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I'm not playing this live beta test anti- warrior spec


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First of all, this quote "lose the ability to swap to other weapons during combat." is a lie in sPvP.  You can NEVER swap weapons outside of combat in a match in pvp. It literally doesn't work.

This spec is a perfect reason why Anet doesn't get Warrior. It's all shouts, all spam, with no conventional weapon swaps. Does no one see the problem with this?? Instead of fixing sigils, fixing stances, fixing Arms, fixing Defense; they instead pretend Fast Hands doesn't exist by making it to where we don't even weapon swap.


This is literally ignoring a massive issue by making an even more glaring issue. We can't even get it to where the secondary weapon set IS the bum sword (or whatever spam the katana kit is called, I don't care about it's real name cuz it's so awful.)


When ancient Warriors talk about the glory days of old, we're thinking of things like this:




We like abilities that synergize together! Abilities that connect and utilize a certain amount of skill from the player base!  Bulls charge -> Hundred blades etc.

We don't want shout spam and bum blade spam that doesn't synergize together and requires no skill! We don't want it, our opponents don't want it. Because it's not skillful to die from shout spam, nor is it rewarding to kill players without any skill.


SO even if this spec was good (which it definitely is not in spvp) the design behind it LAZY. And the fact that the devs couldn't even tweak the numbers so that basic bum blade attacks do as much dmg as a great sword, or a fully charged Dragon Slash as much as a Maul from Ranger or a level ONE Eviscerate in pvp is downright insulting. These number are pathetic, even the utilities on core do so much more than the bum blade utilities. It's criminally low effort.


The devs overreacted from PoF and HoT and now have served a class that feels headless and spineless. And the worst part is it's at a moment where Warrior needs a buff and love more than ever.

Warrior has NEVER been in this bad a spot in balance. Literally any other class in PvP/WvW is better at one thing or another. 


If this is the best Anet has to offer Warriors, I'm ashamed to call myself one. First the lack of balance for years on end, and then an even more pitiful performance by delivering low effort low intensity shout builds with a katana that hits like its made of wood or soggy noodle dough. Seriously, this is begging for reworks and buffs. 



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You guys know me, I'm mostly an open world PvE warrior, but even I'm struggling to find a use for Bladesworn.

I have builds and gear loadouts bound to keys, so regularly swap between all specs while outside of combat.

And I just can't justify playing Bladesworn when every other spec kills things faster, and two of them have FAR superior sustain (core and SB).

The gunsabre itself feels like a wiffle bat when auto-attacking, and only one of the Dragon Trigger attacks seems to be worth using.


But even in open world, I'm finding mobs are easily avoiding it simply by moving around while you're rooted to the spot charging it up.


Even more insulting is that ANet have obviously stepped up their open world encounter design, with many more mobs having mechanics that need mobility to avoid, while Bladesworn forces you to stand still and make yourself a target for HUGE periods of time.


Oh, and the rate of Flow is insultingly low when compared to normal adrenaline. And even then, dual axe is still the most effective way to build flow.

Pistol's a completely wasted opportunity, and has no bearing on DT itself, while also being inferior to 90% of other offhand choices.


I think I can see what they were going for; a risk/reward mechanic sounds good on paper.

But the reward is so kittening tepid considering all the risk you put in to get it, it's simply not worth it.


And so I end up switching back to one of my three other infinitely superior builds (well, that might be exaggerating; this is warrior we're talking about); yes, even my Zerk build which isn't even taking advantage of condi.


It's new stuff! I want to like it!

But there's simply nothing about this e-spec that redeems it.



On the bright side, thanks to that improved encounter design, my core Hambow build is really shining, and I've even braved swapping out Signet of Rage for Rampage, which really works well with all the breakbars around. It's really nice to have encounters that require something other than pure DPS spam.

Edited by Mungrul.9358
Mr. Bright Side
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You could tell from the first beta preview that Bladesworn had one thought and power fantasy pushing the concept through: wouldn't it be cool if you could do a massive amount of damage in one hit like one of those anime samurai?

It's a very, very flimsy thought with a lot of holes.

They then realized the damage was too high and scaled it down to roughly the same as any other spec.

And then sometime between the betas and launch, they realized that maybe you shouldn't need to swap to Gunsaber to use Dragon Trigger.

So what we're left with is a class that can't swap weapons because you're forced to always have the Gunsaber, which is no longer a requirement to experience the power fantasy of doing a massive amount of damage with Dragon Trigger, which roots you and now hits like a wet noodle.

Edited by erapago.4387
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I think they should make flow 100% out of combat and fill flow in combat like it is now(maybe faster) so you can start off  with the IAIDO you know sword drawing technique to start the combat.

 Gunsaber needs a complete functionality rework it needs to be All rounder weapon like Ranger GS with defense mobility and damage packed into one and not like it is now to fail at everything the mobility is terrible the defensive ability is a projectile reflection(WHY) give it a dodge or 1 second block, most problematic abilities for warrior are not ranged projectiles but ranged AOE circles kitten, and the damage ability does not have reach or damage. Gunsabre is worse than Ranger GS, it might be worse than Warrior GS and it should be amazing considering you are sacrificing so much to get it.  
They need to scrap the elite skill and turn it into something else the whole reset mechanic promotes spam and it cost way too much on the spec. 
Pistol just give it range kitten,. make the spec have more reach on pistol and gunsaber, 600 is not that much and it would give the spec some kind of niche.
There is no synergy with the core spec at all, there isn't any build craft to be had, there isn't a gimmick build, the best case scenario or maybe the worst is that it might get some kind of bunker build for pvp. 
The biggest gripe of main BS does not have purpose that is not covered by core or the elite specs, was this kitten all about plopping samurai posters on the marketing side.   

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58 minutes ago, Geoff Fey.1035 said:

Considering all elite specs are pretty much the same as Beta4, it's possible they are bundling any changes with the Summer 2022 Balance Patch? ("a larger profession update and balance patch coming this summer.")

Delicious hopium and copium.

Followed by Nopium most likely...

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I don't understand how someone cannot like Bladesworn. It's the most fun I've had playing warrior in years. The complaint about weapon swap is a valid but a small gripe as you technically get two weapons anyway. I'll admit I didn't think it was great initially until I started playing with the core traits and found a plethora of damage modifiers for dragon slash 

Edited by wayneericgouin.9371
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If I was to Hand a fair opinon. 

Bladesworn as a playstyle is fun. But warrior has always been a very fun proffession to play. 

I don't think it's doomed it does have potiental I do think it needs some tweaks for example in PvP the gunblades damage is pretty bad as the dragon slash's damage is heavily nerfed down. 

I'm not entirely negative about this it's still very fun to play and tbh given most of the EoD speccs are just as bad if not worse it's fine it's not great. But hopefully the summer patch will bring some good stuff 

But maybe copium 


Edited by Daddy.8125
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Ammo design is a bad concepts imo all the way through. It either makes a ability very strong or just flat out bad. Shake it off is so mandatory because it's so overtuned. But every other ammo skill on warrior is average or bad. Designing a whole weapon arround the spamy nature of ammo in a skill that wants to hit big is just idiotic. Imo gunblade as a concept should be a setup weapon for it Dragontriger: e.g. give it a knock up on a condition if you hit your combo to land a nice F1 whatever. But right now you just spam your abilities Ability 2 is useless in all ways in every game mode. You just spam spam spam Click ult spam spam with shouts included...  This ain't a warrior spec right now... It is mindlessy mashing buttons that do nothing... there is no reason to play this right now in any game mode... I love warrior, but this spec just saddens me out.


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Idk man bladesworn is more like Deadeye from thief. Just a meme spec. But besides deadeye Was wanted by players ... warrior Mains calling for sup spec and get those kitten spec instead. So yea no love for us. 


EDIT: oh yea also they said they wana buff support warrior with next balance Patch so ........ shout Spam meta Inc. (Lmao)

Edited by Pati.2438
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3 hours ago, Pati.2438 said:



EDIT: oh yea also they said they wana buff support warrior with next balance Patch so ........ shout Spam meta Inc. (Lmao)

Truly sad....Cause they will buff the wrong things in the wrong way. Putting warrior in a spot where receiving meaningful buffs will never happen.


Enjoy Defense, Arms. crappy traits, mandatory Discipline, bad core weapon options, an even worse elite spec, Berserker issues, Spellbreaker WoD slaves and a possible rework with banners that will kill warrior once and for all, because they will def make them boons plus alac or quickness, with no change to functionality or whatever and at that point it will be over for warriors.


Let's see what excuses they'll have now post-EoD. I bet they will say preparation for LW6 is draining their resources to have an expac level LW..../s


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3 hours ago, Pati.2438 said:

Idk man bladesworn is more like Deadeye from thief. Just a meme spec. But besides deadeye Was wanted by players ... warrior Mains calling for sup spec and get those kitten spec instead. So yea no love for us. 


EDIT: oh yea also they said they wana buff support warrior with next balance Patch so ........ shout Spam meta Inc. (Lmao)

Where did they actually write this? 

As far as I was aware we were getting a banner rework because Anet want all speccs to have Alacrity or quickness support roles available to it in PvE content? 

I didn't read they intended to buff warriors supportive capabilities in PvP content? 

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Just now, Daddy.8125 said:

Where did they actually write this? 

As far as I was aware we were getting a banner rework because Anet want all speccs to have Alacrity or quickness support roles available to it in PvE content? 

I didn't read they intended to buff warriors supportive capabilities in PvP content? 

In the PvP patch post, a mention of warrior shout support was made...


the same shout support that got nerfed over a year ago...Plus the fact that Bladesworn abuses tactics hard..1+1=2 


I believe they will either alter tactics somehow, or try to force bladesworn as the new "support" spec for warrior cause they would not want to buff tactics directly or change stuff there, let alone improve Spellbreaker survivability for said support role. Gotta wait..


As for banners, a rework will impact their form in all content, but given the vaguely pve nature of the statement they gave for them, I expect them to still be utterly useless and unplayable in competetive. Ideally we need a proper reevaluation of tactics, discipline, banners and shouts this summer, but it won't happen for sure..only numebrs will change kekw.

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16 hours ago, wayneericgouin.9371 said:

I don't understand how someone cannot like Bladesworn. It's the most fun I've had playing warrior in years. The complaint about weapon swap is a valid but a small gripe as you technically get two weapons anyway. I'll admit I didn't think it was great initially until I started playing with the core traits and found a plethora of damage modifiers for dragon slash 

Easy, because we are playing guild wars 2 (fast paced combat). Also not everyone is just as hyped about one move doing "big" numbers as others while the rest of the kit is just unimpressive (remember: your only reason to use pistol is because its the only way to keep up fierce as fire stacks).

Its still yet another melee spec. Its utilities are all trash so it doenst matter if you bring banners or not (which is a bad thing by the way). You have no cc on demand. Almost all of your explosions dont apply vulnerability for whatever reason and in general you dont bring anything of value to your group which is not banners. People just abuse MMR and tactics in addition to unyielding dragon and say bladesworn has huge sustain. The same traits which make spellbreaker borderline unkillable in PvE too. 

I mean its nice that people start playing because of bladesworn but for how long? How many times can you watch your character charge and stand still before you start playing something more interactive again? 

But yeah its nice that at least some enjoy it (so far).

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5 hours ago, anbujackson.9564 said:

Easy, because we are playing guild wars 2 (fast paced combat). Also not everyone is just as hyped about one move doing "big" numbers as others while the rest of the kit is just unimpressive (remember: your only reason to use pistol is because its the only way to keep up fierce as fire stacks).

Its still yet another melee spec. Its utilities are all trash so it doenst matter if you bring banners or not (which is a bad thing by the way). You have no cc on demand. Almost all of your explosions dont apply vulnerability for whatever reason and in general you dont bring anything of value to your group which is not banners. People just abuse MMR and tactics in addition to unyielding dragon and say bladesworn has huge sustain. The same traits which make spellbreaker borderline unkillable in PvE too. 

I mean its nice that people start playing because of bladesworn but for how long? How many times can you watch your character charge and stand still before you start playing something more interactive again? 

But yeah its nice that at least some enjoy it (so far).

But in pvp it's not one move doing big numbers. It's one move delievering a 5 second stun tbh Gunblades abilities need buffing in PvP to compensate for the fact they've removed the damage from it tho 

Although PvE one shots are fun 😂

Edited by Daddy.8125
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54 minutes ago, Daddy.8125 said:

But in pvp it's not one move doing big numbers. It's one move delievering a 5 second stun tbh Gunblades abilities need buffing in PvP to compensate for the fact they've removed the damage from it tho 

Although PvE one shots are fun 😂

Nah you won't catch me abusing Tactics Bladesworn and calling it OK. 


That thing is just spammy and a far cry of what I envision of warrior skill. Others can play it all I care. Not me. 

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30 minutes ago, Grand Marshal.4098 said:

Nah you won't catch me abusing Tactics Bladesworn and calling it OK. 


That thing is just spammy and a far cry of what I envision of warrior skill. Others can play it all I care. Not me. 

Tactics bladesworn?. I'm not familiar I'm just running a Axe+pistol build that I found somewhere for PvP. 

Just CC and burst down haha. 

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1 hour ago, Grand Marshal.4098 said:

Nah you won't catch me abusing Tactics Bladesworn and calling it OK. 


That thing is just spammy and a far cry of what I envision of warrior skill. Others can play it all I care. Not me. 

Use PS and not VS. Use ogre or privateer runes. Utter gimmick and the class still needs massive reworking. But the sustain is there.

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On 3/4/2022 at 2:01 PM, erapago.4387 said:

You could tell from the first beta preview that Bladesworn had one thought and power fantasy pushing the concept through: wouldn't it be cool if you could do a massive amount of damage in one hit like one of those anime samurai?

It's a very, very flimsy thought with a lot of holes.

They then realized the damage was too high and scaled it down to roughly the same as any other spec.

And then sometime between the betas and launch, they realized that maybe you shouldn't need to swap to Gunsaber to use Dragon Trigger.

So what we're left with is a class that can't swap weapons because you're forced to always have the Gunsaber, which is no longer a requirement to experience the power fantasy of doing a massive amount of damage with Dragon Trigger, which roots you and now hits like a wet noodle.

It's the exact same thoughtless, paradoxical design that went into Reaper. Slow movie monster with big hits . You can run away but if it catches you, you're in trouble.....lol nerfed. Slow Weapon, high damage became slow weapon, low damage. This one was supposed to be a movie trope, too.


Behold the result. That's one of the major issues with much of EoD's elites. They make the exact same mistakes we've seen before. Typically in HoT.  Anet clearly is a short memory.

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40 minutes ago, otto.5684 said:

Out of the elites I played in second beta, BS was probably the least ready to be released. From a design standpoint, it did not make sense for a warrior. Even if it works, it is redundant.

I dunno if I'd agree here. 

Bladesworns only current downfall is likely in WvWvW. However in spvp and PvE had decent builds. 

While I agree there are defintly problems and hopefully they will be addressed, I'd say it's more bladesworns needs a few things added to it. 

Restore weapon swap, give pistol a daze on 4 some number increases on gunsaber in spvp. 

I would say it doesn't conflict with core design. 

Willbender, virtuoso and catalyst I find to be the least complete. Just because there are miles off what they're susposed to of been. 

BS I would say is missing the polish to put it all together. 

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@Daddy.8125 actually (after some days) i think a bit different about bs. It does okay -> pretty good in pvp [the Build : http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PKABc6drllywYXMNmLOcTpxWA-zZIPkGlAZqC6VI44B ] (just as mid fight sup dps mix) its excelent in open World pve [the Build: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PKgAcqllyuYYMVmLOyKaxMA-zRIYX0wXGNWAlmAqcACYD8W0fTD-e ] (nice sustain and decent damage at one targed). How ever its not that good in raids/strikes since the bosses simply get too many life so bs is more like a different version of Banner Berserker. [the bannerslave: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PKgAcqlFwmYcsOWJO+WWxVA-zRIYR08XG1WoVkUeeQCjN/bJiXL-e ]

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