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Unplayable Warrior Espec.


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So we finally have gotten hands on our new espec the bladesworn... to make it short: The spec is unplayable, atleast for me. It does not feel "flowy", the spammy nature is counterintuitive in regards of big attack f1, being robbed of the weaponswap does not feel nice at all. Imagine the combo nature of having 3 weapons... so much ungrasped potential.

Ammo gimmick makes this spec imo either broken or bad, look at shake it off, we get balanced arround this utility bc it is so strong as an ammo utlity, but kick and throw bolas pale in comparision. Imho Ammo ain't a good addition to the game, bc the abilities lose on power, which is not the way warrior should be played, i wanna hit big!

This spec should have not been released in this state. It lacks design, not numbers! I dont want it to be buffed. I rather wanna have it changed 😞 Numbers will make it only in some way broken, but not fun to play.

This said, I'll sadly stick to core, bersker and spellbreaker.

Enjoy the story meanwhile, maybe anet will hear us, just maybe.

Edited by Bardock.4718
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It's playable. Which is more then I expected. 

But why jump through hoops when I can just use Base Axe/Axe?

Or I can just go meme D/D with MMR and S/M style for susta...... Ohhh I forgot. 


I still believe that the only reason this Espec exists is to make a trailer character look cool. 


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41 minutes ago, DanAlcedo.3281 said:

It's playable. Which is more then I expected. 

But why jump through hoops when I can just use Base Axe/Axe?

Or I can just go meme D/D with MMR and S/M style for susta...... Ohhh I forgot. 


I still believe that the only reason this Espec exists is to make a trailer character look cool. 


Playable in pve or competitive?

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1 hour ago, Grand Marshal.4098 said:

Actually, if you have your own personal Specter, it can work in WvW kekw


My thief gf 😳 supported me well

Well, that is what GFs are for.

An a different note, did the damage numbers in PvE seem higher on Gunsaber than before? I felt like I was doing more damage than before during the betas in PvE.

The CDs in PvE on Gunsaber are still atrocious though. 

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This has to be the worst game design i've seen in a game of this size. Unacceptable. I know people in the industry that got fired for doing better.

Bladesworn had no place in this game since the beginning. The class is designed around a one shot mechanic in a game that will never ever have one shot hits (intentionally). It was only there because it lured weebs into EoD. It worked as a selling poster and nothing else.

Unfortunately ANET is in no position of delivering something good. They need to deliver sales not happy players. Their real client is not us, but NCSoft.

Honestly, dont stress and keep playing berserker or spellbreaker (or get away fron this getting-into-maintance game). This is unfixable and will just turn into a conceptless chimera after months of tunning.


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1 hour ago, Mesket.5728 said:

Bladesworn had no place in this game since the beginning. The class is designed around a one shot mechanic in a game that will never ever have one shot hits (intentionally).

How it should've been designed and executed:


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For open world, take 3-2-2 traits, open up with pistol OH combo, swap to saber, use Flow Stabilizer two times after adept BS trait triggers, you now have enough flow to do max DTrigger in about the same time as it takes power berserker to get going.

Flows really nicely. Might makes Right/Undying Dragon for sustain if you need it.

Edited by Rym.1469
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Agree, it feels clunky as f!!! and really under powered.


Most my worries from beta materialized.


-Dragon Trigger damage and DPS is laughable.

-Dragon Trigger is borderline unusable im constantly being interrupted by pve mobs, would not touch this on pvp under any circumstances.

-Pistol damage is OK, its healing while TRAITED is ok, pushing you back is ridiculous and needs to GO, we are an on you face melee class, how a mechanic that makes doing your role harder got past design and 2 rounds of beta is beyond me.

-Traits are TERRIBLE all around, and are mostly this way because the spec is TERRIBLE all around, 

Unshakable mountain is a must because NO sustain ON WARRIOR.

Unyielding dragon is a must because otherwise Dragon Trigger is useless, and this in pve even worst in pvp.


Im borderline just dropping the spec even for pve.

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9 hours ago, DanAlcedo.3281 said:

Open world PvE. 

I'm not stupid enough to go anywhere near competitive modes with it. 


To say it's unplayable for open world just sounds like a gearing/talent issue. I've run it fine and haven't had any issues. Would you mind sharing your build/gear/etc?

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3 minutes ago, CoffeePlease.3082 said:



To say it's unplayable for open world just sounds like a gearing/talent issue. I've run it fine and haven't had any issues. Would you mind sharing your build/gear/etc?

What he said was that it's playable in open world just like any other spec but its not worth running in competitive modes (pvp/wvw).

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1 hour ago, CoffeePlease.3082 said:

To say it's unplayable for open world just sounds like a gearing/talent issue. I've run it fine and haven't had any issues. Would you mind sharing your build/gear/etc?

It's rather about the feel of playing, I have no reason sadly to play this spec. And I'm talking about pve here... It's unfun and bad aswell 😞


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3 hours ago, Rym.1469 said:

For open world, take 3-2-2 traits, open up with pistol OH combo, swap to saber, use Flow Stabilizer two times after adept BS trait triggers, you now have enough flow to do max DTrigger in about the same time as it takes power berserker to get going.

Flows really nicely. Might makes Right/Undying Dragon for sustain if you need it.

Something like this?

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pvp wise dmg is obviously bad....


0 utility on gunsaber


you either go full shouts/ammo spam or try an actual build and A) don't have fun cause you spam buttons or B) tryhad when you can play scepter/dagger (?) Specter and hit for as much as a dragon slash with little investment, or full condi harbinger, or classic interrupt mesmer stuff, or any form of rev etc.


Warriors have been reduced to being less powerful than a pet.


Id feel more confident with a golem next to me than a warrior.


Went to get my g3 rating this season and bye bye pvp. wont use this spec ever again competetively..

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37 minutes ago, Grand Marshal.4098 said:

B) tryhad when you can play scepter/dagger (?) Specter and hit for as much as a dragon slash with little investment, or full condi harbinger, or classic interrupt mesmer stuff, or any form of rev etc.

This is the part that can be frustrating. Other specs introduced have massively more utility added and hit harder than blade. The spec mechanic is designed for nothing but damage, there’s no real boon access, there’s no real support outside of what warrior had, minimal synergy, etc. What it does have is an attack that was marketed as “Omg he did 30k without any armor on wtf.”, but turns out in competitive modes it’s questionable if it’s worth the investment.
Meanwhile we get a locked weapon set that, again, has minimal defensive ability, no iframes, no boon access, no synergy, etc. and even then, it’s damage skills don’t really do any damage. Blooming fire is worse than a wasted skill slot because if I accidentally hit it, I can’t even cancel the animation because I can’t stow gunsaber, so I have to let a useless 3/4 cast time skill go off that never hits anything and, even if it does, does negligible damage (I hit an FA ele for 4k with 10% damage mod, 25 might, and 15 vuln while in zerk gear). 
A previous commenter said it’s not unplayable. You are correct. It’s playable. I’ll be playing it tbh. What it is, though, is a spec built to maximize all the things warrior struggled with, and, similar to other skills warrior has, suffer from a lack of damage relative to the investment when compared to other classes. 
I’ll still play it though. It is fun, and, as i said, I dont think it’s unplayable. It would just be nice if the numbers could be adjusted to make anything make sense.

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13 hours ago, Rym.1469 said:

For open world, take 3-2-2 traits, open up with pistol OH combo, swap to saber, use Flow Stabilizer two times after adept BS trait triggers, you now have enough flow to do max DTrigger in about the same time as it takes power berserker to get going.

Flows really nicely. Might makes Right/Undying Dragon for sustain if you need it.

"Furiously mashes Axe skills." 

- See? All dead.  Uhhhh... What are you doing? 


- I'm doing a wombo combo that ends in me standing still for multiple seconds, so I can kill some trash mobs. 



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I have far more fun now with my Bladesworn, mostly because I went totally out of my usual playstyle, and I am actually using Celestial gear and a Bow as my weapon. 


Because I use a bit different traits then most that I saw, mainly: Burst Precision (100% crit chance on a Burst skill)...it actually works with all of the Dragon Slash skills - they are all Burst skills!

I combine it with Daring Dragon trait - because it refreshes Dragon Trigger when Dragon Slash skill is used, meaning, you can spam Dragon Slash! That makes it so much more fun 🙂


Now, in Arms traits I am also using Opportunist - to gain Fury and Flow when I immobilize my target (which I can easily do with Pin Down)

Once I have Fury I can use Flow Stabilizer for A LOT of Flow gain. It is very important to get Fury ASAP, that is why one can also use FGJ.


yeah, you can also use Vigorous Shout in this build and have more sustain...there are plenty options actually. 


But the most important traits to have fun with Bladesworn are Burst Precision and Daring Dragon, as well as Fury source with Flow Stabilizer.

Though, I must say, it just makes it more fun for me, but Bladesworn is too weak...also, fix that swap into Gunsaber after Dragon Trigger...that is so annoying, I want to swap into my main weapon.

Edited by Mikali.9651
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