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some Meta Events are dying !!

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yo , guys whats going on  ,  I'd like to share with you some thoughts about the meta events available in GW2  ,  for the past 4 months I noticed that most of GW2 players don't participate or even visit some meta events ,  for example "The Great Jungle Wurm" event   ,  simply there is no one there ,  lol  ,  although the achievement provides 1 mastery point for each first kill of 3 great wurms ...  same think with "Dragon's Stand" meta event  although it takes time to complete the hole event but the rewards are fine ( at least from my opinion ) ... 


so what do you guys think about player not interested in some meta events  ...  and if any other meta events player are not interested in please mention them in the comment ...

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Dragon's Stand has its own organisational requirements based on the way the map closes and kicks everyone out. Check LFG in advance, join a squad and be ready to jump to a new instance with your comm. At least in EU, the meta has been running every time I've looked for it, but don't expect to just show up on a map after it's underway; you'll most likely end up in an overflow with no comms.

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Triple wurm had only ever worked as an organised event by certain guilds who kindly ensure it is regularly done. Without them, it almost never happens. It’s not dying, it’s just the way it has been. You can’t just turn up for it

Dragon Stand you need to taxi into, although if it’s declining that’s not really surprising. There’s too many long metas and things are going to clash

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Great jungle worm is a world boss and not a meta isn't it? I'm pretty sure if you use group finder and filter on central tyria -> world bosses you will find groups. The usual problem is entering a map instance where nothing is happening...

Edited by Tiamat.8254
Changed server to map instance. Thanks for the correction.
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1 hour ago, Tiamat.8254 said:

Great jungle worm is a world boss and not a meta isn't it? I'm pretty sure if you use group finder and filter on central tyria -> world bosses you will find groups. The usual problem is entering a server where nothing is happening...

You likely mean map instance and not server (aka world as it's known in GW2) because for PvE purposes the NA and EU regions are two big megaservers.

For the OP: like others suggested using LFG might be helpful to find organised squad. It also depends on the time irl - best chance to find one would be on the most active hours and/or weekends.

You can see when the meta events and world bosses happen in event timer wiki page: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Event_timers

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First of all, OP, you're talking about triple trouble. The great jungle worm is a different event in Caledon Forest.

Triple Threat is the exception to the rule and has ALWAYS been the exception to the rule, because it requires three fairly good sized groups with squad leaders and coordination. As a result, it's usually done a couple of times a day by bigger guilds, but not every time it comes up. Someone has to lead it, list it in LFG, explain what's going on and make sure everyone is doing what they need to. The complexity of that single event insures it won't be done every time it's up...but it's NEVER been done every time it's up.

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3 hours ago, Baby Goth.4983 said:

yo , guys whats going on  ,  I'd like to share with you some thoughts about the meta events available in GW2  ,  for the past 4 months I noticed that most of GW2 players don't participate or even visit some meta events ,  for example "The Great Jungle Wurm" event   ,  simply there is no one there ,  lol  ,  although the achievement provides 1 mastery point for each first kill of 3 great wurms ...  same think with "Dragon's Stand" meta event  although it takes time to complete the hole event but the rewards are fine ( at least from my opinion ) ... 


so what do you guys think about player not interested in some meta events  ...  and if any other meta events player are not interested in please mention them in the comment ...

Definetly happens with Triple trouble, it requires too much organization, even more than on Soo Won (DE Meta) and the rewards are worst. It took me months to do those achivements, if you are interested saturday night 22:00 theres always people organizing triple trouble (log in 30 minutes before to get in the map etc).

As for the rest of the events, all are active. Obiusly as the game progresses and there are more zones and events, its gonna be harder to see x10 teams at all time doing the same event all over.

Also this is a problem with LFG, since some metas are advertised on Central tyria "Squad" or "World Bosses", or in their respective map lfg. Which is actually lots of differents tabs that you cannot see at the same time cos LFG needs a big rework.

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I’ve been working on Vision which has meant doing some LW4 metas I haven’t done in a while. I’m finding the experience different than in the past. It looks like the metas aren’t going to work out, but then they do.

I posted a little while back about Dragonfall. I couldn’t find any groups on LFG, and was getting the empty map pop up, but learned that the meta can still happen with after it looks like everyone has left the map.

Last night I went to Thunderhead to do the meta specifically because it was the zone for LW4 daily. No groups in LFG. Empty map pop up. I switched instances. There were only two of us waiting at two minutes before the meta. Three of us when the door opened. Within a minute or two we had a bunch of people and cleared the meta more easily than I’d ever seen it done when there was a mob of people waiting at the door 15 minutes before.

I don’t know what exactly has happened. Are these events just so old-hat that people have become extremely casual about them and show up at the last minute? It’s disconcerting compared to what I was used to in the past, but I’m learning it doesn’t mean the metas are undoable.

Of course, as others have pointed out, Triple Trouble is another matter.

Edited by Gibson.4036
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5 hours ago, Negritis.5903 said:

as i know there are dedicated guilds still doing it on specific times

That is what I am looking for.  Where to find those groups.  Tried several time to do Aspenwood but it either bugs, too few ppl and last night I was the only 1 there.  Lets just say it didn't go well.   Isn't there a forum topic dedicated to that?  That be  great.  I'm sure i'm not the only 1 looking.  TTS seems to have disappear.  😞

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16 minutes ago, mythical.6315 said:

Yep. With players not splitting up properly and letting the mobs and Hydras attack what they should be defending. 

Yes I agree, but I think it could use tweaking for less players. It’s not really essential that players learn this one, so scaling it down a bit to allow more successes shouldn’t do any harm.

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1 hour ago, mythical.6315 said:

There would need to be an incentive to do it outside of achievements first. 

Just checking out the wiki, the rewards seem comparable to the likes of the others. 2G + other loot, rare chance at ascended equipment, marionette specific unique drops (even if they're re-used content).


I might just do it myself - be the change you want to see.

Though improved rewards is always good.

Edited by narwhalsbend.7059
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12 hours ago, Baby Goth.4983 said:

yo , guys whats going on  ,  I'd like to share with you some thoughts about the meta events available in GW2  ,  for the past 4 months I noticed that most of GW2 players don't participate or even visit some meta events ,  for example "The Great Jungle Wurm" event   ,  simply there is no one there ,  lol  ,  although the achievement provides 1 mastery point for each first kill of 3 great wurms ...  same think with "Dragon's Stand" meta event  although it takes time to complete the hole event but the rewards are fine ( at least from my opinion ) ... 


so what do you guys think about player not interested in some meta events  ...  and if any other meta events player are not interested in please mention them in the comment ...

I have nothing to spend more mastery points on and have never received a reward worth the time investment from a meta event.

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3 hours ago, Randulf.7614 said:

Yes I agree, but I think it could use tweaking for less players. It’s not really essential that players learn this one, so scaling it down a bit to allow more successes shouldn’t do any harm.


I believe that its scaling is fairly reasonable when having fewer players.  I've done it when there was only about 10-12 of us.  I can't remember if the hydra was a champion or not but it did died fairly quickly.  Actually, probably more quickly than in the instance where we had a large number of players.

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2 hours ago, narwhalsbend.7059 said:

Just checking out the wiki, the rewards seem comparable to the likes of the others. 2G + other loot, rare chance at ascended equipment, marionette specific unique drops (even if they're re-used content).


I might just do it myself - be the change you want to see.

Though improved rewards is always good.


Except the rewards don't match the coordination and effort required.  The marionette puts more personal responsibility on the player to know what they're doing compared to the others.

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16 hours ago, Baby Goth.4983 said:

yo , guys whats going on  ,  I'd like to share with you some thoughts about the meta events available in GW2  ,  for the past 4 months I noticed that most of GW2 players don't participate or even visit some meta events ,  for example "The Great Jungle Wurm" event   ,  simply there is no one there ,  lol  ,  although the achievement provides 1 mastery point for each first kill of 3 great wurms ...  same think with "Dragon's Stand" meta event  although it takes time to complete the hole event but the rewards are fine ( at least from my opinion ) ... 


so what do you guys think about player not interested in some meta events  ...  and if any other meta events player are not interested in please mention them in the comment ...


For triple trouble, it really depends on where in the world you live and your time zone. I have not missed a single triple trouble daily run since I started playing again in March.


There are 2 NA guilds (WHAM & EVOS) that organize triple trouble runs everyday at 4 am UTC on separate instances. Each instance will usually have around 60 to 90 players total to fill up the 3 squads needed.

Edited by kokocabana.8153
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