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Suggestion: Change Chilling Fog Tactic to Agony Tactic


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Chilling fog, worthless, converts to alacrity for boon balls.

Agony, health percentage damage over time, scaled to level of objective, 2.5% damage per tick at T0, to 10% damage per tick at T3 over 5sec.


Other Fractal instabilities that could be used instead.


No Pain, No Gain

Enemies receive boons when hit. Stripping an enemy boon will steal their life.

Vengeance When enemies die, they enhance nearby foes with multiple boons; does not apply to elite foes. Strip any enemy boon to inflict them with weakness.
Toxic Sickness

Team members will periodically be affected with vomit-inducing sickness.

Social Awkwardness Players will be pushed away from one another.


If you're not down with this change, you're not interesting.

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3 hours ago, God.2708 said:

Do you people complaining about scrappers causing boon balls not realize PoP got an ICD? Between that and the duration nerfs your average soulbeast is pumping out more boons than the scrapper is.

It’s still a boon nerf.  Doesn’t matter where they come from.  Sure, conversion makes them more annoying.  

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I see the problem turning chill into alacrity with the Boon Ball meta. I'd rather see the Chilling Fog be turned into "Alchemist's Mist" and applying the cripple and blind "effect" that you gain from e.g. Karka Hatchlings. That one is not a condition (so it can't be converted) but forces you to dodge to get rid of it.

The Fractal instabilities are a nice idea, too, but I rather not have that mixed up with WvW stuff.

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11 hours ago, Strider Pj.2193 said:

It’s still a boon nerf.  Doesn’t matter where they come from.  Sure, conversion makes them more annoying.  

I mean, of all the developer time they could invest in tactics this is very very low on the list. Even with the convert the chill is incredibly powerful at generating tails to pick off. Assuming it is pulled at a good time and the defenders are remotely competent.

I'd rather they do something more interactive with watchtower or fix some of the many near unuseable tactics.

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15 hours ago, Xenesis.6389 said:

Chilling fog, worthless, converts to alacrity for boon balls.

Agony, health percentage damage over time, scaled to level of objective, 2.5% damage per tick at T0, to 10% damage per tick at T3 over 5sec.


Other Fractal instabilities that could be used instead.


No Pain, No Gain

Enemies receive boons when hit. Stripping an enemy boon will steal their life.

Vengeance When enemies die, they enhance nearby foes with multiple boons; does not apply to elite foes. Strip any enemy boon to inflict them with weakness.
Toxic Sickness

Team members will periodically be affected with vomit-inducing sickness.

Social Awkwardness Players will be pushed away from one another.


If you're not down with this change, you're not interesting.


While I'm open to this idea, I do have 2 very important questions.  1) Will this require me to start needing +agony resistance infusions in WvW like it does in fractals (I've never actually run a fractal that required agony resistance)? And 2) If yes, will I be able to acquire said infusions from WvW, or will it require me to start running Fractals?


I'm all for your suggestion UNTIL it requires me to run Fractals.  That's a deal-breaker for me.

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48 minutes ago, Ronin.4501 said:


While I'm open to this idea, I do have 2 very important questions.  1) Will this require me to start needing +agony resistance infusions in WvW like it does in fractals (I've never actually run a fractal that required agony resistance)? And 2) If yes, will I be able to acquire said infusions from WvW, or will it require me to start running Fractals?


I'm all for your suggestion UNTIL it requires me to run Fractals.  That's a deal-breaker for me.

Good news is they can be purchased off the TP…

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56 minutes ago, God.2708 said:

I mean, of all the developer time they could invest in tactics this is very very low on the list. Even with the convert the chill is incredibly powerful at generating tails to pick off. Assuming it is pulled at a good time and the defenders are remotely competent.

I'd rather they do something more interactive with watchtower or fix some of the many near unuseable tactics.

Did you forget this is WvW?  😉


There is no development time for us.  It’s all a dream

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Idc but I'd rather not see development time spent on this rn. 

However, I am surprised by 2 of these suggestions considering your anti boonball rhetoric.

No pain, no gain: Yall don't strip boons anyway. You'd just buff already strong groups that already strip boons. Would be hilarious to watch Minstrel Spell Breakers and Chronos melt groups though. Does sound like fun in small scale but it would be absolute kitten for large groups, casual groups would get punished hard. 

Vengeance: You want to give your boonballs a snowball mechanic? Lmao ok. 

Toxic Sickness: Don't think people would like a rng vomit-inducing sickness debuff if it "stuns" you. I just think this one will frustrate people more then it will be fun. 

Social Awkwardness: This will break WvW as we know it. But ye, would be interesting af.

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1 hour ago, Zikory.6871 said:

No pain, no gain: Yall don't strip boons anyway.

So what's the problem then? your boon ball should still feel safe, right?


You'd just buff already strong groups that already strip boons.

While defending their objective, I don't see a problem here. If the enemy boon ball is already sitting with 12 boons on them, what's another boon from a hit, at least the defending team gets a little extra health from their strips.



Would be hilarious to watch Minstrel Spell Breakers and Chronos melt groups though. Does sound like fun in small scale but it would be absolute kitten for large groups, casual groups would get punished hard. 




Vengeance: You want to give your boonballs a snowball mechanic? Lmao ok. 

What's the matter? don't want to face a stronger boon ball than yours? Lmao ok.


Toxic Sickness: Don't think people would like a rng vomit-inducing sickness debuff if it "stuns" you. I just think this one will frustrate people more then it will be fun. 

Oh noes, let's not upset the boon ball sitting in lords room for 30 mins too much. Frustrates enemy with boon ball in their keep, ok, frustrate that boon ball with defensive tactic for a one time stun, not ok! Didn't realize we were suppose to entertain and make it fun for our enemies in our objectives.


Social Awkwardness: This will break WvW as we know it. But ye, would be interesting af.

Won't happen, we've discussed it many times before, been thinking of playing warhammer lately so this popped into mind.

Keep in mind, these would still be a tactic, that would be used defensively, the defending team should benefit from it, not the offensive team. Chill was fine when it wasn't being mass converted, now pop it while the enemy zerg is sitting on your lord is a dumb dumb move and happens pretty much all the time now. Not like it matters either way since we're getting the expansion of mass alacrity incoming anyways. I just think chill should be replaced with something more interesting, threw out some ideas, sorry to upset you boon ballers too much carry on!

Edited by Xenesis.6389
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1 hour ago, Ronin.4501 said:

Are they cheap?  Don't forget I'm a WvW player, therefore I am poor....oh so so poor.

Each +9 is about 4 gold… so nit real cheap but not horrendous. But it also depends on if this was a mitigation option based on what @Xenesis.6389suggested. If it is, then it depends on how high it needs to go to mitigate it.  

Honestly, I wouldn’t allow Agony Resistance to change it.  Just make it something that you have to bunker through or leave.  

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7 minutes ago, Xenesis.6389 said:

So what's the problem then? your boon ball should still feel safe, right?

While defending their objective, I don't see a problem here. If the enemy boon ball is already sitting with 12 boons on them, what's another boon from a hit, at least the defending team gets a little extra health from their strips.


What's the matter? don't want to face a stronger boon ball than yours? Lmao ok.

Oh noes, let's not upset the boon ball sitting in lords room for 30 mins too much. Frustrates enemy with boon ball in their keep, ok, frustrate that boon ball with defensive tactic for a one time stun, not ok! Didn't realize we were suppose to entertain and make it fun for our enemies in our objectives.

Ngl, I completely ignored the chilling fog point of your suggestion so my post is completely irrelevant. I'd be game for tactic rework, they are all garbage.

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13 minutes ago, Strider Pj.2193 said:

Each +9 is about 4 gold… so nit real cheap but not horrendous. But it also depends on if this was a mitigation option based on what @Xenesis.6389suggested. If it is, then it depends on how high it needs to go to mitigate it.  

Honestly, I wouldn’t allow Agony Resistance to change it.  Just make it something that you have to bunker through or leave.  


Could go either way on this. Could just add it on to the wvw infusions, or sell separate ones on the vendor, but the fractal people would moan and groan about getting it easier in wvw(rightfully so), and the wvw people would groan about collecting it for one tactic, would be too much of an ask.


I personally wouldn't add resist for it, just adjust the numbers. Also what's the point of switching out a useless tactic for another one that could be made useless as well. I just want a tactic that's used defensively, short duration, but has a bit of a surprise punch to the attackers, kinda like airships, if you're not running stability and healing through the bombs you have a chance to be chain knock downed and even killed. Or something quirky to throw some randomness into a fight and maybe give the defenders a little bonus when it's pulled at the right time.

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14 hours ago, Xenesis.6389 said:

I just want a tactic that's used defensively, short duration

Coward’s Courage: Stability, Aegis and Protection are automatically removed and prevented from being reapplied for x seconds.


Back Problems: Incoming damage increased by 300% if being attacked from behind for x seconds.

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Well, one way to resolve the chill to alacrity issue, make the chill non-convertible, and converts all alacrity currently on the enemy to chill.

On a more fun note, how about "Sticks and Stones will break bones": converts enemy weapons to sticks/stones (depending on weapon type).  Kind of like being "Moa-ed" 😁.

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14 hours ago, Morden Kain.3489 said:

Well, one way to resolve the chill to alacrity issue, make the chill non-convertible, and converts all alacrity currently on the enemy to chill.

I think that would be the most simple and yet effective solution. ANet would simply have to change it from the condition "chilled" into a "Effect" ("Effect" here is the category for stuff like Warrior Banners, Soulbeast-Stances etc). 

This way, it still does exactly the same as it was intended to do in the first place, but is no longer victim to "Purity of Purpose" or cleansing in general (since "Effects" are not influenced by Skills or traits). Yes, it is a buff to the tactic (because there is no counter like cleansing or resistance anymore), but i don´t think that would be gamebreaking.

However, you would have to consider maybe changing the Tier for that particular tactic from Tier 1 to at least Tier 2, and perhaps find a replacement as a result (well, we still have supply drop for that place, so that´s just a minor inconvenience imo)

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