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Open World PvP

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Just want to start a discussion regarding having Open World PvP in Guild Wars 2.


WvW is clearly never going to be looked at, we've reached a point where we get "excited" when we get a patch every 6 months, and the patches are generally terrible and don't address a single one of the lingering issues.


Would it be a better idea, instead of attempting and miserably failing twice now to implement Alliances, to just offer a old, reliable system that has worked in multitudes of MMORPG's before us?

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1 hour ago, AustinTheFatOne.2980 said:

Just want to start a discussion regarding having Open World PvP in Guild Wars 2.


WvW is clearly never going to be looked at, we've reached a point where we get "excited" when we get a patch every 6 months, and the patches are generally terrible and don't address a single one of the lingering issues.


Would it be a better idea, instead of attempting and miserably failing twice now to implement Alliances, to just offer a old, reliable system that has worked in multitudes of MMORPG's before us?

Not gonna happen, been discussed thousands of times already. 


Devs are still only testing alliance stuff, silly to make that comment. 

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I've been asking for it for years. WvW players on the forums at least don't seem to want it and Anet doesn't even want to think about WvW in general. 

It's dumb for people to say it's wrong to ask or bring it up more than once. 

Edited by kash.9213
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1 hour ago, AustinTheFatOne.2980 said:

WvW is clearly never going to be looked at

So what makes you think implementing open world pvp would get more attention than wvw from anet?


Also what's going to make open world pvp experience different from wvw?

What's it going to offer to pull players from the other pvp areas?

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5 hours ago, Dawdler.8521 said:

Which MMOs has open world PvP worked in?

A simple google search turned up this. Heck, even GW 2 gets mentioned there. 

EDIT: Oh, and the guy who compiled that list seems to like our WvW just fine. 😁


Guild Wars 2’s largest PvP draw has to be its incredible World vs World vs World mode, seeing tons of players duke it out across huge maps. The mode itself combines traditional PvP with PvE elements, meaning players don’t just have to contend with other players but also the world itself. Players fight over resource camps, take objectives such as Keeps and much more. Many believe GW2’s large-scale PvP mode to be among the best in any MMORPG on the market...


Edited by Chichimec.9364
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26 minutes ago, Chichimec.9364 said:

A simple google search turned up this. Heck, even GW 2 gets mentioned there. 

EDIT: Oh, and the guy who compiled that list seems to like our WvW just fine. 😁

That's just a list of pvp games, not all are open world pvp....

The games that do have open world pvp are also all built around it, as in there's an actually economy and trade to protect over it like eve, black desert, and albion.

Simply trying to implement open world pvp in gw2 pve land, a game which is filled with like 90% pve players, and already has it's open world pvp in wvw, is not going to do much, it'll just be a place for roamers and gankers who bother to opt into it, and no objectives at all, not even places to protect, it'll die faster than wow warmode lol.




Edited by Xenesis.6389
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1 hour ago, Xenesis.6389 said:

That's just a list of pvp games, not all are open world pvp....

The games that do have open world pvp are also all built around it, as in there's an actually economy and trade to protect over it like eve, black desert, and albion.

Simply trying to implement open world pvp in gw2 pve land, a game which is filled with like 90% pve players, and already has it's open world pvp in wvw, is not going to do much, it'll just be a place for roamers and gankers who bother to opt into it, and no objectives at all, not even places to protect, it'll die faster than wow warmode lol.




WvW isn't open world pvp. 

There should be something like flagged open world pvp and some objectives spread around. Pve players wouldn't be bothered much at all. One problem would be instances though considering objective takes but that could be treated like our current queues. Not sure why you assume there would be no objectives. Most WvW players stick around on a map because there's no where else to go when things die down unless they're into Raids and Strikes and stuff. Outside of a couple of hours a day WvW is already kind of dead anyway. 

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Easy, when you join a world/server or Whatchamacallit, give players an option : Enter the Whatchamacallit unprotected pvp mode everywhere or enter normal which makes you a spectator meaning you can go about your normal pve stuffs and if you come across players selected yes, you can watch them fight or not. If Yes was selected, you can fight anyone that also selected yes. those selected no can only spectate.


Let players have the ability to Challenge other players anywhere, right click name in chat - challenge player, like the trading in gw1 , players x.1234 will get a window to accept or decline said challenge. and done, people who wants this gets it, people who doesn't can go about their daily life.

Edited by SweetPotato.7456
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8 minutes ago, kash.9213 said:

WvW isn't open world pvp. 

There should be something like flagged open world pvp and some objectives spread around. Pve players wouldn't be bothered much at all. One problem would be instances though considering objective takes but that could be treated like our current queues.

Wvw has pvp in 4 "instanced maps" but isn't open world pvp...

But pvp in 60+ "instanced maps" would be open world pvp.... ok...


8 minutes ago, kash.9213 said:

Not sure why you assume there would be no objectives. Most WvW players stick around on a map because there's no where else to go when things die down unless they're into Raids and Strikes and stuff. Outside of a couple of hours a day WvW is already kind of dead anyway. 

Because every time you guys suggest this, there's never any other details around it, you just want pvp enabled in pve zones. So you want objectives too? ok so now let's circle back to my questions, what's going to make open world pvp a different experience than wvw? which already has pvp and objectives that serve a real purpose to it's maps. Sticking some objectives isn't going to do much, that would be like sticking some north towers in desert map, useless.


Most wvw players don't stick to a map unless they know there's action there, otherwise they float to other maps if possible. Know what the biggest problem will be with open world pvp? You'll have access to 60+ maps, but it'll really just comes down to fighting on one or two maps, in a nice convenient flat area with a nearby spawn, because players are always looking for action and areas will be designated to meet up, hence duel spots, hence ebg. Sell me on a purpose for this, why would players want to go do open world pvp over wvw? What is going to pull players from pvp areas to play this? Tell us why we would want to play this new game mode rather than wvw or spvp?


And finally, do you believe this mode could be bigger than wvw? would it be worth it for anet, who barely even does any development for wvw as it is, to be bothered to shuffle their pve development resources to implement open world pvp? which could potentially have way less players than wvw even has?


I'm not trying to shut this idea down btw, I'd just like some information from the supporters on why a player would be drawn to playing this, whether that be for the gameplay, or rewards, or just the experience, how do you expect it would play out?

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4 minutes ago, SweetPotato.7456 said:

Easy, when you join a world/server or Whatchamacallit, give players an option : Enter the Whatchamacallit unprotected pvp mode everywhere or enter normal which makes you a spectator. If Yes was selected, you can fight anyone that also selected yes. those selected no can only spectate.


Let players have the ability to Challenge other players anywhere, right click name in chat - challenge player, like the trading in gw1 , players x.1234 will get a window to accept or decline said challenge. and done, people who wants this gets it, people who doesn't can go about their daily life.

They just have to implement a switch like world of warcraft does with it's warmode, you go to a city, click a button, you're in pvp mode. Except they also use phasing which makes it a little easier to instantly match into other players in an area, gw2 zones are still actual zones you need manually port to players to get into their instances if megaserver doesn't manage to do it.

Your text formatting really hurts my eyes.

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  • 3 months later...

Thousands of us have been wanting this for years. It probably won't happen but one never really knows. Also there is essentially no reason to 'argue' with these pve carebears that frequent the forums. There exists not a more selfish player than one that actively attempts to bar others from their preferred style of play. The good old "how is that different than WvWvW" is a clear sign of either a brainlet sporting a room temp IQ or a bad faith actor. A custom GW2 wpvp server with bracketed larger scale battlegrounds that one could level in as well would bring a ton of pvpers bored of other mmos; the best part being it would be void of these pve carebears while still most likely garnering their tears of rage induced seething disapproval. 

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On 4/22/2022 at 12:12 PM, Dawdler.8521 said:

Which MMOs has open world PvP worked in?


I don't agree with the OP for this game, but Warhammer's open world PvP servers played well for years, but it drew less numbers than the other server types. It was challenging and you never knew when you might be attacked, but it was in the minority. Would it work here, no, and not with MegaServer. But Warhammer also let you enter (RvR) WvW at level 1 against similar tiered players per tier, which GW2 does not. So it apples to oranges. 

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How is this old and reliable? Isn't that pretty boring and with not much incentive? The most motivation I got from integration with the lore - different factions fighting based on lore (races). Here it is just the same everyone. Already less motivation. (Warhammer Online was great - liked their setting but here we have all races allied. Would have to allow them Inquest and other evil factions of each race to be playable as an evil faction where players could join.)

Open World I would just let disabled. Most of the time I guess it would distract. If I am in the normal world ... I want to do normal PvE stuff there. And you certainly would not want such a system permanently enforced for everyone. (Then people would gank. No one wants this.) Those games that had this ... I remember it only from Asian grind games it felt like a silly excuse for not making "real" PvP. With adding some stupid explanation/integration into the world lore ... like making the players that kill others being able to lose access to cities or stuff. (Debuffs or dishonor or somethign like that.)

Edited by Luthan.5236
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On 4/22/2022 at 6:14 PM, kash.9213 said:

I've been asking for it for years. WvW players on the forums at least don't seem to want it

/.../ Anet doesn't even want to think about WvW in general.

On 4/23/2022 at 1:40 AM, kash.9213 said:

WvW isn't open world pvp.

You're kind of saying it yourself. These are multiple different topics. I'm not necessarily against open world PvP but in industry terms WvW is a battleground so whether the WvW players, specifically, want open world PvP or not, isn't really relevant. The larger issue is that ArenaNet and the open-world players are highly unlikely to ever want open-world PvP. In some situations a case could be made for battlegrounds/WvW to be a "type of open world PvP" but that's sort of restricted to design discussions. When the distinction is made to strictly be open-world PvP then WvW doesn't really become relevant anymore and games like WoW have had both open-world PvP and battlegrounds at the same time so it is not like they are mutually exclusive.

However, for GW2 the largest issue is that ArenaNet has such a poor track record with WvW to begin with, the mode they already have and the loyal of players they've been ready, able and willing to mistreat.

Edited by subversiontwo.7501
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