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Essence of Luck after you reach 300%

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Agree, high diminishing returns that increase each point but no cap. Think on the opposite side, once people reach current cap why breakdown gear versus leaving it out there creating extra surpluses that doesn't help in removing material from the economy. Its worth someone running some numbers.

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@YoukiNeko.6047 said:Nah better stop it from dropping once you reach cap.

Would be even better ( no time sink ), but i doubt they could manage to do this since some items requires essences of luck in order to be purchased ( or built ).

@Teratus.2859 said:What about an eater item?Would be an easy way to dispose of tons of excess luck..Could base the loot tiers on what tier luck is consumed.. naturally exotic lucks giving you the highest chance of getting good loot from them.

An Eater won't do anything.We just need a progression like for achievements


You have an extra 1% every 2/2.5k AP, so it would mean something like milions of Luck each level ( in terms of time needed to achieve the ones from achievements ).

not sure about how many millions for every level, but i would make it more than impossible ( but still better than have a full bags ).To make an instance i currently have almost 4 characters full ( 400 slots occupied with 20 milions of unused essences of luck ).

Even if they decide to remove the drop of essences and change items which require essences ( craft or purchase ). Whatever would be fine.

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@Ardid.7203 said:Every 10% extra you "consume" you gain a BLC key.

I am a key addict but this would concern me. By 10% what do you mean?

Sorry if this sounds wrong, but if there was a conversion to keys it would need to be a mystic forge recipe that ate MF, Tomes, Ecto's and something else that there is an abundance on, and then it would need to be daily time gated. And when I say MF, a lot, possibly a new legendary level of roll up. And as I said I am key addict, it sucked when daily key runs were removed since it had a nice tie into using tomes gained from PvP and WvW with key hunting. And yes I do acquire keys thru sales too for full disclosure. But still this one would concern me.

Think would prefer cap removal and diminishing returns per % increasing each level/part level. Have said in the past as well, doesn't need to be a full percent each point above cap, you could do it by tenths of a percent with increases per level there as well. Have seen other games do this in the past and it worked since people used items to keep trying to fill it until they reach a point, do I want to do something else versus burn this on luck%?

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Guys the problem is that MF is not something you can chose to get and sell... it happens, and it fills your bag.Recipes, vendor items, eaters... are all solutions which can't solve the problem, though they are some nice extra which could be implemented as a choice for those who reached the cap.

The possibilities here are

  1. make it wallet currency and when the devs would like to add something they will be welcome. I don't care about having milions of unused mf until they block inventory spaces.
  2. Raise the cap ( unlimited and eternal. dozens of milions are welcome for a very long term job as MF from achievements ).
  3. Declare that MF will stop dropping for those who reached the cap. Existent stacks will be trashed and recipes which require Essences will be changed.
  4. Whatever allows you not to have MF in your bags. So timegated things are not a solution.

It's not about making extra golds, it's a needed QoL upgrade, whatever it takes.

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@Vavume.8065 said:

@kharmin.7683 said:I feel so insignificant with my paltry 137% :(

I'm 129% and don't see ways of getting it up that high anymore.

Play the game more, post on the forum less, ez.

Wow great advice lol. Everyone with 300 luck got it by opening trick or treat bags or buying blues and greens off the tp and salvaging them.

  • Haha 1
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@Dashiva.6149 said:(haven't read the thread)

Experience converts to spirit shards, so why not do something similar. For each "level" of magic find, you get some amount of a random, currently available currency (NOT gems).

Also give Chefs new recipes that requires luck. /hopesfor500chef

This is an idea that has not been explored in all the conversations I have seen. I like it, it would also keep the luck theme.

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@Gaile Gray.6029 said:

@Shirlias.8104 said:Do you know if there are improvement for the future Gaile?

You know, I really don't know. I think it's really helpful to see ideas, though, which is what caught my eye as I can scanning threads. Well, that and the sparkly image. :D

Just let us turn MF essence into xp, gold find, and karma gain essence too. Or maybe just allow us to trade it.

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I think it would be a no-brainer to add it in to some consumables at large amounts, like they did with empyreal fragments. The hard part is deciding what stats it should give. +50% luck (+10% more than current items) + 20% karma is one idea. That should be enough that people will get it for farming runs, but a single recipe might not be enough to keep up with the excess luck so I'd keep adding in consumable items that used it. (or even just a converter). 1 time sinks don't seem like they'd be enough.

@Dashiva.6149 said:Experience converts to spirit shards, so why not do something similar. For each "level" of magic find, you get some amount of a random, currently available currency (NOT gems).

This also sounds pretty awesome. The randomness of the currency would add a lot of fun to consuming the luck. Much more fun than just a recipe or two. (Though I'm all for both.) Worst that happens is everybody consumes their luck for extra currencies causing the consumable prices to go through the roof unless you craft it yourself. (In turn adding value for the crafting discipline/disciplines?) But please no more timegates! They turn "playing" into a chore.

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I have a suggestion. Maybe we can create some gabling based on them. You know, like the ecto gambling. Gold + essence of luck for items that drops junk(=gold) and ecto(not as many as the ecto gambling). It would be a good way to get rid of them and convert them into some money. Or maybe another kind of gambling. Those are essences of luck so I think it would be best if we can use them for gambling.

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@Daniel.5428 said:I have a suggestion. Maybe we can create some gabling based on them. You know, like the ecto gambling. Gold + essence of luck for items that drops junk(=gold) and ecto(not as many as the ecto gambling). It would be a good way to get rid of them and convert them into some money. Or maybe another kind of gambling. Those are essences of luck so I think it would be best if we can use them for gambling.

Being able to change MF for gold will lead to the need for even bigger gold sinks.I wonder how many of the game population achieved max MF.

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@YoukiNeko.6047 said:

@Daniel.5428 said:I have a suggestion. Maybe we can create some gabling based on them. You know, like the ecto gambling. Gold + essence of luck for items that drops junk(=gold) and ecto(not as many as the ecto gambling). It would be a good way to get rid of them and convert them into some money. Or maybe another kind of gambling. Those are essences of luck so I think it would be best if we can use them for gambling.

Being able to change MF for gold will lead to the need for even bigger gold sinks.I wonder how many of the game population achieved max MF.

Regardless how many players achieved 300 mf, they should at least allow players to have their bags empty.

Those who overcapped mf like me would like to begin with to have their bags empty. Then ANET could take as much time as it needs to find the solution they want to introduce.

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@YuckaMountain.3786 said:How about luck eater or hourglass that you can buy stuff, obsidians or currencies?

It won't work because eaters are supposed to eat a really small part of the used currency.I will try to explain this better:

It's not something which is needed in order to make a profit or an equal exchange.The currency has no use once you hit 300% MF but it does still drop.Not knowing what would be avaible in the future, as for karma, tokens, golds, quartz and so on, we do simply not trash it.

But since it's

  • Not usable for any recipe
  • Not able to being refined into something else ( like bloodstone dust or other stuff which has multiple uses )
  • Not able to be exchanged for items
  • Not able to be stacked in bank ( but due to fact that you gain too much would be pointless. i do currently have around 400 slots occupied by exotic essences stacks ).
  • Not able to be consumed because of the cap
  • Not used with any eater ( though it would be a joke because of the way you get it. I mean that eater would eat 6x250 and you will get XX x 250 per day ).

We do currently save it ( i currently have 4 full characters, which due to MF stacks can't be played. Fortunately i don't play them but i am also gaining more MF so the problem is getting real ).

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@Shirlias.8104 said:

@YuckaMountain.3786 said:How about luck eater or hourglass that you can buy stuff, obsidians or currencies?

It won't work because eaters are supposed to eat a really small part of the used currency.I will try to explain this better:

It's not something which is needed in order to make a profit or an equal exchange.The currency has no use once you hit 300% MF but it does still drop.Not knowing what would be avaible in the future, as for karma, tokens, golds, quartz and so on, we do simply not trash it.

But since it's
  • Not usable for any recipe
  • Not able to being refined into something else ( like bloodstone dust or other stuff which has multiple uses )
  • Not able to be exchanged for items
  • Not able to be stacked in bank ( but due to fact that you gain too much would be pointless. i do currently have around 400 slots occupied by exotic essences stacks ).
  • Not able to be consumed because of the cap
  • Not used with any eater ( though it would be a joke because of the way you get it. I mean that eater would eat 6x250 and you will get XX x 250 per day ).

We do currently save it ( i currently have 4 full characters, which due to MF stacks can't be played. Fortunately i don't play them but i am also gaining more MF so the problem is getting real ).

Throw it away and your bags will be free. Or are you saving it just in case you can do something else with it?

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