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lets appreciate that they are starting to bring balancepatches more regularly.

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Thank you! The last few weeks have been a pleasure with constant balancepatches! keep up the good work! balancing on a regular is showing the community that you care, and even the smallest changes are something new to try out and keep it interesting.

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Oh, sure. I will start appreciating it.  Once they'll  start balancing the classes more regularly, of course. And by "more regularly" i don't mean a regular cadence of one balance pass per half a year, for example.

Seriously, they're doing several balance passes each expansion. It never lasts, though.

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2 minutes ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

Oh, sure. I will start appreciating it.  Once they'll  start balancing the classes more regularly, of course. And by "more regularly" i don't mean a regular cadence of one balance pass per half a year, for example.

Seriously, they're doing several balance passes each expansion. It never lasts, though.

They've stated that they are going to start doing balance updates quarterly.  I think Anet deserves recognition, support, and praise for not only that promise, but also the increased (and much improved) communication with us on their plans. 

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Firstly, for all we know, those might not be balance patches, but simply changes for the sake of changing things (as it always has been since 2012).

Also, I don't believe in regular changes until they actually happen.

Edited by Fueki.4753
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I start appreciating them when they actually try to balance things out in a way that A: isn't just nuking whatever they perceive as "OP", B: isn't just a response to the kneejerk outrage of the week, C : isn't just another round of their seemingly trial and error-esque approach to solve who knows what issue and D doesn't lead to them stealth nerfing major things they apparently feel uncomfortable justefing (e.g. the self sustain nerfs at the launch of EoD).

Edited by Tails.9372
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1 hour ago, Kaltyn of Torbins Deep.294 said:

They've stated that they are going to start doing balance updates quarterly.  I think Anet deserves recognition, support, and praise for not only that promise, but also the increased (and much improved) communication with us on their plans. 

I will praise them when i see this acutally happen and see how this will happen. Anet way of balancing this game at the moment is not something i really like.

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lol, a terrible terrible balance patch at EoD launch that only nerfed builds people use to lower their dps on purpose so they can survive in open world but used raids as an excuse to nerf them to again, more nerfs to old E-specs. I don't really call that balancing, I call that "We are throwing a tantrum that no one is playing EoD e-specs for all classes" 

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1 hour ago, Obtena.7952 said:

It's funny people complain we don't get enough patches when people don't like the changes anyways. It's especially awesome when it's the same people. 

You know, thankfully Human have more than just one way of thinking. You can want something a way, and be sad when its not the way you wanted. Surprise.

Also as said above, anet has said many things in the years. I could not even count on one hand how much of it they have actually achieved on a permanent basis.

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5 hours ago, Kaltyn of Torbins Deep.294 said:

They've stated that they are going to start doing balance updates quarterly.  I think Anet deserves recognition, support, and praise for not only that promise, but also the increased (and much improved) communication with us on their plans. 

If they hadn't made the exact same promise before and promptly abandoned it, I'd agree.  I appreciate the communication, but we'll have to see if they actually stick to it this time.

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2 hours ago, Gorem.8104 said:

lol, a terrible terrible balance patch at EoD launch that only nerfed builds people use to lower their dps on purpose so they can survive in open world but used raids as an excuse to nerf them to again, more nerfs to old E-specs. I don't really call that balancing, I call that "We are throwing a tantrum that no one is playing EoD e-specs for all classes" 

Seemed like a good patch to me.  Aside from thief, all of those nerfs were to grossly overperforming no cost sustain traits. 

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To me, as a Thief, that just sounds like more frequent nerfs. I hope they actually help us for once. And please stop torturing us with Spvp only skills and single-target overdose. Gods, even our healing and support is single-target. 

Edited by Doggie.3184
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