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TIL There is a cap on achievement points earned by doing the Daily Completionist of 15,000 points.

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Bah humbug ! There goes half my incentive for doing dailys 😭

Why the need for the cap ? Even if you started doing the Daily Completionist from launch (yes I know it wasn't there at launch) it would still take over 16 years to hit the 60k achievement point reward cap. Is it to 'encourage' players to do Strikes, Fractals, Dungeons, Raids, PvP and WvW ?

That makes me a sad PvE Carebear,

Lift that daily achievement point cap, what harm could it cause by removing it ???

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They put the cap in because some more competitive minded players were exhausting themselves trying to stay atop the leaderboards and because a cap made it possible for newer players to eventually catch up rather than give up in disgust.

I agree that hitting the cap can sap your interest in dailies.  It did for me for a while, because I enjoy accumulating AP and it's nice to have some low hanging fruit as I am also mostly open world PvE (though I can do fractals and strikes and have successfully killed one whole raid boss).  But then they added in the 2 gold for doing three dailies and I got interested again.  I don't even have 15K of daily AP because it's a total cap and for a while there were monthly achieves, so I'm capped on the combo.  However, I don't do the 2g daily every day.  I don't have the patience to do that -and- the EoD dailies, and the rewards from the EoD ones are currently more valuable to me.

In any case, perhaps you can think of it as freedom.  Get your two gold or pass it up, depends how much time you have to spare, and if you pass it up it's because you have fun things you want to get to.

Edited by Donari.5237
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Hmm? Sorry, too distracted by that daily 2g

But seriously, i have 29k AP and most are not from "Strikes, Fractals, Dungeons, Raids, PvP and WvW" and i still have 3640 daily AP left

I'm pretty sure i would get more had i been there during LWS 1 release or played GW 1 or continue my AP hunt

Edited by Ultramex.1506
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Years ago you could get more than 10AP a day from doing dailies. Completionists came to the forum and complained that they were exhausting themselves getting all possible AP each day. There was also complaints about the Leaderboard  as I recall and how impossible it was for new players to reach the higher levels.  At some point after those posts ANet put a cap on the daily AP, limiting it to 10 per day and 15,000 max. 

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4 hours ago, Donari.5237 said:

They put the cap in because some more competitive minded players were exhausting themselves trying to stay atop the leaderboards and because a cap made it possible for newer players to eventually catch up rather than give up in disgust.

Only partially true. Sure, top tier leaderboard players wanted to be able to stay ahead while not having to put as much effort into runing forward anymore, that's true. It's completely untrue that it allows players to eventually catch up - it's the exact opposite. There being a cap makes sure that as long as the top players will keep playing, nobody will ever be able to catch them or push them from their positions. Because the only way for new players to even catch up to old ones (much less to actually get ahead of them) is to gain APs the old players can't get. Otherwise they will be always behind due to existence of a large number of historical achievements. Hint: no, reintroduction of LS1 is not going to fix that, even if it will lower the diference a bit.

So, basically, the cap exists so the top leaderboard players can safely stay ahead using only minimum effort.

Edited by Astralporing.1957
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If the cap did not exist and anet released content with the same ap reward value, I would probably be approaching the 60k cap. Anet does not want to reach this number because once it is reach, the system would have to be expanded, meaning more spaghetti code and more bugs. Tsunami dodger still has not been fixed after 3 months of the xpacs launch, and the new weekly turn in jade treasures does not work.  Also anet has no interest in updating these rewards seeing how 45k, 48k,51k, 54k, 57k and 60k rewards no additional skins.

Because of this problem, if the cap was removed, new content would reward pretty much no ap anymore, to avoid players reaching cap. I personally would rather hunt ap from new content than doing the same 3 pvp daily day in and day out.

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6 hours ago, Just a flesh wound.3589 said:

Years ago you could get more than 10AP a day from doing dailies. Completionists came to the forum and complained that they were exhausting themselves getting all possible AP each day. There was also complaints about the Leaderboard  as I recall and how impossible it was for new players to reach the higher levels.  At some point after those posts ANet put a cap on the daily AP, limiting it to 10 per day and 15,000 max. 

In reality they just provided a convenient cover for ANet to nerf https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Achievement_rewards

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Arguably, Achievement Points should be for doing achievements.  The daily one is really not much of an achievement, and in some ways devalues other achievements (I get 10 AP for doing simple login rewards, where as I get 3 AP for doing something that takes hours to complete?)

At some point, I had more APs from the dailies than doing actual achievements (with new content and 15K cap, I think I have 17K non daily ones now).

I wouldn't mind if they increased the cap as time passes (say another 1K on each release anniversary) - there would be some reward for keep doing them, but after 100 days you would reach the new cap (or you wouldn't need to do the first 100 days - just do 100 over the course of the year), and new players could still close the gap since they would be getting 3650 AP/year.


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