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Remember when ANET had a design philosophy? Minstrel blobs and other kitten leading this game to death.


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Damage and boon rip across the board are getting nerfed into the ground, and we're running out of skills that actually let players put a dent into these minstrel blobs.

Remember the OG ANET developers that said GW2 wasn't going to be about the holy trinity with healers, tanks and dedicated DPS? 

Remember when were promised that every profession could more or less perform any role that the party needed, and that we wouldn't need to spend 20 minutes comping our parties and forcing people to play 'healers' *cough FB+scrappers*?

Remember when ANET's goal was to let people play 'what they want to play, when they want to play, where they want to play'? 

Remember when ANET promoted teamwork and engagement, where people had to actual watch the environment for water fields and land their own blast finishers to generate heals? Instead of having a scrapper smash his face on the medkit #1?


Oh how far we have fallen from grace. Anet would be rolling in their graves if they saw the state of combat we are in now. The game combat is downhill, there is no real game design philosophy anymore. The Devs now don't seem nearly as engaged or passionate as they were when they made this great game. It's honestly hard to watch these old videos, but you should try.



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Promises are made to be broken.

Their biggest issue is the fact that they make massive changes without follow-up adjustments. It is like they can only bothered with grandiose plans and once it is done, it is supposedly perfect.

The thing is old WvW was polished and current WvW feels like it is in beta phase. Almost all numbers are off from every system they changed since first expansion.

Edited by Threather.9354
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Players: We are sick of the exact same 4 build meta since PoF release. 

Anet: OK, let's nerf everything but nerf mid tier builds extra hard. 

Players: How about bringing mid tier builds up so we get a bit more build diversity? 


Players: Stop the nerfing dude. Also, we still have the same Meta. 

Anet: Did I hear M O R E N E R F S!?! HERE WE GOOOOOOOO! 

Players: Still same Meta but worse. 

Anet: Doomsday on the 28th. Count your seconds. 

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1 hour ago, Threather.9354 said:

Their biggest issue is the fact that they make massive changes without follow-up adjustments. It is like they can only bothered with grandiose plans and once it is done, it is supposedly perfect.

Yeah like resolution(formerly known as retaliation) and resistance. Revamped what they did and touched zero(?) skills that had them as boons.

Edited by Kozumi.5816
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I remember when I used to see hammer revs using shiro. Now all I see is them turning on jalis hammers and facetanking like its big dps 😂

People were all like "pirate ship is bad". Damage skills used to be dangerous. Now its just facetank and heal it back.

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Yeah, that design philosophy died with dedicated supports. 

Before HoT you needed to blast fields and things to get the boons you need--after you started bringing things like Scrapper, Tempest and Druid because of dedicated heal potential.  

PoF made that worse with Firebrand and broken stat sets.  Then they compounded the problem with damage nerf, cele rework, etc.

I don't think the 28th of June patch is going to help any; at best it makes even more options for sustain, but fixes nothing in terms of damage or needing to actually use any of the game mechanics.  

Not that players would anyway--just look at break bars.  99% of time if I don't bring the entire CC to break the bar in a smaller group it isn't getting broken.  If players aren't bringing CC or aren't even aware of it, then there is no hope for combo fields and the original vision.  

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45 minutes ago, Gotejjeken.1267 said:

Yeah, that design philosophy died with dedicated supports. 

Before HoT you needed to blast fields and things to get the boons you need--after you started bringing things like Scrapper, Tempest and Druid because of dedicated heal potential.  

PoF made that worse with Firebrand and broken stat sets.  Then they compounded the problem with damage nerf, cele rework, etc.

I don't think the 28th of June patch is going to help any; at best it makes even more options for sustain, but fixes nothing in terms of damage or needing to actually use any of the game mechanics.  

Not that players would anyway--just look at break bars.  99% of time if I don't bring the entire CC to break the bar in a smaller group it isn't getting broken.  If players aren't bringing CC or aren't even aware of it, then there is no hope for combo fields and the original vision.  

Rofl @ break bars. I still see people getting dropped by RI camp supervisors after blowing all their offensive skills into them.

Wonder if anet will nerf RI some day?


- reworked Righteous Indignation. Removed the damage increase and now ends after 1000 attacks being negated.

Our goal with this change was to make staying in an objective after it was flipped more attractive rather than simply jumping out.


Late Notes


- reworked Righteous Indignation. Stacks regenerate at 10 per second. Increased max duration to 10 minutes for camps, towers and keeps to match the participation grace period.

While we were pleased to see increased activity, we noticed smaller groups flipping objectives a little more than intended. We will keep a close eye on the situation and adjust as needed.

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Remember when GW2 practically was a different game?

Remember when not every mention of Warrior on patch notes had been a slap in the face of xanthous mains?

Remember when Giganticus Lupicus was actually a challenging encounter for most people?


Sometimes I actually miss those first two years of the game.

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Well, they still do have a design philosophy.  The May 10th patch notes for changes, particularly as they affect WvW show that.  You may disagree with whether they meet the goals they state or whether their goals are good in the first place, but they have a philosophy behind their changes.


Quote: "Another World vs. World goal for this update is to bring down some of the primary sources of ranged area-of-effect damage to create more opportunities for melee pushes. Ranged versus melee is always going to be a delicate balance as we do want both options to be viable, but we currently feel that ranged pressure is too high, and we're making some adjustments. "

Edited by Dahkeus.8243
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7 hours ago, Dahkeus.8243 said:

The May 10th patch notes for changes, particularly as they affect WvW show that.  You may disagree with whether they meet the goals they state or whether their goals are good in the first place, but they have a philosophy behind their changes.

Yes, their design is to have boon blobs running around beating all non-boon blob groups with ease and only losing to bigger boon blobs.

Their vision for roaming is celestial bunkers fighting eachother for 3 hours and only dying when a 1 shot soulbeast randomly comes out of nowhere.

You might as well remove players from the equation and turn WvW into some mobile autobattler, tbh.

Edited by Kozumi.5816
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4 hours ago, Kozumi.5816 said:

Yes, their design is to have boon blobs running around beating all non-boon blob groups with ease and only losing to bigger boon blobs.

Their vision for roaming is celestial bunkers fighting eachother for 3 hours and only dying when a 1 shot soulbeast randomly comes out of nowhere.

You might as well remove players from the equation and turn WvW into some mobile autobattler, tbh.

I went into wvw recently on an old reaper I had from before PoF, she was setup to kitten on bunker aura eles from back then, 2017. While I was testing the gs5 pull skill I came across 2 ele beating on an ally ele, I assume they were all bunkers. Went in and crushed them in about 5 seconds. People have gotten too comfortable with facetanking.

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It's funny how low damage is nowadays. You drop meteor shower and see like max 4k crits. Meteornado did crit like 7k-11k and wasn't really that unblanced because people actually did use dodge inside blobs and just didn't stand in one location whole time. Enemy let you cast AoE skill 3 sec and doesn't even get punished at all. 

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1 hour ago, Junkpile.7439 said:

It's funny how low damage is nowadays. You drop meteor shower and see like max 4k crits. Meteornado did crit like 7k-11k and wasn't really that unblanced because people actually did use dodge inside blobs and just didn't stand in one location whole time. Enemy let you cast AoE skill 3 sec and doesn't even get punished at all. 

If your meteor showers don't deal enough damage,

Just get some more meteor showers!

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What you don't like staring contests? Welcome to small scale, big blob players. Enjoy your stay.

Kinda funny also how big blob players were going "mode is not balanced around small scale" on the cele threads. But now blob dmg is getting crappy too. What is the mode balanced for?

Edited by Hotride.2187
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only smallscale has fat bursts anyways, smallscale still is inferior to largescale in Wvw bc largescale comps are contstructed to synergize on each other and not just rambo pew pew djungle mode xD


the balance is horrible rn, theres not a lot a build variety bc most stuff does no good dmg and u have to grind your bombs against glasscannon smallscaler rambos ... just that they additionally enjoy their hiding inside keeps, behind sieges and buffs and in actual huge numbers


esp thieves rangers condibuilds and offensemode engi needs to get absolutely gutted by further balancing, or Wvw is become more clownstyle than it is yet. and that is a lot sadly.


@Fueki.4753 its just the catalyst elite lmfao


@Kozumi.5816 your imaginary boonblobs just dont exist. its normal group comp, this crybabying is just kinda lazy excuse to avoid teamwork and getting clapped ngl

Edited by kamikharzeeh.8016
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10 hours ago, Justine.6351 said:

I went into wvw recently on an old reaper I had from before PoF, she was setup to kitten on bunker aura eles from back then, 2017. While I was testing the gs5 pull skill I came across 2 ele beating on an ally ele, I assume they were all bunkers. Went in and crushed them in about 5 seconds. People have gotten too comfortable with facetanking.

Reaper is one of the few builds that can almost keep up with the boon generation and hits hard.  Just about every other build just can't compete.   Boon usage should be about timing, and strips should matter.  You pop stab on a 10 sec cd, I strip, you should be controllable for the remaining time, but that isn't how it's happening.  Most roaming builds just put it right back up.  Strip it again, right back up.  Reaper is still very good vs this, everything else has trouble.  It also doesn't help that the mobility creep means half the builds can just zoom away and mount faster than my rollerbeetle.

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1 hour ago, JTGuevara.9018 said:

I'm just going to say this: BOON SHARING NEEDS TO DISAPPEAR. NOW.

That practically rewards the simple low-bar act of sticking together. It needs to go.

Yeah kitten those people trying to play together in an MMO.

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rather u just miss any point, gueva... skillful gameplay was terminated by nerfing groupdmg / aoes constantly, while all the smallscale stuff is mostly untouched, and also condibursts and cc spam, are huge so yeah idk


boonsharing and heals/cleanses is the only way to not make this gamemode a pure clownfiesta. if that stuff gets even more disrupted than it is yet, only numbers will count at last.


and really, that would be the death sentence of any skill. its not skillful to beat 1 guy with 3 ppl or 15 with 40.


which cannot be used in defense of the rambo solo glasscannons by the way, as ur not meant to solo 15 people alone. that's also not boonballing, that's just absurd self overconfidence

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