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Switching characters results in infinite load screen [Merged]

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On 4/14/2022 at 2:23 PM, Rubi Bayer.8493 said:

Hi all, I did some looking around on this to see if I could give an update. (Yep, I'm here this week! 😄 ) This is another of those weird bugs where the problem isn't immediately obvious, so like the earlier post mentioned, an engineer was looking at it but it's taken a bit. 

I can tell you that we have a fix just about ready to go though! We'll get it to you as soon as possible--just hang in there a little bit longer. 


Was really hoping the extremely unlikely chance we'd have this pushed so we could enjoy the weekend without the bug. 😞 As expected, this is pushed to at least Tuesday patch.  3 weeks of this. Very sad boi

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1 hour ago, KurokouNekoki.7891 said:

And this proves you haven't read anything in this thread and just came to put some more oil.

What your response proves is you didn't read the discussion of my responses in this thread. You're just responding to add unnecessary fuel to the fire.

Edited by reapex.8546
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41 minutes ago, Bronze Centipede.5230 said:

My thread got merged with this one but my question seems to have just vanished..


When I select a character, the game crashes without an error message. Someone told me that I shouldn't have downloaded GW2 to Program Files. Is there a particular place I should download it to, to avoid the crash?

I think the Mods has fluked here, this question should have remained separated as it seems to be irrelated to this thread...

But I'll answer you this: 
As long as your GW2 is on your (C : ) you should be alright (or your SSD Drive). Otherwise you can always try the repair tool; as you may have obtained some corrupted files it doesn't hurt to try.

Edited by KurokouNekoki.7891
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1 hour ago, lordmeowalot.8135 said:

Every reset when I swap between alts I check this thread to see if there is an update.


Update: I had to restart the game 10 times for my 13 characters tonight.

Hopefully, next week will be the last we have to experience this bug.

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1 hour ago, reapex.8546 said:

Hopefully, next week will be the last we have to experience this bug.

It shouldn't have lasted this long honestly. I don't know what is going on with them but they have clearly lost the trust of some players due to this. I myself have barely touched the game since this happened.

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Can we confirm whether or not this new upcoming patch will address the issue of character models not loading up? Because as far as I know, it's only to tweek the EoD Dragon's End meta.

I hate to echo what most others in this thread have said already, but Anet is really starting to disappoint me by allowing this bug to interfere with gameplay for as long as it has.

Edited by Artasid.7612
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I get physically ill when people give a game company a free pass when they "communicate" an upcoming fix to a bug that makes the game literally unplayable for people like me.  You "thank them"?  For what?  Are you serious?  The bug happens 100% of the time on switching for me and completely removes my ability to play the game in a way I would like to.  This is the kind of thing that should have had ALL HANDS on deck to fix it within a couple of days tops, but no, it is obviously related to something with SAB so instead of fixing it, they say nothing for the longest time and then a few days before SAB ends they go with "oh a fix is coming".  Sure it is.  Who do you think you are fooling?  I will repeat again, I have spent more than 15000 hours in your game and have celebrated and defended GW2 everywhere.  I can't do it anymore.  What has happened to you?  It has been a while now that I have been thinking this feels a lot like a "minimum viable product" at the moment.  I mean if you are a brand new player, great, you have years of content.  If you are an oldie like me it is difficult to look past the obvious cracks... like the exact same festivals that hardly get added to or improved.  Despite cries from everywhere to expand SAB you just push out the same thing with new cosmetics every year.  Is there no passion anymore?  (<--- and don't get me started on EoD, the writing in it is atrocious and borders on juvenile heartstring pulling, trying to make us care about something that has not had any set up.  That is a rookie mistake that you learn in Creative Writing 101).  I want the old anet back.  The one that made Living Story Season 2.  (and if you the player are going to go ape on LS2 in trying to defend this nonsense, may I remind you that LS2 did a LOT of exposition to set up the whole story of HoT and Aurene to begin with.  EoD has had nothing like that.  Soo Won?  really?).  Yeah I am not going to apologize for ranting, because I AM passionate about this game but I am at the same time extremely bitter about the direction it has gone in.

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1 hour ago, ceanonmurchadh.1368 said:

Is there no passion anymore?  (<--- and don't get me started on EoD, the writing in it is atrocious and borders on juvenile heartstring pulling, trying to make us care about something that has not had any set up.  That is a rookie mistake that you learn in Creative Writing 101). 

They have lost the passion by the look after Heart of Thorns (which has started the whole community-splitting) in my opinion.

The Lore Writing has became 10,000x worst as they seem to have delved into the "PURE" "Memes-y" Culture, which frankly has not its place in a Professional Product (-1000 points of Charisma, on that)...
Without even mentioning, that they seem like they are doing actual references and honorifics to actual some of their Gaming Content Partners, that are absolutely not what they are IRL.

I cannot go to Arborstone anymore because there is two NPCs (One Human and One Charr) (related to 2 Partners) that I absolutely cannot smell IRL. For the distress they have caused me when I was part of their communities.
So I believe that ANet has lost their path, for a very very long time by now.
And honestly, if it is on its last legs, might as well have mercy and end it before it suffers even more because this game is no FUN anymore. Too Much Bugs, Not Enough Productive Communications. All is purely cosmetics crap which is often locked behind RNGs or Stupid Content that is barebone impossible for the less fortunate (that has no time to get into raids, or are physically impaired without the Support needed).

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Please anyone tell me Anet is working on a fix for this. It is absolutely inacceptable we have to deal with bs for several weeks without anet even aknowledging the bug itself. This feels exactly like the TP loading bug wich they have never acknowledged or fixed in over 3 years. Yes it exists since one of the November updates in 2018, can you believe that???? Anet do your job, seriously you cant keep ignoring these massive problems

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2 hours ago, sindo.3568 said:

Please anyone tell me Anet is working on a fix for this. It is absolutely inacceptable we have to deal with bs for several weeks without anet even aknowledging the bug itself. This feels exactly like the TP loading bug wich they have never acknowledged or fixed in over 3 years. Yes it exists since one of the November updates in 2018, can you believe that???? Anet do your job, seriously you cant keep ignoring these massive problems


There are some ANET replies in the previous pages but sadly, nothing has come into fruition. 

My guess, there is a high chance they will mention the delay was caused since numerous Devs have left ANET to work on other projects with other companies. Hmm, I wonder why.

Edited by Sansi.3916
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8 hours ago, sindo.3568 said:

Please anyone tell me Anet is working on a fix for this. It is absolutely inacceptable we have to deal with bs for several weeks without anet even aknowledging the bug itself. This feels exactly like the TP loading bug wich they have never acknowledged or fixed in over 3 years. Yes it exists since one of the November updates in 2018, can you believe that???? Anet do your job, seriously you cant keep ignoring these massive problems

 I think they answered they have a solution and is already being developed. But at least this has been faster than getting something for wvw/pvp.

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I have a bunch of accounts. All use identical settings. My main account has recently started having this issue. It only happens on the main account - none of the spare accounts. All settings on low or high doesn't matter, it still loads slow and bugs out the graphics. DXX11 on or off - doesn't matter. DX9 is the same.


When it finally does load in, I get this checkerboard pattern, as per attached screenshot.


My character can move, although the camera doesn't move. I can only tell I'm moving because the icon on the mini map moves.


Like I mentioned, none of the other accounts have this. But this happens probably 75% of the time on the main account. I completely re-installed everything, even the DAT (rip old, old dat) - no change. 


Why one account but no others? Any ideas?

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10 hours ago, MashMash.1645 said:

I have a bunch of accounts. All use identical settings. My main account has recently started having this issue. It only happens on the main account - none of the spare accounts. All settings on low or high doesn't matter, it still loads slow and bugs out the graphics. DXX11 on or off - doesn't matter. DX9 is the same.


When it finally does load in, I get this checkerboard pattern, as per attached screenshot.


My character can move, although the camera doesn't move. I can only tell I'm moving because the icon on the mini map moves.


Like I mentioned, none of the other accounts have this. But this happens probably 75% of the time on the main account. I completely re-installed everything, even the DAT (rip old, old dat) - no change. 


Why one account but no others? Any ideas?

Yeah, that's the same issue others are having it seems like it only affects EoD accounts.

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10 minutes ago, reapex.8546 said:

Yeah, that's the same issue others are having it seems like it only affects EoD accounts.

We established a couple pages ago that it doesn't. My alt account does not have EOD but does have HOT/POF and ~14 characters and does run into this bug often.

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2 minutes ago, mezuzel.4987 said:

We established a couple pages ago that it doesn't. My alt account does not have EOD but does have HOT/POF and ~14 characters and does run into this bug often.

Ah I've forgotten, my mistake.  Thank you.

Edited by reapex.8546
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This issue only just now hit me, and I am livid about it. While I know for some people this issue was around before EoD or SAB, but it vanished with the updates since the release of EoD. With me, it only started happening in the last hour. I have all expansions up to and including EoD, I do not run DX11 with the game although it is on my machine by default, I have over 30 characters and only this one account. I have always run the game as an admin, and my antivirus has been warded off of anything GW2 that I could find on my machine. I run Windows 10.

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