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Tempest replacing core guard as new meta support? (due to harb counter)

Double harb better than double willbender?

d/d cata beats bunker vindi?

Specter still meta?

Warrior? Still unloved by meta?


It may be more likely than you think 🤷‍♂️

Edited by Kuya.6495
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the claim "ranger is meta" did not last long. It reminds me of a few occasions during pof.

Honestly I have been surprised by how long it took for tempest to be picked in mAT. I expected some teams to start playing it after the increase to healing or during the previous monthly for its tankyness / healing even if stab from guard is still really nice to have againts shocking aura (or in general).

For a week it seemed to me that people were going back to tanky builds in ranked. I guess that’s how it is going to be for the next few weeks if not more. I can already see some builds waiting for their turn.

Edited by aymnad.9023
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OP, thanks for sharing. I seldom watch these events coz I get dizzy and want to vomit with all the swapping. Teapot is cool but I can't handle the swapping of who to follow. I do like EU streamers and can handle following one character. 


Interesting take tho ----- lol, Tempest over Guard. 


First and foremost, I admire people that Q ranked solo with support builds. But yeah, I can see ORGANIZED teams favoring the Tempest for countering the Harb. 


Efffing harb should have stayed power DPS instead of the yet again necro anomaly it is ATM. 


I know the blue and the greens are favored by the devs but I have more respect for the blues. Tempest works only in organized situations. I tried playing it on ranked and meh. 



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36 minutes ago, greedywholesome.9081 said:

OP, thanks for sharing. I seldom watch these events coz I get dizzy and want to vomit with all the swapping. Teapot is cool but I can't handle the swapping of who to follow. I do like EU streamers and can handle following one character. 


Interesting take tho ----- lol, Tempest over Guard. 


First and foremost, I admire people that Q ranked solo with support builds. But yeah, I can see ORGANIZED teams favoring the Tempest for countering the Harb. 


Efffing harb should have stayed power DPS instead of the yet again necro anomaly it is ATM. 


I know the blue and the greens are favored by the devs but I have more respect for the blues. Tempest works only in organized situations. I tried playing it on ranked and meh. 



I would say that, if anything, Guardian benefits more from a co-ordinated team than Tempest does, and Tempest is better in an un-coordinated Ranked setting.

The difference between them is that Guardian (the core-support build) is a 100% healer that does 0 damage or pressure by itself. It is 100% dependent on its team to carry it, it can't generate kills, it can't cleave downs, it can't peel for itself. Whereas Tempest doess less pure-support but actually does a moderate amount of damage, obviously not crazy big burst damage, but between Lightning Overload, Burning Speed, Flame Overload and Tornado you can do a respectable amount of cleave damage, and also have better options for self-peeling with more CC and i-frames. You can actually make plays and force cooldowns from opponents with Tempest in a way that support-guard just can't, meaning you're able to 'carry' more to some extent. On the flip-side, guardian self-sustain from Altruistic Healing scales with the number of allies in close proximity, which means it benefits more from having a team closely compacted around it, which is more likely to happen in a co-ordinated team.

Just, in general, playing support in ranked is a bad idea, since you're putting your fate in the hands of your team. Doesn't mattter how well you support, if your team can't generate kills then you're going to lose. Both Tempest and Guard suffer from this, but I'd argue that Tempest is slightly less-so.

Edited by Ragnar.4257
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13 minutes ago, Ragnar.4257 said:

Just, in general, playing support in ranked is a bad idea, since you're putting your fate in the hands of your team. Doesn't mattter how well you support, if your team can't generate kills then you're going to lose. Both Tempest and Guard suffer from this, but I'd argue that Tempest is slightly less-so.


Yes, I lack the patience to do it, won't do it yet admire those that do it. As soon as one gives me the "go" that they're support, I swap to DPS immediately. Don't really care about the opponents comp so long as our support isn't abandoned.  


I play Ele but favor weaver and cata over tempest...coz I'm just not very good at playing support in solo Q ranked. I suck at it TBH. Can't be more blunt than that. 


My heart goes out to solo Q support players. 

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4 hours ago, greedywholesome.9081 said:

Since I lack charisma, this is my way of expressing the act of giving the olive branch to guards. In other words, anet don't nerf them. Just bring other classes up to par. 

Please no?  willywonka too stronk.


Edited by Sahne.6950
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Wait until teams realize condi spectre can shut down a tempest pretty hard. Prepare seal plus their elite is kind of nutty.

Also the whole d/d cata thing only worked because it 1v1ed the vindi all game. Any team running a proper roaming set up would of shut it down. A sw/d weaver is actually a much tankier duelist.


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I didn't watch all of it. After the fifth mirror match of Willbender + Harbinger + Specter + Core Guard/Tempest + Vindicator/Harbinger I got bored and tuned out. 


The meta truly is more diverse than ever without those diabolical core shield engis terrorizing it. /s

Edited by Kuma.1503
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3 hours ago, greedywholesome.9081 said:

 Warriors do well against WB-



-and certain Mesmer builds. 

only power oriented ones that dont run power block. the others nuke you or burn you down unless you catch them with damage they dont expect. 

The only reason people are upset about WB is because war has been so free for so long that there's not enough of a playerbase to form the counterweight for that, so now WB is eating them alive. They got complacent playing somewhat mobile bunker builds because thief couldn't pressure them and they could outrun war. This denomination fills both of those gaps.

Which, again, I think is quite beautiful, really. And also hilarious, necessary, and deserved. People keep thinking that if they just rally to nerf the overperforming build instead of forming an answer to it from the tools we already have, at some point the meta will just be nice and happy and surely there isn't a line of equally obnoxious loadouts ready to take its place/ready to be created from the mechanics they whine out of existence. 

This whole thing is playing out like some farmer being upset at wasps because they sting and are annoying, so he kills them all but now he has an infestation of some other crop destroying insect the wasps would have taken care of for him.

War would have also been an answer to that tank necro meta we had (and continue to have a derivative of)

Edited by Azure The Heartless.3261
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3 hours ago, Azure The Heartless.3261 said:

only power oriented ones that dont run power block. the others nuke you or burn you down unless you catch them with damage they dont expect.

It depends on the skill levels obviously, but I think "meta" spb has the upper hand vs power mesmer (cover your heals with FC well enough and power block makes no difference). The main problem is that power mesmers are usually extremely skilled, since you can't play the build and do well without being really good. So you are usually being outplayed by the mesmer. And ofc its a dicey 1v1 matchup, 1 misstep and you are out (whereas the mesmer has to make 2-3 mistakes to go down). But as a spb you should be used to not making mistakes if you want to live.

Of course the mesmer you will run into is the node camping condi bunker, which you don't have enough room to kite - you can't contest the node AND kite the mesmer properly to beat it.

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8 hours ago, Azure The Heartless.3261 said:

Which, again, I think is quite beautiful, really. And also hilarious, necessary, and deserved. People keep thinking that if they just rally to nerf the overperforming build instead of forming an answer to it from the tools we already have, at some point the meta will just be nice and happy and surely there isn't a line of equally obnoxious loadouts ready to take its place/ready to be created from the mechanics they whine out of existence. 


I imagined you were having a nefarious grin as you were writing this. Learning counters, theory crafting is what I enjoy the most despite being just an average casual pvper. Change is constant and so should our ability to adopt and learn - not just for pvp but I guess life in general

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21 hours ago, Master Ketsu.4569 said:

Double Harb comps present nearly every game lmao.

Winning 1v1's against sidenoder builds lmao.





Anet needs to step in early with two classes, before June 28.

We don't need 4 weeks of this BS.

Anet, new way, new direction.

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