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no one plays raids


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make raids casual and open world for players, make the easy mode auto join and make raids so people can join this mode with out a problem, you can lower the difficulty and  lower the loot depending of the difficulty.  hard core players are the  low bar off this game so make the casual players have a chance to play raids, another idea is too give players a pve way to have legendary armor, maybe raids or fractal armor or living world armor. 

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Some people does. Open twitch, and look, most content are about raids, fractals, pvp and wvw. 

The playerbase is smaller than the one who log in once per week to play open world or buy gems, but make these people leave the game is like the worst decision anet could make for the game reputation and visibility IMO. 

I don't really understand the idea of asking anet destroying content some people enjoyed instead of creating new one fitting you. They probably have better to do with EOD for now. 

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19 minutes ago, Neosayayin.3498 said:

 another idea is too give players a pve way to have legendary armor, maybe raids or fractal armor or living world armor. 

Ah, so your actual concern is access to legendary armor, not the anything in regards to raids.

You could have said so from the start.

Not going to get into how you can start raiding. There has been enough advice given over the years and your go-to approach in asking for simplification/nerfs does not indicate you are in any way interested at actually raiding.

Edited by Cyninja.2954
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Is this forum on repeat or something?  This has been discussed so much that if the same people who put forth the effort to make those arguments put forth the same effort into learning a class and  playing the game well, they'd have their legendary armor already.

"Casuals" or whatever you want to call them already get updates.  They're primarily served with living world and expansions.  The people who enjoy difficult instanced group content in this game are barely thrown a bone most of the time.  They're lucky to receive another fractal.


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I know people want hard content like me but if the game is casual and you try to do raids and some one kicks you because a guild the mate is online and you lose progression is hard, make raid content playable to everyone like strikes, you are gone gain players not lose them . is my opinion anyway.


Edited by Neosayayin.3498
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I don’t believe changing raids to make them universally easier is a good idea. This hard content is something a devoted base of players do a lot.

Hell, Anet even updates and designs the game around the benchmarks and observations the hardcore raid communities record. If they don’t have this data they will be no longer able to nerf everything but necro and guardian 😜

An easy/story mode with minimal rewards could be added indeed but I highly doubt Anet would be arsed to do it.

Regarding the story/casual legendary armor - well it even looks funny to combine these words together.

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9 minutes ago, Mik.3401 said:

I don’t believe changing raids to make them universally easier is a good idea. This hard content is something a devoted base of players do a lot.

Hell, Anet even updates and designs the game around the benchmarks and observations the hardcore raid communities record. If they don’t have this data they will be no longe table to nerf everything but necro and guardian 😜

An easy/story mode with minimal rewards could be added indeed but I highly doubt Anet would be arsed to do it.

Regarding the story/casual legendary armor - well it even looks funny to combine these words together.

Didn't the devs literally say at one point raids aren't cost-effective as far as dev time goes, because only a very, very small percentage of the player base even attempts them, let alone succeeds at them and they generally stop once they've got what they wanted out of it? Please don't go into this pretending 9/10 raiders didn't do it for the gold and Legendary armor instead of the challenge.


This is why Strike Missions were introduced, to get players into raiding. But instead of working as intended, Strike Missions just got farmed and abandoned the same way. Now they're just the new raids.


I'm not saying anything should be changed. But I dislike players pretending they're not in it mostly for the rewards. The only times I felt otherwise was watching guilds purposely raid in green gear and stuff like that.

Edited by Hannelore.8153
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is dead content anyway you know arenanet dont update there modes, anyway by the way I recently I try the raids and someone because a guild mate was online they kick me and I lost the progression because of that, is that fair?, make the content easier so people can do it fast with out a problem. hours of gameplay lost because  peoplee dont want to share it. not even the 5% of the players playing that mode, thats bad  


Edited by Neosayayin.3498
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1 minute ago, Hannelore.8153 said:

Didn't the devs literally say at one point raids aren't cost-effective as far as dev time goes, because only a very, very small percentage of the player base even attempts them and they generally stop once they've got what they wanted out of it? Please don't go into this pretending 9/10 raiders didn't do it for the gold and Legendary armor instead of the challenge.


This is why Strike Missions were introduced, to get players into raiding. But instead of working as intended, Strike Missions just got farmed and abandoned the same way. Now they're just the new raids.


Have they even confirmed additional raids for EoD, or is it just a rumor?


I'm not saying anything should be changed. But I dislike players pretending they're not in it mostly for the rewards. The only times I felt otherwise was watching guilds purposely raid in green gear and stuff like that.

Im not sure what from my post are you responding to, but I agree. Of course they let the community know raids are not a priority but somehow they balance the classes around benchmarks from there.

Of course most players are in raids just for the leggy but that’s not the point I was trying to defend

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I don't get it.

You complaining about getting real endgame stuff is hard?

Of course it's hard, legendary items should only be a goal if you already unlocked most of the game.

If ANet change it so people with little work would be able to get legendaries that is just would ruin the whole endgame content, no motivation to keep playing.


If you want legendaries, search for a guild (there are a LOT that do it weekly) and invest time in it...

Edited by Zentao.6314
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the problem is that the real endgame and have the real hard endgame  is not accessible to anyone, yo can try but if someone don't likes  you they can kick you, I have the gear and I have the experience but because of the way raids are implemented at the middle of a raid if some one dont like you they can kick you because a  guild mate is onlike, you dont know how many times I have try to do raids and because of the systema I havent finish any of theem.  I want progression I want raids but they need to be implemented in a good, way, not forgot and centralice on strike missions, raids are lost content because of that. they need to be open raids. 

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16 minutes ago, Neosayayin.3498 said:

the problem is that the real endgame and have the real hard endgame  is not accessible to anyone, yo can try but if someone don't likes  you they can kick you, I have the gear and I have the experience but because of the way raids are implemented at the middle of a raid if some one dont like you they can kick you because a  guild mate is onlike, you dont know how many times I have try to do raids and because of the systema I havent finish any of theem.  I want progression I want raids but they need to be implemented in a good, way, not forgot and centralice on strike missions, raids are lost content because of that. they need to be open raids. 

Raiding is not for sole players, you need a guild indeed

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I think that with the coming of the legendary armory, a new problem has arisen. Perhaps they should've let it be an unlock for raiders or people that have a minimum amount of legendaries, but that's water under the bridge. They opened it up for the general populace and now the general populace wants in.

The traditional cut between PvP, WvW and PvE is such that it only applies to a small segment of players in PvE and in fact doesn't acknowledge the rest of the population that primarily plays OW (Open World) PvE. Now more recently they are acknowledged because trinkets like rings and accessories have become available for OW PvE and currently the Return Chapters will lead to an amulet that is of legendary status.

Now, I don't think that the solution is in making raids easier, but rather have OW armor sets introduced. This will appease people like the original poster and make no mistake there are many people like that.

But there is another issue. Raids are content for but a small segment of the player base and this makes it a tough sell for Anet to create more content for it. They tried with Strike Missions, but I can't escape the impression that not a whole lot of people go there either. To me this is a misunderstanding of the problem at the heart of it. Whereas Anet sees raids as too big a step in difficulty for most players (hence the strike missions), I don't think that's the real issue.

The real issue, in my opinion, is that most players do not understand how the combat system works either because it's too complex for them or because they don't care to. And harder content requires that they do. I'm pretty sure that I don't get it because I don't want to and so I don't go into strike missions or raids because I don't want to ruin the fun for anybody else either.

And this would likely be the reason why the OP got kicked from the group. Their contribution to the group probably was sub par and led to frustration with the rest of the group, but this is where the real problem lies. And there is no real way to fix this other than to really take a hard look at the combat system and make it easier...however, the hardcore players like raiders and pvp'ers will not like a simplification of the combat system. So that's another problem. But this game is built around casual players primarily and these casuals don't play to beat hard content.

So my suggestion to Anet is to release legendary armor sets in OW PvE. Raids will forever be niche content, the old days are gone. The issue that still remains of course is that because it's a small group of players that participates in raids, Anet cannot justify the cost of making more raids or only sporadically. Maybe with the expansion, they can manage it, but it's a lot of work for a small group of players and they need to justify that somehow.

So really with the legendary armory they opened up a can of wurms and threads like this will keep popping up till one of two things happens: easy mode raids or open world legendary armor sets. That's how I see it.


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you are making raids for the 5% of the player bases thats bad, don't care if is solo playing or group but the content is bad implemented, the people that want to play raids don't have a option and they discard this mode because there no way they can play with gear or with out it, is bad an the white knithe are making the game worst 

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47 minutes ago, Zentao.6314 said:

I don't get it.

You complaining about getting real endgame stuff is hard?

Of course it's hard, legendary items should only be a goal if you already unlocked most of the game.

If ANet change it so people with little work would be able to get legendaries that is just would ruin the whole endgame content, no motivation to keep playing.


If you want legendaries, search for a guild (there are a LOT that do it weekly) and invest time in it...

And yet PVPers and WvWers can get legendary armor doing the stuff they usually do whether they're good at it or not, whether they're successful or not, whether they play that format or not. I have two pieces of legendary armor, one from WvW and one from PvP,  and I'm not great at either.  But for PvE no, it has to be hard? Why? Because some players say so? 

It's not a fact, or you couldn't get PvP legendary armor even if you lose every game.

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Step 1: Grab Minstrel or Givers gear.  

Step 2: Do a lot of research on the wing you want to run that day.  Particularly what the tank does.

Step 3: Put up your own LFG and create your own group.  Be sure to have quickness, alacrity, heals, and might for each team.

Step 4: Grind it out, hard style.  It will take a while, but you can learn raids.


That's what I did.  

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10 minutes ago, Neosayayin.3498 said:

you are making raids for the 5% of the player bases thats bad, don't care if is solo playing or group but the content is bad implemented, the people that want to play raids don't have a option and they discard this mode because there no way they can play with gear or with out it, is bad an the white knithe are making the game worst 

See, and here I was about to say the players which expect to play a MMORPG as a single player game are making the game worse...

Learn to interact with other players on at least a limited basis, and there is nothing which can't be achieved.

Obviously if you are so antisocial that not even that is possible, you might run into issues in a MMORPG.


Join a guild.

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9 minutes ago, Vayne.8563 said:

And yet PVPers and WvWers can get legendary armor doing the stuff they usually do whether they're good at it or not, whether they're successful or not, whether they play that format or not. I have two pieces of legendary armor, one from WvW and one from PvP,  and I'm not great at either.  But for PvE no, it has to be hard? Why? Because some players say so? 

It's not a fact, or you couldn't get PvP legendary armor even if you lose every game.

Getting a full set of legendary armor whilst loosing every game would take a looooooong time. And still dealing with ranked games is an effort comparable to raids in my opinion. I’m just not sure what OW legendary requirements should be. Possibly skyscale - kind of collections which people moan about (mostly the causual pve players).

Inaccessible and weakly designed endgame is a problem but the pve player base being so used to buy everything off TP or faceroll grind while doing an open world content is a problem too - these two worlds just cannot be married.


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Difficulty modes (with scaling rewards) and improvements to the LFG and matchmaking systems in this game (for all instanced content) would probably be a huge boon. It's known that a tiny portion of the players do raids (which is why they stopped makin' 'em), so I can't see a downside to making raids more attractive to more people. Broaden that audience and get more mileage out of content that's already been released; seems to work fine for fractals.

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3 minutes ago, Mil.3562 said:

Of course no one plays raids. They are not for you and me but only for the elites, cream of the crops 3% player base.

Elite? You mean people who know how their classes works? Kinda weird to call it elite, they are just learnt the game.

Even my guild has a weekly raid learning session where everybody can join...

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4 minutes ago, Zentao.6314 said:

Elite? You mean people who know how their classes works? Kinda weird to call it elite, they are just learnt the game.

Even my guild has a weekly raid learning session where everybody can join...

Do not underestimate knowing your classes and learning the game...Since most people don't manage this for whatever reason, you are, for all intents and purposes, the elite.

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I raid twice per week and instead of "demanding" the content to be toned down on the forums, I spent time in game and improved myself to suit the demands of the content I wanted to play. Crazy, I know.

Another crazy concept, If you want a thing and you need to do certain things to get the thing, you kinda have to accept that the things you need to do are the things you need to do to get the thing you want. If you don't want to do the thing necessary to get the thing you want, you might not want the thing you think you want.

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18 minutes ago, lokh.2695 said:

Another crazy concept, If you want a thing and you need to do certain things to get the thing, you kinda have to accept that the things you need to do are the things you need to do to get the thing you want. If you don't want to do the thing necessary to get the thing you want, you might not want the thing you think you want.

This is how I look at it. If I don't want to do what it takes, then I don't get the reward, but I think that's an old concept like me lol

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