said:

"doable, but tedious"- we can agree on the later part. and it is certainly not what i want from a game.

it feels more like a F2P grinder, than a paid, high quality product

Those kitten mushrooms and mordrem snipers kill me almost 100% i fight them. Its just overpowered crazy imo.


On 10/14/2021 at 11:45 AM, Linken.6345 said:

It wasent much more then a movie tho kinda like a walking simulator since you can finish the core story without a single skill used.


Which is humorous because everytime i've done the old Zaitan quests the whole thing bugs out badly the helpers do not help and parts just do not complete sometimes.. (it has happened multiple times), the whole thing is really buggy these days.


And it seems Anet has no interest in fixing it at this point.

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On 10/8/2021 at 9:58 PM, Gibson.4036 said:

Just redid this mission, and only experienced annoyance at the darkness (shadow?) facet. It seems to take forever for the fragile bubble to appear some times.

I find the two Caithe memory missions far more problematic than this.

I came back to add, I also find Frozen Out far more problematic than Hidden Arcana. The Ice Beast sometimes fixates on the npcs, who don't understand they need to get it to charge his minions. The minions sometimes end up on top of ice shelfs where the Ice Beast can't hit them.

Garm likes to corner minions up against ice shelves that block the Ice Beast from charging them fully. There is no way to get him to move, nor steal aggro from him.


As I proceed through Return to Living World, my list of missions that are much more terrible than Hidden Arcana seems to be growing.

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I don't know... I just did all the LW episodes available for the "Return to..." achievements on a character I'd barely played anything with. No issues in the entirety of three seasons worth of LW content. So?


Expressing your experience, while valid, does not seem to serve any more purpose on this forum than expressing mine.

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On 10/14/2021 at 6:21 PM, LucianDK.8615 said:

The mission is bad, but its quite overreacting to not want to play again. The wiki is a good guide to get over it.

if i have to use wiki for a story mission, then it isnt casual , or intuitive. and according to other posters, this isnt even the worst

raiding in other mmos are easier than many LW episodes. so id rather do that instead.

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On 10/18/2021 at 2:12 AM, MikeG.6389 said:

I don't know... I just did all the LW episodes available for the "Return to..." achievements on a character I'd barely played anything with. No issues in the entirety of three seasons worth of LW content. So?


Expressing your experience, while valid, does not seem to serve any more purpose on this forum than expressing mine.

what are you suggesting? that they should shut down forums? that we all should stop using them? i have seen quite 

a few mmos ignoring the feedback from players, they always end up at the bottom of the barrel.

blizzard did it with wow, just look where they ended up.

FF did the opposite, and they prolly have more players, than wow now


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5 hours ago, battledrone.8315 said:

if i have to use wiki for a story mission, then it isnt casual , or intuitive. and according to other posters, this isnt even the worst

It isn’t a necessity. It just makes it easier for those who don’t pay attention during the story mission when the mechanics are introduced. 

5 hours ago, battledrone.8315 said:

raiding in other mmos are easier than many LW episodes. so id rather do that instead.

This is an gross exaggeration or you haven’t done raids in other MMOs. 

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5 hours ago, battledrone.8315 said:

what are you suggesting? that they should shut down forums? that we all should stop using them? i have seen quite 

a few mmos ignoring the feedback from players, they always end up at the bottom of the barrel.

blizzard did it with wow, just look where they ended up.

FF did the opposite, and they prolly have more players, than wow now


"I hate content" is not feedback. It's venting, just like OP said. It is, therefore, useless as a basis for improvement, should Anet decide to take this thread to heart. How would you improve the content based on OP's post? I don't have the faintest idea, and neither would Anet.

Listening to feedback and fulfilling each player's complaint when they find something hard are two very different things, by the way.

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17 hours ago, mythical.6315 said:

It isn’t a necessity. It just makes it easier for those who don’t pay attention during the story mission when the mechanics are introduced. 

This is an gross exaggeration or you haven’t done raids in other MMOs. 

lol----sure. believe what you want

how long has it been, since you have tried raiding in other mmos?

it isnt like wow TBC anymore. you do realize that, right?


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