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(Feedback) Wandering Weapon Master Outfit


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I really, really like this outfit.  Lots of excellent detail, plausibly wearable, shoulders that make sense and don't balloon out even on charr or on male sylvari.  I have a number of alts it works really well for.

Sadly, it's marred by the dye channel choices.  The worst one is sharing pants and metal trim, so cloth and metal is mixed.  Overall the channels are:

main cloth, scabbards, gloves, and boots -- pants and metal -- fur shoulder and glimpse of shirt -- cloth ribbon accents

So you can't have dark boots/gloves/pants but bright hip-skirt, and you especially can't have dark pants with bright metallic fittings.  While it can be very hard to apply just four channels to something this complexly detailed, I would suggest:

main cloth -- gloves/scabbards/boots -- fur/ribbons -- metal -- with the pants either with main cloth or with the gloves etc or maybe even with the ribbons,, but set to take a darker (or lighter) gradient of the dye

This would mean not being able to do bright ribbons and natural fur, but would let the dyes more naturally match across the materials.  A bit of hue texturing as we've seen in other outfits would keep the pants from being monochrome extensions of the other parts.


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First this, now the cool "Wandering Weapon Master" outfit - thank you so much, whoever designed them, and keep those beautiful classic looks coming! 😍

43 minutes ago, Donari.5237 said:

Sadly, it's marred by the dye channel choices.  The worst one is sharing pants and metal trim, so cloth and metal is mixed. [...]

Aww, no... That's a bummer. 😕

Edit (after testing this): I can live with that as it still looks good with the colors I picked. 😉

Edited by Ashantara.8731
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Kudos to whoever designed this one and the archer set!  Haven't had a chance to dabble yet with the dye channels on this one, so thanks for the overview. Everyone has different opinions on aesthetics but it's nice to see some more classic, subtle choices that look good on most characters ❤️

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I was actually majorly disappointed by this.  I thought the weaponmaster cape was going to have the double swords on it and an option for just the double swords, exactly like the forest scout had the quiver/cape combo and an option for the quiver only.   Hugely disappointed the swords were part of the outfit ONLY. Anet please, make it like the forest scout combo back piece.

Edited by sevenDEADLY.5281
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8 hours ago, sevenDEADLY.5281 said:

I was actually majorly disappointed by this.  I thought the weaponmaster cape was going to have the double swords on it and an option for just the double swords, exactly like the forest scout had the quiver/cape combo and an option for the quiver only.   Hugely disappointed the swords were part of the outfit ONLY. Anet please, make it like the forest scout combo back piece.

That's actually a good point (and suggestion)! 🙂

Yes, too many blades attached to the armor itself, I agree (though I can live with it for the sheer fact that the armor per se looks so kitten good 😄).

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I think all the blades on it are appropriate given the name. It's just a shame we can't use them. (Still not as extreme as GW1 assassins who had knives attached to their underwear.)

I think it's a nice outfit, but not something I'm ever likely to use, especially given the limitations of the dye slots. That's one of my big frustrations with outfits, going back to when they first came in and I stopped using my pirate captain's outfit because I couldn't find a nice way to dye it with so many pieces sharing slots. Add in the fact that I don't typically buy outfits which look like armour and I can't see myself ever using this one.

But for what it is, within the limitations of the outfit system, I think it's well done.

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I'm a big fan of classic outfits that dont feel overly magical, so that was love at first sight. I have to agree with sevenDEADLY though, I feel like the swords scabbards would have benefited more from the ranger cloak treatment. 

If someone at Anet's line of thought when reading this is : "But think of the extra work required"

My answer would naturally be : "But it would reach so many more people, you'd have likely quadrupled your sales"

Edited by Naxos.2503
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21 minutes ago, Borked.6824 said:

This is one of those that I really wish wasn't a full outfit, and haven't gotten it for that reason.  It checks all the boxes for good mix and match, but naturally, you cant...

Yeah. I haven't been this disappointed at a great cosmetic being wasted on an Outfit since Logan's Pact Marshal outfit. Which so looks like it could have been a T4 Cultural.

Edited by Duke Blackrose.4981
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1 hour ago, fatihso.7258 said:

Having only 4 dye channels in 2021 is unacceptable. Black Desert Online outfits have up to 12 dye channels per piece and it's time for Anet to do the same as a new standart for the new releases going forward. Please don't tell me about resources or dev time, ate my fill on all kind of excuses you white knights and fan boys have on behalf of the company.

well be prepared to dish out 3-4k gems per piece of armor then.

Edited by Linken.6345
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now wait a minute, if you use the better premium dyes, you do get 2 colors per channel.  Searing is the most dramatic, you can have red with orange trim.
The recient abyssal dyes: abyssal rose, abyssal sun, ect. give you dark black paired with a bright color (ok, sometimes it is bright, sometimes it looks like mud, not sure what governs the 2nd color in the abyssal line.)

Instead of asking for more dye channels, we need more dyes with better pairings of color. Like brown and grey, so you  can have leather with steel fittings.  A red dye that has a deep green or dark blue for the trim color would be nice. 
The inverse of searing would be useful (orange with red trim), invert the abyssal dyes too.  instead of giving us teal, with a darker teal; give us a teal with an orange or a gold.

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On 12/8/2021 at 1:05 PM, Danikat.8537 said:

I think all the blades on it are appropriate given the name.

I think the ones on the lower back were just a bit too much, but hey. 😉

5 hours ago, UnDeadFun.5824 said:

There is amazing detail on this outfit, however I guess I will never understand this games obsession with the trench coat/butt-cape look.

Heh, I agree. Personally, I would have preferred a symmetrical, shorter varient, but it's still well done and looks really good overall.

P.S. Not sure anyone else noticed, but the right shoulder piece was recycled from the Dragon's Watch Regalia, and there is also a Sunspear star attached to the right thigh. :classic_biggrin:

Edited by Ashantara.8731
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