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Warrior absent in MAT... Again.

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What kills me is that people still say bladesworn is good.


I have a lot of respect for Teapot and his insights on the game, but it blows my mind how he literally says "bladesworn can be played at a high level" and proceeds to cast a tournament WITHOUT A SINGLE BLADESWORN. Oh, and no other forms of warrior either.


One of the commenters on Teapot's video of the MAT kindly assembled a class count throughout the tourney.  I figured I'd share it here for convenience and added perspective.  His text below:


Class frequencies in the 20 games Teapot spectated:
Guardian: 51
Necromancer: 31
Thief: 27
Revenant: 24
Engineer: 22
Ranger: 18
Elementalist: 15
Mesmer: 12
Warrior: 0


And by expac:
EoD: 120
Core: 40
HoT: 25
PoF: 15


@Cal Cohen.2358@Josh Davis.7865 warrior is not in a good place, my friends. Please help. 

Edited by CalmTheStorm.2364
Added class counts
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bladesworn get deleted in the current meta in high level.

so is every other warrior class.


bladesworn only work in current state of 20 people population"ranked" where as plat 3 you get to fight gold 3 with no focus of any damage


it wouldnt even work if you actually have 10 plat2 in a match with enemy team full meta comp, with any of the untamed, vindi, willbender, spector, harb, sup guard, mech.

because it will get deleted the moment it step out of the spawn


Edited by felix.2386
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Bladesworn is good, it's just that how do you fit it into a team playing at the level of monthly AT? If you want a bunker, you got mechanist. You want support? You got core guard. You want team fighters? You got untamed, willbender, harbinger, vindicators,  herald and specters. What role does that leave for bladesworn who excels at being a bruiser? I feel like bladesworn is in the same position as fire weaver. Teams don't bring fire weaver but people know fire weaver is top tier for carrying solo queue/dueling. 

Edited by Kuya.6495
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6 minutes ago, Kuya.6495 said:

Bladesworn is good, it's just that how do you fit it into a team playing at the level of monthly AT? If you want a bunker, you got mechanist. You want support? You got core guard. You want team fighters? You got untamed, willbender, herald and specters. What role does that leave for bladesworn who excels at being a bruiser? I feel like bladesworn is in the same position as fire weaver. Teams don't bring fire weaver but people know fire weaver is top tier for carrying solo queue/dueling. 

fire weaver is no where near top carry ranked, what you smoking, may as well start playing anything other then guard to start commenting

Edited by felix.2386
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15 minutes ago, Kuya.6495 said:

Bladesworn is good, it's just that how do you fit it into a team playing at the level of monthly AT? If you want a bunker, you got mechanist. You want support? You got core guard. You want team fighters? You got untamed, willbender, herald and specters. What role does that leave for bladesworn who excels at being a bruiser? I feel like bladesworn is in the same position as fire weaver. Teams don't bring fire weaver but people know fire weaver is top tier for carrying solo queue/dueling. 

Fire weaver is not top tier for anything. EoD specs make fire weaver quite worthless.

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ZZzzzzzz gameplay, deserves no recognition. 

Remove tactical reload, buff/rework Defense. 

Promote active gameplay such as adrenal health, over spammy shoutheal tanking. 

Fix core and it's specs, don't bake everything warrior is weak to in a single bloated Grandmaster trait (UD).

Get proper balance team, reevaluate CC dmg on bursts or specific skills, hammer buffs were a huge lie that people thought would actually impact any form of gameplay outside some zerg warrior playing hammer with power instead of axes.

Etc etc. classic stuff, Warrior tho, is obviously much better than any other class in the end 🙂

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Don't see?

Bladesworn good. Press button, no die. Bladesworn good.  Get with times. You mash face on keyboard and not die. Direct upgrade. Bar no go down unless 2 people press. Who have time for that? Easy carry. Sit on node.  You useful, who cares if not engaging. You no die, you happy. Opponent not die, they happy, until they want you off node then 2v1 you so you die. You unhappy but only slightly. 



Gameplay secondary. 

Edited by Azure The Heartless.3261
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8 minutes ago, Azure The Heartless.3261 said:

Don't see?

Bladesworn good. Press button, no die. Bladesworn good.  Get with times. You mash face on keyboard and not die. Direct upgrade. Bar no go down unless 2 people press. Who have time for that? Easy carry. Sit on node.  You useful, who cares if not engaging. You no die, you happy. Opponent not die, they happy, until they want you off node then 2v1 you so you die. You unhappy but only slightly. 



Gameplay secondary. 

I love it when you talk philosophy.

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This is where Anet coming out and posting actual gameplay numbers broken down by mode and profession would help in their balance direction.

For real:

PvP: Unranked, Ranked, daily AT, and MAT. What are the profession playtime numbers?

WvW: Playtime numbers by profession? (Can't break it down further than that though there as it is one consolidated mode)

PvE: General playtime numbers? Raids? Strikes? FotM?

Ideally, if balance were perfect, there would be equal representation across all professions across all modes. If there is an imbalance, such as one or two professions dwarfing the average playtime (Guard and Necro), then they are in need of tuning DOWN, where as if there are one or two professions severely under represented ( *cough* warrior  *cough*) then they should be tuned UP. Breakdowns further by core/especs would also help.

I firmly believe that publicly publishing these metrics periodically would also help explain some of their balance decisions. It would also give clarity as to where they need to focus their attention. It's clear that they don't read the profession forums after all, so their raw playtime stats should elucidate things.  For the record such stats should be done weekly, not since the beginning of the game.

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3 hours ago, CalmTheStorm.2364 said:



What kills me is that people still say bladesworn is good.


I have a lot of respect for Teapot and his insights on the game, but it blows my mind how he literally says "bladesworn can be played at a high level" and proceeds to cast a tournament WITHOUT A SINGLE BLADESWORN. Oh, and no other forms of warrior either.


@Cal Cohen.2358@Josh Davis.7865 warrior is not in a good place, my friends. Please help. 


There are 27 Elite specs in the game right now.  The fact that one particular spec isn't played in the top tier MAT meta doesn't mean that that particular elite spec is LACKING.  All that might mean is that other elite specs perform MAT-meta tasks better.  Plenty of Bladesworns in ranked

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2 hours ago, Grand Marshal.4098 said:

ZZzzzzzz gameplay, deserves no recognition. 

Remove tactical reload, buff/rework Defense. 

Promote active gameplay such as adrenal health, over spammy shoutheal tanking. 

Fix core and it's specs, don't bake everything warrior is weak to in a single bloated Grandmaster trait (UD).

Get proper balance team, reevaluate CC dmg on bursts or specific skills, hammer buffs were a huge lie that people thought would actually impact any form of gameplay outside some zerg warrior playing hammer with power instead of axes.

Etc etc. classic stuff, Warrior tho, is obviously much better than any other class in the end 🙂

nothing will happen if you just change trait line, because it is just bonuses, and nothing will happen if you just buff weapon skill numbers, because they suck with how they function.


the only way for warrior to start doing something other then side node dualist that gets completely negated 90% of the times is to rework weapon/utility skills.

that's what holding the entire warrior class back.


with proper good core skills, even berserker can be good..

i mean if you have half amount of mobility from willbender even berserker like it is right now will be playable

no elite spec(even from other classes) can be good with utilities and weapon skills warrior have right now

Edited by felix.2386
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10 hours ago, memausz.7264 said:

There are 27 Elite specs in the game right now.  The fact that one particular spec isn't played in the top tier MAT meta doesn't mean that that particular elite spec is LACKING.  All that might mean is that other elite specs perform MAT-meta tasks better.  Plenty of Bladesworns in ranked

You apparently missed the "AGAIN" part of the title. But oh well. War is fine I'm sure. Just gotta lower your expectations is all.

Also the topic is about war, so 1/9 of all specs. Not just bladesworn. To make no mention of core.


What kills me is that people still say bladesworn is good.

Well IMO str spb is also good, its just not great (meta). Its better than many other builds you can play, that are also not meta. It depends on what you want to call good.

Edited by Hotride.2187
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13 hours ago, memausz.7264 said:


There are 27 Elite specs in the game right now.  The fact that one particular spec isn't played in the top tier MAT meta doesn't mean that that particular elite spec is LACKING.  All that might mean is that other elite specs perform MAT-meta tasks better.  Plenty of Bladesworns in ranked

Do you know what it's called when a spec is playable but is outperformed by something else in every respect?




And that has been the state of Warrior--not just Bladesworn--in PvP for many months.  Consider this: in the recent MAT, every single profession except Warrior saw playtime in high-level play.  That includes Mesmer and Ele, which were only marginally (if that) present in the meta prior to EoD.  Warrior, on the other hand, was absent/nearly absent from high level tournament play for at least 6 months leading up to EoD and have continued to be absent even with the addition of Bladesworn.


Furthermore, the fact that something is played in ranked is not a very good indicator of whether or not it is good.  You can get  to plat playing just about whatever you want.  I occasionally see spellbreakers, core wars, and even berserkers in ranked play.  Does that mean Warrior is in a fine spot just because  people still queue as War in ranked? I think not.

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16 hours ago, Azure The Heartless.3261 said:

Don't see?

Bladesworn good. Press button, no die. Bladesworn good.  Get with times. You mash face on keyboard and not die. Direct upgrade. Bar no go down unless 2 people press. Who have time for that? Easy carry. Sit on node.  You useful, who cares if not engaging. You no die, you happy. Opponent not die, they happy, until they want you off node then 2v1 you so you die. You unhappy but only slightly. 



Gameplay secondary. 

Azure has finally succumbed to the whispers. 

Buff Warrior. Save this lost soul. 

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19 hours ago, Kuya.6495 said:

Bladesworn is good, it's just that how do you fit it into a team playing at the level of monthly AT? If you want a bunker, you got mechanist. You want support? You got core guard. You want team fighters? You got untamed, willbender, harbinger, vindicators,  herald and specters. What role does that leave for bladesworn who excels at being a bruiser? I feel like bladesworn is in the same position as fire weaver. Teams don't bring fire weaver but people know fire weaver is top tier for carrying solo queue/dueling. 

This is the point though, warrior is in an awkward no mans land, it needs a buff somewhere to finally rise above and have a real role in MATS. Please not shout spam none of us like it

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Honestly i would leave bladesworn where it's at. It is a self sufficient build (with shout heals) that can win its 1v1s and is great for ranked solo queue. I am also having success using it for 3v3s right now. I would prefer to see anet turn spellbreaker into a genuine support spec that competes with core guard and they should turn berserker into the team fighter spec on the same level as willbender, untamed, and other team fighters specs we saw in the MATs. 

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21 hours ago, CalmTheStorm.2364 said:



What kills me is that people still say bladesworn is good.


I have a lot of respect for Teapot and his insights on the game, but it blows my mind how he literally says "bladesworn can be played at a high level" and proceeds to cast a tournament WITHOUT A SINGLE BLADESWORN. Oh, and no other forms of warrior either.


@Cal Cohen.2358@Josh Davis.7865 warrior is not in a good place, my friends. Please help. 



Your letter is a good start. My version would be like this:


Gentlemen, the bar is set so low on warriors that the bladesworn gave us a good week of entertainment. However, we have observed how your staff miraculously turned the Willbender guard spec from a zero to a hero. We are humbly requesting that you temporarily assign the head of development for the guardian class to re-work the warrior. 


Best regards, 

GW2 warriors 

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28 minutes ago, greedywholesome.9081 said:



Your letter is a good start. My version would be like this:


Gentlemen, the bar is set so low on warriors that the bladesworn gave us a good week of entertainment. However, we have observed how your staff miraculously turned the Willbender guard spec from a zero to a hero. We are humbly requesting that you temporarily assign the head of development for the guardian class to re-work the warrior. 


Best regards, 

GW2 warriors 

I believe this is the approach warrior feedback posts have in the subforum years now. Of course the ideas were used for Willbender traits and mechanics! 

Maybe change the warr sub into "Skills and Traits Creative Department"

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