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How do you think Skiff and fishing will be involved in the story


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I suspect it will be similar to how masteries were incorporated into the HoT and PoF storylines, so not a part of the final battle or even part of the main storyline but something you discover along the way which makes getting to that point easier. Early in the HoT storyline you meet the Itzel and they teach you to use bouncing mushrooms, later on you learn about Exalted Markings so you can understand Tarir and it's defences, and the Nuloch teach you to use wallows to move around. At the start of PoF you save a village and as thanks and a way to support you going after Balthazar they give you a raptor, so getting around the desert will be easier. Later on you get a springer and skimmer in similar ways to cover different kinds of terrain.

Skiffs are fairly easy: they just need a story step where we need to go somewhere that's difficult or impossible to reach without a boat and someone isn't willing to take us because it's too dangerous but will give us a boat to get there. The hardest part will be explaining why we can't use a skimmer (or griffon/skyscale) or a Pact airship. But that could be explained with something like you're trying to sneak in unnoticed and an exotic creature or giant zeppelin would be spotted instantly but another little boat coming into the harbour isn't worth a second look.

It's harder to imagine how fishing will fit in, but it could be something like you need to get a village to trust you and the best way to do that is to join their fishing crews (like the way a lot of hearts work), or fishing could be an optional mastery like the jackal mount - it's not required to finish PoF and the story won't actually take you to the djinn palace where you unlock it, just near enough that you're likely to find it yourself.

I also assume that like all the masteries so far only the lowest tiers will be required for the story and the higher ones will be optional extra abilities to unlock as and when you want to.

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I don't see fishing being something tied to the main story, rather it will mostly be a side activity that you choose to do on your own and level up your skiff mastery as you gather more mastery points. There may be some daily heart activities that offer fishing as one option to raise progress, but that's probably the height of it.


Skiffs I think will be optional content this time around. Probably targeted for new players coming to GW2 without any mounts. In particular, GW2 players that have already unlocked the Skimmer mount as well as its ability to be used underwater will likely not have a high dependency on needing a skiff, unless you want the rewards from deep sea fishing. Based on how skiffs were presented, I see them more as a group role play cosmetic with limited application in core Tyria zones and select expansion zones. I would guess it's highly likely we'll have fishing/deep sea fishing achievements in zones like Orr (zombie fishing), Frostgorge Sound (ice fishing), and maybe zone with a mix of water bodies like Bloodtide Coast.

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I will be sad if they force us to use a boat where a skimmer would work fine. That crosses an line into arbitraryland for me.

I still hope there will be some sort of meta event where we fight a sea creature on the surface of the water. It's half emerged, and we have to drive around and avoid the AOEs while people attack from the back of our skiffs.

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What does a skiff have a skimmer doesn’t? The ability to carry passengers.

”Commander! We need to get down river to get the Macguffin before the bad guys do!”

[Call your skiff so you can ferry Dragon’s Watch down river]

Remember, folks, you heard it here first. 😄


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3 minutes ago, Gibson.4036 said:

What does a skiff have a skimmer doesn’t? The ability to carry passengers.

”Commander! We need to get down river to get the Macguffin before the bad guys do!”

[Call your skiff so you can ferry Dragon’s Watch down river]

Remember, folks, you heard it here first. 😄


I think they have their own Skimmers, though.

Just like they have their own Raptors.

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39 minutes ago, Gibson.4036 said:

What does a skiff have a skimmer doesn’t? The ability to carry passengers.

”Commander! We need to get down river to get the Macguffin before the bad guys do!”

[Call your skiff so you can ferry Dragon’s Watch down river]

Remember, folks, you heard it here first. 😄



You're forgetting the part where 100 other players are doing the same thing, creating massive traffic jams and boat rage :)


Suez Canal Wars 2

"Learn to pilot a boat!"

"Get off the river ya ijit!"

"Reported for illegally parked boat!"

"Find your own fishing hole!"


And just wait till we get luxury yachts for sale in the store. Wide load coming through! :)

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2 hours ago, Nate.8146 said:


You're forgetting the part where 100 other players are doing the same thing, creating massive traffic jams and boat rage 🙂


Suez Canal Wars 2

"Learn to pilot a boat!"

"Get off the river ya ijit!"

"Reported for illegally parked boat!"

"Find your own fishing hole!"


And just wait till we get luxury yachts for sale in the store. Wide load coming through! 🙂

That’s what instances are for!

I know the rest of DW all have raptors, but I can’t remember them ever having skimmers.

And as far as traffic jams, skiffs only have collision detection with other skiffs in your group. Skiffs shouldn’t cause jams any more than mounts do.

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At most I can see Skiffs and Fishing as being a Shing Jea thing, you do parts of the Shing Jea story that involves them then they become optional when we move to mainland Cantha. Similar in fashion to what happened with the Nuhoch, Itzel and Exalted Lore masteries along with the mounts but not as ingrained. 

We still have 3 other masteries if I remember and one of them is the Siege Turtle, which is probably gonna be needed to progress the Jade Sea stories for Luxons. I'm assuming the other two Masteries are also ingrained within the other two regions of Cantha; a Mastery for Central Kaineng and a Mastery for the Echovald Wilds/Kurzick Alliance

Edited by ChronoPinoyX.7923
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8 hours ago, Dawanarth.4601 said:

I think I've seen them on Hopper


Don't they take the same mount as you ?

They default to raptors in most cases where you mount up in a story instance, usually default skin - Zafirah had her own raptor skin though.

I do think they used skimmer and springer for unique scenarios, but those were scripted one-time things.


As for OP's question - fishing likely won't, just like how Jackal wasn't involved in PoF's story. But I could see skiffs being a "this or skimmer mastery required" scenario.

I could see Siege Turtles being necessary mastery for story too, where you need to learn how to control them to work with them in a specific mission, though you won't have to actually use the mastery itself in the mission.

Edited by Konig Des Todes.2086
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Only lore I see fishing having is probably tied to fishing communities in Cantha.
I don't think it will be relevant to our actual story outside of the Commander maybe getting a little reprieve from the story.

We've been more or less constantly on the go since the story started, always on call for developments and "commander!! trouble come quick!!" moments.
Outside of festivals our characters don't get to just sit back, relax and learn something that isn't useful to killing super powerful beings like how to fish.
Hell even festivals have us running around fighting stuff half the time as well lol

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16 hours ago, Teratus.2859 said:

“Commander!!! You totally ruined my ley-line inversion subwave matrices experiment in your absent mindedness! You are clearly too stressed to continue fighting dragons. You’ve got to find a way to clear your head!”

[Catch 60 jade-scaled bass to continue your story]

Edited by Gibson.4036
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My predictions on masteries and story:


Fishing: Likely won't be involved in a major way in the story. Only way I could see it being involved is if we need to catch bait for some DsD minion, an ingredient for a potion, or something.


Skiffs: As others have said, could be skiffs or skimmer required, as the expac will focus on DsD and presumably travel on water. A possible explanation for no skimmer access could be something like "there is an overload of magic in this area, Skimmers cannot be used" or something like that. Another big thing for Skiffs could be involving combat while standing on top of skiffs with enemies that cannot be hit from underwater or using items while standing on a skiff, in which Skimmers would be of no use. I could definitely see the final battle with the DsD being on a skiff, so underwater combat could be minimized/avoided.


Siege Turtle: I could see the actual mount being locked behind collections, similar to the Griffon/Roller Beetle/Skyscale where we have to grow a tortoise into one to get our own mount. However, I do think they may be usable in story instances with just the first one or two mastery tiers unlocked.


Arborstone Restoration: Likely not involved in story much after we go there initially and more of an upgradable hub like Sun's Refuge or EoTN.


Jade Tech: Likely not involved in the story and consist of optional (likely combat based) boosts.

Edited by Poormany.4507
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