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Glider-Backpack combos and the inability to dye them


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This is honestly starting to kitten me off.  When I buy a glider-backpack combo, I generally want to use both, and that means I want them to be colored the same.  It's pretty stupid when your glider-backpack spontaneously changes appearance because you can dye one but not the other.  It's pretty stupid that your backpack can't be made to match your armor.

I've run into this issue on three different glider-backpack sets now:
Citadel Assault Glider/Backpack Combo - The Backpack cannot be dyed

Forged Glider/Backpack Combo - The Backpack cannot be dyed

Dynamics Exosuit Glider/Backpack Combo - the Projector (backpack) cannot be dyed

There is absolutely no text or warning anywhere when purchasing these items in the Gem Store that the backpack cannot be dyed.

Please fix this, or start handing out refunds for these items because you couldn't be bothered to warn anyone about it before purchase.

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You could always ask support for a refund.  Not that it would mean you would get one, but if you are THAT unhappy, it may be worth a try.


Maybe the wiki has more info about them?  Not sure so it’s truly a question from me.  

I know any older backpack won’t be dyeable, but how old is the question.  

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This was a fact of life back when you just couldn't dye back items. Now that it's possible, those who can't stick out like sore thumbs.


Getting Anet to retrofit the new code into those older, more limited items is going to be quite the feat however. In the bean counter's eyes, it's probably almost as much work as creating a new item without having the impact a new item has on sales in the cash shop.


I have the same problem as the OP with the same items, so I can relate.

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Hopefully with the way they are working on things, that there will be a system in the future where there will be dyeable versions. Like how they did with the collection tools when they introduced being able to remove the glyphs. Have the same vendor and if you have the item unlocked, be able to trade it in for the newer version.

I know your pain though. I love the scarab beetle backpack/glider combo. It sucks I can't dye that kitten backpack.

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For the most part, items listed on the wiki that can be dyed note how many dye channels they have. If it doesn’t say anything then it probably can’t be dyed. 

I don’t know if it is 100% accurate but I usually go off that.

In game you can also preview the skin and the preview dyes.  Since the dye preview is up to 4 channels you can test any skin that way as well.

I know it sucks, having to learn through a costly purchase, and I wish Anet could do better with this stuff in game. Having to resort to Wiki is kinda lame. 

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19 hours ago, Lynx.9058 said:

There is absolutely no text or warning anywhere when purchasing these items in the Gem Store that the backpack cannot be dyed.

This is the part that could be fixed quite easily: update the item descriptions to indicate that they can't be dyed. 

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6 hours ago, kharmin.7683 said:

Anet has already said that they have no plan to make the earlier, un-dyeable items available for dye-ing.  It would be too resource intensive and not worth their time.

Then the least they could do is put some kind of text or warning on those items stating that they are not dyable.

I'm sure I'm not the only new-ish player that had no idea about these legacy items or the fact that some could not be dyed until I purchased them, and it feels a little like getting cheated.

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12 hours ago, Boh.4568 said:

Old legacy code please understand

Small indie developer, I get it. It would still be nice if ANet could make it work. Refine backwards instead of putting all the shinies on the Gemstore. Sure, put some of them there, enough to keep the lights on and all. But going back and reworking things like this goes a long way in making the game a better experience. Other similar things would be adding dye channels to the achievement armors and maybe add gliders to the AP-backpieces as well.

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21 hours ago, Pifil.5193 said:

This is the part that could be fixed quite easily: update the item descriptions to indicate that they can't be dyed. 

From a business prospective this is bad idea since half of selling items in any market is relying on subtle scams. Players would stop buying the items if they knew they couldn't be dyed.


I'm not saying its good, I'm just saying why it likely won't happen.

Edited by Hannelore.8153
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  • 3 weeks later...

100% agree, it's a huge bummer and in my oppinion this should really get treated as a bug, because that's what it is, and the response from the support team is a huge let down...



Thanks a lot for taking the time to share your ideas about adding a dye channel to Dynamics Projector Module! We have found that the best way for the Development team to gather and review player feedback and suggestions is through the official forums. We ask and encourage players to post their ideas in our forums: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com

Please post your suggestion in the forum most relevant to the subject at hand. For instance, if you are writing about PvP, post in the PvP sub-forum. If you are making a suggestion about a specific profession, please post in that profession's sub-forum. And if you are writing about the Living World, feel free to post in that sub-forum.

Members of the Development Team read the forums daily, and while they usually cannot respond to individual suggestions, the fact that team members can review those suggestions in a public forum helps them gauge the level of interest in a particular idea, and also allows other players to discuss and offer feedback of their own.

The team looks forward to reviewing your input.



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6 minutes ago, Masta.8501 said:

So dying is not a feature in this game?
A glider model that has exactly the same model as the backpack and can be dyed while the backpack cannot?
Its a huge overlook and an obvious mistake while other backpack items have dye channels.

Yea it is for the newer backpacks going forward from when the tech for it was introduced into the game.

They said they would not go back and redo all the old backpacks.

Same that they wont go back and make white, black and all other wings dyable.

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