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Upcoming Changes to "The Battle For The Jade Sea"

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Attempt 24:

Things were going well despite the lack of breakbars. Then at 10% she and the ads wiped 90% of the group, she swooped, her tail went up, and she got a breakbar. It was like every mechanic happened at once and we couldn't recover from it with the lack of time.

Still unfun and there's only so much you plan for with RNG, have several limiting mechanics that can stack, and adds that can stunlock people while doing a load of damage. She would also swoop despite hitting phase so I'm guessing that move takes priority when locked in even when she hit phase before the audio cues and animation start as that's far from the first time I've seen it happen.

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26 minutes ago, Icaryu.3264 said:

I'm sorry but I have to respond to this. If you don't want to play the game, don't. You are not forced to do anything !

Just in case, I've done only 2 tries before getting the meta done. I'm a PvE player mostly, and yes I do raids, and sometimes fractals and strikes. It really bothers me that some players just don't want to play the PvE content. Besides, this meta is not at raid difficulty (I think). You may think that because you have to be organized, but that's not the only part about raids.

I understand that you are a WvW player, and I, personnaly, don't really like this game mode. For me, it's complicated, and I don't want to put much time doing this. BUT I will play it if I want to make legendaries, such as Vision and Aurora. I won't complain about it, because I think it's important that every game mode has some content related to legendary and such.

To get the siege turtle, actually, you have to play in PvE. If you don't want to play this game mode, just don't. But why complain about it ? I just remind you btw that it won't, at this time, be available in WvW. Maybe later, but not now, so there is no need to rush. It was said before the EoD launch btw. AND I would like to say that you only have to do ONE strike, and it's not the hardest one.

Now I'm asking you : why do you want the siege turtle ? Because if you don't like PvE, you won't play it, and then you won't be able to have fun with the turtle ! Furthermore, what do you like about WvW ?

So yeah, I think that people are just crying because they don't have their turtle, because they weren't able to complete the meta. And maybe they are right ! But I really think this meta is good (just not enough rewarding), and the completion of the turtle collections is good as well (maybe not the first step. I think putting it in the last map but where there are siege turtles would have been better in so many ways but whatever). It's really not that hard, you just have to play the game. The only "hard" thing is really completing the meta. After the 15th, the hardest thing will be the strike, and it's not that hard. Do it when it's on daily and it will be fine. And again, if you don't want to play the game, just don't ^^

Have a nice day ! 😄


People should be able to play how they want. A huge part of the fan base is people who come from GW1 which is completely soloable. Even GW2 was soloable when it came out apart from Dungeons which you could complete with a group of 4 friends.

The problem remains though, I am trying to get into a strike mission on the EU servers. Everyone wants Li's as proof I have raid experience, which I do not. 

I managed to get into a strike yesterday by saying I was DPS Banner, I am pretty good at it in open world and rarely wipe. But after we got Minister Li down to about 18% I completely wiped and then started to get bitched at and nasty messages by the other team as I failed for the group basically. 

I play Guild Wars for some escapism from idiots when I am at work, I do not get much time to play as it is, I do not need more stress when playing a game, it's not fun for me at all.

Yet, I still want the turtle mount as its a nostalgia thing back to GW: Factions.

Edited by carrolltech.9215
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17 minutes ago, dorak.5826 said:

If everyone just press EMP (or any cc that requires no hard targeting) while running, you can get them out pretty quickly

No they don't unless you're on maps where everyone has EMP and uses them outside of breakbar moments or the encounter is under-scaled.

It's also terrible design if something from a previous DLC is required to do current content and makes it pay-to-win as the only way to get Drizzlewood if you weren't there at its release or during its Return To week is to pay money for it.

Whirlpool breakbars should be tuned to class CC or EoD CC, not the CC from a single Living World episode.

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In all seriousness just make the meta feels more rewarding and i mean it, since there will be an alternative way to get the egg i don't mind the difficulty but give us something that worth the effort of 2 hours at the very least. If the reward stays the same or "a bit" better then i think ppl just won't bother going through this meta again i myself included, as you said this supposed to be the end-game meta event then please make it WORTH.

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12 minutes ago, carrolltech.9215 said:


People should be able to play how they want. A huge part of the fan base is people who come from GW1 which is completely soloable. Even GW2 was soloable when it came out apart from Dungeons which you could complete with a group of 4 friends.

The problem remains though, I am trying to get into a strike mission on the EU servers. Everyone wants Li's as proof I have raid experience, which I do not. 

I managed to get into a strike yesterday by saying I was DPS Banner, I am pretty good at it in open world and rarely wipe. But after we got Minister Li down to about 18% I completely wiped and then started to get bitched at and nasty messages by the other team as I failed for the group basically. 

I play Guild Wars for some escapism from idiots when I am at work, I do not get much time to play as it is, I do not need more stress when playing a game, it's not fun for me at all.

Yet, I still want the turtle mount as its a nostalgia thing back to GW: Factions.

I admire your willpower to even try playing as bannerslave. I refuse to do it and I will have to accept the fact that I will get kicked out of potential strike groups. I do not consider placing kitten flags around as fun gameplay.

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4 minutes ago, difens.1326 said:

I admire your willpower to even try playing as bannerslave. I refuse to do it and I will have to accept the fact that I will get kicked out of potential strike groups. I do not consider placing kitten flags around as fun gameplay.


I have tried and run a mostly raid build in open world purely because I want to get good and get into doing stuff like strikes. although its not what I consider fun and its not something I am very good at. I would like to be good but really do not have that much time to accomplish it.

I completely understand that a lot will not even want this. I am actually resigned to getting the turtle now, which I should not be considering it was a major selling point of the expansion.

Edited by carrolltech.9215
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3 minutes ago, carrolltech.9215 said:


People should be able to play how they want. A huge part of the fan base is people who come from GW1 which is completely soloable. Even GW2 was soloable when it came out apart from Dungeons which you could complete with a group of 4 friends.

The problem remains though, I am trying to get into a strike mission on the EU servers. Everyone wants Li's as proof I have raid experience, which I do not. 

I managed to get into a strike yesterday by saying I was DPS Banner, I am pretty good at it in open world and rarely wipe. But after we got Minister Li down to about 18% I completely wiped and then started get bitched at and nasty messages by the other team as I failed for the group basically. 

I play Guild Wars for some escapism from idiots when I am at work, I do not need more stress when playing a game, it's not fun for me at all.

Yes ppl should be able to play what they want, but this guy doesn't like pvE content, then I wonder why do you want the mount if you don't play pvE? If you want the mount, you have to do a strike mission on top of the meta, not the hardest. But yes it will require you to play or do some mechanics you're not used to. its not the end of the world.
Other way, if you ever want a legendary... the force you into WvW which I dislike & would not play if it wasn't for the gift of battle. So any wvw player can't complain about doing pvE content in order to get something.

LFG groups asking LI:
Don't you guys have at least one guild that does strikes or raids?
I'm sure they would help other guildmembers if you would ask them to organize (and maybe even helpout with dps/rotation/build/whatever) some runs on strikes to get achievements done.

An other question, you say you're a dps banner and pretty good in open world, how do you know you're good in open world?
I mean, I speak for myself here but after my first raid, which was succesfull. I thought my dps was good.
Untill the commander(thanks Endaris) contacted me on discord after to explain some stuff to me bc my dps was maybe 1/3 from what I do now, I had the correct gear, i just did stuff wrong (and still learning mechanics).


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2 minutes ago, Patsoor.6425 said:

Yes ppl should be able to play what they want, but this guy doesn't like pvE content, then I wonder why do you want the mount if you don't play pvE? If you want the mount, you have to do a strike mission on top of the meta, not the hardest. But yes it will require you to play or do some mechanics you're not used to. its not the end of the world.
Other way, if you ever want a legendary... the force you into WvW which I dislike & would not play if it wasn't for the gift of battle. So any wvw player can't complain about doing pvE content in order to get something.

LFG groups asking LI:
Don't you guys have at least one guild that does strikes or raids?
I'm sure they would help other guildmembers if you would ask them to organize (and maybe even helpout with dps/rotation/build/whatever) some runs on strikes to get achievements done.

An other question, you say you're a dps banner and pretty good in open world, how do you know you're good in open world?
I mean, I speak for myself here but after my first raid, which was succesfull. I thought my dps was good.
Untill the commander(thanks Endaris) contacted me on discord after to explain some stuff to me bc my dps was maybe 1/3 from what I do now, I had the correct gear, i just did stuff wrong (and still learning mechanics).



I am only in a guild with 5 friends 3 of which do not play any more. I am sure there are many other players out there in the same situation.

I say I am pretty good i open world as I can solo nearly everything without help, I also run arcDPS and when doing any events / meta bosses I am generally in the top 5 for DPS ~20k - 30k damage sustaining.

I do not mind wiping in open world as I can respawn, but wiping in an instance where I then get hassled by idiots is not fun.

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6 hours ago, Chichimec.9364 said:

For the EoD grand finale you gave us a harder than raid level open world meta.

Uh, no, the meta is not harder than raids, not in the slightest.

6 hours ago, Chichimec.9364 said:

Instead, the posts and patches about the DE meta seem to be focused on tinkering with the mechanics of the fight to keep it as hard as you can get away with.

Keep it ”hard” (it’s really not) and improve the rewards, it doesn’t need to be nerfed further, they already greatly reduced the ”RNG” on her switching sides, and how often the tail is up.


Casual players will get another way to get the turtle on March 15th, if they want the rewards from the meta boss, then they should put in the effort.



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I don't need to know precise numbers. I play power spellbreaker since I got PoF. I used to run GS/Daggers, but now in EoD I had to switch daggers for Mace/Axe for extra CC. My utility bar runs stunbreak, bulls charge and the signet to regenerate endurance (basically Vallun's build for open world PvE). Full ascended Marauder gear with two legendaries thrown into the mix. I can do well on my own in almost every open world place, except for HoT HP champs (most warriors struggle there). I dodge when needed, do damage when needed and rarely die (usually when I overpull or my GS5 throws me from some mountain). What I don't have is the reflexes to perfectly execute stupid raid/strike dance the devs are designing. Yes, I call it dance, not playing the game. Gimmick mechanics and phases that often make no sense from story point of view. That's why I do not like instanced content in this game (and did not like it in WoW as well).

Turtle is a PvE mount, specific to the open world, not raids/dungeons/fractals/strikes. You cannot use it there. So it does not make any sense to have to participate in said content in order to finish the collection. And yes, I consider DE meta to be a raid, not open world. They say at some point it might be usable in WvW, so I suppose it might end up as a reward track. This is my only hope of getting the mount, as I will not place a single kitten banner anywhere.

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10 hours ago, Sentient Anomaly.9473 said:

Second, in the March 15 update, we’ll be providing players with an alternate path for acquiring the Siege Turtle Egg, which unlocks the collection required for the Siege Turtle mount. We’ll be adding a new vendor to the Jade Sea map that will sell the Siege Turtle Egg at the cost of 200 Writs of the Jade Sea. The Siege Turtle Egg will continue to be awarded to players that successfully complete the “Battle for Jade Sea” meta event, so players will have the choice to unlock the collection via a challenging meta encounter or through time investment.


  • The Guild Wars 2 Team


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4 hours ago, UNOwen.7132 said:

I think people are overreacting a bit. Yes, the meta is clearly overtuned, and its gonna need to be tuned down, but the meta itself is quite fun. Its a nice, flavourful map. It just needs a lower balance point. To act like Anet is attacking the community is very silly.

My issue is that in it's current state it doesn't feel like an Open World Meta event because compared to others I have done, I don't have the luxury to bring any toon I want without it being a disadvantage and I can't just jump in without doing massive groundwork, etc.

If you watch MightyTeapot's guide on what his Guild are doing for their successful runs, I just listened and felt tired from the amount of things required to enjoy something in the Open World that is supposed be designed with everyone in mind.

That was one of the good things about Dragon's Stand. At the final boss, your damage doesn't matter which means neither does the people who aren't currently running the best builds either. It was about making sure people did the mechanics which only got better as time went on (easiest experience now with mounts). As long as most of you picked up the chopper bombs, anyone could manage a big contribution in that DPS phase because it came down to mechanic understanding over personal damage contribution. This also feels like it does a lot to make people less angry at each other.

DE is rough. All my tries so far have been spontaneous mostly because I don't have my best toons for the job prepped with the new items needed to do it yet. The ones I am using aren't terrible but they could be better but it's just what I have to work with right now. It has been giving me good chances to learn and while I am not tilted yet like some people definitely are, I have had moments of frustration just because of how ridiculous the timing of some things feel because there is none.

I truly feel for the people who have been apart of 20 runs and still haven't got a success yet. I don't have the energy to fail that many times on an open world event that is meant to feel like it is for everyone. I feel like I am having to put in T4 fractal effort for something that I want to be spending more time enjoying and hanging out and being with people in these new places.

Not saying I don't want it to be a little challenging, but I don't want to spend my whole time doing this fight frowning with my focusing face. Like at this stage it feels harder than all the Fractals I have ever done and all the raids too (raids is fair, plenty of hard ones I have not done). I would rather stage a mutiny any day in the Siren's Reef fractal than do DE once I get my success.

I feel like once I have my success, I will have very little desire to spontaneously jump in and do this meta because it just doesn't allow for that slight absence of structure to get it done.

Edited by hellsqueen.3045
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9 hours ago, Taja.1524 said:

pls buff the rewards as well, or there will be no reason to do this meta.


9 hours ago, Josh Davis.7865 said:

We're investigating this. Ultimately, we want the End of Dragons metas to be a staple of the endgame open world experience, like the Heart of Thorns metas. We'll be taking the first step towards addressing this in the March 15 build.




at least they're looking at it...

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4 minutes ago, hellsqueen.3045 said:

My issue is that in it's current state it doesn't feel like an Open World Meta event because compared to others I have done, I don't have the luxury to bring any toon I want without it being a disadvantage and I can't just jump in without doing massive groundwork, etc.

If you watch MightyTeapot's guide on what his Guild are doing for their successful runs, I just listened and felt tired from the amount of things required to enjoy something in the Open World that is supposed be designed with everyone in mind.

That was one of the good things about Dragon's Stand. At the final boss, your damage doesn't matter which means neither does the people who aren't currently running the best builds either. It was about making sure people did the mechanics which only got better as time went on (easiest experience now with mounts). As long as most of you picked up the chopper bombs, anyone could manage a big contribution in that DPS phase because it came down to mechanic understanding over personal damage contribution. This also feels like it does a lot to make people less angry at each other.

DE is rough. All my tries so far have been spontaneous mostly because I don't have my best toons for the job prepped with the new items needed to do it yet. The ones I am using aren't terrible but they could be better but it's just what I have to work with right now. It has been giving me good chances to learn and while I am not tilted yet like some people definitely are, I have had moments of frustration just because of how ridiculous the timing of some things feel because there is none.

I truly feel for the people who have been apart of 20 runs and still haven't got a success yet. I don't have the energy to fail that many times on an open world event that is meant to feel like it is for everyone. I feel like I am having to put in T4 fractal effort for something that I want to be spending more time enjoying and hanging out and being with people in these new places.

Not saying I don't want it to be a little challenging, but I don't want to spend my whole time doing this fight frowning with my focusing face. Like at this stage it feels harder than all the Fractals I have ever done and all the raids too (raids is fair, plenty of hard ones I have not done). I would rather stage a mutiny any day in the Siren's Reef fractal than do DE once I get my success.

I feel like once I have my success, I will have very little desire to spontaneously jump in and do this meta because it just doesn't allow for that slight absence of structure to get it done.

With what I have seen atm, and I can be wrong it's only my perspective, the general playerbase does seem to preform better on the Meta as time goes om, and then we have the changes with rng to make it more consistent. 


So I believe that this meta will get the ds levels of farm eventually. 

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1 minute ago, Jokuc.3478 said:

...no.. please don't put the turtle egg on a vendor. What other reason will people have for doing the event now? Just gold won't do. Also 200 is way too cheap if you really have to do that. Should be more like 2000.

Because it's fun, and once the rewards are made appropriate there really won't be a problem. 


The egg is the singular worst motivation for the metals health because it's a one and done kind of deal. 

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Just now, Jokuc.3478 said:

People do the chak gerent every day for eggs

chak eggs are not "one and done" kind of deal. If you needed only one, and if Gerent had no other worthy rewards for kill, you can bet that event would be empty now. And that's even when ignoring the fact that Gerent success rate with big enough map population is practically 100% now.

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9 hours ago, Vexona.6452 said:

Please also read my feedback post for visual accessibility and clarity. I have helped 9 groups get their egg/do achievements and we have colour blind people who are physically unable to see certain mechanics. Please do not punish them any longer, thank you.

That would be me (red, green, brown colour spectrum is where my issues are) but finally managed to complete the meta with a great com from GODS guild late last night. Very happy to complete get the egg and mastery. Now on my turtle journey. 

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10 hours ago, Sentient Anomaly.9473 said:

Hello everyone, we have an update from the Guild Wars 2 team. We'll be localizing this for German, French, and Spanish as soon as possible:

Hi all,

Last week we made some changes to the final encounter of the Jade Sea meta event to help improve the accessibility of the fight, and we’re happy to see that the rate of successful event completions continues to rise each day. We’ve kept a close eye on the community discussion after those updates were made, and today we have two more changes that we’d like to discuss.

First, effective immediately, we’ve reduced the frequency at which the Jade Sea Final Boss activates their 'Tail' by about ~50%. This will give players longer windows to deal damage to the boss and contend with the various other mechanics of the encounter. To be clear, this change does not require a game build to take effect.

Second, in the March 15 update, we’ll be providing players with an alternate path for acquiring the Siege Turtle Egg, which unlocks the collection required for the Siege Turtle mount. We’ll be adding a new vendor to the Jade Sea map that will sell the Siege Turtle Egg at the cost of 200 Writs of the Jade Sea. The Siege Turtle Egg will continue to be awarded to players that successfully complete the “Battle for Jade Sea” meta event, so players will have the choice to unlock the collection via a challenging meta encounter or through time investment.

We’re looking forward to seeing how today’s “tail” adjustment plays out, and we’ll continue to iterate on the fight until it achieves our goal of being a challenging yet doable encounter for most of our players. Achieving that goal will require continued attention from us, and some patience and learning from our players. This situation feels not too dissimilar to the release of Tequatl, Triple Trouble, or Dragon Stand, all of which are popular encounters in Guild Wars 2 to this day.

As always, thank you for your feedback!

We'll see you in-game,

  • The Guild Wars 2 Team

Thank you!

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1 hour ago, carrolltech.9215 said:


People should be able to play how they want. A huge part of the fan base is people who come from GW1 which is completely soloable. Even GW2 was soloable when it came out apart from Dungeons which you could complete with a group of 4 friends.

The problem remains though, I am trying to get into a strike mission on the EU servers. Everyone wants Li's as proof I have raid experience, which I do not. 

I managed to get into a strike yesterday by saying I was DPS Banner, I am pretty good at it in open world and rarely wipe. But after we got Minister Li down to about 18% I completely wiped and then started to get bitched at and nasty messages by the other team as I failed for the group basically. 

I play Guild Wars for some escapism from idiots when I am at work, I do not get much time to play as it is, I do not need more stress when playing a game, it's not fun for me at all.

Yet, I still want the turtle mount as its a nostalgia thing back to GW: Factions.

I agree with you about the fact that people are dumb to ask for LI when it's not raid content, and I don't join them because of that. If there are only this kind of stuff in LFG, maybe you can join a guild that do them, at least some times ? I know it's not really a "great option", but at least it's kinda safe, and you can go vocal with them if they have one. I know there are some content creators that do strikes sometimes, and they don't ask for anything. This can be your way to go as well 😉 Maybe you have some friends as well who can help you make a group and go together ?

I didn't play Guild Wars 1, so I can't understand everything you experienced back then, but I can understand the fact that you have nostalgia about the turtle.

Now about the "play how you want", again yes you can. But I think that if you don't want to experience the whole game, then you shouldn't complain about the fact that you can't have everything you might want. Gw2 has 3 differents game modes, and each of them grants multiples things (each game mode has a set of legendary armors, a backpack and at least another legendary thingy for example. WvW has even a mount !). And I think that's a good thing to have to play everything, even for a bit, to have everything you want. Then you can understand the game better, AND I think that you can see everything is "connected" and that's not 3 differents games but a whole game with differents facets.

Again, I'm not in all that "ask LI for something else than raids", I really think it's dumb and nonsense. But that's how some people in the community are, and unless Anet does something about it, there is nothing we can do...

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