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Would you pay for a Realm Reborn Guild Wars 2?


Would you pay for a Realm Reborn Guild Wars 2?  

130 members have voted

  1. 1. We just solved the threat of the elder dragons and the death of the commander of the pact as an outcome, some few years have passed and now as a citizen of reclaimed Orr you must fill the hole that the commander has left and fight for Tyria. A revamped experience of GW2, with mounts, gliders and skiffs in mind, where you are a citizen of reclaimed Orr (you still can choose a race but the story and VA is more generic), with huge METAs and dungeons, fractals, strike missions and even Raids.

    • Yes, and I would like it to be B2P (current monetization plan; heavily dependent of micro-transactions);
    • Yes, but I would like it to be P2P (similar monetization for games like WOW and FFXIV; minimal dependency of micro-transactions);
    • No;
    • Other (leave a comment);

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18 hours ago, Kilty.4906 said:

We just solved the threat of the elder dragons and the death of the commander of the pact as an outcome, some few years have passed and now as a citizen of reclaimed Orr you must fill the hole that the commander has left and fight for Tyria. A revamped experience of GW2, with mounts, gliders and skiffs in mind, where you are a citizen of reclaimed Orr (you still can choose a race but the story and VA is more generic), with huge METAs and dungeons, fractals, strike missions and even Raids.

i just payed for an expansion and you want another one ? no ty.

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1 hour ago, Marikus.1875 said:

OP, I believe the game you want to play is FFXIV. Maybe you opened the wrong forums?


1 hour ago, Blude.6812 said:

Results are overwhelmingly  "NO".   Put this idea where it belongs.

I don't understand why the hostility, I just presented an idea and if you disagree with it just either mark "no" and leave or mark "no" and present your arguments and defend them. There is no need to be toxic.

Edited by Kilty.4906
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I don't think anyone was being toxic or hostile?? Just because you don't agree with our argument as to why we voted "no" doesn't mean it's toxic lol. I left WoW and FFXIV because GW2 has a better overall foundation and system.

If you prefer what FFXIV, go play that. Stop trying to normalize what makes each MMO unique. 

Also, calling someone's argument toxic just because you don't agree with it, makes YOU the toxic person.

Edited by Marikus.1875
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17 minutes ago, Marikus.1875 said:

I don't think anyone was being toxic or hostile?? Just because you don't agree with our argument as to why we voted "no" doesn't mean it's toxic lol. I left WoW and FFXIV because GW2 has a better overall foundation and system.

If you prefer what FFXIV, go play that. Stop trying to normalize what makes each MMO unique. 

Also, calling someone's argument toxic just because you don't agree with it, makes YOU the toxic person.

You were not being hostile or toxic because you disagreed with me but because the way phrase this "OP, I believe the game you want to play is FFXIV. Maybe you opened the wrong forums?". At no point you presented any argument on that sentence, you just came out of nowhere and was like "hey your idea is different than mine so shut up". Also, at no point I wanted GW2 to become FFXIV, I just think their business model and the way they handle content delivery is better.

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3 minutes ago, Kilty.4906 said:

You were not being hostile or toxic because you disagreed with me but because the way phrase this "OP, I believe the game you want to play is FFXIV. Maybe you opened the wrong forums?". At no point you presented any argument on that sentence, you just came out of nowhere and was like "hey your idea is different than mine so shut up". Also, at no point I wanted GW2 to become FFXIV, I just think their business model and the way they handle content delivery is better.

clearly your a minority of the minorities that is the forum tho OP so the other poster got a point.

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I think the core of what the game is trying to do is fine even if I personally would want some changes.  I think for me the benefits that come with a p2p mmo are enough for me to want play a GW2 2.0 type game.  But I'd still want things that aren't Guild Wars and I wouldn't want to just mold this game into FFXIV or Wow.  There's a reason we are all here, but I would like some things from those games, but in saying that would I just recreate those two games in this games art style and image?  I don't know, but I do know there are things in this game that come from it being free to play that bother me about it.  And there's also things about it's combat system that bother me as well, but if I just changed them I'd be playing a different game and that's not what drew me here in the first place.


I love GW1 and regardless of how many gripes I have I still get nostalgic playing GW2 and visiting old zones or hearing renditions of old songs sprinkled in.

That being said if I'm giving Anet criticism if it wasn't for mounts I probably wouldn't be playing.  I just have to put that out there.  I'm still trying to find a main class I like as most of them just don't feel very well at low levels.  I found Revenant to be very boost friendly as it's a very basic class with basically only weapon and stance swaps and it's fun to play at 80, but I see that other person with their full kit class and I want to swap, but I'm slowly learning these class ropes and what they can do and can't do.

But for a tldr I would want changes out of greed and that would ruin the game for you guys and that's wrong to me at least.

Edited by PMoneyMobileRobot.4630
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22 minutes ago, Kilty.4906 said:

At no point you presented any argument on that sentence

Yes I did, I clearly voted no and then justified my no by saying that I believe the game you wanted to play is FFXIV. I don't need to write a dissertation explaining my commentary. 

Go play FFXIV which already does what you've mentioned. The overwhelming majority voted no and for a reason.

*slams gavel*

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I vote a hard no.

The general push I see in the OP to make things even more generic than they already are destroys one of the few things that makes GW2 different enough to be worth playing. ANet isn't perfect, but the one thing they got totally right with GW2 is establishing a sense of richness, a feeling of "people actually live here" to their game world.

It's not that I don't get how it would be more streamlined - many games make that choice for precisely that reason. However, I think the early division of newly created characters adds a very strong dimension of replayability and uniqueness to GW2. My first character was human, and I got to see Tyria first from a human-centric perspective. Territorial control is a pretty big issue with regard to the centaurs, and there was a worryingly well-established bandit presence in a lot of the area. Switching to a new charr gave me perspective on why the charr wouldn't really care that much about what other races were up to, given the longstanding problem with ghosts, the Brand, and the Flame Legion. It also added a dimension of rivalry between the three Legions. They work together, but have very different views of how to get the job done. A new asura sees the world through a lens defined largely by the joys of research, threats from the Inquest, and general infrastructure problems for researchers outside Rata Sum. Sylvari of course come up against Zhaitan's influence very early on, in addition to the nusiance of the Nightmare Court and the crisis brought on by Mordremoth's call. The norn were fun in that they are more about seeking individual greatness. The ultimate murder hobos, if you will.

All of this richness is just... poof, gone if everyone is just a citizen of Orr with a story that is generic from level 1. 

The only real change I feel ANet absolutely needs to do is making a clearer choice about dungeons. Yes, I know, ANet officially abandoned dungeons ages ago, we should be doing fractals instead. The problem is that "dungeon" is a pretty universal MMO term that new players will be familiar with, and the game also mails characters notes to try out dungeons when they reach the appropriate level. Unfortunately, this leads brand new players who don't even understand what explorable vs story mode is to just list empty LFG groups that then get filled by people who run ahead, don't explain a thing, skip scenes and race ahead to the next boss, etc. LFG itself doesn't even work like most people would expect; in most other games of this quality LFG ports you to the dungeon when it fills up, regardless of where you are in the world.

Either (1) truly abandon dungeons, and stop pushing new players into them without explaining anything, or (2) add an absolutely minimal amount of tutorializing to the system. If a player hasn't cleared story mode yet (which is something we know the game already keeps track of), the NPC at the dungeon door should explain story vs explorable and how it's smart to list a description for what you want. The current system is terrible, and it just gives new players more opportunities to see the game not work.

Edited by voltaicbore.8012
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5 minutes ago, Marikus.1875 said:

Yes I did, I clearly voted no and then justified my no by saying that I believe the game you wanted to play is FFXIV. I don't need to write a dissertation explaining my commentary. 

Go play FFXIV which already does what you've mentioned. The overwhelming majority voted no and for a reason.

*slams gavel*

Then you proceed implying that I can't defend my point saying that I'm on the wrong forum. If that is not aggressive then you should rephrase it.

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Just now, AgentMoore.9453 said:

I don't want what OP is proposing, but y'all are being real salty and unnecessarily frigid to them. It's cool if you disagree, but 'go back to FF', 'you're a tiny minority', and 'put this idea where it belongs' are jabs, not respectful dissents.

100% agree.  But to me it's a game and not my identity so I can criticize it while still playing it and enjoying it.  I've never understood why people get so defensive about games and game companies.  I don't know maybe I'm weird, but that's how I see it.

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6 minutes ago, PMoneyMobileRobot.4630 said:

100% agree.  But to me it's a game and not my identity so I can criticize it while still playing it and enjoying it.  I've never understood why people get so defensive about games and game companies.  I don't know maybe I'm weird, but that's how I see it.

Never once in my response was I defensive. If anything, the calling of others "toxic" and "hostile" shows how defensive they got when they read my response.

I simply said I have played BOTH games and I am HERE for a reason. 

This game does NOT need to become like those other two games.


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10 minutes ago, AgentMoore.9453 said:

I don't want what OP is proposing, but y'all are being real salty and unnecessarily frigid to them. It's cool if you disagree, but 'go back to FF', 'you're a tiny minority', and 'put this idea where it belongs' are jabs, not respectful dissents.

Thank you, I think they forget there's another human being on the other side and that phrasing is important, I really don't feel confident posting on the forum and this just makes worse. Really thank you!

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7 minutes ago, Marikus.1875 said:

Never once in my response was I defensive. If anything, the calling of others "toxic" and "hostile" shows how defensive they got when they read my response.

I simply said I have played BOTH games and I am HERE for a reason. 

This game does NOT need to become like those other two games.


I didn't even have to call you defensive and you got defensive.  Seriously let it go it will be better for you as a person.  It's not worth the time and energy to get this rilled up over.

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While „A Realm Reborn“ is probably unnecessary, a „Cataclysm“ like expansion would maybe be interesting. 


While GW2 does not have the same problems as original FF14, it is true that the core maps were not designed with mounts and gliding in mind (because it didnt exist then) and the power creep introduced by the first big trait rework made the content extremly easy. 


So one expansion focusing on the rework of core tyria instead of some other unknown land I would definitely buy. But „A realm reborn“ only if its actually GW3. I dont buy a game I already own again.

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For myself, I play GW2 in large part BECAUSE of its business model. I won't subscribe to ANY game or game service no matter how compelling a game they might have.  I don't claim to speak for other players collectively, but I will say that I do know within my own periphery many players who share the same opinion. 

Completely apart from the "don't break the existing system I like" argument which of course will only be persuasive to those who may share my opinion on the matter, let me try a different approach that hopefully may be more compelling. If we look back almost 2 years ago now, Anet had to shed a LOT of their staff including some very long term developers  and leadership because they were trying to juggle multiple projects. (I am aware that there are people who have speculated on what that other project is, and perhaps even knowledgeably. Since I myself remain entirely ignorant of whatever that was, I won't speculate) For whatever reason, they were unsuccessful in being able to diversify into additional games. 

What you have proposed seems, at least to me, to be something comparable, a different game, or a spinoff game, that would require a non-trivial portion of the development staff to create and maintain. NCSoft & Anet have already not been able to successfully pull that off before, why go down that road again? Worse, would trying to go down this road again risk the existing game? There is a chance that having failed once, a second attempt might result in shuttering the studio if things go even worse than last time. 

Whether the large number of Noes in your poll truly reflect the opinion of the silent masses of GW2 players or are simply a very vocal minority, this is already a strong indicator that such a turn would not be well received in the existing community, and that is the very community that such a project would have to be directed to. New players would not have the history to appreciate what a restored Orr signifies or why it might have appeal. That means that such a spinoff has a lower potential of being successful. Rather than advocating for a spinoff/reimagining whatever,  we should continue to encourage Anet to continue striving for the highest quality content possible within the existing game. 

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I'm sorry but I left FFXIV for GW2 and is "minimal dependency of micro-transactions" in  FFXIV a joke? It's one of the most heavily, though subtly, filled with "micro"-transactions P2P MMO I've ever seen.

I've played FFXI for nearly two decades and FFXIV since 1.0 and Square Enix makes us pay monthly fees for inventories, in games where we already pay a sub. That's just one example, FFXIV is full of "optional" content.

And regarding your question, ARR turned FFXIV (and the whole franchise it seems, considering FFXVI) into a bland, soulless, unoriginal and uninspired MMO which is for some odd reasons successful, although it has a huge turnover rate since most people don't keep playing.

I think that GW2, despite its flaws, is one of the most original and unique MMO and has probably one of the best business model. FFXIV is just a mix of things taken from other MMOs and copied in a worse way, most of the time. Don't fall for the idea that Square Enix is some kind of sweet and caring company, that's coming from a former huge FF fan.

So, no, I don't think GW2 needs an ARR treatment.

Edited by vanfrano.1325
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1 hour ago, Kilty.4906 said:

Thank you, I think they forget there's another human being on the other side and that phrasing is important, I really don't feel confident posting on the forum and this just makes worse. Really thank you!

Is it not possible that they had an unspoken assumption that they were addressing an Asura rather than human? I believe that the Asuran mode of dialogue lacks some of the courtesy conventions expected in human communication. 🤪

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Just to point out that any future MMOs that come out from big companies would most probably by mobile or hybrid PC mobile.
At least that was the general idea of NCSOFT when they had some success with Lineage. GW3 would have probably looked like Blade and soul 2 

Also the GW2 can get maybe a New New player experience to get on with the times and some tutorial story/dungeon stuff  for stats, combo fields/finishers, breakbars, dodging whatever are added, some visual updates and some content system revamps like fixing the core story beats , level systems, structured PVE content fractures, PVP system sprucing up . Currently they are working on WvW Alliances and they said they will be reworking the Strike system for EOD . There is not point in REBORN, the game in its worse state has not been garbage like FF14. The game is fine it just needs updates on old content for some polishing work.  

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7 hours ago, Marikus.1875 said:

Never once in my response was I defensive. If anything, the calling of others "toxic" and "hostile" shows how defensive they got when they read my response.

I simply said I have played BOTH games and I am HERE for a reason. 

This game does NOT need to become like those other two games.


Hey, I would like to apologize for this situation, for both you and the others, I believe I was too harsh to call you toxic or hostile and it was too childish of me to say that, so again, I'm sorry!

4 hours ago, Maikimaik.1974 said:

Why would you want a re-release of a game that's doing perfectly fine?

I wouldn't say it is doing perfectly fine, but as read what Moira said here:

7 hours ago, Moira Shalaar.5620 said:

What you have proposed seems, at least to me, to be something comparable, a different game, or a spinoff game, that would require a non-trivial portion of the development staff to create and maintain. NCSoft & Anet have already not been able to successfully pull that off before, why go down that road again? Worse, would trying to go down this road again risk the existing game? There is a chance that having failed once, a second attempt might result in shuttering the studio if things go even worse than last time. 

I think this idea would be pretty bad, although I still think they should review some of their content and iterate more.

Edited by Kilty.4906
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