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Is this the End?


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Normally in hyping up previous expacs Anet has also talked about the plans for future Living Story content and how soon it might be available.  With this expac I have not heard a single word about LS content coming out.  Is EoD truly the end of GW2 or is there more to come in the future?

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They've said on multiple occasions that "End of Dragons" is NOT "End of Guild Wars 2." I wish I could quote and cite all the specifics, but the only one I remember was a livestream from last year where they specifically said that no, this expansion is not The End.

Realistically I think that (1) at best we might be able to expect 2 more living world seasons and 1 more major expansion, but (2) at worst, EoD really does prove to be the final big content update for the game.

While I believe ANet is currently committed to track (1), I also believe all it takes is a few missteps and miscalculations for the game to quickly fall into track (2). We'll have to wait for quarterly NCSoft numbers to come out, but if EoD doesn't perform well, that makes it harder for the studio to stick to track (1). Even if EoD sold well enough, any number of other internal problems and wasted opportunities could lead to track (2) as well.

As for why they haven't said anything, I'm not surprised. On a very obvious level, they probably want attention to remain on EoD and the many nice things it brings. Beneath the surface, I think it took everything ANet had to bring out EoD, and even if they have other things planned for the future, they've likely done zero actual work on it. And finally, ANet has long been a bit... unsteady when it comes to communicating. Put all these things together, not surprising that there's no announcements of the kind you're looking for yet.

Edited by voltaicbore.8012
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It's the end of dragons, that's for sure. 

I'm guessing the living story will involve Raisu palace, maybe whatever Ione really is unless there's context I missed and this is explained or implied, and the Canthan power crisis. 

If I had to guess I would say there may be some Six influence thrown in leading up to an expansion with them unless they're looking to go to some of these newly added lands. 

Given the fact that Guild Wars 2 touched on previous Guild Wars locations and existing plots, they may want to revisit those quickly. I.e. Magdear and the Ascalon ghosts, which they could tie into a gods plot. They have wardens and echovald that can tie into Melandru, and even the pale tree for that matter if they wanted, especially now that we've just finished the dragon cycle. They've already set up Lyssa quite a bit. And we still have the whole.. what happened after they imprisoned Balthazar and why plot...

For that matter, we could find out that the darkness in Raisu Palace is somehow god related. 

I'd say the easiest pathforward from the current story and one that allows them to really spend time on character building would be the human gods. But I don't know if this time around they would be better doing them all in one and not spread out like the elder dragons, or just having them all involved during the same story. I think ideally, they'd have either living world episodes fully dedicated to each with an ultimate finale that has them working together either with or against us, or an expansion with different acts that let them tell their stories on a larger scale. That would probably be the best pay-off. 

It would also finally break them free from any pre-conceived notions and let them be as creative as they want with the story. It's tricky though because they're a huge staple of the franchise and they may risk handling them poorly all in one go and ticking people off. If the scope is too large and they're too spaced out you risk what's happened with the elder dragons where they just seemingly lost interest and wanted to get the story over with so they could move on. 

And I hope it isn't the total end of the elder dragons. I'd still love to know more about the backstory of Soo Won, how she came to be, and more details about her role in the cosmos - even if it's just added dialogue to Aurene, Albax, or Kuunavang. Please expand on this story in some way for those of us that still feel totally blindsided by this revelation, even if it's just dialogue or collectable items for interim content. I know they like to keep things mysterious on things like this to leave this as breadcrumbs to come back to later, but I err on the side of caution after IBS and this to think that if they did hold onto them, the plot would be any better for it when they finally decide to conclude it. 

I don't know. I'm over this whole Jade Tech crap and I hope it's quickly swept under the rug in favor of something else so I never have to listen to Joon whine or have another egotistical rant again while listening to npc chatter and 6 voices at once on the streets of a seemingly ghost town Kaening. Or waiting on, god forbid, somekind of permit to unlock a mastery to upgrade your jade bot to collect some specific kind of currency that Joon's going to use in her latest and greatest Omaad's Machine 2.0 new and improved magitech filtration system.

By the way, the connection to the gods is also present in Jade Tech itself given that jade was created from Dwayna's magic. 

We've actually had a pretty good subtle setup for a god plot between going to the Underworld in Path of Fire and the raid, fighting balthazar, talking to Kormir, and now dealing with material created from Dwayna's magic. We've had subtle hints about Lyssa thrown in the midst and I'm still sus about Jenna and Ihn no matter what people say about their "history." I'd be interested in seeing somekind of link between Largos being somekind of Margonite type subrace created by Abaddon, or Harpies being linked to Dwayna. 

I'm betting that whatever is next for living world, we'll likely be spending a lot of time with Yao, Gorrik, Taimi, [Insert Tengu here] and I honestly think and hope Braham will continue to take a backseat. 

They may even find a way to link the new power source to the Cantha of old, the wardens and forever trees, amber charged with something, and again, possible link to Melandru. 

Lots of possibilities, I just hope they make the story less character-focused or at least figure out a way to pace the story instances and interim content between story instances to be able to tell an overarching story without sacrificing it for character focus. I feel like they've gotten worse at this balance over time because they realize they can't do both, but still try to shove it in anyway. Understandably because that's probably what IBS's format was supposed to resolve, but it kind of seems like they're still doing it even after that. I guess we'll just have to wait and see what happens now that they've hit the reset button.

Given how responsive and fast they've been with the patches lately I'm hopeful they're finding their groove again after quite a while of hardship and can turn some of it into a stronger future for the story.

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33 minutes ago, AliamRationem.5172 said:

Oh please, no.  No more stupid dragons, gods, and immortal beings.

Normally in story telling you work up the ladder and not go from fighting gods and Eldritch horrors  to "oh no that guy kicks cats!" we are established as a person who stops global calamities at this point. not the person called upon to stop local issues.

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31 minutes ago, dusanyu.4057 said:

Normally in story telling you work up the ladder and not go from fighting gods and Eldritch horrors  to "oh no that guy kicks cats!" we are established as a person who stops global calamities at this point. not the person called upon to stop local issues.

Every step of the way there have been ordinary people doing extraordinary things.  Was Caudecus less of a villain because Lazarus and Balthazar were a thing?  Joko was immortal, but he was a small fry compared to Balthazar and Kralkatorrik.  Was he less of a villain for it?  How about Bangar?  Scarlet?  Every step of the way we see examples of lesser villains that were more interesting than the big doofy dragons and gods we were chasing all over the world.

I just think it makes for more interesting villains and I don't see why we always have to move up.  What's next?  Skip the Six and go straight for actual God?  It's silly.

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59 minutes ago, AliamRationem.5172 said:

I just think it makes for more interesting villains and I don't see why we always have to move up.  What's next?  Skip the Six and go straight for actual God?  It's silly.

Agreed. Continuously escalating the threat level merely allows for more lazy writing: the reason to fight is because the new bad guy is just bigger and badder, and eventually you don't even have to attempt explaining how exactly the bad guy is gonna do bad things. It becomes "the Void is going to literally unmake all of reality, so you have to do your best dps rotation against it."

The Commander is still vulnerable - Bangar's shot from Eir's bow almost put us down for good, and being knocked around on a falling airship over Cantha nearly killed us as well. An... actually intelligent villain can definitely pose an actual threat to the Commander. If said villain also properly uses manipulation, deception, and coercion, there is plenty of harm they can do to both the Commander and Tyria.

There is absolutely no need to keep going bigger.

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7 hours ago, voltaicbore.8012 said:

Agreed. Continuously escalating the threat level merely allows for more lazy writing: the reason to fight is because the new bad guy is just bigger and badder, and eventually you don't even have to attempt explaining how exactly the bad guy is gonna do bad things. It becomes "the Void is going to literally unmake all of reality, so you have to do your best dps rotation against it."

The Commander is still vulnerable - Bangar's shot from Eir's bow almost put us down for good, and being knocked around on a falling airship over Cantha nearly killed us as well. An... actually intelligent villain can definitely pose an actual threat to the Commander. If said villain also properly uses manipulation, deception, and coercion, there is plenty of harm they can do to both the Commander and Tyria.

There is absolutely no need to keep going bigger.

Also, to me, some of the most interesting villains in storytelling are the most human ones. One of the reasons I'm not that into high fantasy (I know, I know, why are you playing this then? I like the gameplay and art among other things, or some of it anyway). Cause in high fantasy, they often do this thing where the villain is not, ya know, humans being human. It's like... literal demons, or in this case, dragons, who behave kind of like demons. I love the psychological exploration of motivations in more grounded stories, the way a villain doesn't have any excuse where they were corrupted by big bad magic or whatever, they are just a twisted person or got stuck going down a path for shaky reasons. Maybe too mature for this game tho, idk. This game does have some pretty dark stuff, but not that graphic about it.

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9 hours ago, dusanyu.4057 said:

 we are established as a person who stops global calamities at this point. not the person called upon to stop local issues.

Of course we are also that person that is called for local issues if we are not busy killing dragons.

We even work as a plumber in New Kaineng City cleaning the drains. 😄


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4 hours ago, Zok.4956 said:

Of course we are also that person that is called for local issues if we are not busy killing dragons.

We even work as a plumber in New Kaineng City cleaning the drains. 😄


And my Commander thinks it's a really nice change of pace and hopes it can last for a while 🙂

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Going outside lore for a bit ArenaNet has always had a issue with writing compelling Baddies all the way back to the Undead Lich In Guild Wars Prophecies they have allays felt flat Even Shiro was not that great of a Baddie In factions and they clearly had a Direction by that time for the story It Was not until Nightfall we got a compelling Evil with abandon that went back and tied Villains of both Prophecies and  Factions together to Larger conspiracy that the Story of Guild Wars 1 become Wholly compelling and it wasent Abaddon or even Varesh that were compelling it was the Treat upon the world that was


What arena net does amazingly is Areas that have fallen to Corruption thinking back to my favorite moments in both Guild Was and GW2 they take place in places like the Ring of fire, Urgoz Warren, The Deep The Desolation (GW1 Version) Nightfallen Garden, The Relm of Torment, The brand and Toxic Kessix Hills. 


To this day one of the most amazing moments I ever had in A video game was reaching the Abbadon's Gate Mission outpost and looking out and seeing "The shattered guild" which was the Sunspear great hall Pulled into Torment


I want to be scared of the Bad guy we face I want to watch hints of dire consequences that will happen if we fail I want to be creeped the hell out and unsettled.

Edited by dusanyu.4057
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  I'll just quote myself here:

On 3/5/2022 at 9:45 PM, muradyn.3875 said:

Expansion in the abyss confirmed :)))))

Gods, no!

Just give us a solid grounded story, not the end of the world again.

Give us something that's mysterious, spine-tingling, interesting -- food for the brain and one's imagination. 😉

I'll take any interesting and fascinating earthly (or otherwordly, if it includes ghosts😄) story over yet another end-of-the-world scenario. Also, no more high-tech or Mists stuff, please.

18 hours ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

End of Dragons, but Return of the Gods sounds like a nice story.

At this point, I just wish for a feel of real adventure, not chores that lead to some big bad.

EoD proved that ANet does have good writers...

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7 minutes ago, Ashantara.8731 said:

  I'll just quote myself here:

Gods, no!

Just give us a solid grounded story, not the end of the world again.

Give us something that's mysterious, spine-tingling, interesting -- food for the brain and one's imagination. 😉

I'll take any interesting and fascinating earthly (or otherwordly, if it includes ghosts😄) story over yet another end-of-the-world scenario. Also, no more high-tech or Mists stuff, please.

At this point, I just wish for a feel of real adventure, not chores that lead to some big bad.

EoD proved that ANet does have good writers...

The gods returning could be interesting though. Do they embrace the new diversity of Tyria, and do we then work with them and Aurene for some cool Mist spanning utopian adventure, or are they dead set in making Tyria a home for Humans only thus requiring the Commander to intervene (got 5 more gods left to put into that belt after all)?

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58 minutes ago, AliamRationem.5172 said:

I don't know about you guys, but I can't wait to see what this new organization involving Detective Rama and our other friends is all about.  That could take us anywhere, but it probably won't involve Gods, Dragons, or the end of the world for a change!  How exciting!

HA! You kidding me? They'll uncover some mystery that Queen Jenna was Lyssa the entire time (actual fan theory btw).

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36 minutes ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

HA! You kidding me? They'll uncover some mystery that Queen Jenna was Lyssa the entire time (actual fan theory btw).

Well, if she is that means we'll probably have to kill her.  I mean, that's what ends up happening to pretty much all of the dragons and gods we meet.  Kormir was like "Nope!  Not hanging out so you a-holes can murder me!"  Soo-Won was too slow.  Got her!

Of course, if we kill Jenna we'll also have to kill Logan.  Bonus!

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 3/18/2022 at 4:00 AM, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

The gods returning could be interesting though. Do they embrace the new diversity of Tyria, and do we then work with them and Aurene for some cool Mist spanning utopian adventure, or are they dead set in making Tyria a home for Humans only thus requiring the Commander to intervene (got 5 more gods left to put into that belt after all)?

If the commander is human do they really have to side against the gods? Can they just join the gods instead? There is a spot open afterall 😏

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On 3/16/2022 at 1:01 AM, Silencer.7614 said:

Normally in hyping up previous expacs Anet has also talked about the plans for future Living Story content and how soon it might be available.  With this expac I have not heard a single word about LS content coming out.  Is EoD truly the end of GW2 or is there more to come in the future?

Next expansion is coming our way, at some point.
Return to Season 1 for now.
New Cantha content after that. I don't think this will be necessarily a season. I hope it won't be a season tbh, it's a bit of a restricting format.

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