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Fix Soo-Won moving too much

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Tried this meta again after a 2 week break or so (because it's literally making me not want to play, which is quite an achievement! since this has been my fav/main game last 10 y)

She just keeps moving. Over and over. 0 reason. Didn't fail CC or anything. She just does tsunami, moves, then does tsunami, moves, 4 times in a row. 


It does NOT feel good to lose at 4% because you spent half the time running back and forth across the platform. This in fact felt worse than 2 weeks ago. I thought they fixed this?


Guess time for a month break from this meta again. Hope it gets fixed. I don't mind losing because of actually not dealing enough dmg etc etc, but this running back and forth is straight up i-d-i-o-t-i-c.

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Meta attempt I was on yesterday we got her down to 13% health. Problem was we got a couple of good breakbars, but the instant we broke them instead of remaining in place and allowing us to dps her, she immediately did her bite attack, becoming invuln and forcing us to chase her across the arena. Meaning we lost almost all use of the exposed debuff on her both times. Also in the first 60% of her health Tail and Bite happened at reasonable intervals, but once she got below 40% health it was like the RNG went nuts and that was when the two breakbar/bite sequences happened. And she kept doing bite far more frequently than she had during the first 3 phases of her health. Run was a little low on dps but otherwise looking good up to that point, it was certainly looking possible to win, but then it was like Soo-Won completely trolled us. It didn't help when it was noticed that several players from the squad were afk on the airship and likely trolling everyone present as well by scaling the event up but not helping 😞

Still think the health on her scales too high. Especially when it's still possible for the rng/troll players to wreck an otherwise good and organised run. And it's still naff that if it fails you get nothing. AB and Gerent at least still give you chests on the map that you can open if the meta fails, so you get some loot for your troubles. DE meta just gives you 30 seconds to regret bothering to attempt it, before closing the map and kicking you to a new instance. It's extremely frustrating, especially when it's otherwise a fun fight and event chain to do.

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I saw this event fail today in the morning. The boss was on a perpetual bite cycle for the whole time. No kidding, the boss was already side swapping before the players were able to move to the other side of the arena. 
The only time she stayed in place was to force the tail phase. To add salt to the wound, every single cc phase happened every single time the tail was up. 

The RNG in this boss is completely broken at the moment. As a player that completed this meta over 8 times already, i can easily say that the meta was FAR EASIER to complete before the current changes. 

Edited by bernstein adelheid.8590
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They were told from the very beginning that both the random nature and seemingly non-existing cooldown on side-swap is even greater problem than tail. And yet they kept tweaking only tail mechanic, with each decrease to the amount of times tail spawns increasing possibility for sideswaps to occur.

The results are as expected - it's way easier now when RNG goes your way, but even more problematic if the dice happen to roll badly for you.

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I'm so sick and tired of failing this because we get bad rng.

swapping sides constantly immediately after breakbar? check

swapping sides while having the tail up multiple times? check

breakbar at 1% before an immune phase? check

swapping sides back to back to back? check


this is getting really frustrating failing constantly because of these issues

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Yeah, whatever was done in the last update for the fight has made it seem she just chains swapping sides. In addition, the stated change of tail lining up with the CC bar didn't actually change anything. I've been through 2 or 3 metas now since the change and only 1 time was there a CC bar that didn't line up with the tail.

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I may be wrong, but according to my observations, all changes work with a prepared group. and they don't have the same effect for groups with weaker dps. what I mean by that. if the group has a high dps, then all mechanics occur in a +- fixed order. tail - сс - bite. or tail-bite-сс-bite. if the dps is low, then the tail and ss appear simultaneously. the bite works the devil knows how.. as if there is a parallel binding to the timer and the health level of the boss.


Most likely, the mechanics are adjusted to the prepared groups, and if I'm right, then average players will not notice any changes. for them, the fight will always be so chaotic

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Incoming people saying we just need a better team and pay attention.

Because yes, all it takes to beat the meta for YOU, the complainer, to pay attention, not watch netflix, press more than 1 button and you WILL be beat it because doing those will let you ascend to 1 man army. You will have 1 million damage per second, and instantly break Soo-Won's CC bar and carry the 49 other people in your squad. Provide 25 might, perma quickness,alarc, aegis, stability,determined boons to all 49 other people.  That's right. GIT GUD and you too can carry the entire worthless squad.  This isn't a team game, the squad is just your cheerleaders as you beat Soo-Won before RNG can even get in the way.

Slight exaggeration of the things i had seen in other threads.

Edited by Forevereveralone.6385
Definitely not because I am salty at git gud advice from other people.
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Buggeed out at 90%. Literally a "Soon-won" moment. Unable to retrieve winnings.
The real question is do I want to do a Soon-won fight again?
My record now stands at 7 defeats, 2 wins, 1 dc.
Seems a risky fight. Calculation of probability spells out my chance of winning this again at just 20%.
Odds of dc 10%. I should be better off staying away from that dragon until they can get it stablised and bugs fixed. 

I want talk about timer. Perhaps the lift up spirit bubble prison time can be drastically cut. 

As well the overall timer to kill soon won is not very doable. This is not raid but sure feels like a difficult raid boss. 

Edited by medivh.4725
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8 hours ago, Forevereveralone.6385 said:

Incoming people saying we just need a better team and pay attention.


In the end of the day, this meta requires a minimum of coordination and player willing to play build proven to be efficient. Whether you like it or not, people who have a high success rate are those who does just that. But you guys are free to do whatever you want with these advices, I've won this meta event several time already and there are plenty of people out there who are willing to explain and properly set up for DE. The choice is yours.

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I was saying she is moving too much but if people know what to do,movement its doesnt matter!
Yesterday we killed her and had spare 4 mins!Everyone was listening the commander,do what ever he asked to do!!
Before the main event he asked people to change on correct builds,if they had them of course!
Anyway coordination and just know what to do its easy to finish it!!

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10 hours ago, medivh.4725 said:

Buggeed out at 90%. Literally a "Soon-won" moment. Unable to retrieve winnings.
The real question is do I want to do a Soon-won fight again?
My record now stands at 4 defeats, 2 wins, 1 dc.
Seems a risky fight. Calculation of probability spells out my chance of winning this again at 42%.
Odds of dc 14%. I should be better off staying away from that dragon until they can get it stablised and bugs fixed. 

Anet implemented the spirit bubble trap thing twice which I didn't enjoy as well. My opinion is the spirit bubble thing needs to be removed entirely. No idea what was that all about. 

What bugged out?
Also, DC? Really? The meta causes DCs now?

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1 hour ago, The Boz.2038 said:

What bugged out?
Also, DC? Really? The meta causes DCs now?

Mass crashes/DCs can and have happened during the meta 

Experienced 6 times where half the squad DC'd during the escort phase, thankfully there was more than enough time to get back in and complete it in those cases though. No idea what caused it tbh 

One of those times the entire map crashed and players in squad were tossed into several instances. Couldn't get back into our previously prepped map. We were lucky enough to find a somewhat empty map with unstarted escorts, and enough time to regroup and speedrun the pre-events. 

I've seen mass DCs happening once during the Soo Won fight which really threw off the flow and made the fight unsalvageable. So yeahh, it's either server problems or map/meta bugs causing it.

Not to mention stupid ping spikes that can happen during large meta-events as well.

EDIT: Hopefully more fixes come, the range of RNG in the meta and whether it's caused by bugs or not is such a mess that we don't really know what's intended and what's not. 😐

Edited by MonsterTeddy.6135
Additional stuff
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4 hours ago, Alcatraznc.3869 said:


In the end of the day, this meta requires a minimum of coordination and player willing to play build proven to be efficient. Whether you like it or not, people who have a high success rate are those who does just that. But you guys are free to do whatever you want with these advices, I've won this meta event several time already and there are plenty of people out there who are willing to explain and properly set up for DE. The choice is yours.


What makes you think i hadn't been doing that ? 


Like you admit it yourself, it need coordination, me being the only person playing optimally doesn't mean i can carry the rest of people. 

But hey thanks for being an perfect example for my joke.

Edited by Forevereveralone.6385
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37 minutes ago, Forevereveralone.6385 said:


What makes you think i hadn't been doing that ? 


Like you admit it yourself, it need coordination, me being the only person playing optimally doesn't mean i can carry the rest of people. 

But hey thanks for being an perfect example for my joke.


And I also said you need players willing to actually do that. Which means looking for people who are giving out Quickness, Alacrity, Might, Fury.....in short something organized.


But hey I would rather be a joke that actually complete the the entire meta without failing rather than not being a joke but fail all my attempts. /shrug

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Dragon's End and Anet's incompetence to fix it was so bad it made me lose interest in EoD. 
Had nothing to do so I turned my attention to PvP. 
After 33 ranked wins and 30 losses I can safely say DE is WAY more frustrating simply because it feels like a total waste of my time.

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