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The price of getting to Cantha is absurd

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Jump from Black citadel to Seitung province waypoint is 9 silver and 28 copper. Look Anet, i really appreciate the vast amount of literally nothing you dumped between core lands and new expac for no reason whatsoever, but this is way, way, WAY overpriced.

Edited by Wintermute.5408
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1 hour ago, Wintermute.5408 said:

Jump from Black citadel to Seitung province waypoint is 9 silver and 28 copper. Look Anet, i really appreciate the vast amount of literally nothing you dumped between core lands and new expac for no reason whatsoever, but this is way, way, WAY overpriced.


It's 9 silver...if you make decent gold daily, even weekly, it's not an issue. If you need to port to Cantha then make sure you have a good reason to be there if you're worried about losing too much money. But it's not expensive at all to me, and makes sense given how far away it is from the main land.

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59 minutes ago, Pezz.4758 said:


all i hear is this


maybe learn to dodge


maybe get over torment runes


maybe dont WP 


maybe dont expect enough people to be in the maps to do events


maybe 10 player content is the future

maybe get over fractal CM nerfs

maybe try a new class if yours was nerfed

maybe maybe maybe


MAYBE thats why no one cares about this expansion and the coverage is already day back to pre release levels

and no one seems to give 2 cents that this could be the last bit of major content EVER if it doesnt go well


MAYBE people wanted to "play how they want" and just had the rug pulled completely out from them by a company that hid patch notes until the LAST possible 


      Well said. This expansion falls short of the previous expansions. And yes the rug pull sucks.


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2 hours ago, Pezz.4758 said:


all i hear is this


maybe learn to dodge


maybe get over torment runes


maybe dont WP 


maybe dont expect enough people to be in the maps to do events


maybe 10 player content is the future

maybe get over fractal CM nerfs

maybe try a new class if yours was nerfed

maybe maybe maybe


MAYBE thats why no one cares about this expansion and the coverage is already day back to pre release levels

and no one seems to give 2 cents that this could be the last bit of major content EVER if it doesnt go well


MAYBE people wanted to "play how they want" and just had the rug pulled completely out from them by a company that hid patch notes until the LAST possible second



I don't disagree with what you said. I am just not sure why you are quoting me.

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4 minutes ago, Wintermute.5408 said:

Scroll is not a solution. I don't need another piece of kitten clogging my inventory. There's no reason for this price.


I'm doing fractals. Kindy point me towards fractal entrance in Kantha, or kitten off.


It is an issue. It's 20 silver I lose each time I need anything in previous zones. For no reason, other than anets map designer having a stroke.

erm that is one waypoint there to LA and one waypoint back, like 20 silver. You cannot make 20 silver in fractals? If you are crazy for fractals you can get the mistlock sanctuary passkey, is pretty nice even if you don't do a lot of fractals.

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I was kindof shocked at the price too.  I don't have the portal scroll yet.

One of my guilds has the new hall unlocked and there is an entrance into Cantha from there, so if you can get into a guild with the hall in Cantha you can get there that way now.  (That way's free.)

Edited by Kaliwenda.3428
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If you're new to game and poor waypointing seems expensive regardless of where you are going.

Join a guild and access your guildhall for bank and vendors. You can leave Cantha to your guildhall unload bags and then leave the guildhall right back to where you left from. Or use the guild portal to go to LA.

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3 hours ago, Wintermute.5408 said:

I'm doing fractals. Kindy point me towards fractal entrance in Kantha, or kitten off.

Tho I agree with you one the WP cost, I have to say there are literally two portal scrolls for this purpose, 

LA fractal portal scroll and Eod Echovald scroll. You can use both. You get la scroll during the fractal event, and Echovald during story. 

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2 hours ago, Duke Blackrose.4981 said:

Maybe they just need to normalize waypoint costs. One set in-zone cost and one set out-of-zone cost. None of the distance-based nonsense that shouldn't even matter since it's instant teleportation technology.

Yeah it could be worse like ESO where they have some kind of increasing cost way shrine penalty system if you use fast travel too often in a short period of time.

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3 hours ago, Duke Blackrose.4981 said:

Maybe they just need to normalize waypoint costs. One set in-zone cost and one set out-of-zone cost. None of the distance-based nonsense that shouldn't even matter since it's instant teleportation technology.

That or just have a cap.  5 silver max once you reach past a certain distance. 

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8 hours ago, Pezz.4758 said:

MAYBE thats why no one cares about this expansion

A lot of people care and there's a lot of things this expansion did right. Maps, Story, Strikes, Soundtrack...

That in comparison is a very small inconvenience, especially since they do provide a way around it.

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15 hours ago, Pezz.4758 said:


all i hear is this


maybe learn to dodge


maybe get over torment runes


maybe dont WP 


maybe dont expect enough people to be in the maps to do events


maybe 10 player content is the future

maybe get over fractal CM nerfs

maybe try a new class if yours was nerfed

maybe maybe maybe


MAYBE thats why no one cares about this expansion and the coverage is already day back to pre release levels

and no one seems to give 2 cents that this could be the last bit of major content EVER if it doesnt go well


MAYBE people wanted to "play how they want" and just had the rug pulled completely out from them by a company that hid patch notes until the LAST possible second




Nothing you ever do is truly how YOU want it to be unless YOU do it yourself. So sick of this entitled and privileged way of thought. You expect ANet to just modify their vision based on YOU not being able to play how YOU want. 


Yall act like that just because this game can be played solo and you do play it solo that somehow you deserve to be magically catered to. I play solo too - heck, I'm not even in a guild, but these changes dont bother me, but rather help me become a better player - challenge me to find new ways. 


You complain because you're wanting and you're not getting what you want. 


9 silver to port across the entire map? Poop. As soon as you port and fight a couple mobs you make that back in trophies or salvage. 9 silver is ridiculously unnoticeable the way it comes and goes in this game and I only play 2 days a week.


When I see such a large group of people complaining about not being able to get their way in a virtual world that has explicit boundaries and limits - it makes me rather sad and feel sorry for all of you. This is your life, this is how you're spending it. I hope you can see how silly this complaining is and find a way to heal yourself of these self imposed burdens.

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Amount of people missing the point is amazing.

It's not about me "not making enough". Genuine thanks to some random dude who tried to send me 5 gold for travel expenses, you can keep it. Spend it on something more useful than leg runes.

It's not about "there is a guildhall or portal scroll you can use". Those things are extra hoops to jump through, contrary to a persistent, established system that are waypoints.

And the guy who thinks there's "challenge" in paying 10s for waypoint travel - I want some of what you're having. That's some quality bloodstone dust.


Answer me a question - why? Why is it costing 2 times more than normal travels? What's so special about Cantha that it warrants such entry fee? "It's because the distance is so big" - why is the distance made so big?

I'll tell you why, actually. Because the waypoint system isn't made for those distances, and was made to operate on the scale of original map. Which now got 2 times bigger, without Anet actually thinking it through. This thread is made for them to change the waypoint calculation system.

Because let's be honest, 10s, while not particularly high, is already out of the pocket change zone, and not every player farms gold at efficient rate (or farms it at all). This is also an unmotivated increase to a game-wide goldsink, which now will take 2 times more gold out of the whole economy than it used to. If there is an actual reason to force gold deflation like that, I'm all ears. For now, I still consider this whole thing an oversight and a mistake.

Also, sorry about my yesterday's tone. I was in a really kitten mood.

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