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Why did we not get Superior Rune of <Insert new Elite-Spec>?

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Very disappointed by this as well, as I pretty much consider them part of the Elite Spec package.  But just in general not seeing any additions here was disappointing (75 Runes with Core, 14 Runes with HoT, 11 Runes with PoF, 0 Runes with EoD).


While I do think Runes are in need of an overhaul (again) to make them more interesting and impactful in build craft (rather than 10+ different runes basically having the same effect for a given build, with no interesting capstones/effects to differentiate them - I'd rather see a few less but more impactful choices there), Anet not even bothering with the 10 year long tradition of Specialisation Runes (Core, HoT, PoF) has me worried they are just written off as system for now instead.

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10 hours ago, RyuDragnier.9476 said:

Likely they wanted to balance the classes first before they released new Runes, as the runes can often make balancing difficult. That's what I'd like to believe anyway.

An official stance on this would be appreciated, please Anet, give us runes!

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Superior Rune of the Vindicator:

(1)Endurance bar increased +50, dodges now cost 150
(2)Greatsword attacks now deal 50% less damage overall
(3)Sigils no longer procs from weapon swap

(4)Healing skills now reduces your health to half (cooldown: 1second)
(5)Alliance skills gives you 5 vulnerability and weakness
(6)Your Vindicator character will jump out of the window and gets deleted forever (cooldown: 1/5 seconds)

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The rune system is so boring it doesn't even matter. There is no mixing of sets. It's not interesting or deep in any way. It's just stats and a proc. It's not like elder scrolls online where you mix effects and create combos. I look at almost every gw2 rune and can't even get excited.

Edited by Redfeather.6401
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Do you guys really need nine more flavors of Superior Rune of Dust Collecting in your banks?

Just to clarify: As long as this game lacks build variety and everyone and their Grandma runs the same meta-builds for any slightly challenging content, no new runes (or sigils) will change this. Pretty much the only way to make Rune of <new e-spec> useful at the moment would be forcing us to use the corresponding rune for the e-spec to work.

Edited by TheWaternymphHC.1847
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1 hour ago, TheWaternymphHC.1847 said:

Do you guys really need nine more flavors of Superior Rune of Dust Collecting in your banks?

Just to clarify: As long as this game lacks build variety and everyone and their Grandma runs the same meta-builds for any slightly challenging content, no new runes (or sigils) will change this. Pretty much the only way to make Rune of <new e-spec> useful at the moment would be forcing us to use the corresponding rune for the e-spec to work.

Even meta wise, with HoT Runes we have seen Runes of Durability seen decent use, esp. WvW wise, Runes of Leadership were meta for years for Chrono from what I recall and still in use for some Builds - like Alacrity cRev now, Runes of the Berserker were meta DPS Runes on various builds for quite some time, Runes of the Revenant for Resistance Rev in PvP for a long time, Rune of Thorns were used for DPS builds for a time before the last Rune rework. 

With PoF, Runes of the Firebrand have been meta ever since for various Quickness builds, primarily Quickbrand, as well as Runes of the Renegade having seen plenty use as Meta cDPS choice. 


Mostly off-meta wise, Runes of the Chronomancer opened up a lot of fun options for classes with Wells, both in PvP as well as non organized PvE. Daredevil Runes have seen some action in dodge builds, Reaper Runes were fun to play around with - as well as Runes of the Spellbreaker having been a cheaper Scholar alternative for some. 


So while there are definitely plenty of dud's in there (like Scourge Runes), I was definitely looking forward to find some diamonds in the rough again with this expansion - and especially as someone who made Legendary Runes for that day 1 theorycrafting joy, it's been a pretty sobering realization that there's just nothing this Expansion. 


Plus again, it feels genuinely weird to me to scroll through the Runes and see every core spec, every HoT spec and every PoF spec having a dedicated Rune, and then just nothing for EoD. Besides the often already lacking design of that set of specs, it's just yet another thing that makes them feel rushed and incomplete. 


It may not be the biggest deal in the grand scheme of things, but it's a disappointment and something I hope Anet rectifies nonetheless. 

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Two possibilities IMO:

1. They just don't need them so they didn't make them - feels weird to me but it's a possibility that these just weren't developed. I personally was looking forward to more and crossing my fingers for an expanded Sigil selection.

2. They aren't ready, for a variety of reasons - no time? waiting for class balance? etc? I'm sure there are many factors resulting in a delay if they simply aren't released yet. 

Edited by Obtena.7952
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