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Upcoming Changes to "The Battle For The Jade Sea"

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1 hour ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

chak eggs are not "one and done" kind of deal

The pre event also doesn't take 1,5 hours. Some of the main reasons why Istan used to be so popular was that most of the events are very pugable and respectful of the players time (GH usually only took about 7-10 min and the longest one, Palawadan, was usually done after 20-25 min). The whole thing was extremely casual friendly and people played it in spite of the fact that there is no "rare infusion" or (at that time) a related legendary collection.

Also, the devs said that they want DE to be a "doable encounter for most of our players" which seems to me like that they have no idea just how much they actually have to nerf that thing in order for that statement to hold true for your average DE pug.

Edited by Tails.9372
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10 minutes ago, Icaryu.3264 said:

But that's how some people in the community are, and unless Anet does something about it, there is nothing we can do...

And what would they do ? It’s their group after all, and they have every right to control who joins that group as they made it, if you don’t like the choices presented, just make your own group.


6 minutes ago, Zabi Zabi.3561 said:

Less Tails but if we do manage to kill a tail extend the timer by say 5 minutes OR take off an extra 5% to Soo Wons health

Damage to her health, yeah sure, but 5 extra minutes ? What.

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55 minutes ago, Azrius.6085 said:

Given that you're removing the egg as a meta reward, I'm assuming you've already explored alternative rewards too. 

I hope Antique Summoning Stones are among them. That would be absolutely perfect. 

defently they are stupid price at the min and very limited on gettering them

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9 hours ago, Cynder.2509 said:

weird song choice as it's not my music. You could have at least gotten me with some trance instead. 
However it's sad to see us so called "elitists" getting the end of the stick. What's so bad at being good at a game? The dark souls community is all about everyone being good. 


1%... I know a ton of people who are also playing since 2012 and a few in the Snowcrows guild who are not happy about this either. Why is is abdly designed as a meta when it actually required big brain and optimized builds? What is the RNG people keep talking about. If you miss CC phase then you just don't know simple basics like CC and therefore definitely shouldn't raid. If you're a bearbow ranger (I used to kick these in dungeons back in the day anyways) who uses the knockback skill to push mobs out of combo fields or groups damage area instead of using it for CC then you can't be helped. Same for necros using fear when it's not helpful at all- Shroud (extra healthbar) is cheap anyways. 
Tried running organized DE meta maps in lfg with turtle owners only  500 to 1k LI, 100 dhuum KP, 30k+ Ap at least and alac. quickness dps only but it didn't fill up sadly. 

What you seem to fail to understand is, that everything mentioned above often isn't enough. Countless players talked about voice organized runs where they had good dps, managed all the cc phases well and did everything as it should be done but failed anyway, because the boss decided to swoop around like crazy. The meta doesn't just require "big brains and optimized builds", but also luck. You got lucky.


Besides: we already have difficult content in Guild Wars 2. Raids. Challenge Modes. There's a place and a time for everything.

Edited by Feothyr.6072
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2 minutes ago, Feothyr.6072 said:

What you seem to fail to understand is, that everything mentioned above often isn't enough. Countless players talked about voice organized runs where they had good dps, managed all the cc phases well and did everything as it should be done but failed anyway, because the boss decided swooping around like crazy. The meta doesn't just require "big brains and optimized builds", because clearly a lot of players brought that, but also luck. You got lucky.

And, all of that have been nerfed now, so that shouldn’t be a problem anymore.

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Last night, I managed to get into one of the "raid" squads when I randomly joined a commander while getting my fishing supplies, so I decided to hang in there for the 70 minutes of prep time.


By the time the pre-event launched, there were 50 of us in the squad, super serious atmosphere, every group had ascended food, event stacks, jade mastery buffs, alacrity and quickness.


We breezed through the events, zoomed up the temple, melted her first phase, champs were getting deleted with properly assigned groups, nobody kitten.


Except Soo-Won. After the first phase breakbar, the next two breakbars both triggered at the same time as tail, full side-swap animations while she was invulnerable after two different phases, and many others already commented how she goes wild in the last phase. The last breakbar at 6 seconds left felt like a personal fluff you and we failed at 3%.


I guess I'm too casual and should get good. Run to the tail faster, it's just that easy, or so people keep telling me. Are they gathering data on clairvoyance? Should I consult an astrologer to read the stars when the tail will appear and when fortunate runs are likely?


The response to "You completely misjudged what the community wants" seems to be "We slightly adjusted one of the RNG timers." Not even all of them, just one, so the described events will keep happening, just less often.


The next part is a personal rant and slightly off topic, so feel free to ignore it.



I was really looking forward to the 9-year title, "Comitted." This year was going to be the year. Apparently not. They added a conflicting raiding title, then "fixed" it by taking the title away from people who stuck with them for 9 years so that the raiders could keep theirs.


I still rememeber when I found out. I took some deep breaths and reasoned it away. Obviously, they didn't just randomly target their longest supporters for cheap laughs, surely there was a pragmatic reason behind that. Maybe the amount of people affected was so disproportionate that it made sense. That must be it.


Why, then, does the new 9-year title sound like someone was told to just write whatever? PvP players are Legendary Punishers and Supreme Overlords, whereas Long-Term Commitment sounds more like the title of an involuntary patient to me than any sort of reward. Not that I have anything against those, much sympathy, best wishes. But come on.


Coupled with this, the shape of the meta-events doesn't really seem like an isolated occurrence anymore but the culmination of the "play how we want, not how you want" philosophy. I have two legendaries and fractal CM titles, but apparently, I can stick those in places because I don't have a raiding guild.


What happened to all the data that they are supposedly gathering? I was the happiest during Queen's Jubilee when I could both try for individual skill challenges or just run in a circle for hours and smash the lootstick on hoards of enemies like divine punishment. The bitterness over that nerf is almost as bad as the "quit dungeoneering and start raiding" nerf. As for maps, more frequent, smaller, shorter events with higher enemy density is not rocket science. It's something that was talked to death until it stopped even being funny roughly 5 years ago. I remember building camps in Cursed Shore where enemies came by dozens and dozens. Those ultimately got their multiple rounds of nerfs, too. Great for the economy, we were told.


At least a single new Griffon challenge with all those vertical maps? Please? Nope, that's not shiny and sparkly new anymore.


What really hit me, though, was the contrast. I know this is purely anecdotal rather than some comprehensive collection of statistical evidence, but when I was fishing a day earlier and someone wrote "Please help at [POI]" into the map chat, 15 seconds later there were 5 of us circling the area on skyscales and nuking everything that moved. They clearly know how to make good zones and events that promote this sense of community, so the only conclusion left is that they choose not to in favour of content that leaves people bitter and resentful and encourages them to blame each other and make barriers rather than friends.


And to avoid turtle arguments, I didn't even know that the new mount was tied to the event until I looked at the forms to see what the hell was going on. It looked clunky and annoying to others, so I thought I'd get around to it eventually in a few months when I run out of anything else to do and just go through the motions for the sake of completion.


Can't even bring myself to log and finish fishing atm, probably going to try some nostalgia Arah runs later with proper harpy feathers and legion kits rather than any costume bs, or maybe some good old champ trains, if they haven't completely removed those, too. For now, though, I'll see myself out.


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Awesome! People will buy the turtle egg so no need to do meta. And Dragons End map will be useless cause seriously who will spend 2 hours doing a meta for crap loot? Should have just done another Dragonstorm and made it an instance where people could choose difficulty for higher rewards.  Only reason people will even go to Dragon's End is to collect jade chunks and maybe for the fishing achievment. And speaking of usless maps... New Kaineg City, beautiful map, but why make a city and not fill it with events and puzzles and stuff. It's deader then the cat Conner killed. Great content. 

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10 hours ago, Josh Davis.7865 said:

It should still be a challenge. Check it out this evening and let me know how you do. 🙂

I want to say that's great you don't want to nerf it too much! It's such an epic event, and challenging for sure, a lot of things have to come together to complete it, and with the tail triggering a bit less often, it's still a tough one. I see it as an amazing finale for the story and all meta events. 

For context, yesterday I cleared it with a 50 persons raid squad, with specific roles and buffs for every 5 persons sub group. The commie asked for 100 kp, and for people to change their roles if needed. It took us long to prepare, but the squad was really helpful, reminding everyone about the event buff and the bot buffs. We finished the fight with 1.5 mins left on the timer. Maybe consider making the timer longer, so that less hardcore squads could stress about the timer less?


I have one request from the 'causal' point of view though. Is it possible to keep the cleared map open a bit longer? There are lore-related achievements that one has to speed through to make it on time, and I didn't manage to do it after one clear. It would be great to be able to do it in a more relaxed way, instead. 😅😅

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10 hours ago, Sentient Anomaly.9473 said:

Hello everyone, we have an update from the Guild Wars 2 team. We'll be localizing this for German, French, and Spanish as soon as possible:

Hi all,

Last week we made some changes to the final encounter of the Jade Sea meta event to help improve the accessibility of the fight, and we’re happy to see that the rate of successful event completions continues to rise each day. We’ve kept a close eye on the community discussion after those updates were made, and today we have two more changes that we’d like to discuss.

First, effective immediately, we’ve reduced the frequency at which the Jade Sea Final Boss activates their 'Tail' by about ~50%. This will give players longer windows to deal damage to the boss and contend with the various other mechanics of the encounter. To be clear, this change does not require a game build to take effect.

Second, in the March 15 update, we’ll be providing players with an alternate path for acquiring the Siege Turtle Egg, which unlocks the collection required for the Siege Turtle mount. We’ll be adding a new vendor to the Jade Sea map that will sell the Siege Turtle Egg at the cost of 200 Writs of the Jade Sea. The Siege Turtle Egg will continue to be awarded to players that successfully complete the “Battle for Jade Sea” meta event, so players will have the choice to unlock the collection via a challenging meta encounter or through time investment.

We’re looking forward to seeing how today’s “tail” adjustment plays out, and we’ll continue to iterate on the fight until it achieves our goal of being a challenging yet doable encounter for most of our players. Achieving that goal will require continued attention from us, and some patience and learning from our players. This situation feels not too dissimilar to the release of Tequatl, Triple Trouble, or Dragon Stand, all of which are popular encounters in Guild Wars 2 to this day.

As always, thank you for your feedback!

We'll see you in-game,

  • The Guild Wars 2 Team

Dear Guild Wars 2 Team,

if we cry enough as well, can we get back the Mystic Coins in Fractal CMs?

After the launch I still try to do fractal CMs when one of them is a daily or the recommended ones are longer ones, other times I just do "T4+recs".

But the CMs are basically dead now. I always found party in a few minutes, but after EoD there are barely any in LFG and if I make one it takes 10 or even 15 minutes to find people.
If only a small minority doing the CMs why does it matter if they/we get more MCs? Clearly the new changes got the prices lower (although I'm not sure if the hoarders not cooperating with ANet), but in the cost of a really good content? While both could be alive.

I'm also doing the daily/weekly EoD Strike because they are fun and similar to Fractals, but it still doesn't give me that little joy moment when I get a random MC drop. Can't even imagine how could it feel to get a rare infusion. Doing the Strikes to buy the MCs for a currency is just not the same. Also the current state does not allow a player to buy all 10 MCs and 5 clovers from Strikes (didn't pay attention myself how much shards we can get but I was told the weekly limit is 140 shards while you need 250 for MCs+clovers), but I hope this will change with the CMs.


And regarding the DE meta, I managed to find a squad after a few days of launch and we made it even before the bigger fixes. The next day I was doing some other collection in the map and there was also an organized run so I just followed the meta without joining the squad (at the beginning the commanders were hidden anyway), and it was also a successful one. After some adjustments to the 'RNG mechanics' I think the people just need to learn the basics of the mechanics and in a short time everyone will get their turtle egg, so no point giving a vendor that sells it. But it's a good idea to add some reward to the meta as it is challenging and also currently the only reason why people are doing it (besides it's new) is to get the egg...so to keep the players on the map, they need some additional reward.

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21 minutes ago, GoldenPants.1870 said:

And, all of that have been nerfed now, so that shouldn’t be a problem anymore.

Did I miss another dev post, or how does "we've tweaked on single thing just slightly (but are not sure what that will do 😘)" translate into "we've nerfed all that"?

Meanwhile, ANet's thoughts & prayers  be with you, fellow beta testers players! Switch your runes for swiftness, stack up on war supplies and disregard the drowning voices of casuality. In whirlpools nobody can hear you scream.

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It's good that finally we get some feedback. For those I saw we are annoying complaining or crying or whatever just know that this is a paid game, even if with F2P core this specific thing is paid content, and as customer you have rights and it's not to remain quiet and suck it up because you are getting a free service. Now to the main matter.


On the one hand some even if a small change that hopefully will help. I haven't tried it out yet and probably won't be able to today since I'll be busy without at least 2 uninterrupted hours so I'll see tomorrow. That's one of the problems yet to be addressed, that it's very likely your paid customers can afford it because they have jobs and can't be playing 4 - 8 hours a day.


On the other hand, making it a staple meta. If the rewards are increased as mainly spreaded over the pre-events it'd be worth it to be farmed or at least done daily. The length is a problem. The high fail rate is another one. I don't invest hours just to fail. All of the previous metas either can bypassed with numbers or decent organization. The alternative is good,  but also will be driving people off trying it, defeating that statement. So keeping it very hard to pull for the common folk just goes against that update.


Anyway, we'll see, early to say without seeing the new measures. Thank you for at least letting us know~

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I have done the meta 5 times in total. 3 times before the adjustments where it was a 2/3 success. The last 2 times were after the initial "greens" change and both were successful with 2-3mins left.


I am a casual player only getting in an hour a day when I am able to log in on average. I did make more time during release week for the expansion. The meta is and has been on par with the other dragon metas of all past expansions in my experience.


The one time of 5 attempts that failed we did not have enough DPS but healing was through the roof and a lot of the group was just running around in circles or standing still during bite. It seems, in my experience, that the paint drinkers and fluffies doing all this complaining are just looking for an event with no effort and high rewards.


I commend the devs and staff for catering to the folks needing training wheels but really hope that the fun and challenge of the meta isn't drained for the louder side of the community.

Edited by Xalanth.7946
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Could we maybe look in to tweaking the scaling on the Jade Maw event. This seems to become extremely messy once the number of players exceeds about 8 and gets even more so from about 12 players upward.
Given the main meta on the map encourages wide-scale participation from everyone with a full map, the two events being side by side are incompatible with the designs of the other, as maw at present can only feasibly be done with a fraction of the players on map.

Edited by Chee.2730
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8 hours ago, Cynder.2509 said:

The word casual explains it all sadly... 
So many great metas have been ruined. Also a lot of us long time players only play rarely because of nothing to do in this game at all except the weekly raids and daily T4 fractals. This is the reason why such a good game has begun dying down. There's not much to do for veterans. 

So you come and just be annoying, and make snide posts, and snarky comments to people who *are* still enjoying it. Like you don’t have any fun in a game you played for 9 years, so no one newer than that can have any fun either? I mean unless they have fun exactly how you think they should? 

Why don’t you head on off then and play Elden Ring or sth?


The game isn’t ‘dying down’ at all, probably it’s just because the people you play with do the same as you, and never log in except for x and y so you have no one to play with. 

tbh though I don’t know why you even do that if that’s all you feel is left. There’s really no point in it, is there? 

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What about addressing all other Metas? Every Map is empty no players around.

I was expecting a massive flood of players to every map. I was so looking forward to experiencing new events and new Metas but that is impossible at the moment because no one is around. Are they all at Soo-Won beating their heads against the wall?


I personally had fun for 3 days than the hype gone down very quickly.


Get all the mastery's from EoD and forget about Cantha. Its quiet, its empty, not worth time investment.


Sorry to be so negative but there is only so much one can take before moving on.

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9 hours ago, Cynder.2509 said:

weird song choice as it's not my music. You could have at least gotten me with some trance instead. 
However it's sad to see us so called "elitists" getting the end of the stick. What's so bad at being good at a game? The dark souls community is all about everyone being good. 


1%... I know a ton of people who are also playing since 2012 and a few in the Snowcrows guild who are not happy about this either. Why is is abdly designed as a meta when it actually required big brain and optimized builds? What is the RNG people keep talking about. If you miss CC phase then you just don't know simple basics like CC and therefore definitely shouldn't raid. If you're a bearbow ranger (I used to kick these in dungeons back in the day anyways) who uses the knockback skill to push mobs out of combo fields or groups damage area instead of using it for CC then you can't be helped. Same for necros using fear when it's not helpful at all- Shroud (extra healthbar) is cheap anyways. 
Tried running organized DE meta maps in lfg with turtle owners only  500 to 1k LI, 100 dhuum KP, 30k+ Ap at least and alac. quickness dps only but it didn't fill up sadly. 

Well.... because some people only have a few hours to play, and given that the meta takes at least 2 hours, and even more if you "organize" it maybe? Not everyone can spend 4+ hours playing the game. 

And when you manage to get in a not dead instance to do meta and it still fails you wasted the only few hours you had to play, that makes people mad.


So yeah, I agree with the recent changes... the elitists raiders can still keep their meta, and casuals can grind to get it.


If the meta is so fun as you say im sure you will have no problem completing it.

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11 hours ago, Suranis.8279 said:

I wasn't around for the others, but Dragon's Stand was never like this. Dragon's Stand never sucked the fun out of the game, and I was explaining and commanding Dragon's Stand from literally my second time doing it. Its amazing what you get forced into doing when you have a tag.

Anyway, nice post. But I'm on team "I'll finish this once, and I never want to do it again." I would much rather play any other of the EOD Map Metas than this.

And I will tell you right now that simply reducing the tail phases wont be enough. The tail is just one of the phases where she cannot be damaged, and all of that eats up precious time, and its totally random.

Currently im also on that side, finished the meta at like wednesday last week, never came back yet. But if the completing rate is over 60-70% / meta, I will surely return, because I just love the endfight, I also would have no problem to do it with Raid (CMs), Fractal (CMs) etc. people, thats how I finished it for the first time, and it was fun! Just dont wanna always look for some group that does that / want to take people their turtle places away with those group. Surely will come back but I wont do it as often as like HoT Metas, Drizzelwoad Coast etc. because it is just way less profitable. 

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The meta is amazing, love every bit of it. Could absolutely do with more rewards (something like Drizzlewood South might be nice for the pre, then some chests during the lead-up and more rewards from the final chests; maybe even some sort of consolation reward if the final encounter fails, like how you get some shards when you wipe to a raid to strike) and some more finetuning.


For those complaining about how this is the worst thing Anet has ever done because it's "challenging" and in the open world: No, it isn't. Their real mistake was not doing metas like these earlier and more frequently. We had a bunch of good ones in the past, especially with HoT and during the lead-up to it (Teq, TT), but these are all extremely easy these days.


I joined some random LFG yesterday that put in the effort to set up proper subgroups, have some degree of boon uptime, got the buffs, food etc. - frankly, basic stuff that people should know about if they made it this late into the game, especially with it being shouted across map chat so much. We killed with three minutes left on the timer or so; we flubbed a lot, had a bunch of back to back bites, DPS wasn't stellar etc., by no means a clean kill. What we did have however is people focusing on Thornhearts, breakbars, trying to play remotely decent builds...


Really this should've been a wake-up call for a lot of players to not run around with mismatches weapon/gear/trait choices, even worse if they make no sense whatsoever, but unfortunately it results in throwing blame around and general frustration with the meta. I do understand that some of those venting their frustration here do all these things and know how to build their character, which understandably makes it rough.


I'll also put some degree of blame on Anet here; not for the meta, but rather for letting the DPS disparity between players grow so much. Alac and Quickness should not exist as boons, even less so as ones you can have 100% uptime on; boons in general don't seem well explained in how important they are, iirc. At this point I wonder if something like an ingame build browser should be added, with Anet or Community-picked templates being highlighted/suggested to players if they just want to copy a build so there's an ingame way of doing so. That, of course, doesn't explain the nuances of certain builds or how to make their rotation work etc., but it'd still beat the messes of characters some people have.

//Edit: Oh and before anyone asks, I got 2 kills out of like 20 attempts so far but I still keep going.

Edited by NovaanVerdiano.6174
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We should all look at the positives as much as we can yes. Its very hard to see those positives right now though...

You cant please everybody. Some want it harder some easier thats true. I believe they are working towards middle ground...I hope so.


And i am giving ArenaNet benefit of the Doubt because up to EoD content is good, this is their first big failure in my eyes and everyone deserves a second chance.

Edited by Invogue.8976
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12 hours ago, Sentient Anomaly.9473 said:

Hello everyone, we have an update from the Guild Wars 2 team. We'll be localizing this for German, French, and Spanish as soon as possible:

Hi all,

Last week we made some changes to the final encounter of the Jade Sea meta event to help improve the accessibility of the fight, and we’re happy to see that the rate of successful event completions continues to rise each day. We’ve kept a close eye on the community discussion after those updates were made, and today we have two more changes that we’d like to discuss.

First, effective immediately, we’ve reduced the frequency at which the Jade Sea Final Boss activates their 'Tail' by about ~50%. This will give players longer windows to deal damage to the boss and contend with the various other mechanics of the encounter. To be clear, this change does not require a game build to take effect.

Second, in the March 15 update, we’ll be providing players with an alternate path for acquiring the Siege Turtle Egg, which unlocks the collection required for the Siege Turtle mount. We’ll be adding a new vendor to the Jade Sea map that will sell the Siege Turtle Egg at the cost of 200 Writs of the Jade Sea. The Siege Turtle Egg will continue to be awarded to players that successfully complete the “Battle for Jade Sea” meta event, so players will have the choice to unlock the collection via a challenging meta encounter or through time investment.

We’re looking forward to seeing how today’s “tail” adjustment plays out, and we’ll continue to iterate on the fight until it achieves our goal of being a challenging yet doable encounter for most of our players. Achieving that goal will require continued attention from us, and some patience and learning from our players. This situation feels not too dissimilar to the release of Tequatl, Triple Trouble, or Dragon Stand, all of which are popular encounters in Guild Wars 2 to this day.

As always, thank you for your feedback!

We'll see you in-game,

  • The Guild Wars 2 Team

Thank you. This seems like a good workaround for the turtle regarding the DE meta.

Can we get a response regarding the collection requiring a strike mission? For some of us this was far more concerning than the meta, which will, over time, likely be more accessible to average players.

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11 hours ago, Vexona.6452 said:

You've about boned yourself in the tail with this. Not only will you reduce the work we've put into getting people to do this meta and achieve it, you've now made it so those of us who do enjoy it will probably not have the players due to the fact it offers little to no loot for participants- especially on a fail. RIP!! I tried 😕

I appreciate players like you, who have put the work in, to help others to try this meta, especially if some of them complete it as well. That's great! 

I don't understand how the ~50% reduction has a negative effect on your enjoyment, continuing to do the same, helping others as you already have. I would think that it would have the exact opposite effect.  

It should be so much more fun for all of you, teachers & students, because hopefully, the success rate will increase with this change, a much more gratifying experience for all of you.

I imagine there will be many more "students" looking for "teachers" to lead them through this meta now. Hopefully you guys will still be around to help, if that was your motivation all along. 

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