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I simply cannot take it anymore


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So I started out middle of this year and decided without any research or forewarning to roll a ele, I really enjoy playing it but now that I've gotten to the endgame with Fractal CMs and Raids I just can't play, no matter what I do I can't dps as much as people want me to.

I've watched various guides on how to play the class, I've geared it all according to snowcrows build-templates for dps power tempest but no matter what i do i still end up dying a HELL of a lot more then literally any other class. I understand that this class uses light armor but still give it some sustain, I can't do 1 fractal run without being downed at least once I'm freaking ashamed of myself at this point.

I've spent a great deal of effort and time gearing and learning this class and have no inclination to do it all over again with a new one that will probably take me another half year to gear up and learn properly.

I just can't believe that anet is still letting this continue

Edited by SNap.2087
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I feel you and I am sorry to hear about this. In all honesty, I would advise you to roll either a necro, guardian, warrior, or revenant. Anet like these classes a lot and they gave them all the good stuff to be honest. 

I am supposed to be Ele main but since heart of thorn I basically understood I was forced to change class to do end game content. Something that was confirmed further with parth of fire. 

Edited by Aedil.1296
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don't watch those guides with glass canon builds, those are not real builds, unplayable.

fractal CMs are garbage easy. and you don't need those builds to complete in reasonable time.

and there's 0 DPS checks that can wipe the team unlike some other real challenging pve content from other games.


people are so blinded, you can easily run a bit more tanky build on glass canon classes like ele and taking maybe a few mins more for CM clears, and it will end up faster then wiping in glass canon speed run builds.

even the elites using those builds don't run perfect, the videos you saw are recorded after dozens of tries. and is for speed records.


all the pve content in this game are easy and can be completed with literally every build with minimum difference in average completion time as long as you don't go 0 damage.

Edited by felix.2386
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7 minutes ago, felix.2386 said:

don't watch those guides with glass canon builds, those are not real builds, unplayable.

fractal CMs are garbage easy. and you don't need those builds to complete in reasonable time.

and there's 0 DPS checks that can wipe the team unlike some other real challenging pve content from other games.


people are so blinded, you can easily run a bit more tanky build on glass canon classes like ele and taking maybe a few mins more for CM clears, and it will end up faster then wiping in glass canon speed run builds.

even the elites using those builds don't run perfect, the videos you saw are recorded after dozens of tries. and is for speed records.


all the pve content in this game are easy and can be completed with literally every build with minimum difference in average completion time as long as you don't go 0 damage.

I guess no one tell him that scraper gets barrier base off of the dmg it dose so i cant be both tankly and do dmg.

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2 minutes ago, Jski.6180 said:

I guess no one tell him that scraper gets barrier base off of the dmg it dose so i cant be both tankly and do dmg.

ele has tons of surviving utility if you just trait for it, of course OP is going to die if he just go pure damage speed record build which even the elites will die with.

weaver has at tons of barrier too.

take those survival traits and you may take a few more mins then a perfect glass canon run, but you won't die, ultimately end up faster, because you don't die.

and adjust as your skills tolerate.

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51 minutes ago, felix.2386 said:

ele has tons of surviving utility if you just trait for it, of course OP is going to die if he just go pure damage speed record build which even the elites will die with.

weaver has at tons of barrier too.

take those survival traits and you may take a few more mins then a perfect glass canon run, but you won't die, ultimately end up faster, because you don't die.

and adjust as your skills tolerate.

When you build in to them with healing power they are great or boon duration but others classes get a free ride by simply being that class due to take 0 dmg effects on a set duration get fake hp though barrier from healing power OR though dmg and simply just done die effects because of added effects of stealth and mobility.

All the skill in the world not going to make your self support do nothing because you been striped/ not long boon duration or your lack of healing power and or poisoned from the -33% healing effects or even 66% cd due to chill.

The game is waited agned ele and ele players. Anet dose not want ppl to play ele.

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Elementalist is the second worst profession in the game, it's basically the bottom of the barrel.

It literally got none of the benefits that should come with the lowest HP and lowest armour.

Only Warrior is worse, which is far below the bottom of the barrel.

I'm convinced that Arenanet simply doesn't want Elementalist to be good.

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14 hours ago, SNap.2087 said:

So I started out middle of this year and decided without any research or forewarning to roll a ele, I really enjoy playing it but now that I've gotten to the endgame with Fractal CMs and Raids I just can't play, no matter what I do I can't dps as much as people want me to.

I've watched various guides on how to play the class, I've geared it all according to snowcrows build-templates for dps power tempest but no matter what i do i still end up dying a HELL of a lot more then literally any other class. I understand that this class uses light armor but still give it some sustain, I can't do 1 fractal run without being downed at least once I'm freaking ashamed of myself at this point.

I've spent a great deal of effort and time gearing and learning this class and have no inclination to do it all over again with a new one that will probably take me another half year to gear up and learn properly.

I just can't believe that anet is still letting this continue

I’ve had similar experiences.  It’s not you, it’s the profession.  My advice is to bite the bullet and roll up something else and you’ll start feeling better almost immediately.


I know what you mean about the wasted investment in trying to learn and gear it.  But it won’t take you another half year on another profession.  My experience is that other professions I’ve tried feel like you somehow turned on easy mode compared to playing ele. 


Meanwhile we can all hope they’ll improve ele somehow.  But realistically they just keep nerfing it more - as recently as this week.  Who knows why.

Edited by TheDarkness.6947
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15 hours ago, SNap.2087 said:

So I started out middle of this year and decided without any research or forewarning to roll a ele, I really enjoy playing it but now that I've gotten to the endgame with Fractal CMs and Raids I just can't play, no matter what I do I can't dps as much as people want me to.

I've watched various guides on how to play the class, I've geared it all according to snowcrows build-templates for dps power tempest but no matter what i do i still end up dying a HELL of a lot more then literally any other class. I understand that this class uses light armor but still give it some sustain, I can't do 1 fractal run without being downed at least once I'm freaking ashamed of myself at this point.

I've spent a great deal of effort and time gearing and learning this class and have no inclination to do it all over again with a new one that will probably take me another half year to gear up and learn properly.

I just can't believe that anet is still letting this continue

Honestly...change class man...like today, delete ele and don't listen to all "but if you build this way...." Imagine playing a class which is good only with a specific type of gear and played the same way, you can see already from this that the class concept is trash and you're wasting time


Go necro,  everything works there from core to the future elite...every single traitline is good/amazing...to a point you'd wish you could use more than threee


Trust your common sense...it's 100% right...run from this class and subforum

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6 hours ago, Fueki.4753 said:

Only Warrior is worse, which is far below the bottom of the barrel.


I understand why ele is like one of the worst, but why warrior?

Lets compare Vipers Holo, Vipers Weaver and Power Berserker.

For this comparsion i am using the snow crows build for them:

http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PGgAw2lJwuYTMJmJOqOmvKA-e Vipers Weaver
http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PegAoqlJw6YaMOGKOWL5vbA-e Vipers Holo
http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PKwAceFlRwcYTsFmJO+WaNLA-e Power Berserker

Self Boons (most boons first):

  • 1. Berserker
  • 2. Weaver
  • 3. Holo

Rotation (Easiest first):

  • 1. Berserker
  • 2. Holo and Weaver

Sustain (most tanky first):

  • 1. Berserker
  • 2. Holo
  • 3. Weaver

Damage (most damage first):

  • 1. Weaver
  • 2. Berserker
  • 3. Holo

The self boons you can see on the build editor links.
The rotation you can see in videos on yt and on snow crows. Such as counting all skills together.
The sustain is based on the hp of the class, defensive traits such as self healing and if the class is heavy/medium/light armor.
The damage is based on the benchmarks but at this point i am not sure if weaver would really be number one in a real fight. It maybe would be berserker because of weaver has to avoid literally every attack due to sustain issues. And dodges -> dps loss.

At this point i dont get why (from a pve perspective) warrior should be the worst profession. It has fair sustain, fair damage, an easy rotation and fine self boons.

Warrior has slightly over 20k hp, with heavy armor and fine damage. Even if i wouldve used power holo. The sustain and damage is still higher on Berserker.
Also spellbreaker is a fine spec in wvw and does really well there. PvP is an exception here but PvP is the most unbalanced mode anyway imo. Some specs r unplayable there.

When i would sort classes overall it would maybe be like this:

  1. Guardian, Necromancer, Revenant.
  2. Ranger, Mesmer
  3. Warrior
  4. Thief, Engineer
  5. Elementalist

I did put Guardian, Necromancer and Revenant on the 1 because they r pretty much on par imo.
Even tho its Firebrand, Scourge and Renegade imo. Dragonhunter, Reaper and Herald are not that op imo.

guardian has a good condi, support, healer and power build with tons of boons and fair sustain.
necro has overall maybe most sustain in the game and scourge has really good damage paired with very good sustain. It is also viable in all gamemodes.
Revenant gets pushed a lot by Renegade. Renegade is one of the best damage specs in the game. There are even support and healing builds for it. It is also really good in tanking with tormenting rune. While Herald is not that good because the boons are pretty standard and the sustain gets outshined by Renegade.

However thats the list in my opinion.

But why would you list warrior as the worst? In overall game it does pretty good. And even if most warrior dont like to be put in that bs role. Its often asked in group content because of exactly that, banners.

Edited by SeTect.5918
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24 minutes ago, SeTect.5918 said:

But why would you list warrior as the worst? In overall game it does pretty good. And even if most warrior dont like to be put in that bs role. Its often asked in group content because of exactly that, banners.

Instead of merely looking at Snowcrows cookie cutter top end builds, how about you look at the broad picture and the issues that Warrior has?

There are many threads on the Warrior sub forum listing issues. It's very easy to see that Warrior has far, far more issues than any other profession. And nearly all of those issues are being ignored.

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57 minutes ago, Fueki.4753 said:

Instead of merely looking at Snowcrows cookie cutter top end builds, how about you look at the broad picture and the issues that Warrior has?

There are many threads on the Warrior sub forum listing issues. It's very easy to see that Warrior has far, far more issues than any other profession. And nearly all of those issues are being ignored.

things is warrior is in bad state but it's meta and usful, ele is at best viable for 10 time the effort while doing worse and having acess to less utilities/sustain and others.

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1 hour ago, Fueki.4753 said:

Instead of merely looking at Snowcrows cookie cutter top end builds, how about you look at the broad picture and the issues that Warrior has?

There are many threads on the Warrior sub forum listing issues. It's very easy to see that Warrior has far, far more issues than any other profession. And nearly all of those issues are being ignored.

Each subforum is an echo chamber and the only spec I would say needs help on warrior is berserker specifically :while you could run arms it isn't particularly strong in competitive and the defense traitline hasn't been updated after 300s cooldown traits.
I've seen Vallun run a Berserker meme just for proof of concept : https://guildjen.com/2021/08/27/condition-berserker-pvp-build/

If you were to ask which profession is far more reliant on their team and enemy size (hitbox or amount of mobs), it is by far sword weaver. Even in PVP/WVW that is true , you can play spellbreaker effectively in competitive modes while weaver is more or less bunker (not really since mender's amulet is gone) or burning stack only. In PVE while you could play condi scepter weaver , in condition fights it is more or less outpaced by condi firebrand and condi renegade ; if you don't have boons then probably even condi scourge. Aura tempest while okay is generally not taken over support scourges , prot holo, or core support guardians.

Tempest DPS is RNG heavy so is best ran as a support. Unlike spellbreaker it isn't part of the main WVW meta for a reason: unlike spellbreaker it cannot rip boons or sustain as easily without going full minstrel. Warriors specced as spellbreaker are able to cleanse movement conditions deeper than tempests can () while also ripping boons.

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Guess I'm rolling a necro or guardian then, sad that it had to be this way and kind of a waste considering I spent so much time exploring the entire worldmap doing the entire story and a lot of other character specific content....but if anet is not going to fix ele even in the next expansion then I guess  there really is no point.....sad

Thanks a lot for the feedback guys, kinda glad i'm not the only person hurting here

Edited by SNap.2087
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2 minutes ago, SNap.2087 said:

Guess I'm rolling a necro or guardian then, sad that it had to be this way and kind of a waste considering I spent so much time exploring the entire worldmap doing the entire story and a lot of other character specific content....but if anet is not going to fix ele even in the next expansion then I guess  there really is no point.....sad

Thanks a lot for the feedback guys, kinda glad i'm not the only person hurting here

Good luck.  Necro is really fun at cap.  I’ve just started leveling at guardian and I’m enjoying it too.


I know what you mean.  Part of me still wants to be an ele main because I like that theme and the animations are really cool.  It’s just not worth it right now unless/until they give it a serious rework.

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1 hour ago, SNap.2087 said:

Guess I'm rolling a necro or guardian then, sad that it had to be this way and kind of a waste considering I spent so much time exploring the entire worldmap doing the entire story and a lot of other character specific content....but if anet is not going to fix ele even in the next expansion then I guess  there really is no point.....sad

Thanks a lot for the feedback guys, kinda glad i'm not the only person hurting here

Ele and Necro are both Light armoured classes, I guess you have made Berserker armour if so, Reaper would be great to use with that so you can switch armour from Ele to Necro without crafting anything

Edited by Mini Crinny.6190
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1 hour ago, Mini Crinny.6190 said:

Ele and Necro are both Light armoured classes, I guess you have made Berserker armour if so, Reaper would be great to use with that so you can switch armour from Ele to Necro without crafting anything

Necro has 2 hp bars and high hp as well as having added hared cc and a set of skill that eats your targets boons something that ele dose not even remotely have.

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4 hours ago, Fueki.4753 said:

Instead of merely looking at Snowcrows cookie cutter top end builds, how about you look at the broad picture and the issues that Warrior has?

I was also talking about sustain and self boons, its not listed on snow crows. Warrior is not the worst class. It has fair damage and sustain and a smooth rotation thats not very difficult. I also noted heavy armor of it. Dont instantly press the "you only look at snow crows" button please.
Also i said that spellbreaker is fine in wvw.
And that bs is asked a lot in grp content in pve.
Maybe u shouldve read my comment before writing this.

Also yes, warrior has issues. But lots of classes have. Like dont tell me engi pistols are fine like they r atm.
Literally every class has a nearly useless spec that nearly none uses. Its not only warrior that has issues. I am just saying that I DONT think that warrior is the WORST profession and wanted to tell you why i think thats its not.

And that u maybe start to explain why u think so. Because you didnt.


4 hours ago, Fueki.4753 said:

There are many threads on the Warrior sub forum listing issues. It's very easy to see that Warrior has far, far more issues than any other profession. And nearly all of those issues are being ignored.

Thats exactly the thing going on with literally all professions. Most of all profession sub forum threads are listing issues of the class. Exactly this one we are commenting in right now is in the ele sub forum that lists an issue.
"And nearly all of those issues are being ignored."
Yes. The same with all other professions. Eles asking for staff rework for months/years now.
Engineers asking for pistol reworks for years now.
Warriors and guardians asking for hammer reworks for years now.
And so on.

But yes. Warrior needs some reworks. But that doesnt mean warrior is the one that has the most issues. Other classes also need some heavy reworks on some weapons and skills.

Edited by SeTect.5918
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1 hour ago, Jski.6180 said:

Necro has 2 hp bars and high hp as well as having added hared cc and a set of skill that eats your targets boons something that ele dose not even remotely have.

lol I just mentioned that the armour is the same, he can simply move his armour from Ele to Necro without crafting anything, I couldnt care less about what necro does and what ele can't

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2 minutes ago, Mini Crinny.6190 said:

lol I just mentioned that the armour is the same, he can simply move his armour from Ele to Necro without crafting anything, I couldnt care less about what necro does and what ele can't

Hehe its important to point it out in a "i simply cannot take it anymore" when it comes to ele. The ele class is not in a vacuum its very important to say what other classes have because ele as a class has no unique effect (some how that is the unique part about ele the lack of effects over all other classes.)

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I agree War has some concept issues and  big jokes on weapons and some mechanics (especially controls and hammer/mace, spb; condition builds...) but finally, war is playable, and played everywhere.

War has relatively low skill floor with strong defense traitlane and carrying skills; which is already  the complete opposite of elementalist.

Warrior is relatively bad in PvP tournament, because (as elementalist) is a bit too versatile but never really excel; and too crude, too predictable in its animation and cast time etc. But it's not necessary an issue in ranked/soloQ. Otherwise it's meta everywhere.


I REALLY REALLY wish elementalist had a "QQ elementalist jailed into bannerslave" issue; because at least it would mean elementalist is requested in pve. Or "bubble jailed " in wvw.
Maybe a thankless role but a role anyway.


Edited by Zhaid Zhem.6508
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