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250 LI groups

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I had a curious daily fractal run recently. 2 DPS jumped ship after the CMs (the run so far was somewhat below average), so the LFG got reposted without KP requirements. 1 DPS who joined actually outperformed everyone from the CM party, which was a nice surprise. The second DPS struggled to get ahead of the Healbrand (before you ask: No, it wasn't a Quickbrand) in damage output, which is pretty much the worst case scenario for pugging expectations.

Moral of the story: Grouping is a mixed bag. When I join KP groups I end up disappointed more frequently than I'd like. But the fact that it is a KP group is the reason why I have certain expectations, which allows me to be disappointed in the first place. From what I have seen over the years I am more likely to get the gameplay experience I am looking for from KP groups than non-KP groups. Now, of course that is all anecdotal, but that works for me.

Of course the opening statement of this topic is not supported by any actual evidence, which makes any conclusion drawn from it for the objective reality of the game a dubious proposition at best. So in short: You got any data for that claim?

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Everyone knows banana squads are the best.


2 hours ago, Valisha.8650 said:

If you are good at content X, just fake your KP. If you are not... then get good first.

"This group is looking for people who have done this boss a bunch of times, I've done the fight once, I know it as well as they do, I'll just fake it"

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On 4/18/2022 at 12:38 PM, Valisha.8650 said:

If you are good at content X, just fake your KP. If you are not... then get good first.

Self-estimation is usually a bad indicator of actual ability. For a more in-depth reasoning, have a look at the Dunning-Kruger effect

In short, it states that people with low ability tends to over-estimate how good they really are.

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20 hours ago, Zohane.7208 said:

Self-estimation is usually a bad indicator of actual ability. For a more in-depth reasoning, have a look at the Dunning-Kruger effect

In short, it states that people with low ability tends to over-estimate how good they really are.

Truth be told, it is usually a good indicator of ability.  It is only the exceptionally incompetent or the exceptionally skilled for which self-appraisal is off.  

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On 4/17/2022 at 10:35 PM, NorthernRedStar.3054 said:

Often performing worse than no KP ones. Funny how that works out.

what people don't get but it becomes clear after raiding for a while, is that LI and kp exist only to filter players that have no idea about the game mode at all. i have around 2k li atm and for me 250li means literally nothing, i am not expecting a good kill in these groups. tbh from my experience i am also not expecting good kills in 50 and 100kp groups (so this applies to pugging in general) because in many cases they are really bad. so i lower my expectations to not get tilted when they fail simple stuff. 


who you will encounter in a group is random. many players, me included, raid for fun, so you might see me joining a non requirement group from time to time when i don't care that much because i have already full cleared. if more people like me join that group then you will start to wonder how the overall performance is that good. just open the kp.me add on in these scenarios to check what is going on. 

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I am a simple man i just do wing 1 like idk 5 Times only now but i allready know most of the mechanics (most cause i cleared the last Boss only 2 times). How ever even while I know i dont know mutch of the last Boss i pretty well able to handle the mechanics i need to So all in all im able to join wing 1 full clear Groups and doing pretty okay. And yes im looking at lfg for that cause im coming from pvp and get no time for a raid guild at all.


What i wana say sometimes even randoms like me are good enough to clear wings ezy. (And thats how it should be right?) So have some fun guys and keep it up. (Even while ik that kp is just to see your experience i actually hate them(

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I have been running no KP run for past year or so. My lfg looks something like this

w1-w7 full clear EXP !! 2 alac, 1 HB, 1 quickness, 1 druid, dps (role @join)

I also type in squad message "This is no KP check run, no flaming other players and if you are not exp plz don't hold others back."

"mechanics > dps, don't greed dps and fail mechanics"

I mostly clear pretty much all wings except 1 or 2 bosses here and there.

At the end, we all have fun, good time and dead bosses with respectable time.

edit : I haven't have to kick anyone in full 6 months now. Feels good that way.

Edited by Yellow Rainbow.6142
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8 hours ago, TheQuickFox.3826 said:

Group description said "ping anything". So I pinged 250 Bananas of Penetration. Was a good run.

Everyone knows banana runs are the best due to how heavily elitist they are 😄

Edited by Sobx.1758
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  • 4 weeks later...

250LI doesn't necessarily prove anything other than being able to understand mechanics and having "proper gear." You're also expected to provide the boons you claim or do decent dps. I have 2k LI and I still mess up some Ankka CM mechanics, so yeah, it doesn't always mean "you won't mess up." Also, I often find it's about group composition and dynamics. A 250LI squad may simple not click together well, while some pugs with less experience are just more harmonious. I join both LI groups and "all welcome" groups and the LI groups have a much higher success rate. So, I think your claim is based on specific instances rather than a general rule. 

Edited by wondermuffin.9680
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21 hours ago, wondermuffin.9680 said:

250LI doesn't necessarily prove anything other than being able to understand mechanics and having "proper gear." You're also expected to provide the boons you claim or do decent dps. I have 2k LI and I still mess up some Ankka CM mechanics, so yeah, it doesn't always mean "you won't mess up." Also, I often find it's about group composition and dynamics. A 250LI squad may simple not click together well, while some pugs with less experience are just more harmonious. I join both LI groups and "all welcome" groups and the LI groups have a much higher success rate. So, I think your claim is based on specific instances rather than a general rule. 

Very much this, I have had better runs with 5k UFE groups in fractals, than with 20-30k ones.

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