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Lost 40 games


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If you are on the LB and in a range where you want to be, you need to stop playing ranked until you decay.

You should be doing what games you need to do, but stay in decay.

This is playing stealth on the LB, because if you don't have the minimum games or you are in decay, you won't appear on the LB.

You should also be offline when you are PVP,

Decay doesn't change who you face, but it takes the gatekeeper eyes off of you.

Have you not noticed at season end when suddenly people lose their place on the leaderboard, like someone came out of nowhere?


Edited by Crab Fear.8623
Why is the system double spacing my format? lol
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Don't fall for his bait OP, take the advice, and burn your spam games in unranked or on an alt.

Look at how many alts the "pros" have on the LB, and you can compare their main with their alt.

Notice how one is closer to 120 and the other may be 200-440+ games, but also where they end up on the LB...

Edited by Crab Fear.8623
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3 hours ago, Anadur.4832 said:

Lol what just happned I lost 40 + games in a row, went from 1574 rating down to 1330...


It's the matchmaking system. It's complete garbage. It's just going to suck away more and more pips from your rating even though it's against roughly the SAME TEAM. Whoever implemented this matchmaking algorithm needs to step on Legos. It obviously was not designed for a low population and pretty much shouldn't have been implemented in the first place!

Also, it's partially on you. Take a break. The matchmaking is just going to grind you further into that hole.

Edited by JTGuevara.9018
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2 minutes ago, Stand The Wall.6987 said:

honestly if it was between this and waterboarding i'd choose the water. especially if they were hidden surprise legos.

Oh I can up the ante! Throw hearing screeching nails on a chalk board and wet rain boots shuffling on a tile floor as well!

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Sounds like full blown tilt.


If you lose 3 games in a row, stop immediately.  You're on tilt and making bad decisions in-game.  You could also be tired, which definitely has a cognitive effect (affects your frontol lobe, i.e., executive functioning).

Take a break and start fresh the next day.  The only way to consistently lose that many times in a row is if you're on tilt.

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Pretty low loss per game? (6.1 points on average - by my calculation if there really was no win in between.) Were there a lot of  games with 0 rating change? (Enemy team insanely much stronger or your team with afk/disconnects that lasted long enough to be taken into account.)

I have a bit of the opposite now. Usually I only had been silver/gold (around 1200) - cause I'm bad and not taking it too serious. (And I played core engineer cause I did not like Holo/Scrapper in PvP and WvW.)

Now with the mechanist at the first 2 weeks I had tons of losses (lower than 50 percent win rate) ...

(while previous season I was stable in lowest gold tier I think). Now after everyone has done their placements (I do mine usually in week 1 but I guess until 2 weeks after season start for others it still fluctuates a lot - meaning unbalanced matches) ...

lucky now that I had a lot of balanced matches and wins in a row (few losses in between) ... 1300+ now. (Expecting a big loss streak soon though. Lol.) It is weird that the game comes with big streaks though. Have rarely huge streaks without an opposite result in between.

But the "4 losses 1 win 3 losses 1 win" ... something like that - not too rare. Then at some point changing to the opposite. When you'd actually expect to reach a stable rating with 1-2 losses, then 1-2 wins - somewhat balanced. The loss streaks can feel discouraging.

 What @Rogue.8235said also helps. I usually play only 3-4 matches daily - until I have maxed the league season chest. After that even less - maybe only 1. More than 1  only if losing the first - and needed for daily 2 gold (if the PvE ones are too annoying). But never more than 3 or so - if losing 3 then not forcing myself to play more to get that daily.

Edited by Luthan.5236
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17 hours ago, Anadur.4832 said:

Lol what just happned I lost 40 + games in a row, went from 1574 rating down to 1330...


and i thought losing 12 in a row was bad. have to say your a better person than me if i just lost 20 in a row odds are i would quit pvp. has to be match making messing up

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18 hours ago, Anadur.4832 said:

Lol what just happned I lost 40 + games in a row, went from 1574 rating down to 1330...


because no one plays this game, before it's the plat 2 that constantly have to carry gold 3 people they got matched with.

but now even gold 3 can't find a proper match, gold 3 get matched with gold 1 or silver because they can't find enough player for even gold 3. so even gold 3 matches are one sided as well now.

i can not win somehow, even tho i got 19 kills and 2 deaths even in very low rating. normally before that only happens when i climb to higher ratings and play on dead hours.

Edited by Lighter.5631
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I am interrested now how your Others seasons where, There is a good possibility that you Had luck at the beginning and got Carried your First Games and than the matchmaker corrects you, If you are every season gold 1-3 since mostly ever than i would say, get better

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Matchmaking right now is the most lackluster thing ever.


I couldn't pass gold2 from gold1 this season because I had terrible placement games with 5 matches of afks that put me in silver3 because I only soloQ.


Those past days just decided to go meta playing willy and harbinger and now I am almost plat1 with an insane winning streak.


Maybe next days I will lose that many again because you get matched with pve doing dailies or low rated players because of low population.


Best thing is stop caring of rank, just play for the gold or for fun even if losing, do your best without drama.

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