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The strikes go on far too long and thus have terrible replay value

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Numerous issues with the new strikes.

  • They go on for far too long(Nerf everythings HP by at least 1/3)
  • They aren't rewarding at all
  • Aegis blocks 1 shot mechanics still(why?)
  • Stability blocks knock downs still(why?)
  • Visual clarity is a disaster. You can't see mechanics properly.
  • The fights are too easy while also requiring full attention or you die. Decide if you want hard fights or easy fights, this in between just feels terrible.

I don't want to repeat these fights at all. They're one and done. 


Edited by Shiyo.3578
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Considering the reward structure of EoD Strikes is designed in a way where you do one Strike per day, each day for maximum rewards - I don't really see how up to 10 minutes of gameplay a day is in any way out of line. 


As for why Aegis and Stability still work as intended.. what else are they going to do? The problem of Aegis was that it was too frequent with Mantra of Solace, not that it works as intended. 

If Anet circumvents Aegis and Stability constantly, it just becomes an unintuitive mess about when the game's mechanics work and when they don't. If they are still a problem, Anet needs to reduce availability (or distribute it more equally), not arbitrarily suspend their function. 

Holding key skills with key functions for specific moments is engaging gameplay, just sheer permanent and spammed immunity to disables is boring and problematic.

Edited by Asum.4960
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6 hours ago, Shiyo.3578 said:

The fights are too easy while also requiring full attention or you die.

Isn't this exactly what was demanded?


Make strikes easier than raids but also make the feedback more noticeable?


Seems to me that demanding attention, while being loaded with easy mechanics and giving the immediate feedback of "you are dead, thus you made a mistake", works perfectly.


Decide if you want hard fights or easy fights, this in between just feels terrible.

Strikes are supposed to be the inbetween, did you forget?


I don't want to repeat these fights at all. They're one and done. 



Then don't. Go raiding, wait for strike CMs or stay away from instanced content. Strikes don't have to be personally fitted to your liking.


They are there to serve a specific purpose and will hopefully succeed at it. Making them easier or harder defeats the purpose of having them.

Edited by Cyninja.2954
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7 hours ago, Shiyo.3578 said:

The benchmark guilds take nearly 10 minutes to do these fights:


I would like to point out that this time can be pushed by a lot (and I mean a lot) more.

Think about qtp for example. When qtp was released it was a 10 minute fight too, and nowadays people managed to push it to sub sub 4 minutes. Pugs can get below 6 minutes despite running double healer.

The strikes are still pretty new and as mechanics and tactics are being figured out (as well as people getting more and more comfortable with the new builds and classes) the strikes will become much faster to complete.

Additionally you need more supports right now, since the target cap for boons got changed from 10 to 5. That means, that there's also a lot to figure out about compositions.

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11 hours ago, Shiyo.3578 said:

Numerous issues with the new strikes.

  • They go on for far too long(Nerf everythings HP by at least 1/3)
  • They aren't rewarding at all
  • Aegis blocks 1 shot mechanics still(why?)
  • Stability blocks knock downs still(why?)
  • Visual clarity is a disaster. You can't see mechanics properly.
  • The fights are too easy while also requiring full attention or you die. Decide if you want hard fights or easy fights, this in between just feels terrible.

I don't want to repeat these fights at all. They're one and done. 


- The length is fine but they are not rewarding. We might a see a change in rewards in a year or two, the usual ANet schedule. 
- Aegis blocks 1 1-shot mechanic. People die to it anyway.
- Stability works as intended. 
- Visual clarity is fine in harvest. There are much worse examples.
- The fights are too easy. (period) 

Anet will always reward players for doing content that is easier and requires less cooperation (open world farms). We hate people who are capable of efficiently clearing 10man content in this game. Let's just move on. 

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15 hours ago, Shiyo.3578 said:

The benchmark guilds take nearly 10 minutes to do these fights:


My casual raid static needs less than 8min for that one encounter. That was their first clear. They dont even know how the mechanics work there and they were trolling on some bad specs like vinditrash.

It wouldnt surprise me if the same people could do a 5min clear when they actually try.

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I'm having more fun doing strikes over raids, they are easier than raids but still more challenging than IBS strikes, you are just not allowed to go on full braindead mode when playing them.

The only thing IMO should be tweaked are the rewards, which feel very low for being weekly content + one daily.

Edited by Telgum.6071
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19 hours ago, Shiyo.3578 said:

Numerous issues with the new strikes.

  • They go on for far too long(Nerf everythings HP by at least 1/3)
  • They aren't rewarding at all
  • Aegis blocks 1 shot mechanics still(why?)
  • Stability blocks knock downs still(why?)
  • Visual clarity is a disaster. You can't see mechanics properly.
  • The fights are too easy while also requiring full attention or you die. Decide if you want hard fights or easy fights, this in between just feels terrible.

I don't want to repeat these fights at all. They're one and done. 


Aegis was removed from Firebrand's heal skill so Aegis spam has been greatly reduced already. There's no need to make it even more limited than it already is.

Edited by Hannelore.8153
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42 minutes ago, Hannelore.8153 said:

Aegis was removed from Firebrand's heal skill so Aegis spam has been greatly reduced already. There's no need to make it even more limited than it already is.

Yes there is, 1 shot mechanics are blocked by aegis. That restricts content design and makes certain specs/classes much better than others.

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3 minutes ago, Einsof.1457 said:

I disagree with every one of your points. The new Strikes are the best instanced PVE in years. Longer the better, too! 

So when you wipe 15m into a 20m harvest temple, and then have to redo the entire 15 minutes again, you're having the time of your life?

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4 minutes ago, Shiyo.3578 said:

So when you wipe 15m into a 20m harvest temple, and then have to redo the entire 15 minutes again, you're having the time of your life?

I play FFXIV along with GW2. I have even done ultimates in FFXIV. These fights can take 15+ mins and are quite challenging. I MUCH prefer Guild Wars 2 in nearly every way from a gameplay and design standpoint. With that said,  I appreciate arenanet striving to make an encounter epic and have the fight itself include a build up to a climax. It's like the fight itself is a story. Just seeing a next phase of a fight is a victory. These small victories eventually add up and you beat the whole thing. That is awesome and I want to see more of it. I want to see less gorsevals and more harvest temples, absolutely, 100%. 

Edited by Einsof.1457
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Once mechanics are figured out and you're with people that understand mechanics, it seems like a decent fight. I would enjoy better rewards maybe, opening my coffer for 2 unidentified gears feels bad. Maybe an additional 2g for the daily? I dunno.

The only Strike that seems "too long" to me is the 4th one. I wish each phase at least had a checkpoint.
I hope the CM decides to make it shorter while making it more difficult (similar to Sunqua Peak CM).

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On 3/15/2022 at 3:10 AM, Cyninja.2954 said:

Isn't this exactly what was demanded?


Make strikes easier than raids but also make the feedback more noticeable?

They're in this inbetween of "too easy that I'm bored, and hard enough that I have to pay attention or I die"

It feels bad. Fishing has this same issue(but you can't die fishing).

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