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Virtuoso is Fine, no need to not buy EoD due to forum posts


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6 hours ago, Mell.4873 said:

Sorry you did say it was the other forum posts that don't like blades, my mistake.

All the other stuff in you post makes no sense since Virtuoso is trying to do exactly what you describe. I mean all the utility skills are AOEs, what more could ask for? If they balance and fix the trait bugs Virtuoso will be amazing in WvW.

I guess Virtuoso is boring in raids but so is Chronomancer, all you do is spam phantasms off cooldown. I mean I don't play raids with a complex rotation, I play my role and try be as good as I can at it. Normally that means, simple = short rotations.

Omg read and try to understand what people say -.-

I wrote what people wished, never said its lacking aoe, the main point for WvW is the full PROJECTILE based spec that's the problem for WvW and not the aoe not that the resources are now blade's and not that we have a cloneless spec, stop to interpret something that don't exist.

And even than the aoe isn't that great on comparison to other Specs 

My personal problem is the boring gameplay since others Specs got again some interesting changes while we again are stuck to the same

What mindset is this? Because chrono is boring for you it is OK that Virtu is it too? 

It's OK if you play it on a simple way but than don't try to tell others like a pro how good Virtuoso is if you have problems to understand basics or can't play it on full potential...

Edited by Urphen.2857
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8 hours ago, Salt Mode.3780 said:

Ok so fact that you repeated yourself yet you are boasting how amazing Virtuoso is, it is an obvious lie. Virtuoso by no means is amazing, it is very lackluster and for the mesmer mains out there that has been on this job since the game release, and those who including me asked for a cloneless spec since the launch of the game finally sees something after YEARS of waiting to see something that is a knockoff of core and chrono you wonder why there are so many negative comments.

The only reason why Chrono boons are "selfish" is because they continue to nerf chronos to that state while giving every other class the ability to do it's job better.

I have nothing wrong Virtuoso being cloneless nor does many of the people who complained about it does. What they are complaining is how half baked the spec is and why so many of the issues from FIRST BETA was not addressed. This is launch not play catch up. This isn't Beta 2.0. As far as people defending ANET saying that they were doing changes in the summer. Let me ask you this, what was done from first beta till launch? Why is it that knowing there are SO many issues that they do not extend the release date? It is not the first time a game has extended the launch date FFXIV being one of the biggest offenders especially when it was so hyped up, people took days off for those specific launch weeks only to get disappointed. 

Honestly perfect response nothing you said here I don't agree with.  Virtuoso is by no means bad and will get much better overtime. 

I just don't like the negativity give them time to fix it, I mean they had to add a whole new mechanic to Untamed because it was not even a complete elite. They obviously tried to rush this expansions elite specs much like what happened with HoT. 

I mean Chronomancer at launch was as op mess for along time. 

Edited by Mell.4873
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8 hours ago, Veprovina.4876 said:

Just... Quoted for truth!

Everyone else gets to have better boon share than chrono, but when Chrono does it it's suddenly OP and uncalled for. 

Yeah I agree, I would like to see better Chronomancer Wells since even my healer Chronomancer does not use them since they are so clunky. 

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2 hours ago, Urphen.2857 said:

Omg read and try to understand what people say -.-

I wrote what people wished, never said its lacking aoe, the main point for WvW is the full PROJECTILE based spec that's the problem for WvW and not the aoe not that the resources are now blade's and not that we have a cloneless spec, stop to interpret something that don't exist.

And even than the aoe isn't that great on comparison to other Specs 

My personal problem is the boring gameplay since others Specs got again some interesting changes while we again are stuck to the same

What mindset is this? Because chrono is boring for you it is OK that Virtu is it too? 

It's OK if you play it on a simple way but than don't try to tell others like a pro how good Virtuoso is if you have problems to understand basics or can't play it on full potential...

Im not saying how pro I am at Virtuoso since I don't even use it, I'm just saying it's not as bad as people make it out.

No need to quit the game over is basically.  They do need to make the bladesongs unblockable  with the trait since I believe right now it's bugged 

Edited by Mell.4873
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2 hours ago, Mell.4873 said:

Im not saying how pro I am at Virtuoso since I don't even use it, I'm just saying it's not as bad as people make it out.

No need to quit the game over is basically.  They do need to make the bladesongs unblockable  with the trait since I believe right now it's bugged 

You are not playing it but spread everywhere you can how fine it is and it just needs little fine tuning? How you can think that someone here is taking you seriously?

It's not bugged it works like intended but people like you screamed that's fine and enough, because of the lacking skill to read and understand things probably, while the mesmer Mains pointed out that this isn't enough and wouldn't solve the problems 

Edited by Urphen.2857
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1 minute ago, Urphen.2857 said:

You are not playing it but spread everywhere you can how fine it is and it just needs little fine tuning? How you can think that someone here is taking you seriously?

It's not bugged it works like intended but people like you screamed that's fine and enough while the mesmer Mains pointed out that this isn't enough and wouldn't solve the problems 

I guesssss but I still don't think you should not buy EoD because of it, that's the point of this post.

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5 hours ago, Mell.4873 said:

I guesssss but I still don't think you should not buy EoD because of it, that's the point of this post.

You are saying Virtuoso is fine but it isn't so it's a lie and this is the problem with this post.

If you said "even if virtu isn't fine EoD is still worth buying it" it would be a total different thing.

Personally I liked the story, the map's and the new strikes so for me it wasn't a total waste of money but I can totally understand others if they mainly do WvW and so on and they say EoD isn't worth for them since the spec they would get isn't that good.

Edited by Urphen.2857
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Here is some more hot sauce for a tasty topic:

I think it's a EXTREMELY small minority of people who don't buy a whole expansion because one ONE espec they don't like. 

They might TELL you it's THE reason. That's hard to believe considering just how much content an expansion has that is MORE than just ONE espec. It's likely always a low value message when there is a relation made to individual spec satisfaction and purchasing decisions. 

Yup, Virtuoso isn't everything to everyone (and that's not exceptional for especs either and that will be more true as more especs are released), but it has a place and in that place, I can certainly say it's enjoyable to me. 

Edited by Obtena.7952
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On 3/10/2022 at 3:25 AM, Mell.4873 said:

There are posts that claim that they looked on the forum for how good Virtuoso is and then when they see the negativity they dont buy EoD so I'm countering that narrative.

I've decided not to buy EoD after trying virtuoso in the beta, forum came after lmao

And my current strategy in PvP is to actively target every virtuoso I see, so I get my easy 4v5. So long as this strategy works -and it does- it's a good reason not to buy EoD.

Edited by Terrorhuz.4695
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4 hours ago, Urphen.2857 said:

You are saying Virtuoso is fine but it isn't so it's a lie and this is the problem with this post.

If you said "even if virtu isn't fine EoD is still worth buying it" it would be a total different thing.

Personally I liked the story, the map's and the new strikes so for me it wasn't a total waste of money but I can totally understand others if they mainly do WvW and so on and they say EoD isn't worth for them since the spec they would get isn't that good.

Honestly at this point I'm so sick of arguing in the forums, I have finally given up. took me a good few weeks of trying.

I think me and a few others have made an impact so that's all i can ask. I would hate to see a virtuoso redesign but I don't believe they will do that.

Edited by Mell.4873
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1 hour ago, Mell.4873 said:

Honestly at this point I'm so sick of arguing in the forums, I have finally given up. took me a good few weeks of trying.

I think me and a few others have made an impact so that's all i can ask. I would hate to see a virtuoso redesign but I don't believe they will do that.

sry for you getting proven every time wrong and that you cant understand simple things 🤷‍♂️

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1 hour ago, Urphen.2857 said:

sry for you getting proven every time wrong and that you cant understand simple things 🤷‍♂️

Well either way I'm pretty fine with the state i'm leaving it in, there are many more people sticking up for Virtuoso so my job is done.

I guess you have your work cut out for you, even Salt mode and I agree of a few things.

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16 hours ago, Mell.4873 said:

Honestly at this point I'm so sick of arguing in the forums, I have finally given up. took me a good few weeks of trying.

I think me and a few others have made an impact so that's all i can ask. I would hate to see a virtuoso redesign but I don't believe they will do that.


^ I mean Mell, YOU ARE BLIND if you think that people are happy with any of the EOD specs. 


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On 3/10/2022 at 7:12 AM, Salt Mode.3780 said:

I really do want to see the numbers in higher gameplay for Virtuoso. When I mean higher gameplay I mean the consistancy it brings in Raids and fractals, or in a PvP setting of plat and higher, WvW truth be told the virtuosos I meet and kill either switch back to mirage or just never showed up again so hopefully someone is proving me wrong because I've used Virtuoso tried it for hours and I don't see why I would choose this over Mirage when I can range without being projectile denied, like GS ambush is just better in everyway. It basically gives you perma 20+ might as well as reapplying vuln to the enemy. 


There is a difference between enjoying the class for aesthetics vs functionality. In terms of functionality I just dont see it. You can make anything work in open world so that is not even a benchmark or to start a sentence with.


For those arguing about negativity I honestly dont see what "positivity" can bring any hopeful changes to Virtuoso. The reason why from the first beta till release that Virtuoso was practically not changed at all was because of the "positivity" from reddit. There is a clear line of constructive positivity vs delusional positivity. IF you are playing Virtuoso and you do like it, then what is the problem with people who main Mesmer "complain" for changes, essentially its not going to change how its going to play but in fact improve it more. That of course those who genuinely don't like mesmers are coming here putting false positivity in hoping there will be no changes. I just dont understand this mentality. 

Im a bit of both i can enjoy aesthetics but i want it to also to be functional. I got a bit frustrated for instance with how the virtuoso weapon lacked mobility and now we are seeing gs taken i get frustrated when i don't understand what the motive of the new elite spec is and if its meant to fill a niche or outright replace something.I think personally each elite and spec should fit its niche and allow people to enjoy the game how they want. If i want to play the game and for instance if i were to fall in love with playing mirage for some reason and i want to, then the game should allow mirage to be viable somehow in pve. understnad things being strong in 1 mode and weak in the other but each one should have something it fits if its meant for PVP only well i don't think thats good because what if a pve minded person wants to enjoy a new class?'

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3 minutes ago, Axl.8924 said:

 understnad things being strong in 1 mode and weak in the other but each one should have something it fits if its meant for PVP only well i don't think thats good because what if a pve minded person wants to enjoy a new class?'

There is nothing wrong with people enjoying it in PvE but like i said before how the combat system is designed in this game was based off of competitive play, in the beginning of the game GW2 "endgame" was suppose to be WvW as a featured game mode but clearly over the years it has changed.

The thing is PvE balance is significantly easier then PvP, if a class can be used in PvP it very well can be used in PvE. Would it be optimal probably not, and the biggest offender to it is DPS meters and logs.

Many of the raids dont require insane DPS to clear, you don't need to the Snowcrow's dps comps to kill the bosses, they are a guideline to what you need to look for but you dont need every class to do 30k+ dps to down a boss. 

In terms of open world this is even more so that balanced should not be focused based on that game mode, nearly anything works there, and if people are talking about the EoD meta, that isnt a class problem its called ANET not tuning instance bosses adequately based on how much people are there considering it scales depending on how much people are participating.

There is a difference between speed runs vs. faster clears vs. clearing.

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You prove nothing by posting those videos. Those people did not create the videos because they enjoy playing Virtuoso. They've created those videos because they needed to make content for people who searches 'gw2 virtuoso' in Youtube. I mean, one of the video titles is literally 'experimenting.' Other one comes from a channel which he says Virtuoso sucks in his comments. Vallun clearly said in his Twitch stream that he is not playing those classes because he wants to. He plays them to create Youtube content. Besides, as someone who made Youtube content for other games at past, I know how easy to alter the power level of a class/hero/set-up/build by the power of video editting and cherry picking. One can even claim Staff-Scepter Berserker amulet Mesmer is the new hotness with a Youtube montage. 


If you really want to prove Virtuoso is good, you have to show us people who plays it by choice, not for the sake of content. I am a PvP player and I can suggest that my opinion holds at least some value as a person who ends every season in Plat and has over 2.2k games as Mesmer and let me tell you. I have encountered only 2 other Virtuosos in my 20+ games in Plat 2 which both lost the game. I watch PvP streams from top players like Boyce regularly and I can't remember ever seing someone playing Virtuoso in Legend rank yet. Man, I wish I saw. I am really looking for someone who plays Virtuoso in high level PvP to get ideas, I really do. Unlike other players I am trying my best to make it work in PvP instead of just complaining but it's just not happening. I can't even find a person to discuss about it because no one is playing it. 


I can't say too much about other areas since I spend most of my time in Heart of the Mists. However, I'd like to add that I've started farming Gift of Battles for my last missing rings and I am not seing Virtuosos in WvW either (not outside of downed state at least). The meta is pretty much the same as pre-EoD there. When they tell people to play meta classes in squads or Discord, they advice them to play Scourge, Firebrand, Staf Ele or Trap DH. People don't want Mesmers in their WvW squads (apart from WvW veteran support Chronos), let alone a Virtuoso. I've ended up gearing my Necro just for Conflux because trying to play Mesmer in WvW was just so incredibly atrocious. I felt like in heaven when I moved into my Necro. 


I don't have to much to say about end game PvE. I avoid raiding at all cost but I haven't seen Virtuoso picked since the test raids of the first week in neither Teapot or Mela's stream (main PvE streamers I follow) Again, I am not into PvE. I only do T4 fractals and Strikes as the top PvE content. However, judging from what I've witnessed, pure DPS classes are not welcomed after AoE boon share nerfs. You can fit only so many of them into a squad. I am aware that Virtuoso is one of the top Power DPSers if not the top, I'll give you to that. Still, it's not much to brag about since the spec has literally only and only damage. 


So, it's completely valid if someone decides to not buy EoD because of Virtuoso. I've almost did not buy as a PvP Mesmer main then bought only for story content. It does nothing Core Shatter Mesmer can't. 

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6 hours ago, Lethion.8745 said:


I don't have to much to say about end game PvE. I avoid raiding at all cost but I haven't seen Virtuoso picked since the test raids of the first week in neither Teapot or Mela's stream (main PvE streamers I follow) Again, I am not into PvE. I only do T4 fractals and Strikes as the top PvE content. However, judging from what I've witnessed, pure DPS classes are not welcomed after AoE boon share nerfs. You can fit only so many of them into a squad. I am aware that Virtuoso is one of the top Power DPSers if not the top, I'll give you to that. Still, it's not much to brag about since the spec has literally only and only damage. 


Bingo thanks for this. I've constantly stated that pure dps classes will not be picked over classes that can offer other things besides just pure dps.

Edited by Salt Mode.3780
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7 hours ago, Lethion.8745 said:

You prove nothing by posting those videos. Those people did not create the videos because they enjoy playing Virtuoso. They've created those videos because they needed to make content for people who searches 'gw2 virtuoso' in Youtube. I mean, one of the video titles is literally 'experimenting.' Other one comes from a channel which he says Virtuoso sucks in his comments. Vallun clearly said in his Twitch stream that he is not playing those classes because he wants to. He plays them to create Youtube content. Besides, as someone who made Youtube content for other games at past, I know how easy to alter the power level of a class/hero/set-up/build by the power of video editting and cherry picking. One can even claim Staff-Scepter Berserker amulet Mesmer is the new hotness with a Youtube montage. 


If you really want to prove Virtuoso is good, you have to show us people who plays it by choice, not for the sake of content. I am a PvP player and I can suggest that my opinion holds at least some value as a person who ends every season in Plat and has over 2.2k games as Mesmer and let me tell you. I have encountered only 2 other Virtuosos in my 20+ games in Plat 2 which both lost the game. I watch PvP streams from top players like Boyce regularly and I can't remember ever seing someone playing Virtuoso in Legend rank yet. Man, I wish I saw. I am really looking for someone who plays Virtuoso in high level PvP to get ideas, I really do. Unlike other players I am trying my best to make it work in PvP instead of just complaining but it's just not happening. I can't even find a person to discuss about it because no one is playing it. 


I can't say too much about other areas since I spend most of my time in Heart of the Mists. However, I'd like to add that I've started farming Gift of Battles for my last missing rings and I am not seing Virtuosos in WvW either (not outside of downed state at least). The meta is pretty much the same as pre-EoD there. When they tell people to play meta classes in squads or Discord, they advice them to play Scourge, Firebrand, Staf Ele or Trap DH. People don't want Mesmers in their WvW squads (apart from WvW veteran support Chronos), let alone a Virtuoso. I've ended up gearing my Necro just for Conflux because trying to play Mesmer in WvW was just so incredibly atrocious. I felt like in heaven when I moved into my Necro. 


I don't have to much to say about end game PvE. I avoid raiding at all cost but I haven't seen Virtuoso picked since the test raids of the first week in neither Teapot or Mela's stream (main PvE streamers I follow) Again, I am not into PvE. I only do T4 fractals and Strikes as the top PvE content. However, judging from what I've witnessed, pure DPS classes are not welcomed after AoE boon share nerfs. You can fit only so many of them into a squad. I am aware that Virtuoso is one of the top Power DPSers if not the top, I'll give you to that. Still, it's not much to brag about since the spec has literally only and only damage. 


So, it's completely valid if someone decides to not buy EoD because of Virtuoso. I've almost did not buy as a PvP Mesmer main then bought only for story content. It does nothing Core Shatter Mesmer can't. 

I have checked out of the forums so I doubt I will post anything here until they do a balance patch, I do see Virtuoso sometimes in ranked but I play at high gold. They don't do to bad especially when they can stay range.

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