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End of Dragons is a disappointing mess

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2 hours ago, Doctor Hide.6345 said:

I will just say this. I am tired of dealing with people who think negativity to this level helps in all situations. Not referring to Jaunty here since we already covered that in this thread, but when there is out of 10 threads lets say 7 bad and 3 good like it was then I say the balance is off and good threads should become stronger to make it 5 good and 5 bad. And no, that is your take that being positive is ruining the game and making it die. It is not a fact. People like me being positive for the most part is not killing the game. I am just bringing balance back.

As for the turtle mount one, I don't comment on that because well I don't care for open world metas here much. I only recently commented on some threads about it once they said A-net is adding in the 200 scripts at the vendor which is fine for me. But on the actual difficulty I don't really have sides since I never plan to do it.

dude, if you want positive threads, just make them. but they prolly wont be very popular, because of the many

unhappy customers. if you want positivity, then you should prolly look in game, where all the happy players are

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1 minute ago, battledrone.8315 said:

dude, if you want positive threads, just make them. but they prolly wont be very popular, because of the many

unhappy customers. if you want positivity, then you should prolly look in game, where all the happy players are


I don't need to make them when more and more are making them now. Things have improved greatly since that post.(The one I was responding too which was made on 3/7). It is more balanced now, so I am actually quite content. And I know there are happy people in game since a lot don't use the forums in comparison to actual users. I just don't think forums should all be complaining even it is justified or not. Like I said, I seek balance.

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1 minute ago, Doctor Hide.6345 said:


I don't need to make them when more and more are making them now. Things have improved greatly since that post.(The one I was responding too which was made on 3/7). It is more balanced now, so I am actually quite content. And I know there are happy people in game since a lot don't use the forums in comparison to actual users. I just don't think forums should all be complaining even it is justified or not. Like I said, I seek balance.

this the game, where hardcores do 10X more damage, than casuals. anet knows as much about balance, as i do about knitting.

prolly even less

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On 3/5/2022 at 9:38 AM, Jaunty.6018 said:

But you have assets overlapping and clipping through each other in the most careless way.  [...]

That's actually a correct assessment. There are many sloppy placements of object and building elements I've noticed as well.

I, too, don't mind the re-use and re-texturing of old assets from previous releases (e.g., the PoF/Kourna stables) when it saves production time and looks good. However, clipping issues are a different story (e.g., the alignment of the book shelves in the Kaineng Library).

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Just now, battledrone.8315 said:

did you ever visit the wow forums back , when they were good? they could have a nerf thread with  millions of views and 1000s

of comments. this is peanuts in comparison


I know, but I still don't like it. lolz Why do you think I am this way though? It was because of the old WoW forums before they changed them to new format(Not unless they changed again). That place is what caused me to seek balance on forums to try to avoid that from happening.(Yes, I know single old me can't actually do anything, but I can at least try.)

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OP, EoD is not PoF. The design is a lot cleaner than the rest of the game which is ALSO made up of the same assets cobbled together into structures that may resemble a living quarter. I've had many a gripe about old Lion's Arch being made of ships clipping together. All maps are entirely built for mounts and there are plenty of places to go, especially the massive, extremely tall tower in the center which has to be a Griffon Rider's dream. However, the expac is not about mounts but about jade tech and if you were to pay attention to the plot AGAIN you'd know why New Kaineng is 60% jade and Jade Tech is all over the continent. Echovald is vastly more well designed than Tangled Depths. The only reason people complain about this is because they've had years to memorize Tangled Depths and a little over a week to map out Echovald. Yes the maps are massive. More reason to grab a mount.

If you want to play PoF that badly, go to PoF maps.

Edited by Zacchary.6183
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2 minutes ago, Doctor Hide.6345 said:


I know, but I still don't like it. lolz Why do you think I am this way though? It was because of the old WoW forums before they changed them to new format(Not unless they changed again). That place is what caused me to seek balance on forums to try to avoid that from happening.(Yes, I know single old me can't actually do anything, but I can at least try.)

forums are important for feedback and venting, and most players will never see them anyway

like i said, even the mighty wow, when they were at the very top, would have tons of negative threads

and most of those threads DID have merit to them, considering how things turned out

if you want positivity, you have to make the game a fun and forgiving place first

make it a frustrating experience, and players WILL lash out..at each other, the devs etc

some people have spent over 80 hrs trying to get the turtle, thats over 2 FULL WORK WEEKS

you dont have to be einstein to predict what is coming next...

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2 minutes ago, battledrone.8315 said:

forums are important for feedback and venting, and most players will never see them anyway

like i said, even the mighty wow, when they were at the very top, would have tons of negative threads

and most of those threads DID have merit to them, considering how things turned out

if you want positivity, you have to make the game a fun and forgiving place first

make it a frustrating experience, and players WILL lash out..at each other, the devs etc

some people have spent over 80 hrs trying to get the turtle, thats over 2 FULL WORK WEEKS

you dont have to be einstein to predict what is coming next...


I know all that which is why I never said to not vent, and I do get tempers can rise. But imo that is exactly that. They are just tempers which soon sizzle out to normalcy which is why I am happy people still post positive stuff. (Not referring to turtles directly here since I remain indifferent to it since I don't do metas in general. I have no place to talk about game balance when it comes to how it should be for that DE event.)

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18 minutes ago, Doctor Hide.6345 said:


I know all that which is why I never said to not vent, and I do get tempers can rise. But imo that is exactly that. They are just tempers which soon sizzle out to normalcy which is why I am happy people still post positive stuff. (Not referring to turtles directly here since I remain indifferent to it since I don't do metas in general. I have no place to talk about game balance when it comes to how it should be for that DE event.)

most people wont pay for annoyance. in fact, most people will pay for the exact opposite.

when people gets angry, its because the game has set something up, and failed in delivering the expected result.

angry means, that they still care. if they just uninstall without a word, THEN the game is kittened

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Just now, battledrone.8315 said:

most people wont pay for annoyance. in fact, most people will pay for the exact opposite.

when people gets angry, its because the game has set something up, and failed in delivering the expected result.

angry means, that they still care. if they just uninstall without a word, THEN the game is kittened


Eh, I get why, but like I said I also know anger is a small thing on the grand scheme of things. It's why you don't make decisions when you are angry. It just leads to disaster. It is just hard for me to take serious. I am one of those who prefers to remain calm, so yeah, it's just how I see it. But thank you for the talks, but I need to go to bed. It is late. /peace

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Alot of this i will write off as the expansion being a product of the pandemic Anet as a team seem to get the best ideas by bouncing stuff off each other


what i cant ignore is the utterly unlikeable characters  the only real exception was Detective Rama and his impressive hat  the rest of them were extremely flat or otherwise just nausea inducing (Joon for example made me nostalgic for the skip button)

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52 minutes ago, Doctor Hide.6345 said:


Eh, I get why, but like I said I also know anger is a small thing on the grand scheme of things. It's why you don't make decisions when you are angry. It just leads to disaster. It is just hard for me to take serious. I am one of those who prefers to remain calm, so yeah, it's just how I see it. But thank you for the talks, but I need to go to bed. It is late. /peace

sweet dreams bro. you are surprisingly chill for a hardcore player. i wish there were more like you.

when i conquer the world, i will make 10 bilion clones of you, thats a promise

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On 3/6/2022 at 5:50 AM, Laughing Bat.1570 said:

I take great issue with the term "factions-inspired" when just about everything from factions is gone, explained by a Zahitan wave that washed it all away. Even the Jade Brotherhood is explicitly stated to not be the same gang from factions. 


I have mixed feelings for EoD overall. I enjoyed the story for what it was, loved Rama. Already stopped playing for now though 😕


How is it gone if the architecture is base on Daniel Dociu's 2005-07 concept art? Harvest Temple 

Harvest temple



Edited by SweetPotato.7456
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Honestly the specs are the most disappointing part for me. They are, for the most part, vastly below the quality we've come to expect from this game. The HoT specs were new and  interesting. The PoF specs were actually pretty amazing.


These ones are hit or miss. Some of them (Spectre, Bladesworn) seem to be pretty up to the quality we've come to expect. Some of the others (Untamed, I'd argue Catalyst, Vindicator) are not even close.


Hopefully Anet gets some time to revisit them.

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The problem for me is the lack of character progression.  PoF was all about the new mounts, which was a huge quality of life improvement that applied nearly everywhere.  Then we had new amazing elite specializations that made you feel stronger.


EoD is almost the exact opposite.  Fishing, Skiff Piloting, etc...   None of these help my character or make any form of quality of life improvement in the regular gameplay.  All riddled with gimmicky mechanics on top of it.  Speaking of gimmicky..  the new elite skills, which are so bizarrely put together.  The ones I've tried like Harbinger and Vindicator; I'm either killing myself to gain DPS or im flip flopping between skills which I might not even want to use.  Clunky.


If they offered a refund for this expansion I would take it in a second as there is nothing introduced that I would be even slightly upset if it was taken away.  Compare that to the PoF expansion..  you would have to pry the reigns from my dead body before I would ever give up my raptor/jackal mounts.

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On 3/13/2022 at 9:06 AM, Gorem.8104 said:

Oh wow just seen the updated OP, lol those clipping issues, maybe that is where all the NPC's are, the have been clipped as hard as the buildings 

😅With the Void plaguing the city, that's possible!

Seriously, when you hunt for the "Find all the Void incidents" achievement (forgot its exact name), you run into a guy talking to his wife, who is trapped in a wall (or rather in her home where the Void has made all doors and windows disappear). Hysterical. He goes like, "Oh don't worry, honey, you will be rescued soon", and she goes, "Ahhh, get me out! Why is it so dark in here?? I can't see anything... WHAT WAS THAT?! Something touched my leg!!"

Edited by Ashantara.8731
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15 minutes ago, Ashantara.8731 said:

I take it that there was a time issue and they had to decide where to put their resources into. Some stuff obviously needed to be done quickly.

yea thats work for you. i feel sorry for the devs, they are let down by poor decions at the top.

i havent seen so much potential squandered since swtor, they have wasted so many resources trying to reinvent the wheel

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On 3/4/2022 at 1:11 PM, Jaunty.6018 said:

It is large for the sake of being large, a chore to navigate, and feels empty despite having so much housing.  Where is everyone?  Quarantine?

This is the single biggest gripe I have with the game, and the only thing you've listed that I've not been able to make peace with.

Core cities just feel alive, very lived-in. It's a combination of NPC density in all the right places, and a touch of NPC movement as well. It just feels more obvious in a place like DR that all these NPCs have their own lives going on entirely separate from the Commander's shenanigans.

New Kaineng commits the sin of having a lot of NPCs literally just standing still, not saying or doing a thing. Noodle stands on every corner, and almost none of them interactable. Why not at least let us buy a cheap, throwaway consumable noodle platter, much like you can just get a silly slice of watermelon from a lot of generic food vendors?

I feel like they wasted all of Kaineng's NPC movement/speech budget on just the MinSec NPCs scattered around. Overall the city feels like a suburban office complex that has too many unoccupied units.

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4 hours ago, voltaicbore.8012 said:

This is the single biggest gripe I have with the game, and the only thing you've listed that I've not been able to make peace with.

Core cities just feel alive, very lived-in. It's a combination of NPC density in all the right places, and a touch of NPC movement as well. It just feels more obvious in a place like DR that all these NPCs have their own lives going on entirely separate from the Commander's shenanigans.

New Kaineng commits the sin of having a lot of NPCs literally just standing still, not saying or doing a thing. Noodle stands on every corner, and almost none of them interactable. Why not at least let us buy a cheap, throwaway consumable noodle platter, much like you can just get a silly slice of watermelon from a lot of generic food vendors?

I feel like they wasted all of Kaineng's NPC movement/speech budget on just the MinSec NPCs scattered around. Overall the city feels like a suburban office complex that has too many unoccupied units.

The more I read about this complaint, the more noticeable it seems to become to me, too. Hmm. I guess I was too busy exploring and playing the story to notice this shortcoming.

You are right about many NPCs just standing there, and the noodle stands, of course. Again, I think this was a production time issue, and for the short time they had they did the best and put their resources where most needed. I can live with that, as the final product is great overall (story, feel of adventure, metas).

You are right, though, that those little things could use a brush-up. I just don't see it happen.

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