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PSA From A Historically Accurate Town Crier - About Win Trading

Trevor Boyer.6524

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30 minutes ago, Lacdanon.1483 said:

We have different experiences that doesn't make my point any less true.


Play off NA prime time to see how bad it can be, in NA prime I climb ranks only to lose those ranks when I play in AU timezone when I have been matched against people in the top 20 (by chance or match manipulation) making 5man que will probably ensure it happens more often.

You're not getting it my dude.

The 5man queue ALLOWS YOU to make your own team. Stop and think about the cause & effect of this:


  1. Oh, a team of top players is queueing? Add them to your contacts. Now you queue dodge them. Don't push enter queue until you see them in a game or they sign offline. When 5man is reenabled, they will bulk together rather than being skewed around into different queues into multiple different solo or duos. So when they are bulked together, you can dodge them more easily. This means that you won't have to fight these players as often as you are now.
  2. You only allow people into your team or join teams of people you approve of. You can easily type into LFG or join in an LFG "Plat 1+ show badge, need necro/guard support" same as you would with fractals. You see everyone has that badge next to their name so you know you're in a p1 team with a good composition. Will take no longer to form this group than it would for fractals. Oh someone left party? Ok, pick up a new player then.
  3. No more open slots for synch queue bot or human on alt throws. BONUS BONUS BONUS BONUS
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19 minutes ago, Kuma.1503 said:

You need to get yourself a youtube channel and rant about this stuff there. 

It's the only way Arena Net will listen aparently. 

I have a twitch. I even have a recent elongated video discussing this for like 3 hours while I play -> GW2 s29 placements - wintrade check - Twitch

But I'm no partner, I'm not sponsored, I'm not commercial, so it only gets 72 views.

I've noticed that the only people who get attention, are the people who have commercial support. Also they have to be willing to keep their mouth shut about things people don't want others to know about, if they want to continue on with their streaming endeavors, otherwise they get ousted from the support of the other streamers within the platform they are operating in.

I am not willing to do that so I get few views. Even the people who try really really really hard to get their foot into the door, don't get many views unless they try very hard to fake it until they make it and are able to tag commercial support.

Even if you look at the view counts of that guy who recently released the ridiculously incriminating evidence about the heavy & rampant match manipulation going on in this game and who is doing it, you'd be very surprised at how few views there are. I actually found it appalling that evidence of that measure could be released into this game's official forum, reddit, all over the place, but yet only a minority really paid attention to it. But if Teapot, with commercial support, says some short statement like: "Win trading. Let's fix it. Ok now moving onto a different topic." It gets 20,000 views and everyone pays attention because of the bells & whistles attached to the commercial scene.

It's actually terrifying that our society has come to this. People need to start paying attention to each other again and what is in front of them, not just what's on commercial media.

Edited by Trevor Boyer.6524
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On 10/23/2021 at 5:20 PM, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

Nothing is forcing you to be a 5man queue dude.

You can continue to mix queue as a solo queue all you want.

It would work just like unranked does.

Oh you think it's not fair? Well that's your choice bud.

Nothing stopping you from posting in the LFG: "P1+ show badge need necro/guard support"

Maybe I did not understand your original post seeing your answer.

Are you demaning 5 man premade queue or queue like Unranked (1-5)?
I had the impression you were asking for 5 man premade only (5).

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9 minutes ago, Terrorsquad.2349 said:

Maybe I did not understand your original post seeing your answer.

Are you demaning 5 man premade queue or queue like Unranked (1-5)?
I had the impression you were asking for 5 man premade only (5).

No, it would be mixed queue just like unranked is now, just like leagues used to be when they first released.

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Majority of people on this game play Solo, thats a fact, forcing them on a team queue is a horrible idea...it was disabled for a reason, no point in bringing up again, but if anything, just keep a ranked SoloQ and another TeamQ and call it a day...if the population is as low as people are saying here, this would just kill the game mode for good.

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It's really strange to me that the players who don't want to at least give ranked mixed queue a shot because they might get blown the kitten out by a premade here and there would rather get blown the kitten out by getting matched up with a bot or someone actively throwing their match with an alt. 

But lemme go sit over here in this corner

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1 hour ago, Azure The Heartless.3261 said:

It's really strange to me that the players who don't want to at least give ranked mixed queue a shot because they might get blown the kitten out by a premade here and there would rather get blown the kitten out by getting matched up with a bot or someone actively throwing their match with an alt. 

But lemme go sit over here in this corner


when reaching top 25 soloq, i'll stop the moment i see a top 10 duoq is qing. because i'll guarantee q into them every time in the next 2 hours and lose over 100 rating and it's no fun.

like, bots did not stop me from playing, it's the top 10 duoq who stopped me

this is only with duoq and soloq.

and it will get worse with 5 men team.

and you will queue into top 1 team because they all queue dodge each other and u will get utterly destroyed and i wonder how long your 5 men team will stuck together and last.

you will just end up being their farm pig for ratings. top 2 will not queue into top1, same for 3 4..so when top 1 is queueing, they only queue into gold players like it is already happening right now. but there's 3 other players to average out the rating, but not the same with 5 men. they will just destroy anyone whos trying to queue. even if top1 and top 2 are equal why would they queue into each other and risk their rating to be lower then top 3 when they can just do in-house.

also the skill gap is so big from average player to veteran player..there will be like 4 teams(5 with alts) queue dodging each other and destroying you all and have the same rating like 2v2 and 3v3

Edited by felix.2386
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On 10/21/2021 at 6:48 PM, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

You've all been hearing me say it for years now. I've called out win trading, how it was done, the depths of why it was happening. For years people would say: "nah man you're crazy, that's conspiracy" But in the end, I was right, about literally every single thing I ever pointed out to this forum community. I was just able to spot it earlier than most, albeit my lack of connections to provide incriminating evidence.

I'm here to make a new statement so people know what's going on, and are ready to expose it QUICKLY this time, instead of waiting 10 years to pay attention. The win trading and multi-box botting for throwing is actually WORSE now, than it was before the supposed 83 account ban. I don't know who it is. I don't know if it is the usual culprits on new accounts laying down some kind of vengeance, or if it is a clique of new guys, no idea. But the ranked game is unbelievably broken, unplayable, and insulting to even attempt to play at this point. It's a big slap to this community's face.

There is only 1 way to fix this problem. You put back 5man que so the wise players can block themselves from the effects of synch queue win trading & multi-box bot throws. Arenanet needs to either put back 5man queue or disable the ranked mode. Yes, I am being serious. This has gotten ridiculous and it is sickening to even see it open for queues. I don't understand why this company isn't entirely embarrassed at what they have allowed to happen to their reputation concerning competitive gaming. This pvp scene in GW2 is by far the raunchiest, dirtiest, nastiest, unclean rigged theatric platform for match manipulation that I've seen in any game to date. I do not say this lightly as I am 38 years of age and have been online gaming since 1996 when 14.4 modems were still in use. Arenanet should take this kind of word of mouth seriously.

INB4 QQ about 5man teams! oh noez! because the problem this game faces with the level of sheer raw rigged manipulation at this point, is 100x worse. INB4 "Some of us only want to play solo!" Come on man. What did you expect when you bought a game named "Guild Wars?" At some point Arenanet needs to stop cattering to the immediate ignorant appeasement of people who are under the placebo that solo only somehow makes it all better. Because I know, they know, all the veterans know, nothing could be further from the truth. If some people want to bow out and not form parties to participate, so be it. There will be plenty of other players to replace them, who aren't playing now, because team queue was removed. It'll balance itself out player base wise. Lose some, gain some. The only real difference is that with 5man teams, your team won't need to worry about synch queues throwing your games.

~ It's the only way. Arenanet please listen. Fix your game mode in 1 fast & easy fell swoop. Reenable 5man queues.

~ What you are doing now, for whatever reason that is,  it isn't working.


To any player who supports this same stance, it is time to STOP playing ranked. Stop supporting this janky completely inadequate, no longer competitive scene. Arenanet very seriously needs to see that this is unacceptable. Play ATs all you want. Play Unranked all you want. But stop playing ranked if you really want to see changes. I love this game and I wish it hadn't come to this, but it has. Please take this seriously if you love this game and would like to be able to play it legitimately again.

Playing either ranked or unranked is, by no way, supporting anything lmao.  GW2 died in 2013.

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2 hours ago, Azure The Heartless.3261 said:

It's really strange to me that the players who don't want to at least give ranked mixed queue a shot because they might get blown the kitten out by a premade here and there would rather get blown the kitten out by getting matched up with a bot or someone actively throwing their match with an alt. 

But lemme go sit over here in this corner

^ Exactly

Pretty suspicious after awhile tbh.

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Correct problem.

Incorrect solution.

It has been proven MANY times that the 5 man community is one of an extremely vocal minority. Take how big you think it is, divide it by about 100, and you will be closer to the actual number. . ATs are basically 5-man but provide exceptionally good rewards even if you don't even do very well. And even then many ATs only have 6 teams. Often the same 6 teams.  5 man Q = Dead Q.

Here is the ACTUAL solution: 

1. The time to ban all free accounts from ranked has come. This means that a multi-box botter must now always put money into the system. This immediately reduces the problem by about 66%. Most of these bots are exploiting how easy and effective core necro is, making them the ideal throw candidate since it's not a big deal if they are put on your team.

2. Anet must come out and make it strictly clear that when a bot is banned from ranked ALL accounts associated with the same payment details will also be permabanned if it is found those accounts played together in a match.  Sure, people could always get a separate credit card just for buying bots, but the point is to have an additional hoop.

3. Hire an additional GM to spectate 1500+ elo games. Season-Ban obvious shenanigans on the spot, and use Dhuum to do it. Right now the lack of instant karma is why so many wintraders do this. They assume they will not be caught, and currently for 99% of them they are correct. Seeing twats get Dhuumed mid match was a hilarious part of GW1, and needs a comeback.  

None of these 3 alone will solve the problem 100%, but all of them together makes it arguably no longer worth it for the vast majority of current exploiters. You can never end botting outright, only make it progressively harder to get away with. 

Edited by Master Ketsu.4569
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11 hours ago, felix.2386 said:

and you will queue into top 1 team because they all queue dodge each other and u will get utterly destroyed and i wonder how long your 5 men team will stuck together and last.


so you'd rather q into bots and afk'ers? i don't get it. at least you can try your hardest and improve by creating your own team of which you can make friends with. friends > solo q

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1 minute ago, Stand The Wall.6987 said:

so you'd rather q into bots and afk'ers? i don't get it. at least you can try your hardest and improve by creating your own team of which you can make friends with. friends > solo q

technically someone could put their bot in a lfg party 

...but lately im starting to see the point your side is trying to make....out of 4 rounds tonight - 3 bots 2 afkers 2 mediocre players blaming others when they arent even paying attention to the map.


I'm still against it though as i think it would be hard to find a group with the same queing habits as mine.

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12 hours ago, felix.2386 said:


when reaching top 25 soloq, i'll stop the moment i see a top 10 duoq is qing. because i'll guarantee q into them every time in the next 2 hours and lose over 100 rating and it's no fun.

like, bots did not stop me from playing, it's the top 10 duoq who stopped me

this is only with duoq and soloq.

and it will get worse with 5 men team.

and you will queue into top 1 team because they all queue dodge each other and u will get utterly destroyed and i wonder how long your 5 men team will stuck together and last.

you will just end up being their farm pig for ratings. top 2 will not queue into top1, same for 3 4..so when top 1 is queueing, they only queue into gold players like it is already happening right now. but there's 3 other players to average out the rating, but not the same with 5 men. they will just destroy anyone whos trying to queue. even if top1 and top 2 are equal why would they queue into each other and risk their rating to be lower then top 3 when they can just do in-house.

also the skill gap is so big from average player to veteran player..there will be like 4 teams(5 with alts) queue dodging each other and destroying you all and have the same rating like 2v2 and 3v3

You already are their farm pigs, you just can't see it because of win trading. There is no chance to win those matches, none.

But with a 5man queue, they have to actually beat your real team. Here you have an actual chance to win. 

I don't know what you guys aren't understanding about this.

And besides that, you'd have an easier time queue dodging them if they were grouped into a 5 man team, rather than Duo A, Duo B, and then Duo C, all three groups of which will have synch alts with them to ensure wins. <- Here there is the placebo that you are in a fair match but it simply is not true. You are against a team, you just can't see it.


Some of the people in this discussion man. No offense but you guys are very blind for some reason.

Edited by Trevor Boyer.6524
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On 10/23/2021 at 11:17 AM, Terrorsquad.2349 said:

Just answer me this:

What (competitive) game has ever (or now) made pvp forced 5 (or full team) man premade?

Forced = you can only play the mode with premades, no soloq available, as you are suggesting

Now put your answer next to the amount of games that offer pvp.

Do you see how your idea isn't a good idea? It doesn't get implemented because the majority of players rather (have the ability/option to) play solo. Game makers know this.
Team Arena needs to return, next to Solo Arena, just like old times. 
Let people have the option to do whatever they want.

I'll name a competitive game.

World of Warcraft.

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1 minute ago, Terrorsquad.2349 said:

Yes another game with wintrading and seeing (heavy) decline of population too. 
Not that the decline of population is due pvp, though. But that's another discussion.

Indeed indeed. However, it is a named game with a large competitive scene. And I don't think the wintrading is as bad there as it is here in Guild Wars 2.

I agree with some of the OP's post here. I also think another way of solving this issue on a grander scale is if Anet stops breaking their promises after doing something great. To be more specific what I'm referring to is balance.

They did a great job toning down the powercrept things with that big Feb balance patch, promised to tone down things they missed, and then disappeared. So now we have some things on professions (like on ranger for example) that still does way too much. Also, tightening the number per individual player in terms of skill level and ranked that the matchmaking system uses would be highly beneficial to help make games feel much better, since currently it only looks at an average between 5 players of any rank (hence why some legendary players get into games with gold 1s and silver 3s). Few things should happen, I wouldn't be opposed to 5 man queues in ranked again.

Then again, I've since pseudo quit gw2 for a little bit myself because of some of the horrid choices anet has made with balance and deciding to neglect things that needed review and currently play New World. Fun game and it's pretty balanced.

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9 minutes ago, Ghos.1326 said:

Indeed indeed. However, it is a named game with a large competitive scene. And I don't think the wintrading is as bad there as it is here in Guild Wars 2.

I agree with some of the OP's post here. I also think another way of solving this issue on a grander scale is if Anet stops breaking their promises after doing something great. To be more specific what I'm referring to is balance.

They did a great job toning down the powercrept things with that big Feb balance patch, promised to tone down things they missed, and then disappeared. So now we have some things on professions (like on ranger for example) that still does way too much. Also, tightening the number per individual player in terms of skill level and ranked that the matchmaking system uses would be highly beneficial to help make games feel much better, since currently it only looks at an average between 5 players of any rank (hence why some legendary players get into games with gold 1s and silver 3s). Few things should happen, I wouldn't be opposed to 5 man queues in ranked again.

Then again, I've since pseudo quit gw2 for a little bit myself because of some of the horrid choices anet has made with balance and deciding to neglect things that needed review and currently play New World. Fun game and it's pretty balanced.

WoW has a veiled p2w through tokens. For tokens, you can become anyone. Blizzard is making more money from token and patch sales than from subscriptions, so they specifically do all these timegates and will not do solo Q in the near future.

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7 hours ago, Lacdanon.1483 said:

technically someone could put their bot in a lfg party 

...but lately im starting to see the point your side is trying to make....out of 4 rounds tonight - 3 bots 2 afkers 2 mediocre players blaming others when they arent even paying attention to the map.


I'm still against it though as i think it would be hard to find a group with the same queing habits as mine.

i'm sure guilds would be more prevalent (and probably necessary) and i don't think a single time zone would be left out. well ofc there are periods of down time... the OP is asking for a mixed q tho which means it would be like unranked, you can still single q but there would be anywhere from 2-5 player teams as well.

Edited by Stand The Wall.6987
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On 10/21/2021 at 7:48 PM, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

You've all been hearing me say it for years now. I've called out win trading, how it was done, the depths of why it was happening. For years people would say: "nah man you're crazy, that's conspiracy" But in the end, I was right, about literally every single thing I ever pointed out to this forum community. I was just able to spot it earlier than most, albeit my lack of connections to provide incriminating evidence.

I'm here to make a new statement so people know what's going on, and are ready to expose it QUICKLY this time, instead of waiting 10 years to pay attention. The win trading and multi-box botting for throwing is actually WORSE now, than it was before the supposed 83 account ban. I don't know who it is. I don't know if it is the usual culprits on new accounts laying down some kind of vengeance, or if it is a clique of new guys, no idea. But the ranked game is unbelievably broken, unplayable, and insulting to even attempt to play at this point. It's a big slap to this community's face.

There is only 1 way to fix this problem. You put back 5man que so the wise players can block themselves from the effects of synch queue win trading & multi-box bot throws. Arenanet needs to either put back 5man queue or disable the ranked mode. Yes, I am being serious. This has gotten ridiculous and it is sickening to even see it open for queues. I don't understand why this company isn't entirely embarrassed at what they have allowed to happen to their reputation concerning competitive gaming. This pvp scene in GW2 is by far the raunchiest, dirtiest, nastiest, unclean rigged theatric platform for match manipulation that I've seen in any game to date. I do not say this lightly as I am 38 years of age and have been online gaming since 1996 when 14.4 modems were still in use. Arenanet should take this kind of word of mouth seriously.

INB4 QQ about 5man teams! oh noez! because the problem this game faces with the level of sheer raw rigged manipulation at this point, is 100x worse. INB4 "Some of us only want to play solo!" Come on man. What did you expect when you bought a game named "Guild Wars?" At some point Arenanet needs to stop cattering to the immediate ignorant appeasement of people who are under the placebo that solo only somehow makes it all better. Because I know, they know, all the veterans know, nothing could be further from the truth. If some people want to bow out and not form parties to participate, so be it. There will be plenty of other players to replace them, who aren't playing now, because team queue was removed. It'll balance itself out player base wise. Lose some, gain some. The only real difference is that with 5man teams, your team won't need to worry about synch queues throwing your games.

~ It's the only way. Arenanet please listen. Fix your game mode in 1 fast & easy fell swoop. Reenable 5man queues.

~ What you are doing now, for whatever reason that is,  it isn't working.


To any player who supports this same stance, it is time to STOP playing ranked. Stop supporting this janky completely inadequate, no longer competitive scene. Arenanet very seriously needs to see that this is unacceptable. Play ATs all you want. Play Unranked all you want. But stop playing ranked if you really want to see changes. I love this game and I wish it hadn't come to this, but it has. Please take this seriously if you love this game and would like to be able to play it legitimately again.


OP, I am with 100%. NOTHING short of strictly enforced 5-man queues is going to purge this disaster and making this somewhat playable again. This duo nonsense needed to freaking disappear like YESTERDAY. It completely destroyed the matchmaking system, as bad as it initially was. But still, people started leaving as early as 2013-14 because change was slow even then.


I took another position years ago that consisted of separate solo and 5-man queues. However, it was a different time back then. That issue is basically irrelevant now no matter where you stand on it. The critical disaster now is blatant cheaters, botters, win-traders and general people who exploit the matchmaking system.


I WILL disagree with you on ATs. ATs are even worse because of the rewards involved. It just attracts that same crowd. There are already videos of people blatantly cheating in tournaments. Plus it's every few hours. If people get bounced early because of cheaters: they're not coming back. I would say stay out of those as well.


As far as "legitimate" goes, I think that went out the window when ANet ceased to take leadership and control over this game mode and passed the buck to the so-called "pro-players" and try-hards who got in their ear on the discord chats. This maybe an unpopular opinion but: spvp should not serve the interests of ALL players, not just the high-ranked ones. Yes, even those "casuals" .

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On 10/23/2021 at 1:19 PM, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

I have a twitch. I even have a recent elongated video discussing this for like 3 hours while I play -> GW2 s29 placements - wintrade check - Twitch

But I'm no partner, I'm not sponsored, I'm not commercial, so it only gets 72 views.

I've noticed that the only people who get attention, are the people who have commercial support. Also they have to be willing to keep their mouth shut about things people don't want others to know about, if they want to continue on with their streaming endeavors, otherwise they get ousted from the support of the other streamers within the platform they are operating in.

I am not willing to do that so I get few views. Even the people who try really really really hard to get their foot into the door, don't get many views unless they try very hard to fake it until they make it and are able to tag commercial support.

Even if you look at the view counts of that guy who recently released the ridiculously incriminating evidence about the heavy & rampant match manipulation going on in this game and who is doing it, you'd be very surprised at how few views there are. I actually found it appalling that evidence of that measure could be released into this game's official forum, reddit, all over the place, but yet only a minority really paid attention to it. But if Teapot, with commercial support, says some short statement like: "Win trading. Let's fix it. Ok now moving onto a different topic." It gets 20,000 views and everyone pays attention because of the bells & whistles attached to the commercial scene.

It's actually terrifying that our society has come to this. People need to start paying attention to each other again and what is in front of them, not just what's on commercial media.


Welcome to social media. See, in this current information age of ours, social media is essentially a weapon and used for propaganda. In this age, "influencers" and all manner of "e-celebs" have the power to command and shape the minds of the masses due to the inherent potential of such platforms to spread a message. Such a thing, I find, is really what cults are made of.  It can be very easy to fool people simply because a certain message is so widespread that it "must" be true! Also, social media essentially serves as a tool and the propaganda arm of companies that push its PR to the public. This is done through affiliates and partners, as with Teapot. As the saying goes, "the squeaky wheel gets the grease". When someone like Teapot talks, people listen. And finally, social media is peer-pressure on steroids. Peer-pressure is hard enough in youth, I can only imagine it being amplified in this age and the social harm it inflicts on people. And god forbid you question the e-celebs! Their fans will instantly jump down on your throat.


"It's actually terrifying that our society has come to this. People need to start paying attention to each other again and what is in front of them, not just what's on commercial media."

Thank you! Yup! People get so attached to their media, podcasts and e-celebs that they fail to witness the world around them. They get told what they want to hear and not what is ACTUALLY there. Don't even get me started on trumpism.



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By all means have mixed ranked queue back but don't think it'll fix it, though i'd advocate for a separate solo queue as well or permanent ranked 2v2s/3v3s. My past experience with mixed queue is that after a certain point you will run into guild groups frequently. I remember I hit that point queuing solo where I'd run into [Dolo], Mist initiative, and Astral Authority, and those matches were just pure steam roll, to the point you might as well just afk in spawn and let them have free rating(win).  In reality though this thread is about settling  for less because it's accepted fact Anet won't do anything unless the pressure is too great, though the solution is so simple which would be to crack down and continue to dissuade the behavior. In the end they support the bad practices and get buddy buddy with them, until it starts getting to heavy with the bad spot light. 🙃

Edited by Lucentfir.7430
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1 minute ago, Lucentfir.7430 said:

By all means have mixed ranked queue back but don't think it'll fix it, though i'd advocate for a separate solo queue as well or permanent ranked 2v2s/3v3s. My past experience with mixed queue is that after a certain point you will run into guild groups frequently. I remember I hit that point queuing solo where I'd run into [Dolo], Mist initiative, and Astral Authority, and those matches were just pure steam roll, to the point you might as well just afk in spawn and let them have free rating.  In reality though this thread is about settling  for less because it's accepted fact Anet won't do anything unless the pressure is too great, though the solution is so simple which would be to crack down and continue to dissuade the behavior. In the end they support the bad practices and get buddy buddy with them, until it starts getting to heavy with the bad spot light. 🙃


Separating soloQ and making permanent ranked for 2v2 and 3v3 seems the best idea, as it still does allows friends to play together and compete.

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On 10/26/2021 at 11:30 AM, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

You already are their farm pigs, you just can't see it because of win trading. There is no chance to win those matches, none.

But with a 5man queue, they have to actually beat your real team. Here you have an actual chance to win. 

I don't know what you guys aren't understanding about this.

And besides that, you'd have an easier time queue dodging them if they were grouped into a 5 man team, rather than Duo A, Duo B, and then Duo C, all three groups of which will have synch alts with them to ensure wins. <- Here there is the placebo that you are in a fair match but it simply is not true. You are against a team, you just can't see it.


Some of the people in this discussion man. No offense but you guys are very blind for some reason.

Perhaps you are arguing with.....anyways....


Here's the deal, the behavior of having an alt, a duo alt, or any other alt has trickled down to the lower reaches of platinum.

Turds who know they wont be at the top, but want a title, or a spot on the leaderboad will alt up and ditch games, bot game or throw.

Even if the population is low, its unlikely that the top players, like even top 50 would have this much impact.


It's a larger percentage of the plat 1-3 and hopefuls trying to manipulate the game too.


Why are so many people seeing this behavior?


SO MANY ARE DOING IT, and they learned about it.....




Ask yourself how many times you saw someone say to the effect, "i dont care this is an alt".

Edited by Crab Fear.1624
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