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Alternative path for PVE Legendary Armor

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40 minutes ago, Cuks.8241 said:

Well I am not sure there would be. Players that complain would just find something else to complain. 

Legendary doesnt change the content you play, doesnt give access to more content.

The only thing it changes is you dont need to look for gear in that slot anymore. Its basicaly game  over for horizontal gearing progression.

I dont think it would do much for satisfaction. It would kill a decent chunk of player activity. 

And if you dont change builds often it pretty much does nothing. 

And for people who have it, they can change their look at will, which in a game called fashion wars is pretty freeing. There are people who actually buy transmutation charges. There are people who don't change their look that often due to a lack of them. I'm not one of those people, but they're out there. 

There are people who play with looks and people who play with builds. Sometimes they're the same people, but not always.

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10 minutes ago, Vayne.8563 said:

And for people who have it, they can change their look at will, which in a game called fashion wars is pretty freeing. There are people who actually buy transmutation charges. There are people who don't change their look that often due to a lack of them. I'm not one of those people, but they're out there. 

There are people who play with looks and people who play with builds. Sometimes they're the same people, but not always.

It’s very easy to get transmutation charges in game. 

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53 minutes ago, Vayne.8563 said:

And for people who have it, they can change their look at will, which in a game called fashion wars is pretty freeing. There are people who actually buy transmutation charges. There are people who don't change their look that often due to a lack of them. I'm not one of those people, but they're out there. 

There are people who play with looks and people who play with builds. Sometimes they're the same people, but not always.

So now we are from "people need stat swap, so they can experience gw2 fully" to "people need free transmutation-shards, because its part of the game and therefore people need legy armor"


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1 hour ago, Fuchslein.8639 said:

So now we are from "people need stat swap, so they can experience gw2 fully" to "people need free transmutation-shards, because its part of the game and therefore people need legy armor"


Do a search on fashion wars 2 and figure it out for yourself.  It's easy to get top stats in this game. It's not so easy to get every fashion in this game. The problem here is that people who focus on mechanics as their main source of entertainment look down on people who focus on fashion as their main source of entertainment.


I'm not sure I'd want to wager which group has more people in it, but yes, they added functionality to legendary armor that would appeal to some more casual players.  You don't have to like it. You can laugh at it. Those people buying fashions are keeping this game going. 

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23 minutes ago, Vayne.8563 said:

Do a search on fashion wars 2 and figure it out for yourself.  It's easy to get top stats in this game. It's not so easy to get every fashion in this game. The problem here is that people who focus on mechanics as their main source of entertainment look down on people who focus on fashion as their main source of entertainment.


I'm not sure I'd want to wager which group has more people in it, but yes, they added functionality to legendary armor that would appeal to some more casual players.  You don't have to like it. You can laugh at it. Those people buying fashions are keeping this game going. 

It's not about looking down on someone. I play gw2 mostly because of fashion wars. On my old account i had an almost full garderobe, this was one of the reasons why i made a new account. So i'am well aware of the importance of fashion in GW2 and the need of trans-charges~.

But, sorry, this thread got a new high of ridiculiosity with this. You could argue, why wvw and escpecially pvp got trown with the charges. But to say, that legy armor should be made easy accecable BECAUSE it has the QOL of free transmutation charges is just ... no words.

This is exactly what i meant with my one post many many sites ago. You demand one thing, and then you want more. And after that, there is more, and more.

Sorry to say this boring line, but gw2 is Buy one time, play free forever. Trans-charges are a income for Anet. Why should they cut this with making the legy easy accessible? And even beside this.


Where do we stop with the demanding?

Edited by Fuchslein.8639
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20 minutes ago, Fuchslein.8639 said:

It's not about looking down on someone. I play gw2 mostly because of fashion wars. On my old account i had an almost full garderobe, this was one of the reasons why i made a new account. So i'am well aware of the importance of fashion in GW2 and the need of trans-charges~.

But, sorry, this thread got a new high of ridiculiosity with this. You could argue, why wvw and escpecially pvp got trown with the charges. But to say, that legy armor should be made easy accecable BECAUSE it has the QOL of free transmutation charges is just ... no words.

This is exactly what i meant with my one post many many sites ago. You demand one thing, and then you want more. And after that, there is more, and more.

Sorry to say this boring line, but gw2 is Buy one time, play free forever. Trans-charges are a income for Anet. Why should they cut this with making the legy easy accessible? And even beside this.


Where do we stop with the demanding?

Demanding what? Something already in the game? Something that will benefit the largest area of the playerbase. It's not like the raid community ever demanding anything, or the PvP community or the WvW community. It's okay for you guys to ask for what you want, but when I ask for what I want, suddenly I'm demanding. 

Where did I demand that this was added to the game? I expressed my opinion that the current system was unfair. Because PvPers and WvWers can do what they always do and they'll eventually get what they need for legendary armor, pretty much changing nothing, and PVPers don't even NEED legendary armor because it does them no good in PvP. You don't change stats on your armor in PvP you change amulets. But they have a way to get legendary armor that's what they do every day. Win, lose or draw, they're making progress on legendary armor.  You can lose every PvP game and still get legendary armor.

But for some reason PvE has it's own method of getting it that's the least popular, least played, least liked method of attaining it and you insist this is fair, because only raiders need it?  But PvPers have a way of getting it and they don't need it. So who's really being ridiculous.

I pointed out what I saw (and lots of other people probably see) as unfairness and asked (not demanded, those are different words) for another method that would be FUN for me, because (get this), I play games to have fun. You might be different and that's fine.  But you know, it's probably silly to ask to have fun when playing your game. Exactly where did you see I demand anything.  I did say when I'm not happy I spend less and I did say I think it's better for the game, but where exactly did I demand anything?  The only people actually attacking here are raiders or people who think everything should be left as it is. I merely asked for something. Raiders ask for more raids...I never accused them of demanding anything.  Shrugs.


The funny bit is, very few people probably put more cash into this game than I do.  I'm happy to support the game. Why wouldn't I ask for something that would make the game more fun for me.

At the end of the day it's not my decision. I can't make Anet do anything. They don't owe me anything. But I owe it to myself to make my wishes clear as a consumer. If you don't like those wishes, you can make your wishes clear as well. But ultimately Anet gets to decide. 

You're not going to stop anyone from demanding, cajoling, requesting, begging, pleading, crying or laughing. I don't even know why you'd bother trying.

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11 hours ago, Vayne.8563 said:

Vision and aurora were hardly free. Anyone who thinks so hasn't made them.

I Bolded Season of Dragons and I bolded free clearly indicating I was talking about the more or less free amulet. But here you are misinterpreting the point. Nobody here puts any effort in anything.

11 hours ago, Tails.9372 said:

Based on how this term has been used thus far "free" is nothing but a buzzword stand-in for "undefined amount of X which I deem to be too low", it doesn't mean anything beyond that.

Season of dragons is a free legendary.  I could explain to you why I and others think it is free. But then people get angry at me again, for derailing the discussion" by using numbers". In the end of they day you want change, so YOU have to convince people you don't want free legendarys.


10 hours ago, Labjax.2465 said:

If it's a struggle to get in the right gear to play optimally, people are going to have a harder time playing optimally and stat-swappable armor you never have to get again skips all of the convoluted pain of this game's gear stat system.

Is the best solution there to make it more feasible to get stat-swappable armor, maybe, maybe not, but if open world is supposed to be challenging, if content like strikes is supposed to get raid/dungeon-like content to a wider audience, then something needs to be done about the gearing process.

Why to you need to play optimally? Besides 1 meta and 1 boss fight (less then 0.5% of open world) it isn't challenging. Why suck out the fun in persuade of playing optimal.  Why are you campaigning for Legendary armor, when stat-swappable exotic gear would do the trick. Something like that could be easy implemented without the legendary grind people refuse to do.


7 hours ago, Ryuk.6840 said:

Giving more tools to a person , it increases that person's ability to help their fellow teammates .

Just like as you said , some can spec to healers , and some in the Boon department . That creates the Dynamic of co-up in the OW , where you try to over-cover the weakness of your teammates  .

The game throws more then enough exotics gear and ascended trinkets at there players. You cant even learn an new elite  spec without getting a free weapon. and a piece of gear.


A bunch of clowns stating opinion as fact. But they see the other monkeys liking there "ideas" and keep on going.


They want it. They think it betters the game if they get more rewards. They say it´s unfair they don´t get it. They think they are numerous enough so they just can demand it. And nothing else of worth was said. Thousand of words and not a single convincing argument was made. Even the guy who started that whole bloody mess to sell his insight has given up a long time ago. You don't even get gold out of these people.


If anyone of the Anet-devs look into that 28 Pages long circus show of a discussion , Legendary armor for Open world players gets delayed another Year.


56 minutes ago, Fuchslein.8639 said:

Where do we stop with the demanding?

 Never. They rather have no Legendary armor then to put any effort into it. They are just to stupid to realize that.

Edited by Albi.7250
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11 hours ago, Haishao.6851 said:

Problem with doing legendary in WvW is you fall asleep AFKing between camp flips and you get kicked out of the game for inactivity.

Perfect, low intensity content. It takes ages to get (tickets), but doesn't force players to accept the "challenge" of raiding.
PvP seems like a worse alternative to that. At least for "casual" players.

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18 minutes ago, Vayne.8563 said:

Demanding what? Something already in the game? Something that will benefit the largest area of the playerbase. It's not like the raid community ever demanding anything, or the PvP community or the WvW community. It's okay for you guys to ask for what you want, but when I ask for what I want, suddenly I'm demanding. 

Where did I demand that this was added to the game? I expressed my opinion that the current system was unfair. Because PvPers and WvWers can do what they always do and they'll eventually get what they need for legendary armor, pretty much changing nothing, and PVPers don't even NEED legendary armor because it does them no good in PvP. You don't change stats on your armor in PvP you change amulets. But they have a way to get legendary armor that's what they do every day. Win, lose or draw, they're making progress on legendary armor.  You can lose every PvP game and still get legendary armor.

But for some reason PvE has it's own method of getting it that's the least popular, least played, least liked method of attaining it and you insist this is fair, because only raiders need it?  But PvPers have a way of getting it and they don't need it. So who's really being ridiculous.

I pointed out what I saw (and lots of other people probably see) as unfairness and asked (not demanded, those are different words) for another method that would be FUN for me, because (get this), I play games to have fun. You might be different and that's fine.  But you know, it's probably silly to ask to have fun when playing your game. Exactly where did you see I demand anything.  I did say when I'm not happy I spend less and I did say I think it's better for the game, but where exactly did I demand anything?  The only people actually attacking here are raiders or people who think everything should be left as it is. I merely asked for something. Raiders ask for more raids...I never accused them of demanding anything.  Shrugs.


The funny bit is, very few people probably put more cash into this game than I do.  I'm happy to support the game. Why wouldn't I ask for something that would make the game more fun for me.

At the end of the day it's not my decision. I can't make Anet do anything. They don't owe me anything. But I owe it to myself to make my wishes clear as a consumer. If you don't like those wishes, you can make your wishes clear as well. But ultimately Anet gets to decide. 

You're not going to stop anyone from demanding, cajoling, requesting, begging, pleading, crying or laughing. I don't even know why you'd bother trying.

And there we go again.

Keep continue to accuse each other ... have fun.

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1 minute ago, Albi.7250 said:

I Bolded Season of Dragons and I bolded free clearly indicating I was talking about the more or less free amulet. But here you are misinterpreting the point. Nobody here puts any effort in anything.

Season of dragons is a free legendary.  I could explain to you why I and others think it is free. But then people get angry at me again, for derailing the discussion" by using numbers". In the end of they day you want change, so YOU have to convince people you don't want free legendarys.


Why to you need to play optimally? Besides 1 meta and 1 boss fight (less then 0.5% of open world) it isn't challenging. Why suck out the fun in persuade of playing optimal.  Why are you campaigning for Legendary armor, when stat-swappable exotic gear would do the trick. Something like that could be easy implemented without the legendary grind people refuse to do.


The game throws more then enough exotics gear and ascended trinkets at there players. You cant even learn an new elite  spec without getting a free weapon. and a piece of gear.


A bunch of clowns stating opinion as fact. But they see the other monkeys liking there "ideas" and keep on going.


They want it. They think it betters the game if they get more rewards. They say it´s unfair they don´t get it. They think they are numerous enough so they just can demand it. And nothing else of worth was said. Thousand of words and not a single convincing argument was made. Even the guy who started that whole bloody mess to sell his insight has given up a long time ago. You don't even get gold out of these people.


If anyone of the Anet-devs look into that 28 Pages long circus show of a discussion , Legendary armor for Open world players gets delayed another Year.


 Never. They rather have no Legendary armor then to put any effort into it. They are just to stupid to realize that.

I have every single core legendary weapon in the game. I have every HoT legendary weapon in the game with the exception of Flames of War which I think is ugly.  I hav e beaten Liadri in the gauntlets. I have 15 characters that have finished every story and map in the game up to EoD and 3 that have finished every story and map including EoD.   I have 10 skyscales and finished Seasons of the Dragons on 11 accounts.  I have beaten every fractal up to level 100 (though I don't do CMs) and I've killed more than half the raid bosses.   I run a guild of 400 people.   I have 42814 achievement points.  I have the legendary PvP and Fractal Backpieces. I have vision and I have aurora. In fact, I have aurora on 2 accounts.  But I don't have to prove anything to you. Nothing. Zero.  Because your opinion of what motivates me is not even a little relavant.

You think that raiders play harder and deserve more than others.  I don't. I think raiders are lucky that they have raids considering how few do them. Anet isn't here to reward you for playing a game. Anet is here to make money selling a game. And raids are NOT selling this game.  If they were, there would be more raiders.   This isn't work, this is a game. It's fun.  It wasn't even introduced with raids. 

You can think I put no effort  into this game, but I guarantee you I put more effort in that most raiders. I just put effort into doing different stuff.  You think that makes raiders better than me? Shrugs. Okay. You're entitled to believe that. I think that sort of statement makes raiders look bad.


Every Monday I raid with a raid trainer who is very good at teaching raids and I try hard to get into the top 3-4 in DPS.  A few times I succeeded. The raid trainer doesn't seem to have a problem with the effort I'm putting in. But it changes nothing.  Raiding isn't keep this game alive or in business. It's just not. It wasn't this magic potion that made the game stronger. It was a game time that destroyed communities and causes an us and them, have and have not mentality or at least exacerbated the existence of that mentality.  I don't think it was great for the game.  Anet didn't ask my permission to put raids in the game, nor should they. It's their game and they do what they want. I will spend more or less money at any given time based on how happy I am with the game. That's my prerogative.  That's what any consumer should do. I only support games when I'm happy with them.


I'd be happier with another way to get legendary armor.


Anyone who thinks I don't put effort into this game is incorrect. Anyone who knows me can tell you otherwise.

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Just now, Albi.7250 said:

They think they are numerous enough so they just can demand it. And nothing else of worth was said. Thousand of words and not a single convincing argument was made. Even the guy who started that whole bloody mess to sell his insight has given up a long time ago. You don't even get gold out of these people.


If anyone of the Anet-devs look into that 28 Pages long circus show of a discussion , Legendary armor for Open world players gets delayed another Year.


 Never. They rather have no Legendary armor then to put any effort into it. They are just to stupid to realize that.

A person was trying to sell his LI ? And he gave up , because he couldn't  make gold out from us ?

Why he couldn't  ask for donations or onlyfans?

Edited by Ryuk.6840
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15 hours ago, Sobx.1758 said:

Nope, it's only better for the players that want to keep replaying whatever they're already playing, without improving the understanding of the game and yet want to passively acquire more rewards, even if they're optional.


Which part of my previous post did you draw that specific conclusion from? In fact, I'm honestly not sure how any part of your post directly responds to anything I wrote there, can you clarify?

And while we are at it, can you also respond specifically to what I wrote in the post you've quoted there, instead of dodging it? (unless, as I've said above, I've missed something here and that's somehow responding to it already, while I just can't see it?)

There's a difference between acquiring rewards through a different activity that certain people may rather play, and making them passive rewards. That's just ridiculous conflation. 

You dodge around the prospect of OW Legendary armour in your post by saying you don't have to do raids if you don't want to, completely missing the point that people do want legendary armour but also that some, simply will not like raiding. I'm not one of them, but I would like to see different legendary armour sets, specifically that are more accessible to obtain and not requiring insane amounts of materials. 

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5 hours ago, Fuchslein.8639 said:

So now we are from "people need stat swap, so they can experience gw2 fully" to "people need free transmutation-shards, because its part of the game and therefore people need legy armor"


Actually, you think it's a big joke and seem to easily be dismissive of people's ideas but free reskins is a legitimate and significant reason for people to desire Legendary gear (and no, I don't think the poster you quoted said anything about people NEEDING it because of that reason either so you should probably take more time to read if you are going to be this abrasive to people).

That link between free reskins on Leg gear and Anet selling transmutation charges in the GS is probably one of the reasons it won't get easier for people to obtain Legendary Armor. It's a DIRECT hit to something that generates Revenue. 

Edited by Obtena.7952
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1 hour ago, Animism.7530 said:

There's a difference between acquiring rewards through a different activity that certain people may rather play, and making them passive rewards. That's just ridiculous conflation. 

You dodge around the prospect of OW Legendary armour in your post by saying you don't have to do raids if you don't want to, completely missing the point that people do want legendary armour but also that some, simply will not like raiding. I'm not one of them, but I would like to see different legendary armour sets, specifically that are more accessible to obtain and not requiring insane amounts of materials. 

An excellent point ... how does anyone think Anet can support Legendary Armor development if people aren't working to get it and very few people have it? Don't people see the parallels here between this and the lack of raid development leading to it's demise? 

Edited by Obtena.7952
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As someone that has PvP legendary armor and PvP legendary armor, I support the concept of PvE open world legendary armor. They would have to make it an incredible grind of course, but I honestly see no reason to not do this. You can already obtain legendary armor through mindless grinding in both PvP and WvW, and it's not like legendary armor has encouraged a ton of people to raid anyways. 


While I would like to see some new legendary armor skins, these open world legendaries should probably just be the basic skins like WvW and PvP due to it being just another mindless grind. Raids would still have the special skins, which could still provide some incentive to raiding. 


Honestly I feel like this would be a win/win situation for all.

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7 hours ago, yoni.7015 said:

It’s very easy to get transmutation charges in game. 

No it's not. Maybe if you exclusively WvW or PvP and play a lot, such that you get a lot from reward tracks, but even then if you have multiple characters and are into regular customization, you could still quite easily outpace transmutation charge gain playing around with looks. The pain of customizing looks is honestly one of the main reasons I didn't play this game more over the years. I remember there were times I wasn't playing that I'd look back and consider returning if they'd done anything about transmutation charges and then see they hadn't and move on again.

Putting free transmutations behind legendaries seems to me like something they did only because it doesn't matter anymore if transmuting the piece changes it at that point, since you won't be using it as a component in anything else. If they would change that embarrassingly dated tech where transmuting fundamentally changes the properties of the item and instead use an overlay like their outfit system, I suspect they'd have more reason to make the process more accessible for everyone, sans legendary.

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4 hours ago, Albi.7250 said:

And nothing else of worth was said. Thousand of words and not a single convincing argument was made.

It's barely been a day where you said there are valid implementations, we don't even have to talk about whether it would be a neat thing to add. The only question is how expensive.

How did it circle so quickly back to "no one has any arguments, lazy people just want everything for free"? 

I'm genuinely confused how your arguments took such a steep turn so fast.

Edited by Erise.5614
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3 minutes ago, Shaogin.2679 said:

As someone that has PvP legendary armor and PvP legendary armor, I support the concept of PvE open world legendary armor. They would have to make it an incredible grind of course, but I honestly see no reason to not do this. You can already obtain legendary armor through mindless grinding in both PvP and WvW, and it's not like legendary armor has encouraged a ton of people to raid anyways. 


While I would like to see some new legendary armor skins, these open world legendaries should probably just be the basic skins like WvW and PvP due to it being just another mindless grind. Raids would still have the special skins, which could still provide some incentive to raiding. 


Honestly I feel like this would be a win/win situation for all.

Thats the point where everyone here talks in circles. With a few exceptions, no one here is against an OW-Legy. Quite the opposite. There where quite a few suggestion, but they got completely ignored by the ones, demanding the legendary armor in ow. People don't want the massive grind, they want a Legendary LW-amulet but for the armor. And thats the point for many here. I myself said to one of the big demanders here, that legy amor for ow would be great, but please not an Lw-amulett version and that i and other people i know would leae, when anet did such a move. And he said that he would gladly see this happen ... i mean, wtf?

Legy armor in OW, great. But make it realistic. Make it grindy, make it expensive.

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