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Eod Strikes already garbaged

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5 hours ago, The Boz.2038 said:

Just to check, "garbaged" stands for "I don't get accepted into groups as a mad dps pro skillz greatsworder that does over NINE THOUSAND DAmAGES", right? Cause that's what OP reads like...

none group complained about my DPS, i just see that is already bad.

my build-gear was already identical to snowcrows one except a single trait.

i have fear that this class will be garbaged if become a "support", i dont wanna play "support".


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Some people here are silly. The game has very little challenging group content. So plenty of content for those want play as they want in its broadest term.

Some like challenging group content and there will always be some composition requirements. It comes hand in hand. Why do you want to spoil that little content that is there for people that like challenge? So selfish. 

Noone can see your build. You can build as you like just provide output you took on yourself. 

I agree that LI req for strikes are silly. But if people want to play that way, why do you feel the need to crash the party you werent invited to? 

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2 hours ago, Taclism.2406 said:

If that group isnt in lfg for a raid (or harvest temple I guess), it makes them clowns. 

that's your opinion. But those people are looking for like minded/similar experienced people and there's nothing wrong with that

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1 hour ago, Cuks.8241 said:

Some people here are silly. The game has very little challenging group content. So plenty of content for those want play as they want in its broadest term.

Some like challenging group content and there will always be some composition requirements. It comes hand in hand. Why do you want to spoil that little content that is there for people that like challenge? So selfish. 

Noone can see your build. You can build as you like just provide output you took on yourself. 

I agree that LI req for strikes are silly. But if people want to play that way, why do you feel the need to crash the party you werent invited to? 

I think it more has to do with exploring "uncharted waters".  There are probably a lot of novice, or apprehensive, or less knowledgable people that want to do challenging content, but they need a point of entry.  These people need help and time from other players to do that.  That's where you're getting this friction.  People want in.  They want to see what this elite crowd is like, they may even be of a top-tier caliber to run with the boys, but they hit a brick wall at entry.

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24 minutes ago, Borked.6824 said:

I think it more has to do with exploring "uncharted waters".  There are probably a lot of novice, or apprehensive, or less knowledgable people that want to do challenging content, but they need a point of entry.  These people need help and time from other players to do that.  That's where you're getting this friction.  People want in.  They want to see what this elite crowd is like, they may even be of a top-tier caliber to run with the boys, but they hit a brick wall at entry.

From my experience getting in to strikes right now is easy even as a pug with no guild to help you. And truth be told it always was. Just a little patience. 

Maybe its just different expectations. I come from games where it took an hour of lfm and performance checks to form a group. But yeah not ok by todays standars and for me also anymore. But a few minutes, some communication and some adjustments should be expected. So many leave after 1 wipe or 5 min of waiting. 

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2 hours ago, Cuks.8241 said:

Some people here are silly. The game has very little challenging group content. So plenty of content for those want play as they want in its broadest term.

Some like challenging group content and there will always be some composition requirements. It comes hand in hand. Why do you want to spoil that little content that is there for people that like challenge? So selfish. 

Noone can see your build. You can build as you like just provide output you took on yourself. 

I agree that LI req for strikes are silly. But if people want to play that way, why do you feel the need to crash the party you werent invited to? 

Im not against the challenge, but strikes in Eod, have far more content locked behind it than IBS strikes(i myself was a IBS striker, all one including bonneskinner).

IBS strikes was perfect in size, shape, time... 

EoD strikes, the one to kill security minister, for example, is too longer, was like 30 min.. the fight is doable, is "hard", but requires too much spam attention, is fine for 10min max, but for 30 min, to someone at my age is too much,... im older gamer, when i was in my 30yo, i played 48hrs games requiring long attention spam.

The thing need be recalibrated, or the groups will have more and more requirments since no one will torelate 30 mins hard fight to fail.



Edited by ugrakarma.9416
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1 minute ago, ugrakarma.9416 said:

Im not against the challenge, but strikes in Eod, have far more content locked behind it than IBS strikes(i myself was a IBS striker, all one including bonneskinner).

IBS strikes was perfect in size, shape, time... 

EoD strikes, the one to kill security minister, for example, is too longer, was like 30 min.. the fight is doable, is "hard", but requires too much spam attention, is fine for 10min max, but for 30 min, to someone at my age is too much,... im older gamer, when i was in my 30yo, i played 48hrs games requiring long attention spam.

The thing need be recalibrated, or the groups will have more and more requirments since no one will torelate 30 mins hard fight to fail.



I have to disagree. EoD strikes are so much better and more fun than the IBS strikes. 

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I havent unlocked al the strikes yet, didnt have enough time yet to get through the expansion and was spending some time testing pvp. But from what I have seen they are perfect for me. IBS were just to simple. These seem just right with much better mechanics.  And I am not the youngest player anymore also.

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There's no brick wall at entry. You make your own group, with your own requirements. Yes that can be scary. But you can either wait until a group you think fits appears or make your own. You'd be surprised at how fast chill runs get filled. 


Don't want to deal with KP/LI requirements. Make your own group. It is really that simple. 


I always make chill runs if I want to lfg. I learned long ago that it beats waiting for something to come. 


I did the new strike, Kaineng and I  listed as a chill run. Nobody was on about dps. We checked our roles to see if we had the basics, support, boons etc. And we just went and tried. Everybody was figuring out mechs, there was one who knew some of it. They explained. We tried, we failed, we tried again. No one gave anyone kitten. No one complained. Everyone understood it was new. We had to stop after about 30min cause some had to go, me included. We said thanks for the fun and that was that. 


Second time, also chill run. Again, no one complained about builds. We just made sure we had the basics covered and went into it. Cleared it first time. 


Note that there's no timers. Which helps a lot in the dps requirement. 


I also organize raids this way. Formed a static group. Dps ranges from 6k to 20+ during raids. You dont need high end dps to clear those. Just patience and willingness to learn and adapt. Not all builds work, and you are part of a team. But a lot will work, you get by fine without strict meta adhering. Mechanics are 75% of the work. And that goes for pretty much all the content in this game. 



Bottom line is, if you are one of those apprehensive, shy, novice players looking to try but keep getting discouraged when you open lfg. Join chill runs, all welcome runs, or better yet, make your own. 


The game got so much better for me that way. There are plenty of people just like that waiting for someone to make an lfg just like that. 


Edited by Sigerk.2897
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14 hours ago, ugrakarma.9416 said:

All LFM(look for member) with requirments.

The LFG, guys with hours there without nobody pick them.

EoD Strikes are almost wayyyyyy longer than IBS.

I liked Vindicator, but it seems low DPS, by the amount of talk of nerds on pvp/pve foruns, the spec will be suppport. 

Theres no "play as u want in Gw2". The sum of elitist + nerd ideas, tend to make metas build almost bizarre hybrids, i dont want be a "support greatsworder".

God forbid people want to organise a group the way they like! Clearly you've been out of the game since before fractals, raids and IBS strikes were introduced since lfg for instanced content has has always had structure.

If you think people aren't being picked off a long time, why don't YOU pick them?

Yes strikes take slightly longer, because there's more CONTENT which is what everyone wanted.

The rest of your post makes little to no sense, probably the "garbage" your title mentions, idk, I have no response to those mad ramblings🤷‍♂️

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7 hours ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

Unfortunately it is exactly that. Anet does not expect ypou to just know how to drive. They expect you to know how to build your car first. Sure, in here you can do that using blueprints/guildes from other people, but you are still expected to build your kitten car. Your driving skill is far second to that.

I don't think that helps a lot when the idea is to teach people driving.

It's all great with these comparisons until someone actually believes reading through the skills/traits/stats and picking "offensive one" vs "defensive one" is as complex as building a car on your own from scratch. Not to mention that these "meta" builds are NOT needed and you can make your own suboptimal ones as long as it's at least somewhat coherent. Understanding and doing it really isn't that complicated. Not only that, but as you've already mentioned, if someone doesn't want to make their own semi-coherent build, they can take shortcuts in the form of borrowing the blueprints/instructions for the more/most optimized builds. I fail to see how that's something bad or detrimental to learning the game if someone actually wants to learn it.


In the end i think it would have been better if the whole car construction thing was scrapped, and everyone could just pick from a selection of few fully functional cars.

Disagreed. "We have options, but some options are better than the others, so the suboptimal options shouldn't exist" is a claim I don't understand at all. If someone wants to play with optimal builds but can't (or don't want to) make one, then they're free to get help from other people/sites/resources/whatever. This way we can have both: "the contruction thing" and "just a few optimized builds available to the public, even if someone doesn't want to make their own". Someone refusing to use the generally available bluprints for some unknown reason isn't the game's fault nor is it a reason to remove that system.

Edited by Sobx.1758
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12 hours ago, Zacchary.6183 said:

Raids exist because raiders wanted raids. Strikes exist because players wanted to get into raids without having to put up with the toxicity from some raiders.

Raids exist because Anet discussed openly in the forum (CDI - Collaborative Development Initiative) with all players several development ideas. One topic/theme of the CDI was more challenging group content that should not be "excluding" players like in other games, but should be "including" different player types. Some time later, with HoT, raids were added to the game and HoT was more challenging than the open world of the core zones.

Strikes exist because Anet could not justify to put more money into making more raids because how little raids were used overall from the player community. As a result they made smaller instances with mostly only boss fights, called Strikes, and wanted them to be a stepping stone for raids to increase the raid community. (at least that's what Anet was saying back then).

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I never join group that ask for a specific thing, FAST, DPS, Super Condi or whatever, because most likely are elitist, and if someone asked to ping gear my reply wont be pretty 😄

I did the strike mission on the first try without knowing the mechanics and no one complained, so Im guessing it might be that in the timezone you are playing its harder to find people willing to help. In general as long as you know how to dodge and break the defiance bar there shouldnt be a problem IMO.

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12 hours ago, LSD.4673 said:

Rewind over the past decade and find me even a handful of two-way interactions between dev and player. They interact more with nobody streamers.

The CDI  (Collaborative Development Initiative) was meaningful and was a lot more that just a handful of two-way interactions between devs and players. However, after seeing how Anet implemented some of the discussed topics, some players joked "be careful what you wish for".

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32 minutes ago, Zok.4956 said:

Raids exist because Anet discussed openly in the forum (CDI - Collaborative Development Initiative) with all players several development ideas. One topic/theme of the CDI was more challenging group content that should not be "excluding" players like in other games, but should be "including" different player types. Some time later, with HoT, raids were added to the game and HoT was more challenging than the open world of the core zones.

Strikes exist because Anet could not justify to put more money into making more raids because how little raids were used overall from the player community. As a result they made smaller instances with mostly only boss fights, called Strikes, and wanted them to be a stepping stone for raids to increase the raid community. (at least that's what Anet was saying back then).

on IBS they worked for theyre intended for.


-balanced reward.

-no content gated behind it, except "exclusive" strike armor(thats why i started strikes).

-extremely chil.

-way to new players get familiarized with "metas" and group meta organization.


not what we have:


-turtle behind it.

-mastery points dry(thats why i jumped on EoD strikes).

-promised a CM mode(which will drain "speed runners").

-nerf on fractals rewards.



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1 hour ago, MarshallLaw.9260 said:

God forbid people want to organise a group the way they like! Clearly you've been out of the game since before fractals, raids and IBS strikes were introduced since lfg for instanced content has has always had structure.

If you think people aren't being picked off a long time, why don't YOU pick them?

Yes strikes take slightly longer, because there's more CONTENT which is what everyone wanted.

The rest of your post makes little to no sense, probably the "garbage" your title mentions, idk, I have no response to those mad ramblings🤷‍♂️

Artificially make bosses longer, inst "more" content, is just cheap stuff, and no "content". read my post above.


The whole thing is so cheap and garbaged that are all reutilized history bosses. lmao.

Edited by ugrakarma.9416
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9 minutes ago, ugrakarma.9416 said:

The whole thing is so cheap and garbaged that are all reutilized history bosses. lmao.

Well they did say that before. The strike mission bosses are from the story. I like that and I like the strikes, way more fun and better mechanic than the IBS strikes. 
But if you don’t like them, then maybe it’s good that no group will take you. 

Edited by yoni.7015
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1 hour ago, ugrakarma.9416 said:

Artificially make bosses longer, inst "more" content, is just cheap stuff, and no "content". read my post above.


The whole thing is so cheap and garbaged that are all reutilized history bosses. lmao.

Clearly you're missing the point about the new strikes compared with IBS ones. 

The EOD strikes have more mechanics to learn, different obstacles to overcome. Anet didnt simply make the healthbar larger, they added more phases which aren't just DPS check gates, but something more diverse. The aim (as far as I understand) is to put new challenges for the players, not to get stuck behind but so that they feel a sense of achievement when mastering them.

Clearly this content is not for everyone -if you don't like it, don't do it. Also I noticed you said it took you 30+ mins to complee the Minister Li strike (perhaps you've edited your post to remove this already) - If you are taking that long to complete the strike, that shows there is a problem with your group or your gameplay. My first relaxed casual attempt with just a regular pug from lfg took less than 15mins I believe. Thats with a couple of people wiping early and fairly slow dps. This is in no way a dig at you, I'm far from an elite player and I would be fine if you were desparate to call me a nerd (you do you fam).

What you need to do it provide CONSTRUCTIVE feedback that makes sense though.

  • You've said the strikes are "cheap" - what does that even mean? 
  • You've said that the instance is too long? - it's fairly similar to WOJ strike which has only 3 phases I believe
  • You said "all reutilized history bosses. lmao." which bosses are reused? are you just making wild assumptions without basis again?
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1 hour ago, MarshallLaw.9260 said:

Clearly you're missing the point about the new strikes compared with IBS ones. 

The EOD strikes have more mechanics to learn, different obstacles to overcome. Anet didnt simply make the healthbar larger, they added more phases which aren't just DPS check gates, but something more diverse. The aim (as far as I understand) is to put new challenges for the players, not to get stuck behind but so that they feel a sense of achievement when mastering them.

Clearly this content is not for everyone -if you don't like it, don't do it. Also I noticed you said it took you 30+ mins to complee the Minister Li strike (perhaps you've edited your post to remove this already) - If you are taking that long to complete the strike, that shows there is a problem with your group or your gameplay. My first relaxed casual attempt with just a regular pug from lfg took less than 15mins I believe. Thats with a couple of people wiping early and fairly slow dps. This is in no way a dig at you, I'm far from an elite player and I would be fine if you were desparate to call me a nerd (you do you fam).

What you need to do it provide CONSTRUCTIVE feedback that makes sense though.

  • You've said the strikes are "cheap" - what does that even mean? 
  • You've said that the instance is too long? - it's fairly similar to WOJ strike which has only 3 phases I believe
  • You said "all reutilized history bosses. lmao." which bosses are reused? are you just making wild assumptions without basis again?

i cleaned all except the dragons one.

the strikes arent too bad, vindicator wich is too trash(theres lot of complaining about it on specs forum). just swaped it to willbender.

Theres my constructive feedback:

-players thats call that "content" they are deluding themselves. it is reused stuff because it is cheaper to develop, unlike the fractals or raids, just rebox the bosses and reutilize some mechanics. the players that call it great is probably same players who cal DRM's a "great content and should have more on game"(lolz). i wonder this company is budget mode to even fractals seems expensive.

-i didn't removed any post, was moderator.

-if they don't dryed masteries i wans't doing it.(i already don't mind the turtle).

-theres no mechanics to learn or new obstacles, the only thing new here is more visual noise, its sad, but minister become more easy when more players die, just because its less visual noise, the group cleaned with 3 man at end, the arrows turned very clear!!

Edited by ugrakarma.9416
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21 hours ago, ugrakarma.9416 said:

All LFM(look for member) with requirments.

The LFG, guys with hours there without nobody pick them.

EoD Strikes are almost wayyyyyy longer than IBS.

I liked Vindicator, but it seems low DPS, by the amount of talk of nerds on pvp/pve foruns, the spec will be suppport. 

Theres no "play as u want in Gw2". The sum of elitist + nerd ideas, tend to make metas build almost bizarre hybrids, i dont want be a "support greatsworder".



Power Vindicator (with greatsword!) - 36,9k dps.

Edited by ZeftheWicked.3076
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20 hours ago, ugrakarma.9416 said:

these groups are dimishing everyday.


It's funny you say that, I've been struggling to find groups with requirements because all of the squads have no requirements at all, some don't even ask for roles.


If you browse the section for more than a few seconds, you will find groups. Unless you're playing in the early hours of the morning or something.

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