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Elite Speculation for Expac 4


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Seeing as the fourth expansion is confirmed, it's time, once again, to speculate wildly on the possibilities. What niches are yet left for professions to carve out? I have some broad ideas:
Warrior: Lord
Weapon: Staff
The staff would be a ranged weapon, allowing the warrior to call AoE artillery strikes down on their target, as well as offering some personal mobility, and AoE might.
Profession Mechanic: Squire
The Lord builds adrenaline by damaging enemies and healing allies. The adrenaline bar is no longer segmented, and serves as a single resource bar. F1 summons your squire to a targeted location, which is on a cool-down, but costs no adrenaline. F2-F5 can be used to move, and cast buffs/healing from the squire's location at the cost of adrenaline. The squire can be targeted and killed like any other minion. The squire cannot attack enemies.
Profession Skills: Orders
Orders would be a mix of unique AoE buffs that land somewhere between shouts and stances. Basically, a buff is applied to allies in an area that grants benefits for performing certain actions, like getting double-strikes on attacks, or vigor/protection on a successful dodge.
Guardian: Void-Caller
Weapon: Warhorn
The warhorn would project cone-shaped fields that damage and control enemies while buffing/ granting aegis to allies.
Profession Mechanic: Virtuous Anthems
The guardian's virtues now take the form of powerful personal buffs. The guardian may use F1-F3 to select one virtue at a time to receive the benefits from, and the benefits last until another virtue is selected.
Profession Skill: Chants
Chants create an effect field, sort of like a well, that follows the guardian as they move, providing benefits to allies or hindrances to enemies in the field of effect.
Revenant: Savant
Weapon: Rifle
The rifle would function in a similar vein to the engineer's rifle: a mid-range, aoe type of affair with a mix of CC and mobility options.
Profession Mechanic: Legendary Golemancer Stance - Snaff (Demonstrated to be active in the mists during LWS4)
Golemancer stance, in addition to providing its bevy of skills, the golemancer provides access to the F2 skill Overdrive, which instantly resets cooldowns, and provides maximum energy at the cost of disabling energy regeneration for a period of time.
Profession Skills: Backups
By temporarily summoning Snaff's golem (or parts thereof) through mist-portals, the revenant gains access to a variety of instant, percussive effects, like extra damage, defensive bubbles, or an AoE launch.
Engineer: Kinetic
Weapon: Staff
The staff conducts the Kinetics magnetic power, offering the engineer powerful ranged damage options, and some ranged defense.
Profession Mechanic: Magnetic Crush
The Kinetic's magnetic power grows as they deal or block damage, building a tiered meter similar to warrior's adrenaline gauge. Each tier offers the engineer damage reduction, and also unlocks a more-powerful version of the new f5 skill magnetic crush: a powerful and damaging AoE CC ability.
Profession Skills: Manipulations
Manipulations would take various forms including aoe damage, walls of metal, etc. Their defining trait would be the ability to be activated once for an initial effect, and then again within a period of time for a follow up effect.
Thief: Butcher
Weapon: Axe (MH)
The axe would be a comparatively simple weapon for thief, focusing less on mobility and more on high, cleaving damage and supplemental vulnerability application.
Profession Mechanic: Rip-Claw
Instead of shadow-stepping the thief to their target, the Rip-Claw drags the thief's target to them, and offers a unique follow-up attack on the F2 based on the enemy pulled (much like how stealing does). Successfully landing this follow-up attacks increases the thief's damage to that target.
Profession Skills: Injuries
These utilities would be focused on locking down a single target, overcoming defenses, and stripping/corrupting boons.
Ranger: Hunter
Weapon: Rifle
The rifle would offer a mix of ranged damage, mobility while attacking at range, and baked in unblockable attacks.
Profession Mechanic: Stalk
By activating a new F5 skill, you mark a target for your pet to stalk. Your pet vanishes into stealth, becoming untargetable. For the duration of this ability your pet will be focused on this target, and gain access to a new set of skills which will hit that target as long as they are within range regardless of line of sight. If a target dies while under this effect, Stalk's cooldown is reduced.
Profession Skills: Venoms
Ranger gets access to its own set of venoms which last for only one attack, but offer various effects that last over a period of time.
Elementalist: Arcanist
Weapon: Pistol (MH)
The pistol would offer a mix of both single target and AoE ranged damage, depending on the element, and have a distinct focus on putting out damage quickly.
Profession Mechanic: Arcane Shroud
As the elementalist cycles through the elements, and for each unique weapon skill cast, they build up energy for their arcane shroud (F5). In Arcane Shroud, the elementalist loses arcane energy while hit instead of health, and gains access to powerful, highly damaging, ranged and Aoe abilities, which also consume shroud energy as they are used.
Profession Skills: High Magics
High Magic skills would focus on particularly powerful damaging or CC effects at the cost of having longer cooldowns compared to most utilities.
Mesmer: Siren
Weapon: Longbow
The longbow would provide strong AoE pressure from range while offering mobility and stealth access.
Profession Mechanic: Performances
Shatters are replaced by performances. Activating a performance sends one clone to a targeted location, where it will provide an AoE effect similar to the one provided by the original shatter.
Profession Skills: Harmonies
A harmony produces an AoE effect centered on the mesmer, as well as producing the same effect from all active clones at the time of casting.
Necromancer: Death Knight
Weapon: Sword (MH)
The sword would be a heavy striking weapon that provides life force per hit, and be able to block.
Profession Mechanic: Bone-Widow
Necromancer shroud is replaced with the ability to summon a massive undead minion: The Bone-Widow. While the Bone-Widow is active, the necromancer life-force acts as its health bar, which drains over time. F2-F5 are replaced with abilities used by the Bone-Widow while it is active.
Profession Skills: Compacts
Compacts are skills which cost the necromancer health when activated, to a minimum of 1. Compacts provide life-force when activated, as well as additional effects.
Have Fun!
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Revenant: Legendary Prisoner. Joko legend stance. F skills summon minions with and upkeep cost that do damage, and pulse small buff and debuffs , but can be sacrificed for large chunks of damage/buffs/debuffs. Utilities Marks similar to necro staff is a more control style setup, all tar themed. Heal skill is very weak but grants temp immunity. Weapon scepter. Does poison for its condition side. Sorry for cruddy spelling grammar, typing this up on my phone. 

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6 hours ago, LuckyThirteen.4576 said:
Seeing as the fourth expansion is confirmed, it's time, once again, to speculate wildly on the possibilities. What niches are yet left for professions to carve out? I have some broad ideas:
Warrior: Lord
Weapon: Staff
The staff would be a ranged weapon, allowing the warrior to call AoE artillery strikes down on their target, as well as offering some personal mobility, and AoE might.
Profession Mechanic: Squire
The Lord builds adrenaline by damaging enemies and healing allies. The adrenaline bar is no longer segmented, and serves as a single resource bar. F1 summons your squire to a targeted location, which is on a cool-down, but costs no adrenaline. F2-F5 can be used to move, and cast buffs/healing from the squire's location at the cost of adrenaline. The squire can be targeted and killed like any other minion. The squire cannot attack enemies.
Profession Skills: Orders
Orders would be a mix of unique AoE buffs that land somewhere between shouts and stances. Basically, a buff is applied to allies in an area that grants benefits for performing certain actions, like getting double-strikes on attacks, or vigor/protection on a successful dodge.
Guardian: Void-Caller
Weapon: Warhorn
The warhorn would project cone-shaped fields that damage and control enemies while buffing/ granting aegis to allies.
Profession Mechanic: Virtuous Anthems
The guardian's virtues now take the form of powerful personal buffs. The guardian may use F1-F3 to select one virtue at a time to receive the benefits from, and the benefits last until another virtue is selected.
Profession Skill: Chants
Chants create an effect field, sort of like a well, that follows the guardian as they move, providing benefits to allies or hindrances to enemies in the field of effect.
Revenant: Savant
Weapon: Rifle
The rifle would function in a similar vein to the engineer's rifle: a mid-range, aoe type of affair with a mix of CC and mobility options.
Profession Mechanic: Legendary Golemancer Stance - Snaff (Demonstrated to be active in the mists during LWS4)
Golemancer stance, in addition to providing its bevy of skills, the golemancer provides access to the F2 skill Overdrive, which instantly resets cooldowns, and provides maximum energy at the cost of disabling energy regeneration for a period of time.
Profession Skills: Backups
By temporarily summoning Snaff's golem (or parts thereof) through mist-portals, the revenant gains access to a variety of instant, percussive effects, like extra damage, defensive bubbles, or an AoE launch.
Engineer: Kinetic
Weapon: Staff
The staff conducts the Kinetics magnetic power, offering the engineer powerful ranged damage options, and some ranged defense.
Profession Mechanic: Magnetic Crush
The Kinetic's magnetic power grows as they deal or block damage, building a tiered meter similar to warrior's adrenaline gauge. Each tier offers the engineer damage reduction, and also unlocks a more-powerful version of the new f5 skill magnetic crush: a powerful and damaging AoE CC ability.
Profession Skills: Manipulations
Manipulations would take various forms including aoe damage, walls of metal, etc. Their defining trait would be the ability to be activated once for an initial effect, and then again within a period of time for a follow up effect.
Thief: Butcher
Weapon: Axe (MH)
The axe would be a comparatively simple weapon for thief, focusing less on mobility and more on high, cleaving damage and supplemental vulnerability application.
Profession Mechanic: Rip-Claw
Instead of shadow-stepping the thief to their target, the Rip-Claw drags the thief's target to them, and offers a unique follow-up attack on the F2 based on the enemy pulled (much like how stealing does). Successfully landing this follow-up attacks increases the thief's damage to that target.
Profession Skills: Injuries
These utilities would be focused on locking down a single target, overcoming defenses, and stripping/corrupting boons.
Ranger: Hunter
Weapon: Rifle
The rifle would offer a mix of ranged damage, mobility while attacking at range, and baked in unblockable attacks.
Profession Mechanic: Stalk
By activating a new F5 skill, you mark a target for your pet to stalk. Your pet vanishes into stealth, becoming untargetable. For the duration of this ability your pet will be focused on this target, and gain access to a new set of skills which will hit that target as long as they are within range regardless of line of sight. If a target dies while under this effect, Stalk's cooldown is reduced.
Profession Skills: Venoms
Ranger gets access to its own set of venoms which last for only one attack, but offer various effects that last over a period of time.
Elementalist: Arcanist
Weapon: Pistol (MH)
The pistol would offer a mix of both single target and AoE ranged damage, depending on the element, and have a distinct focus on putting out damage quickly.
Profession Mechanic: Arcane Shroud
As the elementalist cycles through the elements, and for each unique weapon skill cast, they build up energy for their arcane shroud (F5). In Arcane Shroud, the elementalist loses arcane energy while hit instead of health, and gains access to powerful, highly damaging, ranged and Aoe abilities, which also consume shroud energy as they are used.
Profession Skills: High Magics
High Magic skills would focus on particularly powerful damaging or CC effects at the cost of having longer cooldowns compared to most utilities.
Mesmer: Siren
Weapon: Longbow
The longbow would provide strong AoE pressure from range while offering mobility and stealth access.
Profession Mechanic: Performances
Shatters are replaced by performances. Activating a performance sends one clone to a targeted location, where it will provide an AoE effect similar to the one provided by the original shatter.
Profession Skills: Harmonies
A harmony produces an AoE effect centered on the mesmer, as well as producing the same effect from all active clones at the time of casting.
Necromancer: Death Knight
Weapon: Sword (MH)
The sword would be a heavy striking weapon that provides life force per hit, and be able to block.
Profession Mechanic: Bone-Widow
Necromancer shroud is replaced with the ability to summon a massive undead minion: The Bone-Widow. While the Bone-Widow is active, the necromancer life-force acts as its health bar, which drains over time. F2-F5 are replaced with abilities used by the Bone-Widow while it is active.
Profession Skills: Compacts
Compacts are skills which cost the necromancer health when activated, to a minimum of 1. Compacts provide life-force when activated, as well as additional effects.
Have Fun!

2 changes 

Revenant gets Scepter And is now a ritualist, I want identical skills for bunker spirits

Necromancer minion is an undead dragon that acts as a moving scourge shroud, the single undead minion uses placement by the user and the F skills 1,2,3,4,5 are all aoe buff, strips.

The sword is an offhand so Scepter Sword would be the competing meta with AOE shield support to allies via sacrificing health and its 5 skill would be a crowd control AOE that deals damage and slows enemies within the vicinity OR its a ranged cast, any allies hit by this gain might/ Speed


The heal to elite skill I am not 100% sure on but I like these or something similar. Make necro NOT a Vial user anymore that class is lame

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1 hour ago, SeTect.5918 said:

Why do so many players want minions or pets?

Doesn’t have to be minions, was just the first thing that came to mind when thinking of Joko. Creating awakened is kind of his thing. I’m having trouble coming up with other ideas though so I’m open to suggestions.

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It is far to early to make speculations on the next batch of elite specs… all we know is that there will be a 4th expansion… that isn’t enough information to form anything from… maybe after the next living world season starts we might have something to speculate on, but right now we know nothing. We don’t know where the 4th expansion will take place, we don’t know what we will be up against, we don’t know what cultural influences we will have to build from. Right now you can only really give your wish list, not speculations…


remember every elite spec has been themed based on aspects of the expansion they are from (except reaper… but one exception does not make the rule)

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12 hours ago, Panda.1967 said:

remember every elite spec has been themed based on aspects of the expansion they are from


It would be interesting to see people creating a "context" within which all their e-specs ideas fit.


Well at the very least the OP made the effort to think about new main mechanisms for each profession. It's refreshing considering that some just want to see a specific weapon for the next e-spec.

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Just for fun...

Next x-pack: Domains' wars (GW2 DW)

Lore: After the Gods left Tyria their various domains were left short of manpower for maintenance. A messenger of Grenth come to the MC asking for help as the Underworld (domaine of Grenth) is under the attack of whatever NPC that already took over the Fissure of Woe (which used to be the domain of Balthazar).


- Elementalist: Within the domains the elements didn't use to behave the same way that they do in the outer world. As such the elementalist living there are specialized in manipulating a force similar to arcane magic, easily imbuing itself with the local elements. These "arcanists" lose access to the common elementalist weapon skills. Instead they have a single set of arcane skills for each weapon and the ability to switch weapon in combat (most skills are combo finishers). Attuning now allow your next few skills to apply either burn, vulnerability, bleed or chill based on the attunment.

- Engineer: Within the domains the job of the engineer is mostly to build infrastructure, as such they exist there as "architects" able to set a large variety of traps.

- Guardian: If the "architects" are the builders that build and expand the domains, the "paladins" exist to maintain their integrity. They are able to wield a powerful space-time magic to restrain their opponents and deflect incoming attacks.

- Mesmer: To lure life within the domains, the gods needed messengers in the outer world. This is how the "prophets" came to be. The "prophets" specialize in taunting their foes but also in diverting the attention of these foes toward their illusions.

- Necromancer: Life within the domains is mostly spiritual, leaving the necromancer in a state where he was often starved for life force. As such he became "withered" and learnt to predate on endurance instead of life force. The LF bar disappear and is replaced by the endurance bar. Dodging let the "withered" enter a shroud that don't shield it's health pool but reduce incoming damage by 50% at the cost of x endurance point per second.

- Ranger: Within the domains the ranger found that he couldn't bring familiars from the outer world and thus had to look for new compagnons native of those realms. He found solace in bonding with animals spirits and became a "shaman". Lose access to the common familiars and gain access to a special family of familiar "whisps". The "whisps" have 90% inate damage reduction to all damage but deal very little damage on hit, to compensate their F2 passively strengthen the "shaman" unless it is used actively and goes on CD.

- Revenant: The revenant find themselve lost in the domains, victims of a powerful interference preventing them to have a good enough grasp on their bond to the legend to use their skills. Consequently they returned to the basics and unearthed a long lost set of glyphs, used by "Ritualists", that they can imbue with the power of the core legends. They also gain access to all racial skills, regardless of their own races and can specialize in the use of those singular skills.

- Thief: In order to reach the domain of grenth, the underworld the best way is often to enter a tomb. This is how the "Grave Robbers" came to be. Natural enemies of the "paladins", very few foes can catch these greedy thiefs often leaving behind themselve clone of ashes that they form thanks to their trademark torch that they use to both blind their foes and light the path in the tombs darkness.

- Warrior: The recent clashes between the underworld and the fissure of woe's warriors gave birth to a new, fearsome specialization as, when death meet war the "Dreadnought" were born. The "dreadnoughts" are warriors that strike fear in the heart of their foes. The "dreadnoughts" bursts now apply Fear (1/4th s) on foes they hits.


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4 hours ago, Dadnir.5038 said:


- Guardian: If the "architects" are the builders that build and expand the domains, the "paladins" exist to maintain their integrity. They are able to wield a powerful space-time magic to restrain their opponents and deflect incoming attacks.

I guess space-time magic is already mesmers (specifically chronos) thing. 

Also restraining enemies is chronos thing with the condition "slow". 

Chrono is basically the time-themed e spec. And mesmer itself also has time based stuff in core.

I wouldn't push that theme over to Guardian. 

Edited by SeTect.5918
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2 minutes ago, SeTect.5918 said:

I guess space-time magic is already mesmers (specifically chronos) thing. 

Also restraining enemies is chronos thing because of the condition "slow". 

Chrono is basically the time-themed e spec. And mesmer itself also has time based stuff in core.

I wouldn't push that theme over to Guardian. 

DH have the slow condition as well ain't it? Also, mirage is better at giving alacrity... etc.

My aim is not to have more slow or anything else, my aim is just to justify skills that control the opponent more like guardian's ring of warding, guardian's line of warding or guardian's sanctuary. The space time theme is just flavor as where a chronomancer would play with it, the paladins would use it to prevent abnormalities (you could event add boon rip specific to alacrity and quickness to the spec.

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2 hours ago, Dadnir.5038 said:

DH have the slow condition as well ain't it? Also, mirage is better at giving alacrity... etc.

Sorry, I meant: restraining enemies with slow, not because of slow. Did write it wrong.

2 hours ago, Dadnir.5038 said:


My aim is not to have more slow or anything else, my aim is just to justify skills that control the opponent more like guardian's ring of warding, guardian's line of warding or guardian's sanctuary. The space time theme is just flavor as where a chronomancer would play with it, the paladins would use it to prevent abnormalities (you could event add boon rip specific to alacrity and quickness to the spec.

ah okay.
Well wouldnt add alac or quickness tho. Guardian already has 2 very good e specs which can offer these boons. Another e spec with the same boons with just make 1 of them useless.
I think at the moment there is no class that has 2 e specs where both have perma alac or both have perma quickness.
So if the new guardian e spec should get alac or quickness, it shouldnt be perm.

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2 hours ago, Ovalkvadratcylinder.9365 said:

i hope engineer gets an asura golem pet next elite spec. we havnt rly touched asura tech yet and a golem would fit rly well with how the engineer plays. hopefully it can do all the work for us even

That's a nice bait. 😛

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Engineer: Mixer

Class mechanic: Mix- each time you cast an ability, Mix gains a charge. At 5 charges you can cast Mix. Based on the elements/ combo field / combo finishers of the abilities you used, you get a different Mix result. If you used a bunch of healing abilities, Mix is a large aoe boon / heal bomb. CC skills add up for a CC bomb, etc. 


Basically piano engi gameplay where the combo order matters for the class mechanic. 

Any 2h weapon or main and off-hand of a 1h weapon. Core engi weapons are stale

Utilities- better elixirs with large aoes

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7 hours ago, frareanselm.1925 said:

This thread is another example of fanbase having better ideas and creativity than the devs that farted, sorry, designed things like untamed or catalyst.

That's because most fans are not limited by such silly things as understanding balance, knowledge of programming, time and money constraints and so on. 

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4 hours ago, Diovid.9506 said:

That's because most fans are not limited by such silly things as understanding balance, knowledge of programming, time and money constraints and so on. 

It costs the same listening to what the fanbase is asking for and create it rather that invent something nobody asked for. In fact, now they will have to fix the disasters they created, which means more time programming and money.

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On 4/12/2022 at 6:18 AM, LuckyThirteen.4576 said:
Seeing as the fourth expansion is confirmed, it's time, once again, to speculate wildly on the possibilities. What niches are yet left for professions to carve out? I have some broad ideas:
Warrior: Lord
Weapon: Staff
The staff would be a ranged weapon, allowing the warrior to call AoE artillery strikes down on their target, as well as offering some personal mobility, and AoE might.
Profession Mechanic: Squire
The Lord builds adrenaline by damaging enemies and healing allies. The adrenaline bar is no longer segmented, and serves as a single resource bar. F1 summons your squire to a targeted location, which is on a cool-down, but costs no adrenaline. F2-F5 can be used to move, and cast buffs/healing from the squire's location at the cost of adrenaline. The squire can be targeted and killed like any other minion. The squire cannot attack enemies.
Profession Skills: Orders
Orders would be a mix of unique AoE buffs that land somewhere between shouts and stances. Basically, a buff is applied to allies in an area that grants benefits for performing certain actions, like getting double-strikes on attacks, or vigor/protection on a successful dodge.
Guardian: Void-Caller
Weapon: Warhorn
The warhorn would project cone-shaped fields that damage and control enemies while buffing/ granting aegis to allies.
Profession Mechanic: Virtuous Anthems
The guardian's virtues now take the form of powerful personal buffs. The guardian may use F1-F3 to select one virtue at a time to receive the benefits from, and the benefits last until another virtue is selected.
Profession Skill: Chants
Chants create an effect field, sort of like a well, that follows the guardian as they move, providing benefits to allies or hindrances to enemies in the field of effect.
Revenant: Savant
Weapon: Rifle
The rifle would function in a similar vein to the engineer's rifle: a mid-range, aoe type of affair with a mix of CC and mobility options.
Profession Mechanic: Legendary Golemancer Stance - Snaff (Demonstrated to be active in the mists during LWS4)
Golemancer stance, in addition to providing its bevy of skills, the golemancer provides access to the F2 skill Overdrive, which instantly resets cooldowns, and provides maximum energy at the cost of disabling energy regeneration for a period of time.
Profession Skills: Backups
By temporarily summoning Snaff's golem (or parts thereof) through mist-portals, the revenant gains access to a variety of instant, percussive effects, like extra damage, defensive bubbles, or an AoE launch.
Engineer: Kinetic
Weapon: Staff
The staff conducts the Kinetics magnetic power, offering the engineer powerful ranged damage options, and some ranged defense.
Profession Mechanic: Magnetic Crush
The Kinetic's magnetic power grows as they deal or block damage, building a tiered meter similar to warrior's adrenaline gauge. Each tier offers the engineer damage reduction, and also unlocks a more-powerful version of the new f5 skill magnetic crush: a powerful and damaging AoE CC ability.
Profession Skills: Manipulations
Manipulations would take various forms including aoe damage, walls of metal, etc. Their defining trait would be the ability to be activated once for an initial effect, and then again within a period of time for a follow up effect.
Thief: Butcher
Weapon: Axe (MH)
The axe would be a comparatively simple weapon for thief, focusing less on mobility and more on high, cleaving damage and supplemental vulnerability application.
Profession Mechanic: Rip-Claw
Instead of shadow-stepping the thief to their target, the Rip-Claw drags the thief's target to them, and offers a unique follow-up attack on the F2 based on the enemy pulled (much like how stealing does). Successfully landing this follow-up attacks increases the thief's damage to that target.
Profession Skills: Injuries
These utilities would be focused on locking down a single target, overcoming defenses, and stripping/corrupting boons.
Ranger: Hunter
Weapon: Rifle
The rifle would offer a mix of ranged damage, mobility while attacking at range, and baked in unblockable attacks.
Profession Mechanic: Stalk
By activating a new F5 skill, you mark a target for your pet to stalk. Your pet vanishes into stealth, becoming untargetable. For the duration of this ability your pet will be focused on this target, and gain access to a new set of skills which will hit that target as long as they are within range regardless of line of sight. If a target dies while under this effect, Stalk's cooldown is reduced.
Profession Skills: Venoms
Ranger gets access to its own set of venoms which last for only one attack, but offer various effects that last over a period of time.
Elementalist: Arcanist
Weapon: Pistol (MH)
The pistol would offer a mix of both single target and AoE ranged damage, depending on the element, and have a distinct focus on putting out damage quickly.
Profession Mechanic: Arcane Shroud
As the elementalist cycles through the elements, and for each unique weapon skill cast, they build up energy for their arcane shroud (F5). In Arcane Shroud, the elementalist loses arcane energy while hit instead of health, and gains access to powerful, highly damaging, ranged and Aoe abilities, which also consume shroud energy as they are used.
Profession Skills: High Magics
High Magic skills would focus on particularly powerful damaging or CC effects at the cost of having longer cooldowns compared to most utilities.
Mesmer: Siren
Weapon: Longbow
The longbow would provide strong AoE pressure from range while offering mobility and stealth access.
Profession Mechanic: Performances
Shatters are replaced by performances. Activating a performance sends one clone to a targeted location, where it will provide an AoE effect similar to the one provided by the original shatter.
Profession Skills: Harmonies
A harmony produces an AoE effect centered on the mesmer, as well as producing the same effect from all active clones at the time of casting.
Necromancer: Death Knight
Weapon: Sword (MH)
The sword would be a heavy striking weapon that provides life force per hit, and be able to block.
Profession Mechanic: Bone-Widow
Necromancer shroud is replaced with the ability to summon a massive undead minion: The Bone-Widow. While the Bone-Widow is active, the necromancer life-force acts as its health bar, which drains over time. F2-F5 are replaced with abilities used by the Bone-Widow while it is active.
Profession Skills: Compacts
Compacts are skills which cost the necromancer health when activated, to a minimum of 1. Compacts provide life-force when activated, as well as additional effects.
Have Fun!



Some of these aren't bad, but I do have some notes.


I like that the warrior has a staff, but I feel that a spiritual monk might be a more appropriate theme for them instead. Something like this;


(Warrior/Monk: Support spec, gains melee staff and Mantra utility skills. Adrenaline bar replaced with Serenity bar that, when full, will spread different boons to allies depending on the weapon used.

  "A true monk remains centered and calm, even in the midst of battle.  When they're not using their staff to keep enemies at arm's length, they're chanting mantras to support their allies.  Through their mastery of serenity, they can bolster and even heal others with a calming wave of tranquility.")


I've also advocated for a golemancer rev for years now, which also happens to called a Savant, and I really like what you're doing with this take. Especially the rifle, as that was actually my 3rd choice for the Savant (the other two were scepter and focus). Although if I may suggest, I'd consider replacing Snaff as the legend with Oola and Zinn instead. This way the golem would gain access to boons as well as condi and life steal. (Minor detail, but maybe also consider renaming the utility skills to "Commands" instead)


The engineer I feel needs a condi spec, which is something I've been working on a bit (keep in mind this is still a work in progress)


(Engineer/Apothecary: Condi spec, gains torch and Chemical utility skills (similar to thief's venom skills).  Obtains additional toolbelt skill with selectable potions to enhance your other toolbelt skills with.

  "An Apothecary is an engineer that has specialized in the brewing and mixing of powerful and deadly potions.  They douse their weapons with unique chemicals that allow them to inflict more damage to their foes then before.  The torch they wield allow them to knock back enemies with explosive results.")


I only have two notes for Arcanist; First off, would you consider adding an OH pistol as well, and if yes, might I suggest then that it be renamed to Spellslinger?

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On 4/17/2022 at 12:17 AM, frareanselm.1925 said:

This thread is another example of fanbase having better ideas and creativity than the devs that farted, sorry, designed things like untamed or catalyst.

......You can literally see what class each player likes and main by looking at their idea: "necro= a 50% dmg reduction shroud supplied by endurance...which can be given free by 50% by a sigil ..


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